iOS-SDK is now deprecated and won't be updated with upcoming features. Please use Backendless Swift-SDK instead.
Backendless Swift-SDK on Cocoapods. Backendless Swift-SDK Documentation
- added methods to the DataQueryBuilder:
-(NSNumber *)getRelationsPageSize;
- fixed the device registration for iOS 13 and above
- added the blUserLocale property (two character code) to the BackendlessUser object
- added methods to UserService:
- (void)setUserToken:(NSString *)userToken;
-(NSString *)getUserToken;
-(BackendlessUser *)loginAsGuest;
-(BackendlessUser *)loginAsGuestWithStayLoggedIn:(BOOL)stayLoggedIn;
-(void)loginAsGuest:(void(^)(BackendlessUser *))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault *))errorBlock;
-(void)loginAsGuestWithStayLoggedIn:(BOOL)stayLoggedIn response:(void(^)(BackendlessUser *))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault *))errorBlock;
- added support of custom smart-text substitutions for push templates, the sendEmail method signatures changed:
-(MessageStatus *)sendEmailFromTemplate:(NSString *)templateName envelope:(EmailEnvelope *)envelope;
-(MessageStatus *)sendEmailFromTemplate:(NSString *)templateName envelope:(EmailEnvelope *)envelope templateValues:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString*> *)templateValues;
-(void)sendEmailFromTemplate:(NSString *)templateName envelope:(EmailEnvelope *)envelope response:(void(^)(MessageStatus *))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault *))errorBlock;
-(void)sendEmailFromTemplate:(NSString *)templateName envelope:(EmailEnvelope *)envelope templateValues:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString*> *)templateValues response:(void(^)(MessageStatus *))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault *))errorBlock;
- the EmailEnvelope class added:
@interface EmailEnvelope : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray<NSString *> *to;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray<NSString *> *cc;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray<NSString *> *bcc;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *query;
-(void)addTo:(NSArray<NSString *> *)to;
-(void)addCc:(NSArray<NSString *> *)cc;
-(void)addBcc:(NSArray<NSString *> *)bcc;
- added classes and Protocol: EmailEnvelope, IEmailEnvelope, EnvelopeWIthQuery, EnvelopeWithRecipients
- added methods in MessagingService:
-(MessageStatus *)sendEmails:(NSString *)templateName envelope:(id<IEmailEnvelope>)envelope;
-(MessageStatus *)sendEmails:(NSString *)templateName templateValues:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString*> *)templateValues envelope:(id<IEmailEnvelope>)envelope;
-(void)sendEmails:(NSString *)templateName envelope:(id<IEmailEnvelope>)envelope response:(void(^)(MessageStatus *))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault *))errorBlock;
-(void)sendEmails:(NSString *)templateName templateValues:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString*> *)templateValues envelope:(id<IEmailEnvelope>)envelope response:(void(^)(MessageStatus *))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault *))errorBlock;
- added groups support for push notifications (for iOS 12+)
- added support of sortBy and properties for LoadRelationsQueryBuilder
- macOS device registration fixed
- podspec updated to support Socket.IO v14.0.0
- Added support for low priority tasks in CustomService and Events
- Socket.IO updated to v14.0.0
- The uploadFile methods (with http request) added to FileService
- Inline reply "textInputPlaceholder" and "inputButtonTitle" fixed when values are not set in console
- Inline reply support added
- Socket.IO updated
- Push with template method fixed to work with custom groups
- User should create app group for push templates which starts with "group.backendlesspush."
