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File metadata and controls

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Usage: variants <command> [options]

A command-line tool to setup deployment variants and working CI/CD setup

  init            Generate specs file - variants.yml
  setup           Setup deployment variants (alongside Fastlane)
  switch          Switch variants
  help            Prints help information
  version         Prints the current version of this app

List of commands


Before running setup to create your deployment variants and Fastlane setup you need a YAML configuration file. Run variants init in the base folder of your project.

OVERVIEW: Generate spec file - variants.yml

USAGE: variants init [--platform <platform>] [--timestamps] [--verbose]

  -p, --platform <platform>
                          'ios' or 'android'
  -t, --timestamps        Show timestamps.
  -v, --verbose           Log tech details for nerds
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


# Automatically detect platform
$ variants init

# Specify platform (in case there are projects for different platforms in the working directory, this will be mandatory)
$ variants init --platform ios

It will generate a variants.yml file in the base folder of your project

NOTE: Edit the file variants.yml accordingly.

Variants Spec

Your variants.yml spec will contain all the necessary fields. The information within xcodeproj and targets sections are populated automatically if a .xcodeproj is found in your working directory - otherwise, you'll be asked to update the placeholders in this file. It comes with one variant named default, which will be used whenever a variant isn't specified. You can then include custom variants, for which the following settings are required:

  • name
  • version_name
  • version_number
    xcodeproj: SampleProject.xcodeproj
        name: SampleApp
        test_target: SampleProjectTests
        app_icon: AppIcon
          path: Sources
          info: Sources/Info.plist
          # Path to folder that will serve as parent to folder Variants/
          config: Sources
      # Default variant is mandatory, do not remove
        version_name: 0.0.1
        version_number: {{ envVars.VERSION_CODE }}
        store_destination: AppStore
        # This is an optional field to override the default app name per variant
        app_name: App Marketing Name 
            - name: apiBaseUrl
              destination: project
        postSwitchScript: |-
            echo default Variant Done Switching
        id_suffix: beta
        app_icon: AppIcon.beta
        version_name: 0.0.1
        version_number: 13
        store_destination: TestFlight
            - name: apiBaseUrl
              destination: project
            - key:  OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS
              value: $(inherited) -DBETA
              destination: project
    postSwitchScript: |-
            echo global Done Switching
        path: {{ PROJECT_PATH }}
        app_name: {{ APP_NAME }}
        app_identifier: {{ APP_IDENTIFIER }}
        # Default variant is mandatory, do not remove
        # Usually regarded as `production` variant.
      version_name: 0.0.1
      version_code: {{ envVars.VERSION_CODE }}
      task_build: bundleProdRelease
      task_unittest: testProdReleaseUnitTest
      task_uitest: connectedProdReleaseAndroidTest
      # 'store_destination' can be: AppCenter or PlayStore
      store_destination: PlayStore
      # custom: - Not required.
      # You can have as many custom fields as possible.
      # Only strings allowed.
      # The value of will be written to 1 of 2 possible destinations:
      # - project => variants.gradle
      # - fastlane => fastlane/parameters/variants_params.rb
        - name: SAMPLE_PROPERTY
          value: SAMPLE_VALUE
          destination: fastlane
          env: true
          destination: fastlane
    # Sample variant "BETA"
      id_suffix: beta
      version_name: 0.0.1
      version_code: 1
      task_build: assembleDevDebug
      task_unittest: testDevDebugUnitTest
      task_uitest: connectedDevDebugAndroidTest
      # 'store_destination' can be: AppCenter or PlayStore
      store_destination: AppCenter
        - name: SAMPLE_PROPERTY
          env: true
          destination: fastlane
          # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
          # custom: - Not required.
          # Same as variant's `custom`, but this will be processed regardless of
          # the chosen variant.
          # Uncomment section below if necessary.
          # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    #    - name: mvnUser
    #      value: MAVEN_USERNAME
    #      env: true
    #      destination: project
    #    - name: mvnPass
    #      value: MAVEN_PASSWORD
    #      env: true
    #      destination: project

Enviromental variables injection

It's possible to inject enviromental variables' values into all Android and iOS Variant's properties (like version_name, store_destination, etc) using {{ envVars.ENV_VAR_NAME }} syntax.

Configuring BundleID

The BundleID can be generated either by a suffix or fully customized per variant.

If a id_suffix is provided in the variant config the BundleID will be generated based on the target BundleID and the suffix provided. For example: Target BundleID is com.sample.App and variant id_sufix is Beta, the generated BundleID will be com.sample.App.Beta

If a bundle_id is provided in the variant config, the BundleID will be overwritten by it in the specific variant. For example: Target BundleID is com.sample.App and variant bundle_id is com.anotherSample.App, the generated BundleID will be com.anotherSample.App

Note: id_suffix and bundle_id are not compatible and must not be provided at the same time. Only one of the configurations can be provided per each variant.

Custom configuration

Configuration through custom properties can bring a lot of value to your variants, such as defining different API base URLs, or credentials using environment variables. This allows us to also define its destination. Certain properties should not be available to the project but to fastlane and vice-versa.

See our Custom Property documentation for a better understanding and examples.

Post Switch Script (iOS)

Post Switch Script allows you to specify a script or command to run after switching variants. It can be provided globally and for each variant individually.

For more information check Using Post Switch Script.

Signing configuration

Code signing for iOS apps can also be handled through variants.yml as long as Fastlane Match is used. For more information see Working with Fastlane Match.

Setup multiple build variants with full fastlane integration

Using default spec file (variants.yml)

OVERVIEW: Setup deployment variants (alongside Fastlane)

USAGE: variants setup [--platform <platform>] [--spec <spec>] [--skip-fastlane] [--timestamps] [--verbose]

  -p, --platform <platform>
                          'ios' or 'android'
  -s, --spec <spec>       Use a different yaml configuration spec (default: variants.yml)
  -t, --timestamps        Show timestamps.
  -v, --verbose           Log tech details for nerds
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


# Automatically detect platform
$ variants setup

# Specify platform (in case there are projects for different platforms in the working directory, this will be mandatory)
$ variants setup --platform ios

This will generate your Variants/ folder, containing variants.xcconfig and Variants.swift. You won't have to do anything with these files. Variants.swift is an extension in case you need any of the variant's configuration in your codebase:

let baseUrl = Variants.configuration["apiBaseURL"]

Setup will also configure your Xcode project to use this new configuration and map configs (such as name, bundle_id, app_icon, version_name and version_number).

Using a spec file other than the default one

You might not always have variants.yml in the base folder of your project or have it with a completely different name, for this reason you can specify its path as an option

variants setup -s (or --spec) <yml spec path>

variants setup -s ~/johndoe/custom/path/variants.yml

NOTE: variants setup will automatically assign the default variant configuration to the project

Switch variants

In order to switch between project variants you don't need to modify the Xcode project nor the variants.xcconfig, just make use of one command

OVERVIEW: Switch variants

USAGE: variants switch [--variant <variant>] [--platform <platform>] [--spec <spec>] [--timestamps] [--verbose]

  --variant <variant>     Desired variant (default: default)
  -p, --platform <platform>
                          'ios' or 'android'
  -s, --spec <spec>       Use a different yaml configuration spec (default: variants.yml)
  -t, --timestamps        Show timestamps.
  -v, --verbose           Log tech details for nerds
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


# Automatically detect platform
$ variants switch --variant beta

# Specify platform (in case there are projects for different platforms in the working directory, this will be mandatory)
$ variants switch --variant beta --platform ios