Purpose: If a linkage for a service is available, the Resource Locator shall be a valid URL providing one of the following:
- a link to a web with further instructions
- a link to a service capabilities document
- a link to the service WSDL document (SOAP Binding)
- a link to a client application that directly accesses the service
- A.01.validate must be passed
Test method
The test first checks if coupling type is given and if it has a codeList and a codeListValue attribute, codeListValue must be either tight, coupled or mixed. If this codeListValue attribute doesn't exist, an gco:nilReason attribute must be given at gmd:identificationInfo[1]/*/srv:couplingType and must have a value of missing, inapplicable, template, unknown or withheld (This will lead to a warning).
If the type of the resource is not service, this test is omitted.
Any of the onlineresources should be checked if it resolves
- if wm(t)s/wfs/wcs there should be a link back to the metadata, it should be the same metadata.
- if atom: ...
- if soap: ...
Test type: Automated
##Contextual XPath references**
The namespace prefixes used as described in README.md.
Abbreviation | XPath expression (relative to gmd:MD_Metadata) |
Coupling type | gmd:identificationInfo[1]/*/srv:couplingType/srv:SV_CouplingType |