Local variables in solidity functions default to storage
or memory
depending on their type. Uninitialized local storage variables
can point to unexpected
storage locations in the contract, leading to intentional or unintentional vulnerabilities
Let's consider the following, relatively simple name registrar contract:
// A Locked Name Registrar
1 contract NameRegistrar {
3 bool public unlocked = false; // registrar locked, no name updates
5 struct NameRecord { // map hashes to addresses
6 bytes32 name;
7 address mappedAddress;
8 }
9 mapping(address => NameRecord) public registeredNameRecord; // records who registered names
10 mapping(bytes32 => address) public resolve; // resolves hashes to addresses
12 function register(bytes32 _name, address _mappedAddress) public {
13 // set up the new NameRecord
14 NameRecord newRecord;
15 newRecord.name = _name;
16 newRecord.mappedAddress = _mappedAddress;
18 resolve[_name] = _mappedAddress;
19 registeredNameRecord[msg.sender] = newRecord;
21 require(unlocked); // only allow registrations if contract is unlocked
22 }
23 }
This straightforward name registrar(bytes32,_mappedAddress) function
serves a single purpose. Anyone can register a name (as a bytes32 hash) and map it
to an address once the contract is unlocked
. Regrettably, the require prevents register()
from adding name records
because this registrar is initially locked.
There is however a vulnerability
in this contract, that allows name registration
regardless of the unlocked variable
only storesvariables
, notconstant
.- Each slot can store up to
256 bits (32 bytes)
. - If the size of the variable exceeds the
remaining size of the slot
, this variable will be passed to thenew slot
. Struct
creates anew slot
, the struct elements are put into the slot in the same way as above.Fixed size array
creates anew slot
, struct elements are put into the slot in the same way as above.Dynamic size array
creates a new slot, this slot only stores thelength of the array
, while the values in the array will be stored atother locations
always creates anew slot to hold a place
, thevalues
in the array will be stored in other locations.String
creates anew slot
, this slot storesboth data & data length
Return back to our topic, thus storage variable in above contract store in sequential order
slot number | storage variable |
0 | unlocked |
1 | registeredNameRecord |
2 | resolve |
Thus, unlocked
exists in slot 0
, registeredNameRecord
exists in slot 1
and resolve
in slot 2
etc. Each of these slots are of byte size 32
(there are added complexities with mappings which we ignore for now). The boolean unlocked will look like 0x000...0 (64 0's, excluding the 0x) for false
or 0x000...1(63 0's) for true
Therefore, newRecord
on line [14] defaults to storage
. The vulnerability is caused by the fact that newRecord
is not initialised.
Because it defaults to storage, it becomes a pointer to storage
and because it is uninitialised
, it points to slot 0
(i.e. where unlocked is stored
Notice that on lines [15] and [16] we then set nameRecord.name to _name
and nameRecord.mappedAddress to _mappedAddress
, this in effect changes
the storage location of slot 0 and slot 1
which modifies both unlocked and the storage slot associated with registeredNameRecord
Uninitialized storage variables are flagged as warnings by the Solidity compiler, so developers should take special care to heed these alerts
when creating smart contracts. When working with complex types, it's best to use the memory or storage
keywords explicitly to make sure they behave as you'd expect.
Since Solidity version 0.5.0, memory and storage usage are required