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Releases: Azure/aks-engine
Releases · Azure/aks-engine
v0.54.0 - 2020-07-30
Bug Fixes 🐞
- only remove CRI if re-installing (#3654)
- reinforce MCR migration during upgrade for older clusters (#3625)
- updating hotfix packages used for windows inlcuding CVE and metric (#3599)
- use correct VMSS name comparison during Windows scale (#3590)
- always extract kubelet and kubectl from a custom URL if defined (#3574)
- use for Azure CNI in China cloud (#3587)
- update akse upgrade and scale in the e2e test to include identity (#3582)
- validate signed powershell packages in Azure and China Cloud (#3579)
- kube-proxy upgrade from v1.15 to v1.16 (#3570)
- change addons image pull policy to IfNotPresent (#3562)
Documentation 📘
- fix incorrect calico addons section heading (#3565)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.13 (#3602)
- Support configurable Windows PauseImage (#3594)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.9 (#3603)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.6 (#3604)
- etcdStorageLimitGB for configurable etcd storage limit (#3583)
- add hosts config agent support for Windows nodes (#3572)
- Consume signed powershell scripts (#3441)
- enable /etc/hosts config agent for AKS private cluster BYO DNS (#3556)
- add support for Kubernetes v1.16.12 (#3551)
- add support for Kubernetes v1.17.8 (#3552)
- add support for Kubernetes v1.18.5 (#3553)
Maintenance 🔧
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.07.24 (#3649)
- bump cloud-controller-manager and cloud-node-manager to v0.5.1 (#3636)
- update Windows default VHD for July (#3619)
- add support for k8s v1.17.9 on Azure Stack (#3612)
- add support for K8s v1.16.13 on Azure Stack (#3613)
- update CoreDNS to v1.7.0 (#3608)
- update Dashboard addon to v2.0.3 (#3606)
- July 2020 windows patches (#3598)
- update go toolchain to 1.14.4 (#3596)
- Use moby 19.03.x packages (#3549)
- upgrades force azure-cnms update strategy (#3571)
Revert Change ◀️
- "feat: install Windows csi proxy during cluster creation (#2854)"
Testing 💚
- move E2E global vars out of "not block ssh port" conditional block (#3635)
- run pod schedule tests first (#3627)
- set default IDENTITY_SYSTEM (#3591)
- don't return from GetAllRunningByLabelWithRetry until we have pods (#3588)
- testing the recommended flow of sgx-device-plugin (#3560)
- ensure all resource creation attempts are retried (#3566)
- enable daemonset E2E test conveniences (#3564)
Please report any issues here:
v0.53.0 - 2020-06-29
Bug Fixes 🐞
- remove v1.17 support on Azure Stack (#3544)
- downgrade blobfuse to 1.1.1 since there is breaking change on 1.2.3 (#3540)
- always use /var/run/reboot-required (#3536)
- updating hotfix packages used for windows to include hyperkube a… (#3539)
- use kube-proxy image instead of hyperkube for 1.16 (#3532)
- add windows hotfix overrides for 1.18.2, 1.16.10, 1.15.12 for AKS (#3528)
- add validation for enableVMSSNodePublicIP + Basic LB (#3524)
- ensure cron systemd job restarts (#3523)
- use hotfix Windows builds for 1.18.4, 1.17.7, and 1.16.11 (#3510)
- addons bootstrapping errata (#3481)
- scale + AvailabilitySet errata (#3490)
- make security context configs more restrictive (#3454)
- validate that --upgrade-version is semver-compatible during upgrade (#3442)
- Use mirror in China for AzureChinaCloud (#3433)
- VolumePluginDir issue on Windows (#3426)
- disable apiserver insecure-port (#3422)
- only schedule mic on Linux nodes (#3420)
- Enable e2e to install ginko if required (#3330)
Documentation 📘
- update throttling doc (#3545)
- add Azure API throttling doc (#3534)
- update azure-stack documentation (#3479)
- supported versions for Azure Stacks using VHD 2020.05.13 (#3457)
