// Connect to the MongoDB database use badsender-development;
async function transformTags() {
try {
const startTime = new Date();
print(Script started at: ${startTime}
// Step 1: Check if the tags collection exists
const collections = await db.getCollectionNames();
if (!collections.includes('tags')) {
await db.createCollection('tags');
print('Created tags collection.');
} else {
print('Tags collection already exists.');
// Step 2: Process emails in batches
const batchSize = 100;
let skip = 0;
let emails;
while (true) {
const batchStartTime = new Date();
print(`Starting batch at: ${batchStartTime}`);
print(`Attempting to retrieve batch starting from ${skip}`);
// Retrieve a batch of emails
emails = await db.creations.find().skip(skip).limit(batchSize).toArray();
if (emails.length === 0) break;
print(`Retrieved ${emails.length} emails`);
// Step 3: Create a dictionary to store unique tags with their usageCount
const tagDict = {};
// Iterate over each email and each tag in the email to populate the dictionary
emails.forEach((email) => {
if (!Array.isArray(email.tags)) return;
email.tags.forEach((tag) => {
const key = `${tag}-${email._company}`;
if (!tagDict[key]) {
tagDict[key] = {
label: tag,
companyId: email._company,
usageCount: 0,
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
tagDict[key].usageCount += 1;
tagDict[key].updatedAt = new Date();
print(`Created tag dictionary with ${Object.keys(tagDict).length} unique tags`);
// Step 4: Insert unique tags into the tags collection and get their IDs
for (const key of Object.keys(tagDict)) {
const tagData = tagDict[key];
try {
const existingTag = await db.tags.findOne({ label: tagData.label, companyId: tagData.companyId });
if (existingTag) {
await db.tags.updateOne(
{ _id: existingTag._id },
$set: {
usageCount: existingTag.usageCount + tagData.usageCount,
updatedAt: new Date(),
} else {
await db.tags.insertOne(tagData);
} catch (err) {
print(`Error processing tag ${key}: ${err}`);
print('Tag insertion and update completed');
const batchEndTime = new Date();
const batchDuration = (batchEndTime - batchStartTime) / 1000;
print(`Tag transformation completed for ${skip} to ${skip + batchSize} emails in ${batchDuration} seconds`);
skip += batchSize;
const endTime = new Date();
const totalDuration = (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
print(`Tag transformation completed successfully in ${totalDuration} seconds`);
} catch (error) { print('Error during tag transformation:', error); } }
// Call the main function transformTags().catch(error => { print('Error during tag transformation:', error); });