- Setting dictionary's NSNull values to nil removed because of retrieving schema definition structure
- The processAsyncAMFResponse method from HttpEngine class fixed to process response correctly when NSURLSession returns error
- Smart text for push templates fixed
- Push templates handling fixed to work correctly when adding new button options
- UserDefaultsHelper class added to the tvOS and watchOS binaries
- Push Templates support added
- DeviceRegistrationAdapter fixed to handle os and osVersion correctly
- Socket.IO updated to v 13.3.1
- isValidUserToken method fixed to hanle fault correctly when there is no internet connection
- LoadRelations method fixed to return array of dictionaries for MapDrivenDataStore
- DataQueryBuilder getPageSize and getOffset methods added
- WatchOS build fixed
- Compatible with Swift 4.2, Xcode 10
- Loading all user properties of a GeoPoint's linked user object fixed
- Socket.IO updated to v13.3.0
- Added support of return value for deleteFile methods
- The bulk create listener methods added in RT
- Issue when response returned in background thread instead of thread which it has been invoked fixed
- JSONHelper class fixed to proceed NSNull values correctly
- MessagingService class is now ARC-based
- Async unregisterDevice method fixed
- wrapResponseBlockToCustomObject method fixed
- Some deprecated NSURLConnection methods fixed. No API changes
- Socket.IO updated to v13.2.1
- pod 'Backendless' command is used for all platforms
- RT support added
- API changes. Please check the documentation
- Bulk create method now returns array of objectIds
- Bulk create method added
- CustomServiceAdapter fault handle fixed
- CustomServiceAdapter added
- CustomService fixed to work correctly with CustomServiceAdapter
- UserSevice fixed to work correctly with BackendlessUserAdapter
- Adapters error handling fixed
- BackendlessUser adaptation fixed
- BackendlessUser adaptation for ArrayType fixed
- BackendlessUser adaptation incorrect type mapping fixed
- BackendlessUser adaptation fixed for DataStoreFactory
- The mapColumnToProperty method added
- The findById method changed to take only NSString objectId
- The sendEmail method signature of the MessagingService changed to return MessageStatus
- The remove method of DataStoreFactory fixed and returns fault when trying to access the table that doesn't exist
- Sync methods of MapDrivenDataStore and DataStoreFactory fixed to return fault correctly
- The updateBulk and removeBulk methods added to the IDataStore
- Aggregate functions added
- Removed easy Twitter login methods. Please use TwitterKit instead
- Removed the BEReachability class, MediaService and Safari references
- Build for iOS and macOS
- The loginWithTwitterSDK sync and async methods added to the UserService class
- Fixed the logout bug when "Users" table is mapped to the BackendlessUser class
- The deviceRegistration (sync/async) methods bug with the default channel fixed
- The BackendlessPushHelper class created to process mutable content
- The publishPolicy method's bug when publishPolicy is not set fixed
- The deliveryOptionsForNotification:(PublishPolicyEnum)pushPolice method removed
- The bug when relationsDepth is not set for the find methods with query builder fixed
- Fixed bug when subscription response returned NSArray of Dictionaries, not NSArray of Messages
- Bug fixes
- The findFirst (sync/async) method bug with classMapping fixed
- The findLast (sync/async) method bug with classMapping fixed
- Xcode 9 compatibility
- Warnings fixed
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Fixed relationsDepth bug when it is not specified
- The LoadRelationsQueryBuilder class updated to support dictionary/map approach
- ARC enabled for the LoadRelationsQueryBuilder class
- Added the "mutable-content" support for push notifications
- The user registration bug when adding to users one after another fixed
- NSNull values changed to nil for dictionary/map approach
- The error when SDK don't send user token header to the server fixed
- The autoload relation loading fixed for the basic find method
- The mapTableToClass method fixed
- 4.0 release
- User registration fixed (method for a Dictionary is used instead of one for BackendlessUser class fixed)
- The findById method called in UserService returns BackendlessUser
- PushPolicyEnum changed to PublishPolicyEnum and now supports the PUSH, PUBSUB and BOTH delivery options
- Removed version from hosted service invocation
- Pub/Sub problems fixed
- sid parameter changed to objectId in the PersistenceService class methods
- SDK cleanup
- Restored removeById method in IDataStore
- IDataStore, MapDrivenDataStore, DataStoreFactory and PersistenceService cleanup
- RegisterDevice now returns deviceId instead of registrationId
- Geolocation API cleanup - removed methods with the IResponder (async) and Fault (sync) arguments
- Removed AppDelegate methods from LocationTracker
- Caching API cleanup - removed methods with the IResponder (async) and Fault (sync) arguments
- Atomic Counters API cleanup - removed methods with the IResponder (async) and Fault (sync) arguments
- Fixed warnings in the library build
- Fixed problem with MessagingService.m reported as an excluded class in a build for a device
- Made changes in BackendlessUser so that it is represented as a dictionary in the dictionary-based data retrieval
- Bug fixes
- Fixed and cleaned up register device methods in Messaging
- Removed unregister device methods with IResponder
- Cleaned up Subscribe methods in Messaging
- Removed cancel subscription method with the IResponder argument
- Removed send email methods with the IResponder argument
- Removed file upload methods from FileService class (the methods are replaced by the "saveFile" methods)
- Removed save file methods with the IResponder argument
- Removed rename file methods with the IResponder argument
- Removed copy file methods with the IResponder argument
- Removed move file methods with the IResponder argument
- Removed listing methods with the IResponder argument
- Removed get file count methods with the IResponder argument
- Removed exists method with the IResponder argument
- Removed remove file by URL method with the IResponder argument
- Removed remove directory by URL method with the IResponder argument
- Removed all methods with the IResponder argument from FilePermission class
- Fixed getEntityName method to get it to work correctly with BackendlessUser
- Removed easy login for Facebook and Google
- Removed signatures with IResponder for all methods in User Service
- Removed the assignRole/unassignRole methods - they must be invoked only from the server-code
- Removed asynchronous methods with IResponder from Data Service API
- Removed synchronous methods accepting Fault argument from Data Service API
- Removed BackendlessCollection from all methods
- Initial release