- Webhook validation update patch
- Content-Type Header parsing fix
- Merge updated
- NODE_ENV=development provides stringified response
- utils.merge patch for empty header, fixes #69 and #70
- Automate JSDoc generation via Travis
- Payouts cancel feature added
- Execute billing agreements more configurable
- Consolidate configuration of tests and samples
- JSDocs for most resource functions
- Access token persistance added for performance boost in multiple client scenerios
- Add JSDoc for modules and refactor mixin method for rest objects
- Version read from package.json for User Agent
- Payouts API support added
- Samples documentation updated
- Search transactions for billing agreements patched
- User Agent conforms to new naming conventions
- Webhook and Webhook events creation and management supported
- Verification that webhook events are unaltered and originate from PayPal
- Payment Experience customizaton feature added via API for Web Profiles
- Update Paypal-Client-Metadata-Id header for future payments
- Subscription API changes for searching transactions and listing billing plans
- Subscription API support added
- Order/Auth/Capture support added
- Update credit card support added for vault
- Test/samples added for extra payment parameters
- activate method added for billing plans
- Exported methods are now camelCased instead of underscored in 0.* versions
- delete is now del
- support still maintained for above changes for compatibility with 0.* versions
- Modularize into components api, client, config and utils
- Rest api resources separated into own functions/classes
- generate has the factory of rest methods attached to object literals e.g creditCard, reducing duplication
- Exported methods named and CamelCased across sdk, closer to JavaScript conventions, closes #34 and #35
- Test coverage increased
- Fix for toggling host by using mode in config
- Unit tests can run as mock mode
- Mode configuration for easier toggling between live/sandbox
- NODE_ENV=development can be added for getting debug-id
- Invoicing API support added
- Added tests and samples for using the invoicing api via the sdk
- Modules pinned to versions for package.json
- Future Payments support added
- Linting
- Fixed content length to support utf-8 characters
- Added support for Reauthorization.
- Update HTTP User-Agent
- Allow payment.list with parameters