- Hello World
- Variables and Declaration
- Types and Zeros Value
- Comments and Naming Convention
- Package "fmt"
- Constant and IOTA
- Go Datatypes
- Go Operators
- Converting Types
- Defined Types
- Aliases
- if..else..if
- Command Line Arguments
- Simple if
- for loop
- break & continue
- label & goto statement
- switch statement
- Scopes in Go
- Arrays
- Array with keyed elements
- Slices in Go
- Slice Expressions
- Slice's Backing Array
- Appending to Slices
- Strings Basics
- Strings, Rune and Decoding
- Slicing Strings
- Package "strings"
- Maps in Go
- Operations on files
- Writing to Files using "os" and "ioutil" package
- Writing to files using a buffer in memory
- Reading bytes from files
- Reading files line by line using "bufio" package
- Reading from console
- Working with Structs
- Anonymous and Embedded Structs
- Functions in Go
- Variadic Functions
- defer statement
- Anonymous Functions
- Pointers in Go
- Passing Values & Pointers to Functions
- Methods in Go
- Methods with a Pointer Receiver
- Implementing Interfaces in Go
- Type Assertions and Type Switches
- Empty Interface
- Package "runtime"
- Concurrency in Go - Goroutines & WaitGroups
- Data Race
- Mutexes
- Channels in Go
- Goroutines and Channels
- Unbuffered Channels
- Buffered Channels
- Select Statement
- Packages & Modules in Go