Order priorities for the MVP
- server
- database
- front end framework
- API??
Team roles
- Product Owner
- Scott
- Scrum Master
- Nick
- Product Owner
Ben, Chris, Nick, Scott.
- Home page
- create tourny
- Tournament Name
- existing players drop down
- show players in the database
- select to enter into tourny
- any player can only be in the tourny once
- way to delete from tourny
- current tourny
- Highlighted current game
- shows all games
- Pull with the current tourny id
- shows games played with score
- shows table with live standings
- create tourny
- database
- sqlite
- knex
- node with express
- deploy with heroku
- react
light blue: #02AAE9 dark blue: #1A356C red: #F44B1A beige: #E5C39E bluegrey: #C3CED0
Green #8ab056 beige #f3ddc0 brown #705a3a dark #201a03
yellow #FAD817 Grey #1E2329 gold #D6BC6F
github:issues pivotalTracker waffle.io ties into github:issues to do | doing | done
- /api/player
- /api/tournament
- PUT (update with winner)
- /api/games
- PUT (update with score);
- Add Player
- Form for text input
- player name should be unique in DB
- on submit make post request to server
- query DB to add
- should return error if already in DB
- Players list in create page (in DB)
- on load GET request to server
- queries the DB for all Players
- map array of players (objects) into array of PlayerListItem Component
- Click on PlayerListItem to add to tournament list
- on load GET request to server
- Players in tournament
- Click on TournamentPlayersListItem to remove and add to Players list
- Start tournament
- click the button
- POST request to server
- runs the matchup builder algorithm
- then inserts the games into the DB with 0-0 score
- then mounts the Current tournament Component
- POST request to server
- click the button
- Current Game
- Highlighted
- shows input forms and submit button
- click submit button
- PUT request to the server
- updates the game scores in the DB
- and updates the Standings Table
- PUT request to the server
- Display Games
- on mounting of the Current Tournament Component
- GET request to server for games of tournament
- and mounts all games to Games list
- clicking on game set to be current game
- on mounting of the Current Tournament Component
- Display table/standings
- on mount,
- show list of players in tournament
- on current game submit
- update the table
- on mount,
- End tournament
- click to end
- set winner_ID
- Congrats to winner!
- click to end
- what happens
- setCurrentTournament function makes an api call for the table data
- The api call it takes a tourneyId as an argument
- and returns a tableStats array with an object for each player
- having the proper keys for all the data we want
- then we set the currentTournamentTable to that array
- setCurrentTournament function makes an api call for the table data
Redis - Automatically sorts data in the DB..... interesting... :D