diff --git a/changelog/add-7381-add-documentation-for-create-payment-intent-api-endpoint b/changelog/add-7381-add-documentation-for-create-payment-intent-api-endpoint
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d4310612e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog/add-7381-add-documentation-for-create-payment-intent-api-endpoint
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Significance: minor
+Type: add
+Added documentation for create payment intent API endpoint.
diff --git a/docs/rest-api/source/includes/wp-api-v3/intent.md b/docs/rest-api/source/includes/wp-api-v3/intent.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5d38d50986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/rest-api/source/includes/wp-api-v3/intent.md
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Payment intents
+The Payment Intents API provides comprehensive functionality for managing payment intents. You can create and manage them seamlessly through its endpoints.
+## Create payment intenr
+_@since v6.6.0_
+Create new payment intent.
+### Error codes
+- `rest_forbidden` - indicates that the user or application does not have the necessary permissions to perform the requested action.
+- `wcpay_server_error` - Indicates that API had error processing the request. Usually occurs when request params are invalid like order is not found, and similar.
+### HTTP request
+curl -X POST https://example.com/wp-json/wc/v3/payments/payment_intents \
+ -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ -d '{"payment_method":"","customer":"","order_id":""}'
+> JSON response example:
+ "id": "pi_4NxlPtR3eYmZSVZP0PPpwee8",
+ "amount": 1023,
+ "currency": "USD",
+ "created": 1696496578,
+ "customer": "cus_OUQoHGzJLw87Tk",
+ "payment_method": "pm_2NlT19R3eYmZSVZPRJEvxvwF",
+ "status": "succeeded",
+ "charge": {
+ "id": "ch_4NxlPtR3eYmZSVZP0ZLpKjfI",
+ "amount": 1023,
+ "application_fee_amount": 62,
+ "status": "succeeded",
+ "billing_details": {
+ "address": {
+ "city": "San Francisco",
+ "country": "US",
+ "line1": "123 Random St",
+ "line2": "-",
+ "postal_code": "94101",
+ "state": "CA"
+ },
+ "email": "random.email@example.com",
+ "name": "John Doe",
+ "phone": "5555555555"
+ },
+ "payment_method_details": {
+ "card": {
+ "amount_authorized": 1023,
+ "brand": "mastercard",
+ "capture_before": "",
+ "country": "US",
+ "exp_month": 5,
+ "exp_year": 2030,
+ "last4": "4321",
+ "three_d_secure": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "code":"rest_forbidden",
+ "message":"Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.",
+ "data":{
+ "status":401
+ }