Arma3Sync is a software developped by the arma 3 team Sons of Exiled. It is both a launcher and adddons synchronization software for ArmA 3. It is intend to be used by players, server administrators and ArmA 3 teams.
arma3sync-docker is a project to provide Arma3Sync as a runnable docker container. It allows users to execute the software in larger projects without having to install a JRE on the machine. It is maintained by a developper that is not invovled in arma3sync developpement.
The following documents provide additional informations on rules and standards applying to this project :
- GNU GPL v3 license
- Contributing to this project
- Security policy
- Support policy
- Using arma3sync-docker
This software is a derivative work from Arma3Sync, whose license requires us to licence under the same or a compatible one. This is why arma3sync-docker is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.