Set up Docker image location for
in Makefile. -
make docker
Use pod.yaml to deploy the image builder vm or machine must have kvm enabled.
make sure you have replaced
in pod.yaml. -
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
If you want to publish your images to s3 bucket replace bucket name ${S3_BUCKET} buildmaasimage.sh at line 80 with your bucket name and you must provide aws-credentials, refer secret.yaml
If you do not want to upload images to s3 bucket, kindly remove below lines from pod.yaml
- secretRef:
name: aws-credentials
and kindly remove below lines from buildmaasimage.sh.
mkdir -p $HOME/.aws
if [[ -z "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}" ]]; then
echo "aws access key id not set exiting"
exit 1
if [[ -z "${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}" ]]; then
echo "aws access key secret not set exiting"
exit 1
echo "[image-bucket]
aws_access_key_id = ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
aws_secret_access_key = ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
region = us-east-1" > $HOME/.aws/credentials
export AWS_PROFILE=image-bucket
aws s3api put-object --acl public-read --bucket ${S3_BUCKET} --key "u-${OUTPUT_OS_VERSION}-0-k-${IMAGE_K8S_VERSION}-0.tar.gz" --body u-${OUTPUT_OS_VERSION}-0-k-${IMAGE_K8S_VERSION}-0.tar.gz
echo 'image upload done'
You must have maas cli installed on your system
If you don't have maas cli installed refer here
The images generated inside pod can be accessed from hostpath vol
- name: outputdir
path: /tmp/mypath
cd /tmp/mypath or the directory you have configured
next step assumes that you have maas-cli installed on currrent machine. If not first copy the image from current machine to somewhere you have maas cli installed and access to MAAS setup
scp /tmp/mypath/<image-filename> <destination-machine>
# ssh to the machine
ssh user@<destination-machine>
use profile which has access to create boot-resources or admin
# maas <= v2.9
maas <profile-name> boot-resources create name=custom/<image-display-name> architecture=amd64/generic content=<image-filename>
# maas >= v3.0
size=$(du <image-filename> | awk '{print $1;}')
sha256checksum=$(sha256sum <image-filename> | awk '{print $1;}')
maas <profile-name> boot-resources create name=custom/<image-display-name> architecture=amd64/generic sha256=$sha256checksum size=$size content@=<image-filename>
Next step assumes that you have maas-cli installed on your currrent machine.
curl https://maas-images-public.s3.amazonaws.com/u-2004-0-k-12114-0.tar.gz -o ubuntu-1804-k8s-1.21.14.tar.gz
Use profile which has access to create boot-resources or admin
maas <profile-name> boot-resources create name=custom/<image-display-name> architecture=amd64/generic content=<image-filename>