Releases: AnglesHQ/angles
Releases · AnglesHQ/angles
- 1c3c6b5 ci: version bump to 1.0.38
- 0103bd6 ci: version bump to 1.0.35
- 704e498 Merge pull request #57 from AnglesHQ/kubernetes-manifests
- e1fb5aa cleanup
- c4fa82a changed the init file to sh file, so that arguments can be passed through environment variables. db credentials are now in single locations and can be modified there.
- 13438e0 working towards being able to pass the passwords as arguments
- 631c1fe added persistent local storage.
- 945a265 changing ports for kubernetes setup.
- 84fcf5a backend is on port 3000
- a72846d added initial Kubernetes manifests to deploy the angles dashboard on a cluster (including the mongo database).
- de9b817 ci: version bump to 1.0.31
- be0ee31 Merge pull request #53 from AnglesHQ/development
- 8b5e83f Merge pull request #52 from AnglesHQ/download_build_reports_as_html
- 465fe15 added phase and adding major bump version to make it a major release (as a lot has changed since previously). Should have done it sooner.
- a0e4c10 added steps and screenshot thumbnails
- 58ce357 added beginnings of test rows that are collapsable. and some styling.
- 6148f1b added css cleanup expanded on report by adding artifacts
- 57b93b2 configured build details on report. still to add suites and test steps.
- b168217 initial setup using put to generate an html with values. More to add but looking good so far
- 1cf47fb Merge pull request #51 from AnglesHQ/baseline_config_fix
- ff25fdc execPopulate has been deprecated. tested new changes and looks good. Will need to add unit tests for this.