Releases: Apollon77/alexa-remote
Releases · Apollon77/alexa-remote
Release v5.7.0
- (Apollon77) Enhance querySmarthomeDevices to directly hand over an array of request definitions to e.g. also specify properties or such
- (Apollon77) Enhance SequenceCommands:
- "deviceStop" can also be called with an array of devices
- add "deviceStopAll" to stop all devices
- add "deviceDoNotDisturb" with allowed values as follows: boolean true/false to enable/disable or a number to set a enable-duration in seconds (up to 43.200 seconds = 12h) or use "HH:MM" as string to define an hour and minute till when it is set to not disturb
- add "deviceDoNotDisturbAll" to set Do not disturb for all devices, allowed value is the same as deviceDoNotDisturb
- add "fireTVTurnOn" to turn FireTV on (value ignored)
- add "fireTVTurnOff" to turn FireTV off (value ignored)
- add "fireTVTurnOnOff" to turn a FireTV device on (value===true) or off (value===false)
- add "fireTVPauseVideo" to pause a video on a FireTV device
- add "fireTVResumeVideo" to resume a video on a FireTV device
- add "fireTVNavigateHome" to navigate home on a FireTV device
- (Apollon77) Add getFireTVEntities() method to get available FireTV devices and their supported actions
- (Apollon77) Flag Fire-TV devices as controllable and having music player support
- (Apollon77) Add several new methods to query and change settings:
- getEqualizerEnabled()
- getEqualizerRange()
- getEqualizerSettings()
- setEqualizerSettings()
- getAuxControllerState()
- setAuxControllerPortDirection()
- getPlayerQueue()
- getDeviceSettings() - generic method, ideally use the methods listed next to get specific settings
- setDeviceSettings() - generic method, ideally use the methods listed next to get specific settings
- getConnectedSpeakerOptionSetting()
- setConnectedSpeakerOptionSetting()
- getAttentionSpanSetting()
- setAttentionSpanSetting()
- getAlexaGesturesSetting()
- setAlexaGesturesSetting()
- getDisplayPowerSetting()
- setDisplayPowerSetting()
- getAdaptiveBrightnessSetting()
- setAdaptiveBrightnessSetting()
- getClockTimeFormatSetting()
- setClockTimeFormatSetting()
- getBrightnessSetting()
- setBrightnessSetting()
- (Apollon77) Allow to overwrite the used default App-Name for the Amazon App Registration
- (Apollon77) An App name included in formerRegistrationData will be used for some API requests, else the default is used
- (Apollon77) Allow to modify the API-User-Agent Postfix to specify application name and version
- (Apollon77) Enhance the handling for exceeded rate limit responses
- (Apollon77/bbindreiter) Update used User-Agent for some requests
Release v5.6.0
- (Apollon77) Add sequence command "wait"
Release v5.5.0
- (Apollon77) Add playAudible() to play Audible books
Release v5.4.0
- (Apollon77) Increase timeouts for getting smart home device data
- (Apollon77) support/handle "MusicAlarm" like "Alarm" on notifications
- (Apollon77) Add convertNotificationToV2() to convert a notification object from old/queried format into one that can be used to set with new/V2 API (very pragmatic for now)
Release v5.3.0
- (Apollon77) Adjust Alarm methods to use the new API from Amazon. Also createNotification() and parseValue4Notification() now returns the new format for Alarms
- (Apollon77) Enhance createNotification() to also support adding reccurence information
- (Apollon77) Notification objects will also have a delete method now
- (Apollon77) Notifications can be cancelled now
- (Apollon77) Adjust logging when no callback is provided again, now logs also the body
- (Apollon77) Add methods:
- getUsersMe()
- getHousehold()
- getNotificationSounds()
- getDeviceNotificationState()
- setDeviceNotificationVolume()
- setDeviceNotificationDefaultSound()
- getDeviceNotificationDefaultSound()
- getAscendingAlarmState()
- setDeviceAscendingAlarmState()
- getRoutineSkillCatalog() to request the Skill catalog that can be used in Sequence Commands
- cancelNotification()
- setNotification() and setNotificationV2()
Release v5.2.0
- (Apollon77) Query API endpoints (including new method getEndpoints()) from Amazon on start and use this API endpoint for the calls
- (Apollon77) Enhance getDevicePreferences() to request preferences for one device
- (Apollon77) Add setDevicePreferences() to set the device preferences for a device
- (Apollon77) Add getDeviceWifiDetails() to get the Wifi definitions (including SSID and MAC) for a device
- (Apollon77) Load Device Preferences on startup and make accessible via device.preferences on the device objects
- (Apollon77) Add methods getDevicePreferences() and setDevicePreferences() to the alexa class and to the device objects
- (Apollon77) Add new Media Message "jump" (in sendMessage() method) with a mediaId as value (can be used to jump to another queue item)
- (Apollon77) Add getRoutineSoundList() to query available sound IDs for a routine
- (Apollon77) Add new command "sound" when creating/sending sequence nodes to play sounds
- (Apollon77) Add method getWholeHomeAudioGroups() to query information about the current Audio groups
- (Apollon77) Enhance sending "notification" sequence node to allow providing an object as value with keys title and text to specify the title for displaying the message too
- (Apollon77) Add setEnablementForSmarthomeDevice() to enable/disable a smart home device
- (Apollon77) Log Response with status code also when no callback is provided (but without body content)
- (Apollon77) Slightly adjust the calculated timeout when getting many smart home device values
Release v5.1.0
- (Apollon77) Detect Rate limit exceeded response and do one automatic request retry 10s later (plus a random part)
- (Apollon77) Calculate the timeout of querySmarthomeDevices dynamically between 10s and 60s (maximum overrideable by new optional parameter) depending on the number of devices to query
Release v5.0.1
- (Apollon77) fix type definition for sequenceCommand methods
Release v5.0.0
- BREAKING: SequenceNode methods throws an error on invalid data instead calling callback with error as before!
- (Apollon77) Enhance multi sequence Node methods to support building node structures with sub Parallel/SerialNodes
- (Apollon77) Adjust logic to get the "global" ownerCustomerId and use Authentication response from session verification call
- (Apollon77) Add getAuthenticationDetails() method to get the Authentication response from the last successful session verification call
- (Apollon77) Add method isWsMqttConnected() to query if the WS-MQTT connection is established or not
- (Apollon77/hive) Add method stopProxyServer() to stop the proxy server pot. opened from getting a new cookie
- (Apollon77) Adjust setTuneIn method to work again for stationIds (s*) and topicIds (t*)
- (Apollon77) Do an automatic request retry with a delay of 500-1000ms (random) when error 503 is returned from Amazon services
- (Apollon77/hive) Correctly end all timers on disconnect
- (Apollon77/hive) Optimize authentication check when no cookie is set
- (Apollon77) Prevent some crash cases
Release v4.1.2
- (TactfulElf) Allow csrf to be updated on cookie refresh and add 401 error handling