Ludum Dare (com) is the focused, Ludum Dare centric view of Jammer Core.
Functionally, Jammer (vg) and Ludum Dare (com) are the same. But as things evolve, Ludum Dare (com) will prefer and default to all things Ludum Dare.
One of the issues with the old website was that it can be difficult to understand what Ludum Dare is, and what's going on.
In time, the landing pages will focus on things that brag about Ludum Dare. What it is, press coverage, game releases on Consoles/Steam, etc. In a nutshell, why you should care.
Once logged in, you'll have a standard timeline view (similar to what you're used to).
Twitter cards and page titles will make reference to upcoming events. Any content-aware website should not require the user to visit to know something is coming soon.
Accounts are "Jammer Accounts, and can be created on