All notable changes and fixes to this project will be document in this file.
- 0.7.3 : fix output image format png, remove indirection to storage in output messages, better messages output, status in microseconds, POSIX storage
- 0.7.2 : uniform storage message output between GCS and S3
- 0.7.1 : bug fix with kafka handling
- 0.7.0 : health check update, alluxio support, switch from libcloud to boto3, sanic update to 0.8.3
- 0.6.2 : fix processing endpoint
- 0.6.1 : fix CPU 100% after first processing
- 0.6.0 : convert geometry to tags
- 0.5.0 : Subdirectories in storage buckets
- 0.4.0 : Asynchronous mode
- 0.2.0 : Migration to Open Source GeoProcessing API, libcloud integration
- GeoProcessing API has evolved to converge with Airbus DS Geo API, the new API is Open Source
- Apache libcloud integration, full support of S3
- Google Cloud Storage management is now mapped on libcloud
- To Be Defined
- Limited support of TagEntry format