This page is in place to personally thank each and every document contributor. It is a huge effort, and would never succeed with the time donated by the following individuals.
A big "thank you" goes to
- Andrea Chiumenti,
- Chris Barber,
- James Burke,
- Victor Danilchenko,
- Sam Foster,
- frankf
- Becky Gibson,
- James Gosnell,
- Doug Hays,
- Mark Hays,
- Peter Higgins,
- Scott Jenkins,
- Robertus Harmawan Johansyah,
- Olle Jonsson,
- Jared Jurkiewicz,
- Bill Keese,
- Kitson P. Kelly,
- Lesley Kelly,
- Tobias Klipstein,
- kolban,
- Wolfram Kriesing,
- Eugene Lazutkin,
- Seth Lytle,
- Ben Lowery,
- Dustin Machi,
- mcoquet,
- Chris Mitchell,
- neonstalwart,
- Cyan Ogilvie,
- Nikolai Onken,
- Shane O'Sullivan,
- Rom Pereira,
- Marcus Reimann,
- Craig Riecke,
- Will Riley,
- Alex Russell,
- Julie Santilli,
- Sudheera Satyanarayana,
- Benjamin Schell,
- David Schwarz,
- Dylan Schiemann,
- Tom Trenka,
- Josh Trutwin,
- Alexander Whillas,
- Dean Williams,
- Mike Wilcox,
- Kris Zyp
for their great engagement to improve the documentation of our unmatched Dojo Toolkit!
As this expands, more information will be available about each contributor, but for now it is just a list.