A drag-and-drop chat app
- Python 3
To run the app yourself, you can run the following steps:
git clone https://github.com/Aayushi-R/Drag-N-Drop.git
cd drag-n-drop
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once the app is running, navigate to in a browser to start using Drag N Drop.
- Bleeding edge drag-and-drop chat interaction
- Note: Make sure to trade off mouse arms periodically to even out all of the muscle building from dragging and dropping.
- Alerts for when users try to do anything that doesn't involve dragging and dropping.
- Animated background that emulates a dragging and dropping motion, in case users forget what they're supposed to be doing.
- An exhaustive JSON dictionary containing most words that the average person would ever need to say.