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To generate the hotspot.log file used by JITWatch run your program with the following JVM switches.


The hotspot.log file is generated in the program execution directory. From Java 8 onwards the filename will include the process ID of the Java process, e.g. hotspot_pid860.log

If you want to specify the HotSpot log filename use the VM switch


If you want to HotSpot to output the disassembled native code then add the JVM switch

Along with this parameter is highly recommended to add -XX:+DebugNonSafepoints to gain additional output.

This requires you to use a debug JVM build or have built the hsdis (HotSpot disassembler) binary. The source for hsdis is part of OpenJDK and instructions for building it are here: Building hsdis

-Xlog:class+load=info is required for JITWatch to build its class model; for Java 8 and older use -XX:+TraceClassLoading instead.

Running JITWatch

Requirements for running JITWatch are:

  • Oracle JDK or OpenJDK version 7 or higher (a JDK is needed as tools.jar is required)
  • JavaFX or OpenJFX for the user interface

You can run JITWatch with Maven, Gradle or the provided shell scripts.

Run with Maven

Create the following Maven file (pom.xml):

<project xmlns="" 
    xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">



Type the command:

mvn exec:java

Run with Gradle

Create the following Gradle file (build.gradle):

plugins {
    id 'application'

mainClassName = 'org.adoptopenjdk.jitwatch.launch.LaunchUI'

repositories {

dependencies {
    runtime 'com.chrisnewland:jitwatch:1.0.0'

Type the command:

gradle run

If you already have a build.gradle file, you can call this file something else, like jitWatch.gradle, and then use the following command instead:

gradle -b jitWatch.gradle run

Run with shell scripts

You can also use the startup scripts provided, for Linux/Mac and launchUI.bat for Windows.