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General Purpose Backend Server

Table of Contents


This backend server is designed to serve as a foundation for various web development projects. It includes essential middleware, configurations, and structure following the MVC pattern.


  • Middleware setup for security, logging, parsing, CORS handling, compression, and rate limiting.
  • Integration with MongoDB for data storage.
  • Error handling middleware.
  • Logging with Winston.
  • MVC architecture for organized code structure.

Middleware Used

  • Helmet: Provides security middleware.
  • Morgan: HTTP request logging middleware.
  • Cookie-Parser: Middleware for parsing cookies.
  • Express.json(): Middleware for parsing JSON bodies.
  • Express.urlencoded(): Middleware for parsing URL-encoded bodies.
  • CORS: Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
  • Compression: Middleware for compressing response bodies.

MongoDB Configuration

The server is configured to connect to MongoDB using the provided environment variables:

  • MONGO_URL: MongoDB connection URL.

Server Setup

The server listens on the specified port and connects to MongoDB upon startup.


The server defines various routes for different functionalities, including:

  • Authentication
  • Employee management
  • Product management
  • Subscriber management
  • Leave management
  • Messaging
  • Event management
  • Order management

Error Handling

The server includes error handling middleware to catch and handle errors throughout the application.


Logging is implemented using Winston, with separate log files for errors and combined logs. It also logs to the console in development mode.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.