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File metadata and controls

1210 lines (852 loc) · 22.2 KB

JavaScript and CSS

Banuprakash C

Full Stack Architect,

Co-founder Lucida Technologies Pvt Ltd.,

Corporate Trainer,

Email: [email protected];

[email protected]


Softwares Required: Visual Studio Code, Chrome Web Browser and NodeJS Latest LTS


JavaScript Loosely typed, dynamically typed language

// implicit variable declaration name = "Roger"; // string name.toUpperCase(); // valid

age = 24; // number age++;

completed = true; // boolean

name = 23; // valid

In JS we use "var" keyword to decalre a variable

var name = "George"; var age = 24;

JavaScript functions:

function add(x, y) { console.log(x + y); }

var result = add(4,5); // result ==> undefined

function add(x, y) { return x + y; }

var result = add(4,5); // result ==> 9

function add(x, y) { return x + y; } var result = add(4,5); // result ==> undefined because of they way AST created by engine. in "JS" semi-colon is optinal

// valid syntax var add = function (x,y) { return x + y; }


function doTask(result) { // some task here with result }

function add(x, y, callback) { var result = x + y; callback(result); }

add(4, 5, doTask); // valid


JS creation Context and execution context:


var a = 20;

var b = 15;

function add(x, y) { var result = x + y; var data; c = 100; if(a > b) { data = a + b; } console.log(data, c); return result; }

add(10,30); console.log(data, c, a, b);


MacroTaskQueue ==> Blocking Queue ==> ArrayBlockingQueue

class TimerThread extends Thread { TimeThread(MacroTaskQueue queue, Method m, int duration) { // } void run() { while(true) { Thread.sleep(duration); queue.push(m); } } }

Event loop psuedocode

class EventLoop extends Thread {

public void run() {
    while(shouldContinue() && isStackEmpty()) {
        // pop into microTask queue and push method to stack
        // pop into macroTask queue and push method to stack



MacroTask Queue: timer, OS callbacks {file close, socket close, data read in stream based operation}

MicroTask: Promise, WebWorker, programatically add to microtask window.queueMicrotask(function test() { console.log("Done!!!"); });

Check link from ""


setTimeout(function timed() {
    console.log("Timed 1!!!");
 }, 0); // for every 1 sec call timed()

setTimeout(function timed() {
    console.log("Timed 2!!!");
 }, 0); // for every 1 sec call timed()
// Promise API for async operations
// pending
// resolve or reject
Promise.resolve().then(function one() {

Promise.resolve().then(function two() {


JS Memory Model


OOP with JS:

Different ways of creating objects in JS:

  1. Object

var obj = new Object(); // adding state obj.x = 10; // period to add field obj.y= 15; obj["z"] = 30; // adding using [] to add field

// adding behavior obj.doTask = function() {


Object is an instanceof "Function". even function is an instanceof "Function" function add(x,y) { return x + y; } is same as: var add = new Function("x", "y" , "return x + y");


  1. function constructor "use strict" doesn't pass implicit "this" to function "use strict" --> no global hoisting
"use strict";
function Product(name, price) { = name;
    this.price = price;

var p1 = new Product("iPhone", 89000.00);
var p2 = new Product("Samsung", 79000.00);

Product("LG AC", 65000.00); // fails with "use strict" else "this" --> window

Adding behaviour to function constructor 2.1) object owned instance method function Product(name, price) { = name; this.price = price;

// every instance of function constructor has a copy of instance method
// p1 and p2 contains different copies in memory
this.getName = function() {

this.getPrice = function() {
    return this.price;


var p1 = new Product("iPhone", 89000.00); var p2 = new Product("Samsung", 79000.00);

p1.getName(); p2.getName();

2.2) class owned instance methods function Product(name, price) { = name; this.price = price; } // adding behaviour Product.prototype.getName = function() { return; }

// same as static behaviour ==> Class owned and not object owned // can't use "this" inside getInfo() Product.getInfo = function() { console.log("This is Product!!!"); }

Product.getInfo(); // only one place [function creation context ] we have getName() and not seperate copies of getName() for eaconh method

Addy Osmani ==> Constructor Pattern

Rectangle constructor ==> width and breadth instance methods ==> getArea() static method ==> equals

r1.getArea(); if(Reactangle.equals(r1, r2)) { // }


    function Rectangle(w, b) {
        this.width = w;
        this.breadth = b;

    Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function() {
        return this.width * this.breadth;