- remove references to "whitelist" (#3428)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.4 (#3500)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.7 (#3499)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.11 (#3496)
- enable configurable usageReportingEnabled in calico addon (#3493)
- ensure all AKS required ports on api-server are exposed (#3488)
- enable windows daemonset in container monitoring addon (#3466)
- add support for Kubernetes v1.19.0-beta.2 (#3471)
- Dualstack support for Windows containers (#3415)
- flatcar nodes (#3380)
- enable configurable apiserver --anonymous-auth (#3430)
- Update container monitoring addon for may omsagent release (#3403)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.19.0-beta.1 (#3408)
Maintenance 🔧
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.06.25 (#3558)
- updating windows VHD used by aks-engine to include June k8s packages (#3550)
- get-logs collects audit logs (#3537)
- add support for K8s 1.16.11 on Azure Stack (#3535)
- Adding 1.15.12, 1.16.10, 1.18.2 hotfix packages for windows (#3525)
- bump moby to 3.0.13 (#3404)
- improve vmss validation now that vmss is default (#3526)
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.06.22 (#3527)
- increase default cloud provider's rate limits on Azure Stack (#3515)
- Updates the pause image to 1.4.0 (#3516)
- add 1.16.11, 1.17.7, 1.18.4 hotfix packages to Windows VHD (#3506)
- add support for K8s 1.17.7 on Azure Stack (#3509)
- Support to change LicenseType for Windows (#3485)
- triage "k8s-master" references for eventual removal (#3474)
- add csi windows related images (#3448)
- update metrics-server to v0.3.6 (#3463)
- rev azure-sdk-for-go to v43.0.0 (#3467)
- Add June Windows Patches (#3468)
- update pause image to v1.3.2 (#3461)
- update Azure NPM to v1.1.4 (#3452)
- June 2020 windows patches (#3439)
- standardize nodeSelector declarations in addons (#3419)
- bump csi-secrets-store image versions (#3424)
- update aad-pod-identity manifest and version (#3423)
- update addon-manager to v9.1.1 (#3409)
Testing 💚
- enable CustomKubeProxyImage override (#3538)
- fix UT (#3548)
- Add Windows SAC 2004 e2e (#3518)
- pointing Windows containerd binaries to nightly builds for e2e test passes (#3511)
- fix validation for windows + containerd (#3508)
- fix validation for windows + containerd (#3508)
- skip stability tests for "everything" E2E cluster config (#3498)
- use regular timeout for functional DNS test (#3487)
- retry pod scheduling attempts (#3486)
- use full toleration for testing scheduling to control plane (#3483)
- basic pods Running E2E tests for all addons (#3482)
- assign default stability iterations in (#3475)
- don't perform stability tests on long-running cluster configs (#3464)
- test Azure NetworkPolicy against all Kubernetes versions (#3455)
- generic async top nodes interface for E2E (#3444)
- Disable failing kubnet tests (#3436)
- improve coredns autoscaler E2E validation (#3438)
- e2e tests download of larger files (#3412)
Please report any issues here:
v0.52.0 - 2020-06-04
Bug Fixes 🐞
- bypass AzurePublicCloud assumption in e2e suite (#3371)
- use nvidia drivers version 418.126.02 for 18.04 (#3366)
- use right nodeSelector for cluster-autoscaler addon (#3350)
- use ctr to remove containerd containers (#3144)
Code Refactoring 💎
- consolidate tiller addon spec (#3399)
- consolidate smb-flexvolume addon spec (#3397)
- consolidate kube-proxy addon spec (#3391)
- consolidate kube-dns addon spec (#3390)
- consolidate keyvault-flexvolume addon spec (#3389)
- consolidate flannel addon spec (#3385)
- drop "beta" from label (#3369)
- consolidate aci-connector addon spec (#3358)
- consolidate blobfuse-flexvolume addon spec (#3359)
- consolidate calico addon spec (#3361)
- consolidate cloud-node-manager addon spec (#3363)
