Takes any file as input, preprocesses the content by removing stopwords, creates a wordcloud out of them and saves this wordcloud as a PNG.
- Installation
Using pip
pip install wordcloud
Download the .whl compatible with your Python version and your Windows distribution (32bit or 64bit) from here cd to the file path
python -m pip install <filename>
Note: If pip doesn't install the wheel, it's probably because you're using 32bit Python. I would suggest using 64bit python for which there is a wheel.
- Using the script
To get a basic wordcloud
python create_word_cloud.py --text <filename>
To get a wordcloud with a specific background
python create_word_cloud.py --text <filename> --background <color>
To get a wordcloud in the shape of a mask
python create_word_cloud.py --text <filename> --mask <filename>
Note: Keep in mind that the background of the mask used must be white, otherwise, the system will consider the background as an object. In addition, the background cannot be transparent, because transparent colors will be considered black.
To get a border of the mask with the wordcloud
python create_word_cloud.py --text <filename> --contour_width <integer>
Note: This will need a mask. Also, the default color is black.
To get a colored border of the mask with the wordcloud
python create_word_cloud.py --text <filename> --contour_color <color>
Note: This will need a mask and a contour width.
To get a wordcloud in the colors based on the mask
python create_word_cloud.py --text <filename> --color_func 1
python create_word_cloud.py --text <filename> --background <color> --mask <filename> --contour_width <integer> --contour_color <color> --color_func 1