    Rectangle.equals = function(r1, r2) {
        if(r1.width === r2.width && r1.height === r2.heigth) {
            return true;
        return false;

var r1 = new Rectangle(3,4);
var r2 = new Rectangle(4,5);

if(Rectangle(r1, r2)) {

  1. JSON ==> JavaScript Object Notation for Singleton instance [] ==> array var data = {}; // object, [old def: Jagged Array] key/value pair where key is always a string and value can be: number, string, boolean, object, array, function, undefined
var user = {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Ervin Howell",
    "username": "Antonette",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "address": {
            "street": "Victor Plains",
            "suite": "Suite 879",
            "city": "Wisokyburgh",
            "zipcode": "90566-7771",
            "geo": {
                "lat": "-43.9509",
                "lng": "-34.4618"
    "phone": "010-692-6593 x09125",
    "website": "",
    "company": {
        "name": "Deckow-Crist",
        "catchPhrase": "Proactive didactic contingency",
        "bs": "synergize scalable supply-chains"


JSON with behaviour: = "Sample JS";

var user = { "name": "Peter", "email": "[email protected]", getData: function() { return + ", " + } }

user.getData(); // works ==> getData(user)

var fn = user.getData; // ?

console.log(fn()); // executes in "window" context ==> and

var fn2 = user.getData.bind(user);

fn2 is 
        return + ", " +

var data = user.getData();

    data is
    Peter , [email protected]


function task(fn) { setTimeout(function(fn) { fn(); }, 1000); }



JS builtin methods: call and apply

function update(name) { = name; }

var user = { "name": "Peter", "email": "[email protected]" }

var product = { name: "iPhone", price: 990000.00 } // method.invoke(context, arg); --> Java ==> Reflection API, "One Plus Nord");, "Amy");


update.apply(user, ["Amy"]);

Task Online exam:

Question: text, options[], answer isCorrect method

Quiz: question[], score, index nextQuestion() ==> displyScore() if all questions attempted, guess(answer)

Day 2

JS Engine, Stack, Heap, Callback Queues {Micro and MacroTask}, Event loop, WebApi {threads, apis, ...}

JS variables "var" and implict variable without "var"; Hoisting {function and global level}

Creation Context and Execution context

Objects: Object, function constructor and JSON {}

state and behaviour. call, apply and bind methods

Functional style of Programming

HOF --> High Order functions
* Functions which accept function as arguments
* Functions which return a function

treat function as first-class members 

Using HOF we can implment OCP --> Open for extension and closed for change [SOLID]

var data = [5,22, 63, 12, 3];

forEach(data, console.log);
forEach(data, alert);

HOF: filter, map, reduce, ...

filter ==> subset [ input is n output can n - x]
map ==> transform [input is n out is transformed elements of "n"]
reduce ==> aggregate [ sum(), max(), avg(), count()]

function card(p) {
    return `
        <div class="card"> 
            Product Name : ${} <br />
            Price : ${p.price}


try filter, map and reduce from endpoints


get sum of all mobiles from product[]

function add(x, y) {
    return x + y;

// HOF
function adder(base) {
    return function(value) {
        return base + value;

let fiveAdder = adder(5);

fiveAdder(2); // 7 
fiveAdder(4);  // 9

 memoization or memoisation is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.

 getProduct(4); --> API call to server --> Server hits DB --> results converted to representation {JSON / XML} --> send JSON to client

 getProduct(4); --> get from cache


ECMA 2015 / ES 6 JavaScript version features
Pre-processor / Transpile / Transcompiler
Polyfill:  A polyfill is a piece of code (usually JavaScript on the Web) used to provide modern functionality on older browsers that do not natively support

ES 6 ==> babel / tracuer ==>  ES 5
core-js or bluebird ...

ECMA 2015 features:
1) block level scope
let and const instead of var // let and const are not hoisted

var a = 20;
var b = 15;
function add(x, y) {
    var result = x + y;
    c = 100;
    if(a > b) {
        let data = a + b;
    console.log(data, c);
    return result;
console.log(data, c, a, b);
if(a > b) {
                var data = a + b;
                 console.log(data, c);
    console.log(data, c);

2) Arrow functions

function filter(elems, predicate) { var result = []; forEach(elems, function(e) { if(predicate(e)) { result.push(e); } }); return result; }

USing Arrow:

function filter(elems, predicate) { var result = []; forEach(elems, (e) => { if(predicate(e)) { result.push(e); } }); return result; } var mobiles = filter(products, p => p.category === 'mobile');

3) Destructuring

var colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "orange"];
// old way colors[0], colors[1]
var [r,g] = colors;

var [r,g, ...others] = colors;

var employee  = {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Leanne Graham",
    "username": "Bret",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "company": "Adobe"

let {name, email} = employee;

console.log(name, email);