- consolidate aad-pod-identity addon spec (#3356)
- consolidate audit-policy "addon" spec (#3355)
- consolidate ip-masq-agent addon spec (#3347)
- consolidate kube-rescheduler addon spec (#3323)
Continuous Integration 💜
- updating pub to v0.2.3 (#3398)
- add notice file for windows vhd (#3345)
- use ginkgo 1.12, run go mod vendor during make coverage (#3343)
- enable multiple static resource group exclusions in cleanup script (#3340)
- moving windows vhd/image related test configs to westus2 (#3320)
Documentation 📘
- update sgx doc and sgx-test tag (#3349)
Features 🌈
- add "get-versions --azure-env" flag to list custom clouds supported versions (#3394)
- configurable calico logging verbosity (#3396)
- deprecate heapster addon (#3387)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.3 (#3309)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.10 (#3312)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.6 (#3311)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.19.0-beta.0 (#3299)
Maintenance 🔧
- use local kubeconfig if no outbound (#3410)
- standardize nodeSelectors (#3406)
- rev Windows VHD to 17763.1217.200603 (#3407)
- update node-problem-detector to v0.8.2 (#3365)
- Add EnableAHUB in WindowsProfile (#3322)
- rev AKS Engine VHDs to 2020.06.02 (#3395)
- remove unused, deprecated blobfuse spec (#3384)
- Bump moby version to 3.0.12 (#3376)
- add support for K8s 1.16.10 & 1.17.6 on Azure Stack (#3377)
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.05.29 (#3378)
- rev pause image to 1.3.1 (#3370)
- get-logs collects vhd-install.complete (#3372)
- change MTU only if not Azure CNI on Azure Stack (#3367)
- upgrade cni to v1.1.3 (#3353)
- remove old labels.yaml file (#3357)
- update CNI binary to 0.8.6 (#3332)
- k8s v1.17 conformance model for Azure Stack (#3338)
- update kube-dashboard addon to v2.0.1 (#3327)
- rev coredns to 1.6.9 (#3328)
- rev default etcd version to 3.3.22 (#3325)
Testing 💚
- print podsecuritypolicy resources during E2E (#3386)
- Add test support for windows server 1909 (#3379)
- remove Kubernetes version restrictions from sgx tests (#3374)
- run everything E2E config against all cluster versions (#3348)
Please report any issues here:
[v0.51.0] - 2020-05-21
Bug Fixes 🐞
- ensure pod-security-policy is the first addon loaded (#3313)
- prevent panic in Windows scale if no tags (#3308)
- ensure ERR_K8S_API_SERVER_DNS_LOOKUP_FAIL is returned when DNS check fails (#3303)
- addon-manager definition should be under "labels" (#3302)
- whitespace trimming in cloud-provider spec is broken (#3301)
- increase apiserver connection timeout for private apiserver (#3293)
- fix issue provisioning windows nodes with kubenet (#3300)
- ensure /mnt is ext4 (#3297)
- USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_ID is empty in azure.json (#3254)
- update Windows image validate on Azure Stack Hub (#3260)
- Add Windows node pool to containerd tests (#3238)
- USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_ID is empty in azure.json (#3232)
- update Azure Stack Windows binaries component name (#3231)
- set Windows defender process exclustion for containerd (#3215)
- aad-pod-identity taints foo works in k8s < 1.16 (#3199)
- update dcap checksum file (#3172)
- added resource limits for networkmonitor daemonset (#2624)
- don't hardcode pause image for containerD on Windows (#3158)
- Expose error details in Windows CSE (#3159)
- correct destination filename for scheduled maintenance addon (#3142)
- Correct wrong file name in the logs (#3138)
Code Refactoring 💎
- consolidate pod-security-policy addon spec (#3284)
- consolidate cilium addons specs (#3289)
- consolidate azure-network-policy addon spec (#3283)
- consolidate azure-cloud-provider addon spec (#3277)
