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Python application test with Github Actions


First test to create a Python CI flow

#Hook up Github and Cloud 9

  1. Create a git repository, add description
  2. Goto AWS Cloud 9
  3. AWS: Create a Environment name and description
  4. GitHub: Goto user settings, SSH and GPG Keys
  5. Github: Create a SSH Title (dont do anything else yet)
  6. AWS-C9 (Amazon Cloud 9): goto bash terminal - type "ssh-keygen -t rsa", press return three times
  7. AWS-C9: Copy the XXX from "Your public key has been saved in XXXXX"
  8. AWS-C9: Type "cat " XXXX - this prints the public key
  9. AWS-C9: Copy the public key
  10. Github: Paste the key into the add-ssh. Enter github password

#Now create environment in AWS Github: goto the new repository, copy the git reop code (green code button) ZZZZ. Make sure to use the SSH clone path AWS-C9: "git clone" ZZZZ, enter "yes" when prompted

Now create Vitrutal Environment in AWS

AWS-C9: "python3 -m venv ~/.github-python-ci" (github-python-ci is the name of whaever you choose) AWS-C9: "source ~/.github-python-ci/bin/activate" (github-python-ci is the name chosen earlier) AWS-C9: make a reqirements.txt file to contain all of the packages required black pylint pytest pytest-cov click

AWS-C9: Make Makefile

install: pip install --upgrade pip &&
pip install -r requirements.txt

test: pytest -vv --cov-report term-missing --cov=app test_*.py

format: black *.py

lint: pylint --disable=R,C

all: install lint test

Now create Githyb Actions

Github: Actions -> Create workflow Github:Add the YAML code and press start commit (grreen button) Github: Add description

typically looks like

name: Python application test with Github Actions

on: [push]

jobs: build:

runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python 3.8
  uses: actions/setup-python@v1
    python-version: 3.8
- name: Install dependencies
  run: |
    make install
- name: Lint with pylint
  run: |
    make lint
- name: Test with pytest
  run: |
    make test
- name: Format code
  run: |
    make format

Github: Goto Actions. Click on new workspace created