- To release a new version of jp_proxy_widget on PyPI:
For fun and safety first snapshot the current state of the working folder because some commands below may delete files you forgot you wanted to keep (it happens).
mkdir -p ~/snapshots/jp_proxy_widget
cp -rf * ~/snapshots/jp_proxy_widget
Update _version.py (set release version, remove 'dev').
Also bump the version information in
git add the _version.py file and git commit.
git add jp_proxy_widget/_version.py
git add js/package.json
git add js/lib/proxy_implementation.js
git add jp_proxy_widget/proxy_widget.py
git commit -m "new release"
git tag -a X.X.X -m 'comment'
git push
git push --tags
Upload to pip
python setup.py sdist upload
python setup.py bdist_wheel upload
- To release a new version of jp_proxy_widget on NPM:
# clean out the `dist` and `node_modules` directories
cd js
git clean -fdx
npm install
npm publish