These is an extract of a test-automation project (geared towards the test environment condition) containing some bash/python scripts to set up different types of pre-provisioned (i.e including users and groups)
authentication servers (radius,. openldap, samba [ad - dc] , keycloak) on a Linux based environment for test automation purposes.
The script are tested and robust using mainstream containers (openldap, radius) and methods (docker buildx instead of the deprecated docker build).
- RTM, system pre-requisites and the documentation related to che container you want to build
- Run the script on a VM or on a host.
- The VM Should have docker already setup up / runing
- The VM has systemd-timesyncd enabled by default with your timezone
- All containers are built with docker buildx instead of the deprecated docker build (make sure docker buildx is available on your system)
- openldap and jq should also be installed on the system
- Radius server automated on a docker container
- OpenLDAP server with support for both ldap and ldaps automated on a docker container
- Keycloak for Oauth2 which comes in 2 flavors
- Host installation (for better performance and integration) on Arch Linux
- Docker container - in case you want it on a docker container edit arch-authentication.pkr.hcl accordingly (check provisioning section).
- Samba providing Active Directory and Domain controller services (plus the rest of file-sharing , etc) automated on a docker container
The radius container provides the following services :
- Radius server listening on port 1812 1813 UDP
- Radius secret is set to QZf7TesXVRGTsTKssEE4xcysOJxfAgZy
- It accepts requests from all IP's so regardless of the IP of the DUT, it will accept the requests
- It has 400 users of this format :
- raduser1, raduser2, raduserN and each user has a password of this format :
- radpwd1, radpwd2, radpwdN
- It has 3 groups : group1, group2, group3
- group1 has 150 users from raduser1 - raduser 150
- group2 has 150 users from raduser151 - raduser 300
- group3 has 10 users from raduser301 - raduser 310
- The last 90 users from the total 400 are not assigned to any group
# "tail -f" the logs of the container
docker logs -f radius-server
# log inside the container
docker exec -it radius-server bash
# Test Radius functionality
docker exec radius-server radtest raduser1 radpwd1 localhost:1812 0 QZf7TesXVRGTsTKssEE4xcysOJxfAgZy
# Monitor radius traffic on the VM
sudo tcpdump -nnvvi ens18 udp and port 1812 or port 1813
- Listening on port 389 (LDAP) and 636 (LDAPs) TCP
- Main credentials : admin / Ld4passw0rD
- There's a total of 5 groups (vpnusers, proxyusers, hotspotusers, group4, group5 )
- there's a total of 300 users, where the first 250 are assigned to the groups and the last are not assigned to any group
- The username / password format is ldapuserN / LdapUsrPwdN where N is the number of the user
- The provisioning is done through the import of openldap_setup.ldif
- LDAP server type : OpenLDAP
- LDAP bind DN username : cn=admin,dc=qatest,dc=local
- LDAP bind DN password : Ld4passw0rD
- LDAP user base DN : ou=People,dc=qatest,dc=local
- LDAP group base DN : ou=Groups,dc=qatest,dc=local
# "tail -f" the logs of the container
docker logs -f openldap-auth
# log inside the container
docker exec -it openldap-auth bash
# List all users in the 'People' organizational unit
docker exec openldap-auth ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=qatest,dc=local" -w "Ld4passw0rD" -b "ou=People,dc=qatest,dc=local" "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)"
# List all groups in the 'Groups' organizational unit
docker exec openldap-auth ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=qatest,dc=local" -w "Ld4passw0rD" -b "ou=Groups,dc=qatest,dc=local" "(objectClass=posixGroup)"
# Search for a specific user (replace 'ldapuser1' with the desired username)
docker exec openldap-auth ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=qatest,dc=local" -w "Ld4passw0rD" -b "ou=People,dc=qatest,dc=local" "(uid=ldapuser1)"
# Test authentication for a user (replace 'ldapuser1' with the desired username and 'LdapUsrPwd1' with the user's password)
docker exec openldap-auth ldapwhoami -x -H ldap://localhost -D "uid=ldapuser1,ou=People,dc=qatest,dc=local" -w "LdapUsrPwd1"
# Test TLS connection
docker exec openldap-auth ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=qatest,dc=local" -w "Ld4passw0rD" -b "ou=People,dc=qatest,dc=local" "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)" -Z
# Query the users of the hotspotusers group
docker exec openldap-auth ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=qatest,dc=local" -w "Ld4passw0rD" -b "cn=hotspotusers,ou=Groups,dc=qatest,dc=local" "(objectClass=posixGroup)" memberUid
Keycloak comes in 2 flavors, a host setup geared for Arch linunx which will set up also a postgresql DB, and of course also a docker container.
- The host version will be listening after the setup on port 8443 (https) and 8080 (http)
- The docker version uses 8888 for the http instead of 8080, https is 8443
- The container version is pinned on keycloak 24.02 (latest version at this moment)
- To login use admin / qasupeR0ot
- After the host or container (depnedning on your pick) is up and running you can provision using the python3 script which uses the newest API (so don't use it on older versions of keycloak) and will :
- Creae 1500 users
- Randomly assign those users to 6 predefined groups
- last 100 users are not assigned to any group