- move etcd data disk mounting to cloud init (#3273)
- consolidate nvidia-device-plugin addon spec (#3235)
- consolidate metrics-server addon spec (#3211)
- use newer "az deployment group" CLI syntax (#3213)
- consolidate cluster-autoscaler addon spec (#3198)
- consolidate azure-cni-networkmonitor addon spec (#3189)
- use simpler file names for addons maintenance (#3187)
- simplify golangci-lint invocation (#3182)
- simplify kubelet systemd service (#3167)
- enable generic --register-with-taints and --register-node (#3155)
Continuous Integration 💜
- passing container runtime var when executing in dev container (#3242)
- ensure sku title/summary/longsummary is unique when creating new marketplace skus (#3239)
- enable staticcheck linter (#3191)
- disable artifact publishing (#3163)
Documentation 📘
- aks-ubuntu-18.04 is default distro (#3317)
- fix capitalization (#3264)
- AKS-engine (on Stack) considerations around the use of proxy servers (#3241)
- remove out of date Calico upgrade note (#3243)
- update to add scoop install guide (#3218)
- update sgx plugin docs (#3230)
- rewrite monitoring topic (#3205)
- add missing link to upgrade doc (#3221)
- update sgx install instructions to dcv2 vms and newer resource name (#3214)
- refresh documentation store (#3177)
- remove obsolete api versions documentation (#3175)
- document AKS Engine E2E (#3131)
- include v0.48.0 in Azure Stack docs (#3153)
Features 🌈
- Updating Windows VHDs to include May patches (#3263)
- enable alternate kube-reserved cgroups (#3201)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.12 (#3212)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.19.0-alpha.3 (#3197)
- add warning message for empty Location string (#3174)
- block imds from VMSS nodes if aad-pod-identity + msi (#3136)
- Create Windows containerd VHDs (#3162)
- configurable disk caching (#2863)
- Kubernetes Dashboard addon v2.0.0 (#3140)
Maintenance 🔧
- remove support for Kubernetes 1.14 (#3310)
- make 1.18 the default Kubernetes version (#3298)
- disable 18.04 + N series VM node pool (#3275)
- don't force create etcd_disk filesystem (#3276)
- update Windows pause image (#3210)
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.05.13 (#3265)
- remove defunct script (#3248)
- update zip name for mooncake mirror (#3237)
- update Windows VHD to use May 2020 updates (#3236)
- updating cni to v1.1.2 (#3192)
- update nvidia device plugin (#3225)
- bump csi-secrets-store to v0.0.10, keyvault provider to 0.0.5 (#3233)
- pull cached Azure Stack Windows binaries from shared SA (#3223)
- Updating Azure NPM to v1.1.2 (#3178)
- Update Policy addon versions (#3208)
- get-logs command on Azure Stack (#3216)
- Updating Antrea version to 0.6.0 (#3204)
- update Windows VHD build to use (#3209)
- append Azure Stack suffix to custom components images (#3195)
- add new M-series SKUs (#3190)
- mutex is not necessary now that rand uses local object (#3048)
- check all error returns in main code (#3184)
- update go-dev image to v1.27.0 (#3181)
- check all error returns in tests (#3183)
- aad-pod-identity taint (#3143)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.4 & 1.17.5 on Azure Stack (#3161)
- remove //+build !test pragma (#3169)
- standardize to {{- for go template expressions (#3166)
- remove KUBELET_IMAGE kubelet systemd env var (#3165)
- remove deprecated KUBELET_REGISTER_SCHEDULABLE (#3164)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.11, 1.16.8 & 1.16.9 on Azure Stack (#3157)
- update cluster-autoscaler version for k8s 1.19 (#3133)
Testing 💚
- skip azurefile test if using containerd ([#3316](
v0.50.2 - 2020-05-15
Bug Fixes 🐞
- resilient etcd data disk mounting (#3259)
Please report any issues here:
Attention 18.04-LTS users
Please use as it has critical fixes for 18.04-LTS-backed control planes.
