This repository contains scripts provided to used for the DC DOEE project for their potential analysis needs
Use the requirements.txt file to generate a virtual environment to run these codes.
With pyenv:
pyenv virtualenv 3.12.2 <name_of_virtual_environment>
pyenv activate <name_of_virtual_environment>
pip install -r requirements.txt
With conda:
conda create --name <name_of_virtual_environment> --file requirements.txt
An example concentration file is needed to execute these codes. The size of the example file is too big to be pushed to github so will be shared through other means such as google drive
Aggregates the hyperlocal concentration to census blocks
Aggregates the hyperlocal concentration to hexagonal grids
Aggregates the hyperlocal concentration to daily level
Map the spatially aggregated concentrations
Identify the hotspots spatially and temporally