This is what your bot will look like!!
- The scripts, that are a part of this repository are used to build a Telegram bot.
- Python offers a very powerful and easy-to-use wrapper, to build the same.
- The bot can be hosted on Heroku, a cloud platform.
- It can be accessed by everyone who uses telegram.
The bot built here has many functionalities.
The script is the most important script in this repository.
This describes the process of setting up the bot and getting it functional
The Python-Telegram documentation is a great place to learn and understand the basics!!
Use the token generated by telegram and replace it
In order to host it on heroku, one can follow these simple steps:
1.Create an account on Heroku
2.Hosting on Heroku requires 2 files in addition to the executable file, a Procfile and a requirements file.I have included both of them in the repository
3.pip freeze --local > requirements.txt can be used to generate the requirements
4.Here since, I am running a python script, I have used python3 in the Procfile
5.heroku login, executed from the CLI
6.git init , to initialize a git repository of all the contents
7.heroku create to create allocate an instance of a remote server
8.Use the URL generated and replace it in the file
9.git add . , to add all the contents
10.git commit
12.heroku git:remote -a name of the application generated
11.git push heroku master, to push all the contents
If the creation fails, the logs can be viewed using heroku logs --tail