v0.50.1 - 2020-05-13
Bug Fixes 🐞
- don't dry-run cluster-init spec (#3247)
- custom cloud Azure CNI config for Windows (#3228)
- don't validate Windows version in update scenario (#3226)
Please report any issues here:
Attention 18.04-LTS users
Please use as it has critical fixes for 18.04-LTS-backed control planes.
v0.50.0 - 2020-04-22
Bug Fixes 🐞
- don't hardcode csi enableproxy in kubeclusterconfig.json (#3127)
- idempotent systemd + disk mount for etcd (#3126)
- use full userAssignedID reference in ARM template (#3116)
- add nodeSelector for coredns-autoscaler (#3109)
- typos in JSON annotations caught by staticcheck (#3104)
- Fixed bug in condition check for dualstack (#3110)
- update cluster-proportional-autoscaler path at MCR (#3091)
- Update CSI Secrets Store Provider for Azure to 0.0.4 (#3086)
- don't skip Windows VMSS node pools during upgrade (#3083)
- retry more aggressively when install the gpu deb package. (#3065)
Code Refactoring 💎
Code Style 🎶
- override linguist's default language detection (#3100)
Documentation 📘
- join the #aks-engine-users Slack channel (not #provider-azure) (#3103)
- remove docker package and choco caveat from release docs (#3099)
- get-logs proposal (#2745)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.19.0-alpha.2 (#3122)
- Enable Antrea in NetworkPolicyOnly mode with Azure CNI (#3027)
- Enabling SSH on windows nodes by default (#2759)
- Updating Windows VHDs with 4B patches (#3115)
- modify container runtime data dir (#3072)
- enable CSI proxy by default when cloud-controller-manager is enabled on Windows cluster (#3080)
- Azure CNI dual stack support (#2862)
- enable multiple frontend IPs in Standard LB (#3085)
- disable dashboard addon by default (#3093)
- coredns-autoscaler (#3067)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.5 (#3088)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.2 (#3089)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.9 (#3087)
- disabling windows updates by default (#3073)
- "aks-engine get-logs" command (#2987)
- give metrics-server system-cluster-critical priority (#3082)
- Support Non-Azure Stack Custom Clouds with custom endpoints/root certs/sources.list (#3063)
- support cloud-node-manager on Windows clusters (#3044)
- proximity placement group support (#3056)
- generic cluster-init component (#3023)
Maintenance 🔧
- Use prod repos for containerd. (#3107)
- update go compiler to 1.14.2 (#2839)
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.04.21 (#3123)
- updating Windows VHD to include April patches (#3101)
- remove pre-1.14 addons specs (#3081)
- use Ubuntu 18.04-LTS as default (#3070)
- remove support for Kubernetes 1.13 (#3059)]
- update azure cni version to v1.1.0 (#3075)]
Testing 💚
- really fix bad distro value in everything cluster config (#3095)
- fix bad distro value in everything cluster config (#3094)
Please report any issues here:
v0.49.0 - 2020-04-11
Bug Fixes 🐞
- make sure nvidia utility and compute bins can be mounted into co… (#3029)
- the os disk size restriction is changed in azure. (#3043)
- remove unnecessary apt lock waits (#3049)
- In case of api server connection error, still complete script (#3022)
- disable unattended upgrades during CSE execution (#1681)
- don't download collectlogs.ps1 if it exists (#3006)
- add node selector for csi-secrets-store ds (#3007)
- check dns status before connection (#3002)
- make build with go 1.14 (#3005)
- change gatekeeper namespace in azure-policy addon (#2991)
- each apiserver process listens on its own IP address (#2953)
- use same cluster-autoscaler version in MCR (#2981)
- use upstreamartifacts CDN URL for apmz (#2962)
- add NVv3 series to NVidia driver install list (#2959)
- check network to k8s api for vmss (#2938)
- Get WindowsVersion from registry instead of calling Get-ComputerInfo (#2954)