// console.log(,;

4) clone

var employee  = {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Leanne Graham",
    "username": "Bret",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "company": "Adobe"

var ref = employee;
ref.username = "Brad"; // reference --> pointer

employee.username will also be "Brad";

let empClone = {...employee};

var data = [7,3,21,11];

var dataCpy = [];

5) Promise is for any async functions
    make a call to promise aPI ==> status to pending
    based on operations within the function => can return fulfilled / rejected


6) async and await ==> simplfies using Promise api
 converts async block to sync block of code
 Promise --> Callback hell

 getConnection().then(connetion => {
    getProjects(connection).then(project => {
        getEmployees(project).then(employees => {
            getAddress(employees).then(address => {

 .then(response => response.json())
 .then(data => console.log(data));

7) Generators
are functions which return series of data 

function* name() {}

8) class 

class Product {
    name; // state --> instance var
    price; // state --> instance var
    constructor(name = "", price = 0.0) { = name;
        this.price = price;

    getName() {

    getPrice() {
        return this.price;

var p1 = new Product("T", 4545.22);
p1.getName();; // valid

var p2 = new Product(); // valid

var p3 = new Product("iPhone"); // valid

for private variable

class Rectangle { #width; #breadth; constructor(w, b) { this.#width = w; this.#breadth = b; }

static equals(r1, r2) {
    return ...

// getter property
get width() {
    return this.#width;

// setter property set width(w) { this.#width = w; } }

var r1 = new Rectangle(4,5); var wd = r1.width; // getter

r1.width = 52; //setter

Rectangle.equals(r1, r2);


  1. ES 6 modules


export default function forEach(elems, action) {

export function filter(elems, predicate) {
// private to module
function map(elems, transformFn) {


    import forEach, {filter} from './lib';


Quiz ==> convert to use ES 6 features {class, arrow}, HOF Question ==> difficultyLevel ==> filter

Day 3

Recap: HOF, Closure, ECMAScript 2016 / ES 6

  • let and const
  • arrow
  • Destructuring
  • clone
  • Promise API
  • async await ==> to avoid nested callback issues
  • Generator
  • class ==> constructor, methods , getters , setters and private members [#]
  • ES 6 modules {export and import}
  • template string and new String literal

var name = "Peter"; var age = 24;

var data = This is first line This is My Data Name: ${name} and age: ${age};

data = "This is first line \n" + "This is My data \n" + "Name : " + name + " Age :" + age;


Regular expression

var re = // OR var re = new RegEx("");

/abc/.test("abcde"); ==> true /abc/.test("abxcde"); ==> false

Set of Characters /[0123456789]/.test("JS in 1992"); // true /[0-9]/.test("JS in 1992"); // true

\d Any Digit \w alpha-numeric [ word] \s Space, tab, newline \D, \W, \S ==> not of . any character

  • one or more occurence
  • zero or more ? zero or one

/\d{1,2}-(\d{1,2} | (A_Za-z){3})-\d{4} \d{1,2}:\d{2}/.text("18-2-2022 5:30"); // true

Capture Groups

const date = "Hire date is 12-10-2009";

const regex = /\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}/g

const result = regex.exec(date);

const regex = /\d{2}-([A-Z]{3}||[0-9]{1,2})-\d{4}/

const regex = /(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4})/g const result = regex.exec(date);

result ==> '12-10-2009', '12', '10', '2009', index: 13, input: 'Hire date is 12-10-2009', groups: undefined]

const date = "Hire date is 12-10-2009"; const regex = /(?\d{2})-(?\d{2})-(?\d{4})/g

const {groups:{day,month, year}} = regex.exec(date); // date.match(regex)

console.log(day , month, year);

  1. const date = "12-APR-2009"; const regex = /\d{2}-([A-Z]{3}||[0-9]{1,2})-\d{4}/


Look Behind: ?<=

const date = "Hire date is 12-10-2009";

const regex = /(?<=Hire date is).*/g

const result = regex.exec(date);

Look Ahead: ?=

const date = "Hire date is 12-10-2009";

const regex = /.*(?=12-10-2009)/g

emailregEx = /^[A-Za-z0-9._]{3,}@[A-Za-z0-9.-]{2,}.(com|edu|in)$/

/^(?=[[email protected]]{6,150})[A-Za-z0-9._]{3,}@[A-Za-z0-9.-]{2,}.(com|edu|in)$/


DOM ==> Document Object model (XML / HTML) ==> Object - cross platform, language independent

Introduction to DOM


  1. var paras = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); paras.length paras[0].textContent

