- A subdirectory for each output of each rule (absent by default)
- A subdirectory "images" containing all the images of the tools (absent by default, you will have to copy it from "Tools")
- A subdirectory "rules" with all the rules used in the workflow (one file per rule).
- A file "configuration.yml" containing all the necessary configurations for Reprochackthon.wf.
- A Snakefile "ReproHackathon.wf" with the workflow.
- A README file
You can check the read-me from Tools about Singularity installation.
conda activate base
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake snakemake
conda activate snakemake
pip install snakemake
sudo apt install snakemake
singularity --version
snakemake -v
from the source of the git directory run
cd Tools
cp -r Tools/images Worflow/images
Once the 'environment setup' is done : From the Workflow directory :
snakemake --use-singularity -s $PWD/ReproHackathon.wf --configfile $PWD/configuration.yml -j 1 -k --printshellcmds