Code Refactoring 💎
- retry nvidia drivers installation (#3031)
- for VHD reqs (#3016)
- store CSE exit codes in code (#3012)
- Parse sgx dcap version file, enable checksum (#2942)
Code Style 🎶
- format CSE scripts consistently (#3020)
Continuous Integration 💜
- new VHD pipeline definition for Ubuntu + gen2 images (#2958)
Documentation 📘
- update
aks-engine deploy
example output (#3019) - include Basic LB SKU limitations in Azure Stack page (#2988)
- update examples location for zh docs (#2920)
Features 🌈
- Allow specifying Distro and ImageRef at the same time (#3052)
- default to MCR for Kubernetes images (#3046)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.1 (#3045)
- EncryptionAtHost support (#3041)
- allow mixed mode Availability Zone configuration (#3032)
- "aks-engine get-skus" command (#2772)
- disable unneeded message-of-the-day sections (#3000)
- deprecate kata-containers (#3014)
- adding kubelet and csi-proxy-server as windows defender excluded processes (#2967)
- add ability to use pre-existing user assigned MSI (#2960)
- etcd metrics URL (#2989)
- add csi-secrets-store addon (#2936)
- Windows azure-cni with containerd (#2864)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.19.0-alpha.1 (#2982)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.0 (#2957)
- deprecate CoreOS support (#2945)
Maintenance 🔧
- Updating AKS to use April 2020 Windows VHDs by default (#3060)
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.04.09 (#3058)
- update Antrea version to v0.5.1 (#2970)
- SinglePlacementGroup=false if VMSS + SLB (#3054)
- ensure upgraded clusters use MCR images (#3053)
- update cluster-autoscaler versions (#3024)
- reduce CSE by optimizing var/func names (#3034)
- upgrade to azure-sdk v41.0.0 (#3035)
- updated network monitor to latest version 0.0.8 (#3026)
- use Standard LoadBalancer as default (#2998)
- change csi-proxy binary name (#3003)
- return distinct CSE err for GPU drivers runtime configuration (#2941)
- remove mlocate if auditd disabled (#2999)
- switch dev image to go 1.13 version (#2976)
- force Basic LB SKU on Azure Stack (#2974)
- optimize apt_get_purge CSE func (#2931)
- update etcd to 3.3.19 (#2944)
- update azure-policy addon versions (#2903)
Testing 💚
- fail fast for test workflows (#3009)
- UT for addons ip-masq-agent image override (#2997)
- use 1.17 for E2E (#2980)
- reduce PR E2E cluster jobs (#2975)
- promote --failFast to an e2e flag, defaulting to false (#2964)
- don't grab ps logs during E2E operation (#2966)
- add egress tests which target pod and namespace. (#2925)
- don't test version if customWindowsPackageURL (#2951)
Please report any issues here:
[v0.48.0] - 2020-03-20
Bug Fixes 🐞
- use ntp instead of systemd-timesyncd in 18.04 (#2815)
- use explicit kubeconfig in (#2929)
- check network from node to k8s api server in CSE (#2919)
- parse SGX driver url and compare checksum (#2914)
- do not remove VMAS resources from template when adding a VMAS pool (#2907)
- scale cannot find VM index for the VMAS+VHD+Linux case (#2906)
- honor custom{component}Image fields (#2886)
- apply_network_config: false for 18.04-LTS (#2908)
- ensure label-nodes systemd service can be enabled (#2915)
- add validation for new AKS engine Windows Version (#2896)
- fixing nssm logging in windows CSE (#2890)
- Windows no outbound fixes (#2883)
- Do not remove patched hyperkube image in cleanUpContainerImages (#2878)
- make master availabilityProfile an optional field for Azure Stack (#2866)
- install cracklib-runtime on ubuntu (#2871)
- address containerd errata (#2865)
- update EncryptionConfiguration to latest (#2856)
- explicitly set kubeconfig when using KUBECTL in CSE (#2847)
- update sgx driver download urls (#2807)
- update yaml.v2 and golangci-lint for go 1.14 compatibility (#2824)
- fix the CNI temp file URL parsing in CSE (#2817)
