diff --git a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-9337.yml b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-9337.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..66cac5b27fa47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-9337.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+author: Rukofamicom
+delete-after: true
+ - rscadd: Adds a new "Large" weight class for items, between normal and bulky. Largel
+ items fit inside of backpacks, but take up twice as much space as normal items
+ do.
+ - balance: Several normal items have been changed to Large, including boxes, guns,
+ stun batons, and a variety of other items without major balance implications.
+ - tweak: Belts of all varieties are now bulky items and no longer fit into backpacks.
+ - tweak: Boxes have had their storage capacity reduced dramatically so that the
+ space they take up inside of a bag matches the amount of storage space they
+ have inside.
+ - tweak: The emergency internals box that all players spawn with is smaller than
+ most other boxes, but may only store emergency equipment and tiny items.
+ - tweak: All backpacks have had an increase in their base storage capacity to make
+ up for the loss of storage space in your roundstart box.
+ - tweak: Fanny packs have had their storage capacity increased from 3 slots to 5,
+ and may now hold normal sized items. Fanny packs are primarily craftable by
+ botanists and are considered belts.
+ - tweak: All other belts now have 7 slots if they didn't already, this most notably
+ impacts security officers who will find their belts have 2 additional slots.
+ - tweak: Most security personnel now spawn with a loaded belt instead of a loose
+ baton, cuffs and flash.
+ - tweak: Detectives now spawn with a 5-slot "utility" belt that holds some of their
+ tools that were previously loose. This belt is actually just a renamed fanny
+ pack and can hold anything they want however.
+ - tweak: Holsters now have one less slot, and may hold loose bullets instead of
+ only full clips. Detective holsters no longer spawn pre-loaded with ammo.
+ - tweak: Boxes of shotgun ammo no longer fit in sec belts, however individual shotgun
+ shells do.
+ - tweak: Medkits are now large items instead of bulky and can fit into bags again.
+ These same medkits no longer fit in suit slots or belt slots.
+ - tweak: The extra large medkit that several medical roles spawn with is now a "doctor's
+ bag". The doctor's bag fits in in the suit slot of all labcoats, including those
+ previously excluded from storing medkits.
+ - tweak: Compressed matter cartridges now fit inside of construction bags
+ - tweak: The emergency survival boxes everyone spawns with have a new icon showing
+ they contain an emergency O2 tank.
+ - code_imp: Adds a new procs to `obj/item/` for increasing and decreasing weight
+ by one class