- this is my first neovim setup base on videos and other repositories.
- I'm currently using this setup to work on coding wile learning about vim motions.
- neovim:
choco install neovim
- ripgrep:
choco install ripgrep
- fd:
choco install fd
- gnu-sed:
choco install sed
- clone the repository inside "~/.config/" folder.
- a new folder is created called "nvim".
- enter the folder using:
cd .\nvim
- inside of "nvim" folder create another folder called:
mkdir plugged
- inside of "nvim" folder open with nvim the file
ornvim -p init.vim
- when inside of neovim use the command ": PlugInstall" in order to install the plugins.
- reload the editor and explore the config
- install coc packages for a variety of languages
- in the command line use the following list of languages to install for code completion:
CocInstall coc-java coc-pyright coc-json coc-tsserver coc-html coc-eslint coc-sql coc-git coc-css coc-vimlsp coc-powershell coc-sh coc-go coc-restclient coc-clangd
- add lua for in linux
CocInstall coc-lua
- download powershell:
winget search Microsoft.PowerShell
or from windows shop
- if powershell execution is on path use:
- if powershell execution is not on windows path use:
- or use the path to the executable.
- Java: set up the java path environment variable.
- open coc configuration using:
nvim ~/AppData/Local/nvim/coc-settings.json
- set up the java run time for code completion:
- Change the Java Path variable to:
or use the path to the jdk installation.
- Python: set up the python path environment variable.
- open coc configuration using:
nvim ~/AppData/Local/nvim/coc-settings.json
- set up the python path variable for htmldjango:
- change the python path to the environment variable:
or use the path to the python installation.
- NodeJS: set up the node path environment variable.
- open coc configuration using:
nvim ~/AppData/Local/nvim/coc-settings.json
- change the node path to the environment variable:
C:/Program Files/nodejs
or use the path to the node installation.
- clangd: set up the clang lenguage server: use
CocCommand clangd.install
- on windows you need MinGW
- this is my own setup and may have some errors, which is totally fine.
- this neovim setup is for educational purposes.