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160 lines (117 loc) · 7.54 KB

File metadata and controls

160 lines (117 loc) · 7.54 KB

English | 简体中文

Contributing to Anx Reader

Anx Reader is an open-source project, and we welcome any contributions from you. You can help by translating, fixing bugs, adding new features, writing documentation, and more. If you want to contribute, the following guide may be helpful.

Let's get started!


  • Install Flutter.
  • Clone and navigate to the project directory. Execute the following commands:
flutter pub get
flutter gen-l10n
dart run build_runner watch
flutter run # or click the run button in your IDE

Contributing to Development

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Make changes (e.g., adding new features, fixing bugs, translating, etc.)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  6. Submit a Pull Request


You will need a signing key to generate an APK. You can generate one or use the debug signing option

If you want to generate a signing key, please refer to here.

Using the debug signing option, you can modify the following in the android/app/build.gradle file:

android {
    // ...
    buildTypes {
      release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.debug // using debug signing
    // ...


If you'd like Anx Reader to support your language, let's work together on the translation!

You can translate project documentation or the app interface.

Translate Documentation Currently, we have the following documents that need translation:

Please copy as, translate it, and place the translated file in the project root directory. Then, add a link to the translation at the top of the

Translate the App Interface

  • Anx Reader uses intl for multilingual support. You can find the localization files in the lib/l10n directory. Please copy app_en.arb to app_language_code.arb, and then translate it.
  • You can translate missing fields or modify existing translations.
  • Place the translated file in the lib/l10n directory and run flutter gen-l10n to generate the localization files.
  • Add your language name and code to the Settings Page.
  • Refer to locale for language codes.
  • Make sure to run the app at least once after translation to ensure everything works fine.
  • Submit a Pull Request.

Fixing Bugs and Adding New Features

Anx Reader uses Flutter_inappwebview to render eBooks, so the project relies on JavaScript to handle eBook rendering.

The JavaScript code can be found in the assets/foliate-js directory, where you'll find the code responsible for rendering eBooks. The app loads the index.html file from the assets/foliate-js directory using a built-in server.

When debugging the js, you can find some commented code at the top of book.js in the assets/foliate-js directory. You can uncomment this code, place a test book in the assets/local directory, modify book.js with let url = '../local/***.epub', and open the index.html file in your browser to see the result.

To adjust the rendering of books, you can modify the getCSS function in the book.js file. These CSS styles will be applied to the book.

The main part of the communication between js and dart is in epub_player.dart, where you'll find the code that handles js communication. The webview interface is also loaded here.

After re-commenting the code in book.js, rerun the application.

Please submit a Pull Request after re-commenting the code in book.js.


安读是一款开源项目,我们欢迎您的任何贡献,您可以对项目进行翻译、修复 bug、添加新功能,编写文档等。如果您想要贡献,以下内容可能会对您有所帮助。



  • 安装 Flutter
  • 克隆并进入项目目录。 执行以下命令:
flutter pub get
flutter gen-l10n
dart run build_runner watch
flutter run # 或点击IDE运行按钮


  1. Fork 本仓库
  2. 创建您的特性分支 (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. 在这里做些更改(如添加新功能、修复 bug、翻译等)
  4. 提交您的更改 (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  5. 推送到分支 (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  6. 提交一个 Pull Request


您将需要签名密钥来生成 APK。您可以生成一个或使用调试签名选项

如果您想要生成一个签名密钥,请参考 这里

使用调试签名选项,您可以在 android/app/build.gradle 文件中修改这些内容:

android {
    // ...
    buildTypes {
      release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.debug // using debug signing
    // ...




翻译文档 目前,我们有以下文档需要翻译:

请复制 为 README_语言代码.md,然后进行翻译,翻译后的文件请放在项目根目录下,然后在 头部添加链接。


  • 安读使用 intl 进行多语言支持,您可以在lib/l10n目录下找到多语言文件,请复制app_en.arbapp_语言代码.arb,然后进行翻译。
  • 您可以翻译缺失的字段,或者对现有翻译进行修改。
  • 翻译后的文件请放在lib/l10n目录下,然后运行flutter gen-l10n生成多语言文件。
  • 设置界面添加您的语言名称代码
  • 关于语言代码,请参考 locale
  • 请确保翻译后您至少运行一次应用程序,以确保翻译没有问题。
  • 提交一个 Pull Request。

修复 bug 和添加新功能

安读使用 Flutter_inappwebview 来渲染电子书,因此项目在渲染电子书的部分使用JavaScript编写。

JavaScript代码位于assets/foliate-js目录下,您可以在这里找到渲染电子书的代码。软件通过 内置服务器 加载assets/foliate-js目录下的index.html文件。

在调试js时,您可以在assets/foliate-js目录下的book.js头部看到一些被注释的代码,您可以取消注释这些代码,然后将测试书籍放入assets/local目录下,修改book.js中的let url = '../local/***.epub'然后在浏览器中打开index.html文件,即可看到效果。


jsdart之间的通信的主要部分在epub_player.dart中,您可以在这里找到与js通信的代码,wenview 界面也是在这里加载的。


请在重新注释book.js中的代码后提交 Pull Request。