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9.3 Passwords, etc

Chris Wiechmann edited this page May 27, 2021 · 2 revisions

Starting from API-Manager Version 7.7 SP1 & 7.6.2 SP5 confidential information, such as passwords, are no longer exposed anymore by the API-Manager REST-API. As the APIM-CLI is based on that REST-API, when exporting entities, such as APIs, Users, Applications, those confidential information is longer part of the exported entities.

However, if it is acceptable in your environment, you can change the behavior of the API-Manager REST-API to still expose confidential information. For that, please set the JVM property: com.axway.apimanager.api.model.disable.confidential.fields in your jvm.xml as indicated here:

A configuration example:

<VMArg name="-Dcom.axway.apimanager.api.model.disable.confidential.fields=false"/>