A webcamtoy website phishing to send photos in email
My Video
- API Email Service ( ElasticEmail )
- Send Webcam Photo by email after shoot
- I'm using heroku
- Create a heroku app
- Fork this repository on yout github
- Connect your github with heroku video example
- Add heroku/php buildpack
- Done!
- Create an Account in ElasticEmail ( IS FREE )
- Set creadentials of the smtp.js library
var _EMAIL="[email protected]"
var _PASS="your_elastic_api_key"
var _TO="[email protected]"
var _HOST='smtp.elasticemail.com'
Host, // _HOST Variable
Username, // _EMAIL Variable
Password, // _PASS Variable
To, // _TO Variable
From, // _EMAIL Variable
Subject, // Title of Email
Body, // Text of Email
Attachments // Photo File