- override components image config during upgrade (#2814)
- kube-proxy uses custom hyperkube on Azure Stack (#2806)
- use non-reserved exit codes for bcc/bpf install (#2785)
- components works with Azure Stack (#2775)
- apiserver broken due to incorrect kms cachesize (#2769)
- only configAddons if addons enabled (#2774)
- support Azure containerd install in Debian (#2766)
- Set vnetCidr by the address space of the vnet (#2725)
- init Azure clients consistently (#2739)
- update apiserver encryption provider config flag (#2727)
- Adding skuLongSummary to sku template publishing file to unblock publishing pipeline (#2729)
- remove requirement for ldflags or make test (#2724)
- Set WindowsSku and ImageVersion by publisher and offer in creating (#2689)
- update to use single omsagent yaml for all k8s versions to avoid any manual errors and easy maintainbility (#2692)
- raising dynamic port range for windows to better support clusters with 200+ services (#2688)
- unknown ostype when getting an index should probably create an error (#2681)
Build 🏭
- Publish junit test results to pipeline (#2664)
- fetch k8s Windows .zip from kubernetesartifacts storage (#2655)
Code Refactoring 💎
- add KubernetesImageBaseType (#2711)
- user-configurable components (#2540)
- put Azure DC/OS SKUs list in a separate source file (#2706)
- put Azure locations list in a separate source file (#2705)
Continuous Integration 💜
- stop testing k8s 1.13 (#2749)
Documentation 📘
- ubuntu-18.04-gen2 distro (#2917)
- fixed large clusters doc page (#2826)
- add CSE example in upgrade do-not-dos (#2795)
- adding Kalya to OWNERS (#2793)
- add data collection (telemetry) notice to readme (#2674)
- proposal for Azure locations + SKUs automation (#2694)
Features 🌈
- installing csi-proxy for windows at node deployment time (#2930)
- add UltraSSD support (#2905)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.4 (#2899)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.11 (#2897)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.8 (#2898)
- configurable sysctl.d configuration (#2880)
- upgrade control plane only (#2635)
- allow iptables mode for dualstack 1.18+ (#2882)
- update containermonitoring addon for february 2020 release (#2850)
- collect Windows CSE logs during log collection (#2858)
- add support for single stack IPv6 (#2781)
- Experimental support for Windows+ContainerD (#1322)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.10, 1.16.6 & 1.16.7 on Azure Stack (#2834)
- release Windows VHD with 2C updates (#2809)
- Add IsCredentialAutoGenerated for WindowsProfile (#2804)
- "aks-engine get-locations" command (#2771)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.0-beta.1 (#2791)
- feb windows updated (#2786)
- update pause image to 1.3.0 (includes 1903 and 1909 support) (#2757)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.0-alpha.5 (#2748)
- enable MCR KubernetesImageBaseType (#2722)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.0-alpha.3 (#2682)
- add template/options for using Shared Image Gallery (#2687)
- Adding WindowsNodeReset.ps1 script to reset/cleanup state for nodes (#2457)
- install bcc tools by default (#2683)
- updating windows VHD for Feb k8s versions (#2731)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.10 (#2709)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.7 (#2710)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.3 (#2707)
- abort/warn if apimodel contains properties not supported by Azure Stack (#2717)
- adding to windows VHD (#2702)
- read vm size from instance metadata service for windows cse telemetry (#2663)
- multi AI telemetry keys (#2606)
Maintenance 🔧
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.03.19 (#2939)
- improve --client-id flag validation message (#2935)
- rev default Kubernetes version to 1.15 (#2932)
- new Kubernetes versions for Linux VHDs (#2894)
- updating windows VHD to include 3B patches + march k8s packages (#2902)
- update cluster-autoscaler for k8s 1.18 (#2901)
- optimize CSE payload (#2891)
- pre-install the version of apmz in CSE ([#2889](
v0.47.0 - 2020-02-18
Bug Fixes 🐞
- raising dynamic port range for windows to better support clusters with 200+ services (#2688)
- update CSE moby version substring match (#2662)
- don't expire adminUser account (#2661)
- remove extra param from 'systemctl_restart' invocation (#2654)
- persist new pool after addpool operation (#2653)
- make Windows scaling work (#2643)
- default LB AllocatedOutboundPorts to 0 (#2526)
- stop using type nesting in billing extensions to address SDK-for-Go breaking change (#2640)
- custom kube-controller-manager template should reference hyperkube (#2639)
- create role assignment for master VMs (#2583)
- Skip storage class e2e test when ephemeral disk is used (#2604)
- Moving publish release notes step after e2e test runs so windows vhd pipeline can be re-run (#2595)
Build 🏭
- fetch k8s Windows .zip from kubernetesartifacts storage (#2655)
- fetch etcd from MCR container image (#2644)
- fetch cni-plugins from kubernetesartifacts storage (#2617)
- fetch azure-vnet-cni from kubernetesartifacts storage (#2593)
Code Refactoring 💎
- extract common script parameters into function (#2651)
- cleanup duplicate functions and move apiversions to consts (#2659)
Continuous Integration 💜
- change apiVersion of prow deployments from v1beta2 to v1 (#2669)
Documentation 📘
- refer to kubernetesartifacts storage in examples and comments (#2656)
- add support note to main readme (#2623)
- remove VHD code comment suggesting registry is temporary (#2602)
Features 🌈
- updating windows VHD for Feb k8s versions (#2731)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.10 (#2709)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.7 (#2710)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.3 (#2707)
- abort/warn if apimodel contains properties not supported by Azure Stack (#2717)
- read vm size from instance metadata service for windows cse telemetry (#2663)
- add new VM SKUs (#2647)
- validate VHD availability on azurestack (#2342)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.6 (#2588)
- fetching collect-windows-logs.ps1 during windows CSE (#2615)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.9 (#2589)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.2 (#2612)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.0-alpha.2 (#2610)
- Updating aks-windows vhd to to include jan patches (#2603)
Maintenance 🔧
- rev AKS Engine Linux VHDs to 2020.02.12 (#2728)
- Add ProgressPreference=SilentlyContinue to disable progress bar (#2693)
- don't refer to hyperkube in template if > 1.16 (#2676)
- update Azure NPM to v1.0.32 (#2665)
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.01.30 (#2660)
- use IsVMSSToBeUpgraded func to validate vmss pools in upgrade (#2650)
- Bump moby to 3.0.10 (#2613)
- update Azure cloud-provider components to v0.4.1 (#2627)
- support v1.15.9 on Azure Stack (#2628)
- Updating NPM CPU and Memory requests and limits (#2530)
- Adding 1.17.1 package to windows vhd (#2607)
Testing 💚
- replace containerd+kubenet with containerd+azure (#2678)
- enable scale/upgrade for base E2E cluster config (#2670)
- delete pod if exists in run pod scenario (#2668)
- wait for "Ready" nodes, where appropriate (#2657)
- zones aren't available everywhere (#2633)
- allow cluster-autoscaler more nodes in everything test config (#2629)
- modify vm sku during e2e upgrade tests (#2625)
- HPA/cluster-autoscaler fixes so we don't scale up too many pods (#2626)
- configurable pvc E2E tests (#2620)
- don't test for static node count if add node pool context (#2619)
- consolidate E2E test cluster configurations (#2586)