  2. Manipulating Image var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); images[0].src

images[0].src = "./images_dom/dog.jpg"

var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("programming"); elems[0].textContent

  1. querySelector() and querySelectorAll() use this to get by "tag", "class", "id", "sub selector"

document.querySelector("#planets"); // by id #

document.querySelector("#planets li:nth-child(2)");

document.querySelectorAll(".programming"); // by class .

document.querySelector("p"); // by tag


DOM creation:

var elem = document.querySelector("#planets") var newPlanet = document.createElement("li"); newPlanet.textContent = "Pluto"; // parentElem.append(childElem); elem.append(newPlanet);

// createElement tr, createElement td


use Fetch API to get data from ""

and build UI using DOM --> DIV or table

Events and EventHandling

  • An event is a signal that something happend

  • all DOM nodes generate events

Common events:

  • Mouse events: mouseover, mousedown, mouseup, mousemove

  • keyboard event: keydown, keyup

  • click , change ==> high level events

  • Form events: submit, focus, blur

  • DOMContentLoaded ==> DOM is fully built

Event Handler --> react on events --> handler function

  • Register handler element.addEventListener(event, handlerFn);

  • Remove handler element.removeEventListener(event, handlerFn);


Form Constraint Validation API: properties: validity: validationMessage patternMismatch tooLong typeMismatch ...

methods: checkValidity() reportValidity() setCustomValidity(message)

        <input type="t1" pattern="[0-9]{4}" value="1234" />
        <input type="t2" pattern="[0-9]{4}" value="ABCD" />
        <button type="submit">submit</button>

//document.getElementById("t1").validity.patternMismatch ==> false
// document.getElementById("t2").validity.patternMismatch ==> true

 <input type="number" id="t1" max="10" value="2" />

Try: type="email"

Day 4

Task 1: Event handling radio buttons, text box and button

Task 2: Quiz with DOM

Task 3: Shopping Cart

Day 3: EventHandling and DOM

WebApi --> threads [Promise, setTimeout, setInterval, fetch, ....]

WorkerThread: JS --> Main Thread

ServiceWorker --> Progressive Web App --> cache commonly used resources --> offline access --> Push notications [ firebase ] ==> treat websites as app


CSS --> Cascacding Style Sheets CSS --> rules and set of css properties {} block

  1. Element Selector , type or Tag selector p { color: blue; }

  2. class selector

.data { color: red; }

  1. ID selector #elem {


  1. Universal selector "*"
  • { margin :10px; padding:10px; font-family : "arial" }
  1. Descendatant selector : matches all elements that are desecendent of a specified element

div p { color:red; }




this wont get the style

  1. Child selector (>) #example > li { border : 1px solid red}
  • Programming Languages
    • C
    • C++
    • ...
  • Testing frameworks
    • JUnit
    • Mocha

only Prog,, and Test frameworks will have border

  1. Pseudo selectors (:) 7.1) Link related :visted :hover :active

     a:hover {
         property : value

    7.2) input related :focus :enabled :disabled :cheked :required :valid :invalid

     <input type="text" name="firstname">
     input:focus {
         background-color: lightyellow;

    7.3) position based :first-child :last-child :nth-child(n)

     div:nth-child(3) {
         property: value



..... . ...

body { color:blue } // override span { color: black }

Specificity : decides how css properties are applied

div is block span is inline

HelloWorld HelloWorld

Hello World

CSS 3 Flexible Box Module

container props: display:flex; flex-direction: row | column | row-reverse | column-reverse; justify-content:flex-start| flex-end | center| space-around;

IntersectionObserver RWD page --> @media Core Web Vitals Performance with example

Day 5

Responsive Web design

@media query


Observer: IntersectionObserver, PerformanceObserver, ResizeObserver, MutationObserver

PerformanceObserver ==> core web vitals ==> FID, CLS, LCP

ResizeObserver ==> apply different styles based on element resize



Memory Leak and Perfomance

Core Web Vitals:


  1. better server

  2. CDN

  3. Minify and uglify css and js

  4. css-loader and style-loader ==> webpack {js build tools} ==> production code

    code will be put inline inside HTML <style> ... </style>
  5. lazy loading of "js" , "images",


Concurrent loading of resources

<script src="" defer or async></script>

async: execute as soon as loaded defer: wait for DOM creation to complete and execute

  1. 50+ js files are there group them and bundle it

    main.chunk.js ==> 50 js cart.chunk.js --> 30 js --> ES6 dynamic module

    load only required chunk for improve FID

CLS: width, height, provide placeholder for new content to come

Gulp / Webpack
