diff --git a/blog/_pages/webinars.md b/blog/_pages/webinars.md
index ddc18bbb..9d9eb765 100644
--- a/blog/_pages/webinars.md
+++ b/blog/_pages/webinars.md
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@ date: 2024-12-17T11:48:41-04:00
overlay_color: "#000"
overlay_image: /assets/webinars/AKS-CommunityCalls-Banner.png
-excerpt: ""
+ excerpt: "Azure Kubernetes Service"
- - excerpt: 'We are excited to invite you to our new public community calls for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). These sessions will be a great opportunity to discuss the product roadmap, witness demos of new features, provide feedback, and get your product questions answered. '
- - image_path: /assets/webinars/Jan2025/Jan2025-Square.png
+ - excerpt: "We are excited to invite you to our new public community calls for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). These sessions will be a great opportunity to discuss the product roadmap, witness demos of new features, provide feedback, and get your product questions answered"
- alt: "AKS Monthly Roadmap Update - Jan 2025"
- title: "AKS Monthly Roadmap Update - Jan 2025"
- excerpt: "When: Jan 15th, 8 AM Pacific Time
- Join our monthly public community calls for Azure Kubernetes Service to discuss product roadmap, see demos of new features, provide feedback, and learn from others’ experience with AKS.
Azure Kubernetes Service has a public feature roadmap that outlines features that are in development, available for public preview, and generally available. This roadmap will be reviewed in each community call.
- Presenter:
- Phill Gibson: Phill is a Senior Product Manager at Microsoft, specializing in cloud native tools and technology within the open-source division. With a diverse background in software development, systems architecture, consulting, and product management, Phill has contributed to numerous open-source projects throughout his career.
- Add Event to my calendar"
- url: "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjA0NTdiNjItOGU1OS00MTQwLWJlZjUtNjNmYzIzOWYyZTYy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2272f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e3e368ba-66aa-4e1b-86f6-63f9c1a9ac62%22%7d"
+ - image_path: /assets/webinars/AKS-CommunityCalls-Image.png
+ alt: "AKS Monthly Roadmap Update"
+ title: "AKS Monthly Roadmap Update"
+ excerpt: "Every 3rd Wednesday of the month. 8 AM PST (Add to my calendar)
+ Join our monthly public community calls for Azure Kubernetes Service to discuss product roadmap, provide feedback, and learn from others’ experience with AKS.
Azure Kubernetes Service has a public feature roadmap that outlines features that are in development, available for public preview, and generally available.
+ Past Calls Recordings"
+ url: "https://aka.ms/aks/communitycalls/roadmap/joinnow"
btn_label: "Join Now"
btn_class: "btn--primary"
diff --git a/blog/assets/webinars/AKS-CommunityCalls-Image.png b/blog/assets/webinars/AKS-CommunityCalls-Image.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f96242d2
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/assets/webinars/AKS-CommunityCalls-Image.png differ