- Could not find out banner image in header. solution:
open main.css and edit the image url: before: .banner-blog { background-image: url("../images/temp-images/banner-blog.jpg"); }
.banner-blog { background-image: url("temp-images/banner-blog.jpg"); }
- Log out link does not work while I use jquery cdn
solution: You can use cdn for jquery but when you use jquery-ui cdn,it will make disturb.
So, use jquery cdn but do not use cdn for jquery-ui. Use gem jquery for jquery-ui
- How to get current user id ?
<% @user_id= current_user.id %> <%= @user_id %>
- 'Remove' btn is not work in ingredient_field
solution: Must use code inside 'nested-fields' div example:
- How to give query order of ascending/descending and retrive only first/last 6 data from a table ?
solution: @popular_items= Recipe.all.order(created_at: :asc).limit(6) @latest_items =Recipe.all.order(created_at: :desc).limit(6)
- Recipe details page accordians for step / search show-hidden is not work properly.
solution: Use jquery function for slider(flexslider/wow slider) in below of all js files and jquery function for alert, page load ,accordian,tabs ,swipebox { make a new js file named home.js and call it from application.js as like as //= require home and cut function of alert,page load,accordian,tabs,swipebox from custom.js and paste it here } below turbolinks js.
Warning: Do not use cdn for jQuery-ui nor devise logout link will not work.You should use built in jQuery-ui for work smoothly. Warning: custom.js/main.js should use below of all js file order or last in order nor some function will not work properly as like as slider.
- How to add nested file uploading system using paperclip with cocoon gem ?
We can make a nested file uploading sytem using paperclip with cocoon gem.
i) Make a photo model belongs to recipe From terminal: $ rails g model photo recipe:references
ii) Add banner (paperclip) with Photo model From terminal: $ rails g paperclip Photo banner
iii) Open recipe.rb and add this lines: has_many :photos accepts_nested_attributes_for :photos, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
iv) Open photo.rb and add this lines (we mistake,we put these lines in recipe.rb but these code in stay in that model which has it's column e.g. banner->photos):
has_attached_file :banner, styles: { large:'749x521#',thumb: '100x100#' }, default_url: '/images/:style/missing.png' validates_attachment_content_type :banner, content_type: /\Aimage/.*\Z/
v) Now open recipes_controller.rb and this lines on recipe_params method "photos_attributes:[:id,:banner,:_destroy]"
def recipe_params
params.require(:recipe).permit(:title, :description,:video,:video_link,:yield,:servings,:preparation_time,:cook_time,:ready_in,:user_id,:image,ingredients_attributes:[:id,:name,:_destroy],directions_attributes:[:id,:step,:_destroy],tags_attributes:[:id,:name,:_destroy],photos_attributes:[:id,:banner,:_destroy])
vi) open views/recipes/_form.html.erb and put down this code:
<%= f.label :image_for_recipe_page_sliders %>
vii) Now create a partial for photo_fields named _photo_fields.html.erb inside recipes folder and put down this code:
<%= f.file_field :banner %>
<%= link_to_remove_association '', f, :class => 'del-list fa fa-trash' %>
- How to integrate search in cooking Book index page ?
Solution: i) Make a search form at first in index.html.erb <%= form_tag root_path, :method => 'get' do %>
ii) write specefic search sql in home_controller.rb->def index (where index method): @search_items=Recipe.where('title LIKE ?',params[:search])
iii) Now open again home/index.html.erb file and write this code for showing search result in index page:
<% if !params[:search].blank? && !@search_items.blank?%>
9.Background image not showing up in heroku,why? solution: In your production.rb add the following line
config.serve_static_files = true config.assets.compile = true
or you can try to precompile the assets locally using
RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile