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public static void show ( AppCompatActivity activity , ObaArrivalInfo arrival ) { show ( activity , arrival , null ) ; }
@ Override protected int getLayoutId ( ) { return R . layout . report_trip_problem ; }
@ Override public void onViewCreated ( View view , Bundle savedInstanceState ) { Bundle args = getArguments ( ) ; final TextView tripHeadsign = ( TextView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . report_problem_headsign ) ; tripHeadsign . setText ( UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( args . getString ( TRIP_HEADSIGN ) ) ) ; final int tripArray = R . array . report_trip_problem_code_bus ; mCodeView = ( Spinner ) view . findViewById ( R . id . report_problem_code ) ; ArrayAdapter < ? > adapter = ArrayAdapter . createFromResource ( getActivity ( ) , tripArray , android . R . layout . simple_spinner_item ) ; adapter . setDropDownViewResource ( android . R . layout . simple_spinner_dropdown_item ) ; mCodeView . setAdapter ( adapter ) ; mUserComment = ( TextView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . report_problem_comment ) ; mUserOnVehicle = ( CheckBox ) view . findViewById ( R . id . report_problem_onvehicle ) ; mUserVehicle = ( EditText ) view . findViewById ( R . id . report_problem_uservehicle ) ; mUserVehicle . setEnabled ( false ) ; mUserOnVehicle . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { boolean checked = mUserOnVehicle . isChecked ( ) ; mUserVehicle . setEnabled ( checked ) ; } } ) ; if ( savedInstanceState != null ) { int position = savedInstanceState . getInt ( CODE ) ; mCodeView . setSelection ( position ) ; CharSequence comment = savedInstanceState . getCharSequence ( USER_COMMENT ) ; mUserComment . setText ( comment ) ; boolean onVehicle = savedInstanceState . getBoolean ( USER_ON_VEHICLE ) ; mUserOnVehicle . setChecked ( onVehicle ) ; CharSequence num = savedInstanceState . getCharSequence ( USER_VEHICLE_NUM ) ; mUserVehicle . setText ( num ) ; mUserVehicle . setEnabled ( onVehicle ) ; } SPINNER_TO_CODE = new String [] { null , ObaReportProblemWithTripRequest . VEHICLE_NEVER_CAME , ObaReportProblemWithTripRequest . VEHICLE_CAME_EARLY , ObaReportProblemWithTripRequest . VEHICLE_CAME_LATE , ObaReportProblemWithTripRequest . WRONG_HEADSIGN , ObaReportProblemWithTripRequest . VEHICLE_DOES_NOT_STOP_HERE , ObaReportProblemWithTripRequest . OTHER } ; setupIconColors ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { boolean checked = mUserOnVehicle . isChecked ( ) ; mUserVehicle . setEnabled ( checked ) ; }
private void setupIconColors ( ) { ( ( ImageView ) getActivity ( ) . findViewById ( R . id . ic_category ) ) . setColorFilter ( getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . material_gray ) ) ; ( ( ImageView ) getActivity ( ) . findViewById ( R . id . ic_trip_info ) ) . setColorFilter ( getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . material_gray ) ) ; ( ( ImageView ) getActivity ( ) . findViewById ( R . id . ic_headsign_info ) ) . setColorFilter ( getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . material_gray ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onSaveInstanceState ( Bundle outState ) { super. onSaveInstanceState ( outState ) ; outState . putInt ( CODE , mCodeView . getSelectedItemPosition ( ) ) ; outState . putCharSequence ( USER_COMMENT , mUserComment . getText ( ) ) ; outState . putBoolean ( USER_ON_VEHICLE , mUserOnVehicle . isChecked ( ) ) ; outState . putCharSequence ( USER_VEHICLE_NUM , mUserVehicle . getText ( ) ) ; }
@ Override protected void sendReport ( ) { InputMethodManager imm = ( InputMethodManager ) getActivity ( ) . getSystemService ( Context . INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE ) ; imm . hideSoftInputFromWindow ( mUserComment . getWindowToken ( ) , 0 ) ; if ( isReportArgumentsValid ( ) ) { ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . SUBMIT . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_problem ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_report_trip_problem ) ) ; super. sendReport ( ) ; } else { Toast . makeText ( getActivity ( ) , getString ( R . string . report_problem_invalid_argument ) , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ; } }
@ Override protected ReportLoader createLoader ( Bundle args ) { String tripId = args . getString ( TRIP_ID ) ; ObaReportProblemWithTripRequest . Builder builder = new ObaReportProblemWithTripRequest . Builder ( getActivity ( ) , tripId ) ; builder . setStopId ( args . getString ( STOP_ID ) ) ; builder . setVehicleId ( args . getString ( TRIP_VEHICLE_ID ) ) ; builder . setServiceDate ( args . getLong ( TRIP_SERVICE_DATE ) ) ; String code = SPINNER_TO_CODE [ mCodeView . getSelectedItemPosition ( ) ] ; if ( code != null ) { builder . setCode ( code ) ; } CharSequence comment = mUserComment . getText ( ) ; if ( ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( comment ) ) { builder . setUserComment ( comment . toString ( ) ) ; } Location location = Application . getLastKnownLocation ( getActivity ( ) , mGoogleApiClient ) ; if ( location != null ) { builder . setUserLocation ( location . getLatitude ( ) , location . getLongitude ( ) ) ; if ( location . hasAccuracy ( ) ) { builder . setUserLocationAccuracy ( ( int ) location . getAccuracy ( ) ) ; } } builder . setUserOnVehicle ( mUserOnVehicle . isChecked ( ) ) ; CharSequence vehicleNum = mUserVehicle . getText ( ) ; if ( ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( vehicleNum ) ) { builder . setUserVehicleNumber ( vehicleNum . toString ( ) ) ; } return new ReportLoader ( getActivity ( ) , builder . build ( ) ) ; }
public GPUImageRenderer ( final GPUImageFilter filter ) { mFilter = filter ; mRunOnDraw = new LinkedList < Runnable > ( ) ; mRunOnDrawEnd = new LinkedList < Runnable > ( ) ; mGLCubeBuffer = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( CUBE . length * 4 ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asFloatBuffer ( ) ; mGLCubeBuffer . put ( CUBE ) . position ( 0 ) ; mGLTextureBuffer = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( TEXTURE_NO_ROTATION . length * 4 ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asFloatBuffer ( ) ; setRotation ( Rotation . NORMAL , false , false ) ; }
@ Override public void onSurfaceCreated ( final GL10 unused , final EGLConfig config ) { GLES20 . glClearColor ( mBackgroundRed , mBackgroundGreen , mBackgroundBlue , 1 ) ; GLES20 . glDisable ( GLES20 . GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ; mFilter . init ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onSurfaceChanged ( final GL10 gl , final int width , final int height ) { mOutputWidth = width ; mOutputHeight = height ; GLES20 . glViewport ( 0 , 0 , width , height ) ; GLES20 . glUseProgram ( mFilter . getProgram ( ) ) ; mFilter . onOutputSizeChanged ( width , height ) ; adjustImageScaling ( ) ; synchronized ( mSurfaceChangedWaiter ) { mSurfaceChangedWaiter . notifyAll ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onDrawFrame ( final GL10 gl ) { GLES20 . glClear ( GLES20 . GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GLES20 . GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ) ; runAll ( mRunOnDraw ) ; mFilter . onDraw ( mGLTextureId , mGLCubeBuffer , mGLTextureBuffer ) ; runAll ( mRunOnDrawEnd ) ; if ( mSurfaceTexture != null ) { mSurfaceTexture . updateTexImage ( ) ; } }
public void setBackgroundColor ( float red , float green , float blue ) { mBackgroundRed = red ; mBackgroundGreen = green ; mBackgroundBlue = blue ; }
private void runAll ( Queue < Runnable > queue ) { synchronized ( queue ) { while ( ! queue . isEmpty ( ) ) { queue . poll ( ) . run ( ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onPreviewFrame ( final byte [] data , final Camera camera ) { final Size previewSize = camera . getParameters ( ) . getPreviewSize ( ) ; if ( mGLRgbBuffer == null ) { mGLRgbBuffer = IntBuffer . allocate ( previewSize . width * previewSize . height ) ; } if ( mRunOnDraw . isEmpty ( ) ) { runOnDraw ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { GPUImageNativeLibrary . YUVtoRBGA ( data , previewSize . width , previewSize . height , mGLRgbBuffer . array ( ) ) ; mGLTextureId = OpenGlUtils . loadTexture ( mGLRgbBuffer , previewSize , mGLTextureId ) ; camera . addCallbackBuffer ( data ) ; if ( mImageWidth != previewSize . width ) { mImageWidth = previewSize . width ; mImageHeight = previewSize . height ; adjustImageScaling ( ) ; } } } ) ; } }
@ Override public void run ( ) { GPUImageNativeLibrary . YUVtoRBGA ( data , previewSize . width , previewSize . height , mGLRgbBuffer . array ( ) ) ; mGLTextureId = OpenGlUtils . loadTexture ( mGLRgbBuffer , previewSize , mGLTextureId ) ; camera . addCallbackBuffer ( data ) ; if ( mImageWidth != previewSize . width ) { mImageWidth = previewSize . width ; mImageHeight = previewSize . height ; adjustImageScaling ( ) ; } }
public void setUpSurfaceTexture ( final Camera camera ) { runOnDraw ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { int [] textures = new int [ 1 ] ; GLES20 . glGenTextures ( 1 , textures , 0 ) ; mSurfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture ( textures [ 0 ] ) ; try { camera . setPreviewTexture ( mSurfaceTexture ) ; camera . setPreviewCallback ( GPUImageRenderer .this ) ; camera . startPreview ( ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } } } ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { int [] textures = new int [ 1 ] ; GLES20 . glGenTextures ( 1 , textures , 0 ) ; mSurfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture ( textures [ 0 ] ) ; try { camera . setPreviewTexture ( mSurfaceTexture ) ; camera . setPreviewCallback ( GPUImageRenderer .this ) ; camera . startPreview ( ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } }
public void setFilter ( final GPUImageFilter filter ) { runOnDraw ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { final GPUImageFilter oldFilter = mFilter ; mFilter = filter ; if ( oldFilter != null ) { oldFilter . destroy ( ) ; } mFilter . init ( ) ; GLES20 . glUseProgram ( mFilter . getProgram ( ) ) ; mFilter . onOutputSizeChanged ( mOutputWidth , mOutputHeight ) ; } } ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { final GPUImageFilter oldFilter = mFilter ; mFilter = filter ; if ( oldFilter != null ) { oldFilter . destroy ( ) ; } mFilter . init ( ) ; GLES20 . glUseProgram ( mFilter . getProgram ( ) ) ; mFilter . onOutputSizeChanged ( mOutputWidth , mOutputHeight ) ; }
public void deleteImage ( ) { runOnDraw ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { GLES20 . glDeleteTextures ( 1 , new int [] { mGLTextureId } , 0 ) ; mGLTextureId = NO_IMAGE ; } } ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { GLES20 . glDeleteTextures ( 1 , new int [] { mGLTextureId } , 0 ) ; mGLTextureId = NO_IMAGE ; }
public void setImageBitmap ( final Bitmap bitmap ) { setImageBitmap ( bitmap , true ) ; }
public void setImageBitmap ( final Bitmap bitmap , final boolean recycle ) { if ( bitmap == null ) { return; } runOnDraw ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { Bitmap resizedBitmap = null ; if ( bitmap . getWidth ( ) % 2 == 1 ) { resizedBitmap = Bitmap . createBitmap ( bitmap . getWidth ( ) + 1 , bitmap . getHeight ( ) , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; Canvas can = new Canvas ( resizedBitmap ) ; can . drawARGB ( 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ) ; can . drawBitmap ( bitmap , 0 , 0 , null ) ; mAddedPadding = 1 ; } else { mAddedPadding = 0 ; } mGLTextureId = OpenGlUtils . loadTexture ( resizedBitmap != null ? resizedBitmap : bitmap , mGLTextureId , recycle ) ; if ( resizedBitmap != null ) { resizedBitmap . recycle ( ) ; } mImageWidth = bitmap . getWidth ( ) ; mImageHeight = bitmap . getHeight ( ) ; adjustImageScaling ( ) ; } } ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { Bitmap resizedBitmap = null ; if ( bitmap . getWidth ( ) % 2 == 1 ) { resizedBitmap = Bitmap . createBitmap ( bitmap . getWidth ( ) + 1 , bitmap . getHeight ( ) , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; Canvas can = new Canvas ( resizedBitmap ) ; can . drawARGB ( 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ) ; can . drawBitmap ( bitmap , 0 , 0 , null ) ; mAddedPadding = 1 ; } else { mAddedPadding = 0 ; } mGLTextureId = OpenGlUtils . loadTexture ( resizedBitmap != null ? resizedBitmap : bitmap , mGLTextureId , recycle ) ; if ( resizedBitmap != null ) { resizedBitmap . recycle ( ) ; } mImageWidth = bitmap . getWidth ( ) ; mImageHeight = bitmap . getHeight ( ) ; adjustImageScaling ( ) ; }
public void setScaleType ( GPUImage . ScaleType scaleType ) { mScaleType = scaleType ; }
protected int getFrameWidth ( ) { return mOutputWidth ; }
protected int getFrameHeight ( ) { return mOutputHeight ; }
private void adjustImageScaling ( ) { float outputWidth = mOutputWidth ; float outputHeight = mOutputHeight ; if ( mRotation == Rotation . ROTATION_270 || mRotation == Rotation . ROTATION_90 ) { outputWidth = mOutputHeight ; outputHeight = mOutputWidth ; } float ratio1 = outputWidth / mImageWidth ; float ratio2 = outputHeight / mImageHeight ; float ratioMax = Math . max ( ratio1 , ratio2 ) ; int imageWidthNew = Math . round ( mImageWidth * ratioMax ) ; int imageHeightNew = Math . round ( mImageHeight * ratioMax ) ; float ratioWidth = imageWidthNew / outputWidth ; float ratioHeight = imageHeightNew / outputHeight ; float [] cube = CUBE ; float [] textureCords = TextureRotationUtil . getRotation ( mRotation , mFlipHorizontal , mFlipVertical ) ; if ( mScaleType == GPUImage . ScaleType . CENTER_CROP ) { float distHorizontal = ( 1 - 1 / ratioWidth ) / 2 ; float distVertical = ( 1 - 1 / ratioHeight ) / 2 ; textureCords = new float [] { addDistance ( textureCords [ 0 ] , distHorizontal ) , addDistance ( textureCords [ 1 ] , distVertical ) , addDistance ( textureCords [ 2 ] , distHorizontal ) , addDistance ( textureCords [ 3 ] , distVertical ) , addDistance ( textureCords [ 4 ] , distHorizontal ) , addDistance ( textureCords [ 5 ] , distVertical ) , addDistance ( textureCords [ 6 ] , distHorizontal ) , addDistance ( textureCords [ 7 ] , distVertical ) , } ; } else { cube = new float [] { CUBE [ 0 ] / ratioHeight , CUBE [ 1 ] / ratioWidth , CUBE [ 2 ] / ratioHeight , CUBE [ 3 ] / ratioWidth , CUBE [ 4 ] / ratioHeight , CUBE [ 5 ] / ratioWidth , CUBE [ 6 ] / ratioHeight , CUBE [ 7 ] / ratioWidth , } ; } mGLCubeBuffer . clear ( ) ; mGLCubeBuffer . put ( cube ) . position ( 0 ) ; mGLTextureBuffer . clear ( ) ; mGLTextureBuffer . put ( textureCords ) . position ( 0 ) ; }
private float addDistance ( float coordinate , float distance ) { return coordinate == 0.0f ? distance : 1 - distance ; }
public void setRotationCamera ( final Rotation rotation , final boolean flipHorizontal , final boolean flipVertical ) { setRotation ( rotation , flipVertical , flipHorizontal ) ; }
public void setRotation ( final Rotation rotation ) { mRotation = rotation ; adjustImageScaling ( ) ; }
public void setRotation ( final Rotation rotation , final boolean flipHorizontal , final boolean flipVertical ) { mFlipHorizontal = flipHorizontal ; mFlipVertical = flipVertical ; setRotation ( rotation ) ; }
public Rotation getRotation ( ) { return mRotation ; }
public boolean isFlippedHorizontally ( ) { return mFlipHorizontal ; }
public boolean isFlippedVertically ( ) { return mFlipVertical ; }
protected void runOnDraw ( final Runnable runnable ) { synchronized ( mRunOnDraw ) { mRunOnDraw . add ( runnable ) ; } }
protected void runOnDrawEnd ( final Runnable runnable ) { synchronized ( mRunOnDrawEnd ) { mRunOnDrawEnd . add ( runnable ) ; } }
void setPanelHeightPixels ( int heightInPixels );
int getPanelHeightPixels ( )
public static void start ( Context context , String focusId , double lat , double lon ) { context . startActivity ( makeIntent ( context , focusId , lat , lon ) ) ; }
public static void start ( Context context , ObaStop stop ) { context . startActivity ( makeIntent ( context , stop ) ) ; }
public static void start ( Context context , String routeId ) { context . startActivity ( makeIntent ( context , routeId ) ) ; }
public static Intent makeIntent ( Context context , String focusId , double lat , double lon ) { Intent myIntent = new Intent ( context , HomeActivity .class ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . STOP_ID , focusId ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT , lat ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . CENTER_LON , lon ) ; return myIntent ; }
public static Intent makeIntent ( Context context , ObaStop stop ) { Intent myIntent = new Intent ( context , HomeActivity .class ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . STOP_ID , stop . getId ( ) ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . STOP_NAME , stop . getName ( ) ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . STOP_CODE , stop . getStopCode ( ) ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT , stop . getLatitude ( ) ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . CENTER_LON , stop . getLongitude ( ) ) ; return myIntent ; }
public static Intent makeIntent ( Context context , String routeId ) { Intent myIntent = new Intent ( context , HomeActivity .class ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . MODE , MapParams . MODE_ROUTE ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . ZOOM_TO_ROUTE , true ) ; myIntent . putExtra ( MapParams . ROUTE_ID , routeId ) ; return myIntent ; }
@ Override public void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { requestWindowFeature ( Window . FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS ) ; super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; setContentView ( R . layout . main ) ; mContext = this ; setupNavigationDrawer ( ) ; setupSlidingPanel ( ) ; setupMapState ( savedInstanceState ) ; setupMyLocationButton ( ) ; setupGooglePlayServices ( ) ; UIUtils . setupActionBar ( this ) ; checkRegionStatus ( ) ; Bundle b = getIntent ( ) . getExtras ( ) ; if ( b != null ) { if ( b . getBoolean ( ShowcaseViewUtils . TUTORIAL_WELCOME ) ) { ShowcaseViewUtils . showTutorial ( ShowcaseViewUtils . TUTORIAL_WELCOME , this , null ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onStart ( ) { super. onStart ( ) ; if ( mGoogleApiClient != null && ! mGoogleApiClient . isConnected ( ) ) { mGoogleApiClient . connect ( ) ; } ObaAnalytics . reportActivityStart ( this ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= 14 ) { AccessibilityManager am = ( AccessibilityManager ) getSystemService ( ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE ) ; Boolean isTalkBackEnabled = am . isTouchExplorationEnabled ( ) ; if ( isTalkBackEnabled ) { ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . ACCESSIBILITY . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_touch_exploration ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_talkback ) + getClass ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + " using TalkBack" ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onResume ( ) { super. onResume ( ) ; if ( mArrivalsListHeader != null && mSlidingPanel != null ) { mArrivalsListHeader . setSlidingPanelCollapsed ( isSlidingPanelCollapsed ( ) ) ; } checkLeftHandMode ( ) ; mFabMyLocation . requestLayout ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void onPause ( ) { ShowcaseViewUtils . hideShowcaseView ( ) ; super. onPause ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onStop ( ) { if ( mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient . isConnected ( ) ) { mGoogleApiClient . disconnect ( ) ; } super. onStop ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void onSaveInstanceState ( Bundle outState ) { super. onSaveInstanceState ( outState ) ; if ( mFocusedStopId != null ) { outState . putString ( MapParams . STOP_ID , mFocusedStopId ) ; if ( mFocusedStop != null ) { outState . putString ( MapParams . STOP_CODE , mFocusedStop . getStopCode ( ) ) ; outState . putString ( MapParams . STOP_NAME , mFocusedStop . getName ( ) ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onNavigationDrawerItemSelected ( int position ) { goToNavDrawerItem ( position ) ; }
private void goToNavDrawerItem ( int item ) { switch ( item ) { case NAVDRAWER_ITEM_STARRED_STOPS : if ( mCurrentNavDrawerPosition != NAVDRAWER_ITEM_STARRED_STOPS ) { showStarredStopsFragment ( ) ; mCurrentNavDrawerPosition = item ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_star ) ) ; } break; case NAVDRAWER_ITEM_NEARBY : if ( mCurrentNavDrawerPosition != NAVDRAWER_ITEM_NEARBY ) { showMapFragment ( ) ; mCurrentNavDrawerPosition = item ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_nearby ) ) ; } break; case NAVDRAWER_ITEM_MY_REMINDERS : if ( mCurrentNavDrawerPosition != NAVDRAWER_ITEM_MY_REMINDERS ) { showMyRemindersFragment ( ) ; mCurrentNavDrawerPosition = item ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_reminders ) ) ; } break; case NAVDRAWER_ITEM_PLAN_TRIP : Intent planTrip = new Intent ( HomeActivity .this , TripPlanActivity .class ) ; startActivity ( planTrip ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_trip_plan ) ) ; break; case NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SETTINGS : Intent preferences = new Intent ( HomeActivity .this , PreferencesActivity .class ) ; startActivity ( preferences ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_settings ) ) ; break; case NAVDRAWER_ITEM_HELP : showDialog ( HELP_DIALOG ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_help ) ) ; break; case NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SEND_FEEDBACK : ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_feedback ) ) ; goToSendFeedBack ( ) ; break; } invalidateOptionsMenu ( ) ; }
private void hideMapFragment ( ) { FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ; mMapFragment = ( BaseMapFragment ) fm . findFragmentByTag ( BaseMapFragment . TAG ) ; if ( mMapFragment != null && ! mMapFragment . isHidden ( ) ) { fm . beginTransaction ( ) . hide ( mMapFragment ) . commit ( ) ; } }
private void hideStarredStopsFragment ( ) { FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ; mMyStarredStopsFragment = ( MyStarredStopsFragment ) fm . findFragmentByTag ( MyStarredStopsFragment . TAG ) ; if ( mMyStarredStopsFragment != null && ! mMyStarredStopsFragment . isHidden ( ) ) { fm . beginTransaction ( ) . hide ( mMyStarredStopsFragment ) . commit ( ) ; } }
private void hideReminderFragment ( ) { FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ; mMyRemindersFragment = ( MyRemindersFragment ) fm . findFragmentByTag ( MyRemindersFragment . TAG ) ; if ( mMyRemindersFragment != null && ! mMyRemindersFragment . isHidden ( ) ) { fm . beginTransaction ( ) . hide ( mMyRemindersFragment ) . commit ( ) ; } }
private void hideSlidingPanel ( ) { if ( mSlidingPanel != null ) { mSlidingPanel . setPanelState ( SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . HIDDEN ) ; } }
@ Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu ( Menu menu ) { getMenuInflater ( ) . inflate ( R . menu . main_options , menu ) ; UIUtils . setupSearch ( this , menu ) ; setupOptionsMenu ( menu ) ; return super. onCreateOptionsMenu ( menu ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu ( Menu menu ) { super. onPrepareOptionsMenu ( menu ) ; setupOptionsMenu ( menu ) ; return true ; }
private void setupOptionsMenu ( Menu menu ) { menu . setGroupVisible ( R . id . main_options_menu_group , true ) ; menu . setGroupVisible ( R . id . arrival_list_menu_group , mShowArrivalsMenu ) ; menu . setGroupVisible ( R . id . starred_stop_menu_group , mShowStarredStopsMenu ) ; }
@ Override @ SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" ) public boolean onOptionsItemSelected ( MenuItem item ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onOptionsItemSelected" ) ; final int id = item . getItemId ( ) ; if ( id == R . id . search ) { onSearchRequested ( ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_search_box ) ) ; return true ; } else if ( id == R . id . recent_stops_routes ) { ShowcaseViewUtils . doNotShowTutorial ( ShowcaseViewUtils . TUTORIAL_RECENT_STOPS_ROUTES ) ; Intent myIntent = new Intent ( this , MyRecentStopsAndRoutesActivity .class ) ; startActivity ( myIntent ) ; return true ; } return super. onOptionsItemSelected ( item ) ; }
@ Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog ( int id ) { switch ( id ) { case HELP_DIALOG : return createHelpDialog ( ) ; case WHATSNEW_DIALOG : return createWhatsNewDialog ( ) ; case LEGEND_DIALOG : return createLegendDialog ( ) ; } return super. onCreateDialog ( id ) ; }
@ SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" ) private Dialog createHelpDialog ( ) { AlertDialog . Builder builder = new AlertDialog . Builder ( this ) ; builder . setTitle ( R . string . main_help_title ) ; int options ; if ( TextUtils . isEmpty ( Application . get ( ) . getCustomApiUrl ( ) ) ) { options = R . array . main_help_options ; } else { options = R . array . main_help_options_no_contact_us ; } builder . setItems ( options , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { switch ( which ) { case 0 : ShowcaseViewUtils . resetAllTutorials ( HomeActivity .this ) ; NavHelp . goHome ( HomeActivity .this , true ) ; break; case 1 : showDialog ( LEGEND_DIALOG ) ; break; case 2 : showDialog ( WHATSNEW_DIALOG ) ; break; case 3 : AgenciesActivity . start ( HomeActivity .this ) ; break; case 4 : String twitterUrl = TWITTER_URL ; if ( Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) != null && ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) . getTwitterUrl ( ) ) ) { twitterUrl = Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) . getTwitterUrl ( ) ; } UIUtils . goToUrl ( HomeActivity .this , twitterUrl ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_switch ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_app_switch ) ) ; break; case 5 : goToSendFeedBack ( ) ; break; } } } ) ; return builder . create ( ) ; }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { switch ( which ) { case 0 : ShowcaseViewUtils . resetAllTutorials ( HomeActivity .this ) ; NavHelp . goHome ( HomeActivity .this , true ) ; break; case 1 : showDialog ( LEGEND_DIALOG ) ; break; case 2 : showDialog ( WHATSNEW_DIALOG ) ; break; case 3 : AgenciesActivity . start ( HomeActivity .this ) ; break; case 4 : String twitterUrl = TWITTER_URL ; if ( Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) != null && ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) . getTwitterUrl ( ) ) ) { twitterUrl = Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) . getTwitterUrl ( ) ; } UIUtils . goToUrl ( HomeActivity .this , twitterUrl ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_switch ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_app_switch ) ) ; break; case 5 : goToSendFeedBack ( ) ; break; } }
@ SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" ) private Dialog createWhatsNewDialog ( ) { TextView textView = ( TextView ) getLayoutInflater ( ) . inflate ( R . layout . whats_new_dialog , null ) ; textView . setText ( R . string . main_help_whatsnew ) ; AlertDialog . Builder builder = new AlertDialog . Builder ( this ) ; builder . setTitle ( R . string . main_help_whatsnew_title ) ; builder . setIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher ) ; builder . setView ( textView ) ; builder . setNeutralButton ( R . string . main_help_close , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dismissDialog ( WHATSNEW_DIALOG ) ; } } ) ; builder . setOnDismissListener ( new DialogInterface . OnDismissListener ( ) { @ Override public void onDismiss ( DialogInterface dialog ) { boolean showOptOut = Application . getPrefs ( ) . getBoolean ( ShowcaseViewUtils . TUTORIAL_OPT_OUT_DIALOG , true ) ; if ( showOptOut ) { ShowcaseViewUtils . showOptOutDialog ( HomeActivity .this ) ; } } } ) ; return builder . create ( ) ; }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dismissDialog ( WHATSNEW_DIALOG ) ; }
@ Override public void onDismiss ( DialogInterface dialog ) { boolean showOptOut = Application . getPrefs ( ) . getBoolean ( ShowcaseViewUtils . TUTORIAL_OPT_OUT_DIALOG , true ) ; if ( showOptOut ) { ShowcaseViewUtils . showOptOutDialog ( HomeActivity .this ) ; } }
@ SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" ) private Dialog createLegendDialog ( ) { AlertDialog . Builder builder = new AlertDialog . Builder ( this ) ; builder . setTitle ( R . string . main_help_legend_title ) ; Resources resources = getResources ( ) ; LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater . from ( getApplicationContext ( ) ) ; View legendDialogView = inflater . inflate ( R . layout . legend_dialog , null ) ; final float etaTextFontSize = 30 ; View etaAndMin = legendDialogView . findViewById ( R . id . eta_view_ontime ) ; GradientDrawable d1 = ( GradientDrawable ) etaAndMin . getBackground ( ) ; d1 . setColor ( resources . getColor ( R . color . stop_info_ontime ) ) ; etaAndMin . findViewById ( R . id . eta_realtime_indicator ) . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; TextView etaTextView = ( ( TextView ) etaAndMin . findViewById ( R . id . eta ) ) ; etaTextView . setTextSize ( etaTextFontSize ) ; etaTextView . setText ( "5" ) ; etaAndMin = legendDialogView . findViewById ( R . id . eta_view_early ) ; d1 = ( GradientDrawable ) etaAndMin . getBackground ( ) ; d1 . setColor ( resources . getColor ( R . color . stop_info_early ) ) ; etaAndMin . findViewById ( R . id . eta_realtime_indicator ) . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; etaTextView = ( ( TextView ) etaAndMin . findViewById ( R . id . eta ) ) ; etaTextView . setTextSize ( etaTextFontSize ) ; etaTextView . setText ( "5" ) ; etaAndMin = legendDialogView . findViewById ( R . id . eta_view_delayed ) ; d1 = ( GradientDrawable ) etaAndMin . getBackground ( ) ; d1 . setColor ( resources . getColor ( R . color . stop_info_delayed ) ) ; etaAndMin . findViewById ( R . id . eta_realtime_indicator ) . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; etaTextView = ( ( TextView ) etaAndMin . findViewById ( R . id . eta ) ) ; etaTextView . setTextSize ( etaTextFontSize ) ; etaTextView . setText ( "5" ) ; etaAndMin = legendDialogView . findViewById ( R . id . eta_view_scheduled ) ; d1 = ( GradientDrawable ) etaAndMin . getBackground ( ) ; d1 . setColor ( resources . getColor ( R . color . stop_info_scheduled_time ) ) ; etaAndMin . findViewById ( R . id . eta_realtime_indicator ) . setVisibility ( View . INVISIBLE ) ; etaTextView = ( ( TextView ) etaAndMin . findViewById ( R . id . eta ) ) ; etaTextView . setTextSize ( etaTextFontSize ) ; etaTextView . setText ( "5" ) ; builder . setView ( legendDialogView ) ; builder . setNeutralButton ( R . string . main_help_close , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dismissDialog ( LEGEND_DIALOG ) ; } } ) ; return builder . create ( ) ; }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dismissDialog ( LEGEND_DIALOG ) ; }
@ SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" ) private boolean autoShowWhatsNew ( ) { SharedPreferences settings = Application . getPrefs ( ) ; PackageManager pm = getPackageManager ( ) ; PackageInfo appInfo = null ; try { appInfo = pm . getPackageInfo ( getPackageName ( ) , PackageManager . GET_META_DATA ) ; } catch ( NameNotFoundException e ) { return false ; } final int oldVer = settings . getInt ( WHATS_NEW_VER , 0 ) ; final int newVer = appInfo . versionCode ; if ( oldVer < newVer ) { showDialog ( WHATSNEW_DIALOG ) ; TripService . scheduleAll ( this ) ; PreferenceUtils . saveInt ( WHATS_NEW_VER , appInfo . versionCode ) ; return true ; } return false ; }
@ Override public void onFocusChanged ( ObaStop stop , HashMap < String , ObaRoute > routes , Location location ) { if ( mFocusedStopId != null && stop != null && mFocusedStopId . equalsIgnoreCase ( stop . getId ( ) ) ) { return; } mFocusedStop = stop ; if ( stop != null ) { mFocusedStopId = stop . getId ( ) ; updateArrivalListFragment ( stop . getId ( ) , stop . getName ( ) , stop . getStopCode ( ) , stop , routes ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_map_icon ) ) ; } else { mFocusedStopId = null ; moveMyLocationButton ( ) ; mSlidingPanel . setPanelState ( SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . HIDDEN ) ; if ( mArrivalsListFragment != null ) { FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ; fm . beginTransaction ( ) . remove ( mArrivalsListFragment ) . commit ( ) ; } mShowArrivalsMenu = false ; } }
@ Override public void onProgressBarChanged ( boolean showProgressBar ) { mLastMapProgressBarState = showProgressBar ; if ( showProgressBar ) { showMapProgressBar ( ) ; } else { hideMapProgressBar ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onListViewCreated ( ListView listView ) { mSlidingPanel . setScrollableView ( listView ) ; }
@ Override public void onArrivalTimesUpdated ( ObaArrivalInfoResponse response ) { if ( response == null || response . getStop ( ) == null ) { return; } if ( mFocusedStopId == null ) { mFocusedStopId = response . getStop ( ) . getId ( ) ; } if ( mFocusedStop == null ) { mFocusedStop = response . getStop ( ) ; if ( mMapFragment != null && mSlidingPanel != null ) { mMapFragment . setMapCenter ( mFocusedStop . getLocation ( ) , false , mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . ANCHORED ) ; } if ( mMapFragment != null ) { mMapFragment . setFocusStop ( mFocusedStop , response . getRoutes ( ) ) ; } } moveMyLocationButton ( ) ; showArrivalInfoTutorials ( response ) ; }
private void showArrivalInfoTutorials ( ObaArrivalInfoResponse response ) { if ( ShowcaseViewUtils . isShowcaseViewShowing ( ) ) { return; } if ( mMapFragment . isHidden ( ) || ! mMapFragment . isVisible ( ) || mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . HIDDEN ) { return; } ShowcaseViewUtils . showTutorial ( ShowcaseViewUtils . TUTORIAL_ARRIVAL_HEADER_ARRIVAL_INFO , this , response ) ; if ( mSlidingPanel != null && ( isSlidingPanelCollapsed ( ) || mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . ANCHORED || mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . EXPANDED ) ) { ShowcaseViewUtils . showTutorial ( ShowcaseViewUtils . TUTORIAL_ARRIVAL_HEADER_STAR_ROUTE , this , response ) ; } ShowcaseViewUtils . showTutorial ( ShowcaseViewUtils . TUTORIAL_RECENT_STOPS_ROUTES , this , null ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onShowRouteOnMapSelected ( ArrivalInfo arrivalInfo ) { if ( mSlidingPanel != null ) { mSlidingPanel . setPanelState ( SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . COLLAPSED ) ; } Bundle bundle = new Bundle ( ) ; bundle . putBoolean ( MapParams . ZOOM_TO_ROUTE , false ) ; bundle . putBoolean ( MapParams . ZOOM_INCLUDE_CLOSEST_VEHICLE , true ) ; bundle . putString ( MapParams . ROUTE_ID , arrivalInfo . getInfo ( ) . getRouteId ( ) ) ; mMapFragment . setMapMode ( MapParams . MODE_ROUTE , bundle ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public void onSortBySelected ( ) { if ( mSlidingPanel != null ) { if ( isSlidingPanelCollapsed ( ) ) { mSlidingPanel . setPanelState ( SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . ANCHORED ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onBackPressed ( ) { if ( mSlidingPanel != null ) { if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . EXPANDED || mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . ANCHORED ) { mSlidingPanel . setPanelState ( SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . COLLAPSED ) ; return; } if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . COLLAPSED ) { mMapFragment . setFocusStop ( null , null ) ; return; } } super. onBackPressed ( ) ; }
private void redrawNavigationDrawerFragment ( ) { if ( mNavigationDrawerFragment != null ) { mNavigationDrawerFragment . populateNavDrawer ( ) ; } }
private void updateArrivalListFragment ( @ NonNull String stopId , @ NonNull String stopName , @ NonNull String stopCode , ObaStop stop , HashMap < String , ObaRoute > routes ) { FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ; Intent intent ; mArrivalsListFragment = new ArrivalsListFragment ( ) ; mArrivalsListFragment . setListener ( this ) ; mArrivalsListHeader = new ArrivalsListHeader ( this , mArrivalsListFragment , getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ) ; mArrivalsListFragment . setHeader ( mArrivalsListHeader , mArrivalsListHeaderView ) ; mArrivalsListHeader . setSlidingPanelController ( mSlidingPanelController ) ; mArrivalsListHeader . setSlidingPanelCollapsed ( isSlidingPanelCollapsed ( ) ) ; mShowArrivalsMenu = true ; mExpandCollapse = ( ImageView ) mArrivalsListHeaderView . findViewById ( R . id . expand_collapse ) ; if ( stop != null && routes != null ) { intent = new ArrivalsListFragment . IntentBuilder ( this , stop , routes ) . build ( ) ; } else { intent = new ArrivalsListFragment . IntentBuilder ( this , stopId ) . setStopName ( stopName ) . setStopCode ( stopCode ) . build ( ) ; } mArrivalsListFragment . setArguments ( FragmentUtils . getIntentArgs ( intent ) ) ; fm . beginTransaction ( ) . replace ( R . id . slidingFragment , mArrivalsListFragment ) . commit ( ) ; if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . HIDDEN ) { mSlidingPanel . setPanelState ( SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . COLLAPSED ) ; } moveMyLocationButton ( ) ; }
private void goToSendFeedBack ( ) { if ( mFocusedStop != null ) { ReportActivity . start ( this , mFocusedStopId , mFocusedStop . getName ( ) , mFocusedStop . getStopCode ( ) , mFocusedStop . getLatitude ( ) , mFocusedStop . getLongitude ( ) , mGoogleApiClient ) ; } else { Location loc = Application . getLastKnownLocation ( this , mGoogleApiClient ) ; if ( loc != null ) { ReportActivity . start ( this , loc . getLatitude ( ) , loc . getLongitude ( ) , mGoogleApiClient ) ; } else { ReportActivity . start ( this , mGoogleApiClient ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onRegionTaskFinished ( boolean currentRegionChanged ) { boolean update = autoShowWhatsNew ( ) ; if ( currentRegionChanged || update ) { redrawNavigationDrawerFragment ( ) ; } if ( currentRegionChanged && Application . getPrefs ( ) . getBoolean ( getString ( R . string . preference_key_auto_select_region ) , true ) && Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) != null && UIUtils . canManageDialog ( this ) ) { Toast . makeText ( getApplicationContext ( ) , getString ( R . string . region_region_found , Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) . getName ( ) ) , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ; } }
private void setupMyLocationButton ( ) { mFabMyLocation = ( FloatingActionButton ) findViewById ( R . id . btnMyLocation ) ; mFabMyLocation . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View arg0 ) { if ( mMapFragment != null ) { PreferenceUtils . saveBoolean ( getString ( R . string . preference_key_never_show_location_dialog ) , false ) ; mMapFragment . setMyLocation ( true , true ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_location ) ) ; } } } ) ; ViewGroup . MarginLayoutParams p = ( ViewGroup . MarginLayoutParams ) mFabMyLocation . getLayoutParams ( ) ; MY_LOC_DEFAULT_BOTTOM_MARGIN = p . bottomMargin ; checkLeftHandMode ( ) ; if ( mCurrentNavDrawerPosition == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_NEARBY ) { showMyLocationButton ( ) ; showMapProgressBar ( ) ; } else { hideMyLocationButton ( ) ; hideMapProgressBar ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onClick ( View arg0 ) { if ( mMapFragment != null ) { PreferenceUtils . saveBoolean ( getString ( R . string . preference_key_never_show_location_dialog ) , false ) ; mMapFragment . setMyLocation ( true , true ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportEventWithCategory ( ObaAnalytics . ObaEventCategory . UI_ACTION . toString ( ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_action_button_press ) , getString ( R . string . analytics_label_button_press_location ) ) ; } }
private void checkLeftHandMode ( ) { if ( mFabMyLocation == null ) { return; } RelativeLayout . LayoutParams layoutParams = ( RelativeLayout . LayoutParams ) mFabMyLocation . getLayoutParams ( ) ; boolean leftHandMode = Application . getPrefs ( ) . getBoolean ( getString ( R . string . preference_key_left_hand_mode ) , false ) ; if ( leftHandMode ) { layoutParams . addRule ( RelativeLayout . ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= Build . VERSION_CODES . JELLY_BEAN_MR1 ) { layoutParams . removeRule ( RelativeLayout . ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT ) ; } } else { layoutParams . addRule ( RelativeLayout . ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= Build . VERSION_CODES . JELLY_BEAN_MR1 ) { layoutParams . removeRule ( RelativeLayout . ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT ) ; } } }
synchronized private void moveMyLocationButton ( ) { if ( mFabMyLocation == null ) { return; } if ( mMyLocationAnimation != null && ( mMyLocationAnimation . hasStarted ( ) && ! mMyLocationAnimation . hasEnded ( ) ) ) { return; } if ( mMyLocationAnimation != null ) { mMyLocationAnimation . reset ( ) ; } final Handler h = new Handler ( ) ; h . postDelayed ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { final ViewGroup . MarginLayoutParams p = ( ViewGroup . MarginLayoutParams ) mFabMyLocation . getLayoutParams ( ) ; int tempMargin = MY_LOC_DEFAULT_BOTTOM_MARGIN ; if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . COLLAPSED ) { tempMargin += mSlidingPanel . getPanelHeight ( ) ; if ( p . bottomMargin == tempMargin ) { return; } } else { if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . HIDDEN ) { if ( p . bottomMargin == tempMargin ) { return; } } } final int goalMargin = tempMargin ; final int currentMargin = p . bottomMargin ; mMyLocationAnimation = new Animation ( ) { @ Override protected void applyTransformation ( float interpolatedTime , Transformation t ) { int bottom ; if ( goalMargin > currentMargin ) { bottom = currentMargin + ( int ) ( Math . abs ( currentMargin - goalMargin ) * interpolatedTime ) ; } else { bottom = currentMargin - ( int ) ( Math . abs ( currentMargin - goalMargin ) * interpolatedTime ) ; } UIUtils . setMargins ( mFabMyLocation , p . leftMargin , p . topMargin , p . rightMargin , bottom ) ; } } ; mMyLocationAnimation . setDuration ( MY_LOC_BTN_ANIM_DURATION ) ; mFabMyLocation . startAnimation ( mMyLocationAnimation ) ; } } , 100 ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { final ViewGroup . MarginLayoutParams p = ( ViewGroup . MarginLayoutParams ) mFabMyLocation . getLayoutParams ( ) ; int tempMargin = MY_LOC_DEFAULT_BOTTOM_MARGIN ; if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . COLLAPSED ) { tempMargin += mSlidingPanel . getPanelHeight ( ) ; if ( p . bottomMargin == tempMargin ) { return; } } else { if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . HIDDEN ) { if ( p . bottomMargin == tempMargin ) { return; } } } final int goalMargin = tempMargin ; final int currentMargin = p . bottomMargin ; mMyLocationAnimation = new Animation ( ) { @ Override protected void applyTransformation ( float interpolatedTime , Transformation t ) { int bottom ; if ( goalMargin > currentMargin ) { bottom = currentMargin + ( int ) ( Math . abs ( currentMargin - goalMargin ) * interpolatedTime ) ; } else { bottom = currentMargin - ( int ) ( Math . abs ( currentMargin - goalMargin ) * interpolatedTime ) ; } UIUtils . setMargins ( mFabMyLocation , p . leftMargin , p . topMargin , p . rightMargin , bottom ) ; } } ; mMyLocationAnimation . setDuration ( MY_LOC_BTN_ANIM_DURATION ) ; mFabMyLocation . startAnimation ( mMyLocationAnimation ) ; }
@ Override protected void applyTransformation ( float interpolatedTime , Transformation t ) { int bottom ; if ( goalMargin > currentMargin ) { bottom = currentMargin + ( int ) ( Math . abs ( currentMargin - goalMargin ) * interpolatedTime ) ; } else { bottom = currentMargin - ( int ) ( Math . abs ( currentMargin - goalMargin ) * interpolatedTime ) ; } UIUtils . setMargins ( mFabMyLocation , p . leftMargin , p . topMargin , p . rightMargin , bottom ) ; }
private void showMyLocationButton ( ) { if ( mFabMyLocation == null ) { return; } if ( mFabMyLocation . getVisibility ( ) != View . VISIBLE ) { mFabMyLocation . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } }
private void hideMyLocationButton ( ) { if ( mFabMyLocation == null ) { return; } if ( mFabMyLocation . getVisibility ( ) != View . GONE ) { mFabMyLocation . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } }
private void showMapProgressBar ( ) { if ( mMapProgressBar == null ) { return; } if ( mMapProgressBar . getVisibility ( ) != View . VISIBLE ) { mMapProgressBar . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } }
private void hideMapProgressBar ( ) { if ( mMapProgressBar == null ) { return; } if ( mMapProgressBar . getVisibility ( ) != View . GONE ) { mMapProgressBar . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } }
private void setupNavigationDrawer ( ) { mNavigationDrawerFragment = ( NavigationDrawerFragment ) getSupportFragmentManager ( ) . findFragmentById ( R . id . navigation_drawer ) ; mNavigationDrawerFragment . setUp ( R . id . navigation_drawer , ( DrawerLayout ) findViewById ( R . id . nav_drawer_left_pane ) ) ; Bundle bundle = getIntent ( ) . getExtras ( ) ; if ( bundle != null ) { String routeId = bundle . getString ( MapParams . ROUTE_ID ) ; String stopId = bundle . getString ( MapParams . STOP_ID ) ; if ( routeId != null || stopId != null ) { mNavigationDrawerFragment . selectItem ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_NEARBY ) ; } } }
private void setupGooglePlayServices ( ) { GoogleApiAvailability api = GoogleApiAvailability . getInstance ( ) ; if ( api . isGooglePlayServicesAvailable ( this ) == ConnectionResult . SUCCESS ) { mGoogleApiClient = LocationUtils . getGoogleApiClientWithCallbacks ( this ) ; mGoogleApiClient . connect ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onPanelStateChanged ( View panel , SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState previousState , SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState newState ) { if ( previousState == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . HIDDEN ) { return; } switch( newState ) { case EXPANDED : onPanelExpanded ( panel ) ; break; case COLLAPSED : onPanelCollapsed ( panel ) ; break; case ANCHORED : onPanelAnchored ( panel ) ; break; case HIDDEN : onPanelHidden ( panel ) ; break; } }
public void onPanelExpanded ( View panel ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onPanelExpanded" ) ; if ( mArrivalsListHeader != null ) { mArrivalsListHeader . setSlidingPanelCollapsed ( false ) ; mArrivalsListHeader . refresh ( ) ; } if ( mExpandCollapse != null ) { mExpandCollapse . setContentDescription ( mContext . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . stop_header_sliding_panel_open ) ) ; } }
public void onPanelCollapsed ( View panel ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onPanelCollapsed" ) ; if ( mMapFragment != null ) { mMapFragment . getMapView ( ) . setPadding ( null , null , null , mSlidingPanel . getPanelHeight ( ) ) ; } if ( mArrivalsListHeader != null ) { mArrivalsListHeader . setSlidingPanelCollapsed ( true ) ; mArrivalsListHeader . refresh ( ) ; } moveMyLocationButton ( ) ; if ( mExpandCollapse != null ) { mExpandCollapse . setContentDescription ( mContext . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . stop_header_sliding_panel_collapsed ) ) ; } }
public void onPanelAnchored ( View panel ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onPanelAnchored" ) ; if ( mMapFragment != null ) { mMapFragment . getMapView ( ) . setPadding ( null , null , null , mSlidingPanel . getPanelHeight ( ) ) ; } if ( mFocusedStop != null && mMapFragment != null ) { mMapFragment . setMapCenter ( mFocusedStop . getLocation ( ) , true , true ) ; } if ( mArrivalsListHeader != null ) { mArrivalsListHeader . setSlidingPanelCollapsed ( false ) ; mArrivalsListHeader . refresh ( ) ; } if ( mExpandCollapse != null ) { mExpandCollapse . setContentDescription ( mContext . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . stop_header_sliding_panel_open ) ) ; } }
public void onPanelHidden ( View panel ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onPanelHidden" ) ; if ( mMapFragment != null ) { mMapFragment . getMapView ( ) . setPadding ( null , null , null , 0 ) ; } if ( mExpandCollapse != null ) { mExpandCollapse . setContentDescription ( mContext . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . stop_header_sliding_panel_collapsed ) ) ; } }
@ Override public void setPanelHeightPixels ( int heightInPixels ) { if ( mSlidingPanel != null ) { if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . DRAGGING || mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . HIDDEN ) { return; } if ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelHeight ( ) != heightInPixels ) { mSlidingPanel . setPanelHeight ( heightInPixels ) ; mArrivalsListHeaderView . getLayoutParams ( ) . height = heightInPixels ; mArrivalsListHeaderSubView . getLayoutParams ( ) . height = heightInPixels ; } } }
@ Override public int getPanelHeightPixels ( ) { if ( mSlidingPanel != null ) { return mSlidingPanel . getPanelHeight ( ) ; } return - 1 ; }
private void setupMapState ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { String stopId ; String stopName ; String stopCode ; if ( savedInstanceState != null ) { stopId = savedInstanceState . getString ( MapParams . STOP_ID ) ; stopName = savedInstanceState . getString ( MapParams . STOP_NAME ) ; stopCode = savedInstanceState . getString ( MapParams . STOP_CODE ) ; if ( stopId != null ) { mFocusedStopId = stopId ; updateArrivalListFragment ( stopId , stopName , stopCode , null , null ) ; } } else { Bundle bundle = getIntent ( ) . getExtras ( ) ; if ( bundle != null ) { stopId = bundle . getString ( MapParams . STOP_ID ) ; stopName = bundle . getString ( MapParams . STOP_NAME ) ; stopCode = bundle . getString ( MapParams . STOP_CODE ) ; double lat = bundle . getDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT ) ; double lon = bundle . getDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LON ) ; if ( stopId != null && lat != 0.0 && lon != 0.0 ) { mFocusedStopId = stopId ; updateArrivalListFragment ( stopId , stopName , stopCode , null , null ) ; } } } mMapProgressBar = ( ProgressBar ) findViewById ( R . id . progress_horizontal ) ; }
private boolean isSlidingPanelCollapsed ( ) { return ! ( mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . EXPANDED || mSlidingPanel . getPanelState ( ) == SlidingUpPanelLayout . PanelState . ANCHORED ) ; }
public ArrivalsListFragment getArrivalsListFragment ( ) { return mArrivalsListFragment ; }
public SampleHelper ( Context context ) { super( context , "MyDatabase" , null , 1 ); }
@ Override public void onCreate ( SQLiteDatabase database , ConnectionSource connectionSource ) { try { TableUtils . createTableIfNotExists ( connectionSource , Account .class ) ; } catch ( SQLException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onUpgrade ( SQLiteDatabase database , ConnectionSource connectionSource , int oldVersion , int newVersion ) { try { TableUtils . dropTable ( connectionSource , Account .class , true ) ; TableUtils . createTable ( connectionSource , Account .class ) ; } catch ( SQLException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } }
public NavigationDrawerFragment ( ) { }
@ Override public void onActivityCreated ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onActivityCreated ( savedInstanceState ) ; setHasOptionsMenu ( true ) ; }
@ Override public View onCreateView ( LayoutInflater inflater , ViewGroup container , Bundle savedInstanceState ) { mDrawerItemsListContainer = inflater . inflate ( R . layout . navdrawer_list , container , false ) ; return mDrawerItemsListContainer ; }
public void setUp ( int fragmentId , DrawerLayout drawerLayout ) { int selfItem = mCurrentSelectedPosition ; mFragmentContainerView = getActivity ( ) . findViewById ( fragmentId ) ; mDrawerLayout = drawerLayout ; if ( mDrawerLayout == null ) { return; } mDrawerLayout . setDrawerShadow ( R . drawable . drawer_shadow , GravityCompat . START ) ; ScrimInsetsScrollView navDrawer = ( ScrimInsetsScrollView ) mDrawerLayout . findViewById ( R . id . navdrawer ) ; if ( selfItem == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_INVALID ) { if ( navDrawer != null ) { ( ( ViewGroup ) navDrawer . getParent ( ) ) . removeView ( navDrawer ) ; } mDrawerLayout = null ; return; } populateNavDrawer ( ) ; ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar ( ) ; actionBar . setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled ( true ) ; actionBar . setHomeButtonEnabled ( true ) ; mDrawerToggle = new android . support . v7 . app . ActionBarDrawerToggle ( getActivity ( ) , mDrawerLayout , R . string . navigation_drawer_open , R . string . navigation_drawer_close ) { @ Override public void onDrawerClosed ( View drawerView ) { super. onDrawerClosed ( drawerView ) ; if ( ! isAdded ( ) ) { return; } getActivity ( ) . supportInvalidateOptionsMenu ( ) ; } @ Override public void onDrawerOpened ( View drawerView ) { super. onDrawerOpened ( drawerView ) ; if ( ! isAdded ( ) ) { return; } getActivity ( ) . supportInvalidateOptionsMenu ( ) ; } } ; mDrawerLayout . post ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { mDrawerToggle . syncState ( ) ; } } ) ; mDrawerLayout . setDrawerListener ( mDrawerToggle ) ; }
@ Override public void onDrawerClosed ( View drawerView ) { super. onDrawerClosed ( drawerView ) ; if ( ! isAdded ( ) ) { return; } getActivity ( ) . supportInvalidateOptionsMenu ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onDrawerOpened ( View drawerView ) { super. onDrawerOpened ( drawerView ) ; if ( ! isAdded ( ) ) { return; } getActivity ( ) . supportInvalidateOptionsMenu ( ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { mDrawerToggle . syncState ( ) ; }
public void selectItem ( int position ) { setSelectedNavDrawerItem ( position ) ; if ( mDrawerLayout != null ) { mDrawerLayout . closeDrawer ( mFragmentContainerView ) ; } if ( mCallbacks != null ) { mCallbacks . onNavigationDrawerItemSelected ( position ) ; } }
private void setSelectedNavDrawerItem ( int itemId ) { if ( ! isNewActivityItem ( itemId ) ) { mCurrentSelectedPosition = itemId ; SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager . getDefaultSharedPreferences ( getActivity ( ) ) ; sp . edit ( ) . putInt ( STATE_SELECTED_POSITION , mCurrentSelectedPosition ) . apply ( ) ; } if ( mNavDrawerItemViews != null ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < mNavDrawerItemViews . length ; i ++ ) { if ( i < mNavDrawerItems . size ( ) ) { int thisItemId = mNavDrawerItems . get ( i ) ; formatNavDrawerItem ( mNavDrawerItemViews [ i ] , thisItemId , itemId == thisItemId ) ; } } } }
@ Override public void onDetach ( ) { super. onDetach ( ) ; mCallbacks = null ; }
@ Override public void onConfigurationChanged ( Configuration newConfig ) { super. onConfigurationChanged ( newConfig ) ; mDrawerToggle . onConfigurationChanged ( newConfig ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected ( MenuItem item ) { if ( mDrawerToggle . onOptionsItemSelected ( item ) ) { return true ; } return super. onOptionsItemSelected ( item ) ; }
private ActionBar getActionBar ( ) { return ( ( AppCompatActivity ) getActivity ( ) ) . getSupportActionBar ( ) ; }
void onNavigationDrawerItemSelected ( int position );
public void populateNavDrawer ( ) { mNavDrawerItems . clear ( ) ; mNavDrawerItems . add ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_NEARBY ) ; mNavDrawerItems . add ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_STARRED_STOPS ) ; mNavDrawerItems . add ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_MY_REMINDERS ) ; if ( ( Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) != null && ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) . getOtpBaseUrl ( ) ) ) || ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( Application . get ( ) . getCustomOtpApiUrl ( ) ) ) { mNavDrawerItems . add ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_PLAN_TRIP ) ; } mNavDrawerItems . add ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SEPARATOR ) ; mNavDrawerItems . add ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SETTINGS ) ; mNavDrawerItems . add ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_HELP ) ; mNavDrawerItems . add ( NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SEND_FEEDBACK ) ; createNavDrawerItems ( ) ; }
private void createNavDrawerItems ( ) { if ( mDrawerItemsListContainer == null || getActivity ( ) == null ) { return; } mNavDrawerItemViews = new View [ mNavDrawerItems . size ( ) ] ; int i = 0 ; LinearLayout containerLayout = ( LinearLayout ) mDrawerItemsListContainer . findViewById ( R . id . navdrawer_items_list ) ; containerLayout . removeAllViews ( ) ; for ( int itemId : mNavDrawerItems ) { mNavDrawerItemViews [ i ] = makeNavDrawerItem ( itemId , containerLayout ) ; containerLayout . addView ( mNavDrawerItemViews [ i ] ) ; ++ i ; } }
private View makeNavDrawerItem ( final int itemId , ViewGroup container ) { boolean selected = mCurrentSelectedPosition == itemId ; int layoutToInflate ; if ( itemId == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SEPARATOR ) { layoutToInflate = R . layout . navdrawer_separator ; } else if ( itemId == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SEPARATOR_SPECIAL ) { layoutToInflate = R . layout . navdrawer_separator ; } else { layoutToInflate = R . layout . navdrawer_item ; } View view = getActivity ( ) . getLayoutInflater ( ) . inflate ( layoutToInflate , container , false ) ; if ( isSeparator ( itemId ) ) { UIUtils . setAccessibilityIgnore ( view ) ; return view ; } ImageView iconView = ( ImageView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . icon ) ; TextView titleView = ( TextView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . title ) ; int iconId = itemId >= 0 && itemId < NAVDRAWER_ICON_RES_ID . length ? NAVDRAWER_ICON_RES_ID [ itemId ] : 0 ; int titleId = itemId >= 0 && itemId < NAVDRAWER_TITLE_RES_ID . length ? NAVDRAWER_TITLE_RES_ID [ itemId ] : 0 ; iconView . setVisibility ( iconId > 0 ? View . VISIBLE : View . GONE ) ; if ( iconId > 0 ) { iconView . setImageResource ( iconId ) ; } titleView . setText ( getString ( titleId ) ) ; formatNavDrawerItem ( view , itemId , selected ) ; view . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { selectItem ( itemId ) ; } } ) ; return view ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { selectItem ( itemId ) ; }
private void formatNavDrawerItem ( View view , int itemId , boolean selected ) { if ( isSeparator ( itemId ) ) { return; } ImageView iconView = ( ImageView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . icon ) ; TextView titleView = ( TextView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . title ) ; if ( selected ) { if ( isNewActivityItem ( itemId ) ) { return; } else { view . setSelected ( true ) ; titleView . setTextColor ( getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . navdrawer_text_color_selected ) ) ; iconView . setColorFilter ( getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . navdrawer_icon_tint_selected ) ) ; } } else { if ( itemId != mCurrentSelectedPosition ) { view . setSelected ( false ) ; titleView . setTextColor ( getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . navdrawer_text_color ) ) ; iconView . setColorFilter ( getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . navdrawer_icon_tint ) ) ; } } }
private boolean isSeparator ( int itemId ) { return itemId == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SEPARATOR || itemId == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SEPARATOR_SPECIAL ; }
private boolean isNewActivityItem ( int itemId ) { return itemId == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SETTINGS || itemId == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_HELP || itemId == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_SEND_FEEDBACK || itemId == NAVDRAWER_ITEM_PLAN_TRIP ; }
public SimpleCursorAdapterAssert ( SimpleCursorAdapter actual ) { super( actual , SimpleCursorAdapterAssert .class ); }
public Builder ( Context context , String stopId ) { mContext = context ; mIntent = new Intent ( context , ArrivalsListActivity .class ) ; mIntent . setData ( Uri . withAppendedPath ( ObaContract . Stops . CONTENT_URI , stopId ) ) ; }
public Builder ( Context context , ObaStop stop , HashMap < String , ObaRoute > routes ) { mContext = context ; mIntent = new Intent ( context , ArrivalsListActivity .class ) ; mIntent . setData ( Uri . withAppendedPath ( ObaContract . Stops . CONTENT_URI , stop . getId ( ) ) ) ; setStopName ( stop . getName ( ) ) ; setStopDirection ( stop . getDirection ( ) ) ; setStopRoutes ( UIUtils . serializeRouteDisplayNames ( stop , routes ) ) ; }
public Builder setStopName ( String stopName ) { mIntent . putExtra ( ArrivalsListFragment . STOP_NAME , stopName ) ; return this ; }
public Builder setStopDirection ( String stopDir ) { mIntent . putExtra ( ArrivalsListFragment . STOP_DIRECTION , stopDir ) ; return this ; }
public Builder setStopRoutes ( String routes ) { mIntent . putExtra ( ArrivalsListFragment . STOP_ROUTES , routes ) ; return this ; }
public Builder setUpMode ( String mode ) { mIntent . putExtra ( NavHelp . UP_MODE , mode ) ; return this ; }
public Intent getIntent ( ) { return mIntent ; }
public void start ( ) { mContext . startActivity ( mIntent ) ; }
public static void start ( Context context , String stopId ) { new Builder ( context , stopId ) . start ( ) ; }
public static void start ( Context context , ObaStop stop , HashMap < String , ObaRoute > routes ) { new Builder ( context , stop , routes ) . start ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { requestWindowFeature ( Window . FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS ) ; super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; UIUtils . setupActionBar ( this ) ; FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ; if ( fm . findFragmentById ( android . R . id . content ) == null ) { ArrivalsListFragment list = new ArrivalsListFragment ( ) ; list . setArguments ( FragmentUtils . getIntentArgs ( getIntent ( ) ) ) ; fm . beginTransaction ( ) . add ( android . R . id . content , list ) . commit ( ) ; } }
@ Override protected void onNewIntent ( Intent intent ) { super. onNewIntent ( intent ) ; setIntent ( intent ) ; mNewFragment = true ; }
@ Override protected void onResume ( ) { super. onResume ( ) ; boolean newFrag = mNewFragment ; mNewFragment = false ; if ( newFrag ) { FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ; ArrivalsListFragment list = new ArrivalsListFragment ( ) ; list . setArguments ( FragmentUtils . getIntentArgs ( getIntent ( ) ) ) ; FragmentTransaction ft = fm . beginTransaction ( ) ; ft . replace ( android . R . id . content , list ) ; if ( fm . getBackStackEntryCount ( ) > 0 ) { ft . addToBackStack ( null ) ; } ft . commit ( ) ; } }
@ Override protected void onPause ( ) { ShowcaseViewUtils . hideShowcaseView ( ) ; super. onPause ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void onStart ( ) { ObaAnalytics . reportActivityStart ( this ) ; super. onStart ( ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected ( MenuItem item ) { if ( item . getItemId ( ) == android . R . id . home ) { NavHelp . goUp ( this ) ; return true ; } return false ; }
public ArrivalsListFragment getArrivalsListFragment ( ) { FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager ( ) ; return ( ArrivalsListFragment ) fm . findFragmentById ( android . R . id . content ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { URLRewriteActivity .this . finish ( ) ; }
public ArrayAdapter ( Context context , int layout ) { super( context , layout ); mLayoutId = layout ; mInflater = ( LayoutInflater ) context . getSystemService ( Context . LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE ) ; }
@ TargetApi ( 11 ) public void setData ( List < T > data ) { setNotifyOnChange ( false ) ; clear ( ) ; if ( data != null ) { if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= Build . VERSION_CODES . HONEYCOMB ) { addAll ( data ) ; } else { for ( T info : data ) { add ( info ) ; } } } notifyDataSetChanged ( ) ; }
@ Override public View getView ( int position , View convertView , ViewGroup parent ) { View view ; if ( convertView == null ) { view = mInflater . inflate ( mLayoutId , parent , false ) ; } else { view = convertView ; } T item = getItem ( position ) ; initView ( view , item ) ; return view ; }
protected LayoutInflater getLayoutInflater ( ) { return mInflater ; }
abstract protected void initView ( View view , T t );
@ Override protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; setContentView ( R . layout . activity_actionbarcontrolscrollview ) ; ObservableScrollView scrollView = ( ObservableScrollView ) findViewById ( R . id . scroll ) ; scrollView . setScrollViewCallbacks ( this ) ; }
@ Override public void onScrollChanged ( int scrollY , boolean firstScroll , boolean dragging ) { }
@ Override public void onDownMotionEvent ( ) { }
@ Override public void onUpOrCancelMotionEvent ( ScrollState scrollState ) { ActionBar ab = getSupportActionBar ( ) ; if ( ab == null ) { return; } if ( scrollState == ScrollState . UP ) { if ( ab . isShowing ( ) ) { ab . hide ( ) ; } } else if ( scrollState == ScrollState . DOWN ) { if ( ! ab . isShowing ( ) ) { ab . show ( ) ; } } }
public Account ( ) { }
public Account ( String name ) { this . id = 0 ; this . name = name ; }
public int getId ( ) { return id ; }
public String getName ( ) { return name ; }
public static Test suite ( ) { return new TestSuiteBuilder ( AllTests .class ) . includeAllPackagesUnderHere ( ) . build ( ) ; }
public BluetoothGattCharacteristicAssert ( BluetoothGattCharacteristic actual ) { super( actual , BluetoothGattCharacteristicAssert .class ); }
public static String writeTypeToString ( @ BluetoothGattCharacteristicWriteType int writeType ) { return buildNamedValueString ( writeType ) . value ( WRITE_TYPE_DEFAULT , "default" ) . value ( WRITE_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE , "no_response" ) . value ( WRITE_TYPE_SIGNED , "signed" ) . get ( ) ; }
public static String permissionsToString ( @ BluetoothGattCharacteristicPermissions int permissions ) { return buildBitMaskString ( permissions ) . flag ( PERMISSION_READ , "read" ) . flag ( PERMISSION_READ_ENCRYPTED , "read_encrypted" ) . flag ( PERMISSION_READ_ENCRYPTED_MITM , "read_encrypted_mitm" ) . flag ( PERMISSION_WRITE , "write" ) . flag ( PERMISSION_WRITE_ENCRYPTED , "write_encrypted" ) . flag ( PERMISSION_WRITE_ENCRYPTED_MITM , "write_encrypted_mitm" ) . flag ( PERMISSION_WRITE_SIGNED , "write_signed" ) . flag ( PERMISSION_WRITE_SIGNED_MITM , "write_signed_mitm" ) . get ( ) ; }
public static String propertiesToString ( @ BluetoothGattCharacteristicProperties int properties ) { return buildBitMaskString ( properties ) . flag ( PROPERTY_BROADCAST , "broadcast" ) . flag ( PROPERTY_EXTENDED_PROPS , "extended_props" ) . flag ( PROPERTY_INDICATE , "indicate" ) . flag ( PROPERTY_NOTIFY , "notify" ) . flag ( PROPERTY_READ , "read" ) . flag ( PROPERTY_SIGNED_WRITE , "signed_write" ) . flag ( PROPERTY_WRITE , "write" ) . flag ( PROPERTY_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE , "write_no_response" ) . get ( ) ; }
private JacksonSerializer ( ) { }
public static ObaApi . SerializationHandler getInstance ( ) { return SingletonHolder . INSTANCE ; }
private static JsonParser getJsonParser ( Reader reader ) throws IOException { TreeTraversingParser parser = new TreeTraversingParser ( mMapper . readTree ( reader ) ) ; parser . setCodec ( mMapper ) ; return parser ; }
public String toJson ( String input ) { TextNode node = JsonNodeFactory . instance . textNode ( input ) ; return node . toString ( ) ; }
@ Override public < T > T createFromError ( Class < T > cls , int code , String error ) { final String jsonErr = toJson ( error ) ; final String json = getErrorJson ( code , jsonErr ) ; try { return mMapper . readValue ( json , cls ) ; } catch ( JsonParseException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; } catch ( JsonMappingException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; } return null ; }
public < T > T deserializeFromResponse ( String response , Class < T > cls ) { try { return mMapper . readValue ( response , cls ) ; } catch ( JsonParseException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; } catch ( JsonMappingException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; } return null ; }
public String serialize ( Object obj ) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter ( ) ; JsonGenerator jsonGenerator ; try { jsonGenerator = new MappingJsonFactory ( ) . createJsonGenerator ( writer ) ; mMapper . writeValue ( jsonGenerator , obj ) ; return writer . toString ( ) ; } catch ( JsonGenerationException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; return getErrorJson ( ObaApi . OBA_INTERNAL_ERROR , e . toString ( ) ) ; } catch ( JsonMappingException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; return getErrorJson ( ObaApi . OBA_INTERNAL_ERROR , e . toString ( ) ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , e . toString ( ) ) ; return getErrorJson ( ObaApi . OBA_IO_EXCEPTION , e . toString ( ) ) ; } }
public static void assertOK ( ObaResponse response ) { assertNotNull ( response ) ; assertEquals ( ObaApi . OBA_OK , response . getCode ( ) ) ; }
@ Override protected void setUp ( ) { mContext . setTheme ( R . style . Theme_OneBusAway ) ; mMock = new ObaMock ( getContext ( ) ) ; Application . get ( ) . setCustomApiUrl ( "" ) ; }
@ Override protected void tearDown ( ) { mMock . finish ( ) ; }
void onScrollChanged ( int scrollY , boolean firstScroll , boolean dragging );
void onDownMotionEvent ( )
void onUpOrCancelMotionEvent ( ScrollState scrollState );
@ Test public void checkParent ( ) { Context context = InstrumentationRegistry . getTargetContext ( ) ; ParentStoryTeller teller = new ParentStoryTeller ( context ) ; teller . tellStory ( ) ; }
public GPUImageEmbossFilter ( ) { this( 1.0f ); }
public GPUImageEmbossFilter ( final float intensity ) { super(); mIntensity = intensity ; }
@ Override public void onInit ( ) { super. onInit ( ) ; setIntensity ( mIntensity ) ; }
public void setIntensity ( final float intensity ) { mIntensity = intensity ; setConvolutionKernel ( new float [] { intensity * ( - 2.0f ) , - intensity , 0.0f , - intensity , 1.0f , intensity , 0.0f , intensity , intensity * 2.0f , } ) ; }
public float getIntensity ( ) { return mIntensity ; }
HandlerScheduler ( Handler handler ) { this . handler = handler ; }
@ Override public Worker createWorker ( ) { return new HandlerWorker ( handler ) ; }
HandlerWorker ( Handler handler ) { this . handler = handler ; }
@ Override public void dispose ( ) { disposed = true ; handler . removeCallbacksAndMessages ( this ) ; }
@ Override public boolean isDisposed ( ) { return disposed ; }
ScheduledRunnable ( Handler handler , Runnable delegate ) { this . handler = handler ; this . delegate = delegate ; }
@ Override public void dispose ( ) { disposed = true ; handler . removeCallbacks ( this ) ; }
@ Override public boolean isDisposed ( ) { return disposed ; }
private boolean supportsOpenGLES2 ( final Context context ) { final ActivityManager activityManager = ( ActivityManager ) context . getSystemService ( Context . ACTIVITY_SERVICE ) ; final ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo = activityManager . getDeviceConfigurationInfo ( ) ; return configurationInfo . reqGlEsVersion >= 0x20000 ; }
public void setGLSurfaceView ( final GLSurfaceView view ) { mGlSurfaceView = view ; mGlSurfaceView . setEGLContextClientVersion ( 2 ) ; mGlSurfaceView . setEGLConfigChooser ( 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 16 , 0 ) ; mGlSurfaceView . getHolder ( ) . setFormat ( PixelFormat . RGBA_8888 ) ; mGlSurfaceView . setRenderer ( mRenderer ) ; mGlSurfaceView . setRenderMode ( GLSurfaceView . RENDERMODE_WHEN_DIRTY ) ; mGlSurfaceView . requestRender ( ) ; }
public void setBackgroundColor ( float red , float green , float blue ) { mRenderer . setBackgroundColor ( red , green , blue ) ; }
public void requestRender ( ) { if ( mGlSurfaceView != null ) { mGlSurfaceView . requestRender ( ) ; } }
public void setUpCamera ( final Camera camera ) { setUpCamera ( camera , 0 , false , false ) ; }
public void setUpCamera ( final Camera camera , final int degrees , final boolean flipHorizontal , final boolean flipVertical ) { mGlSurfaceView . setRenderMode ( GLSurfaceView . RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT > Build . VERSION_CODES . GINGERBREAD_MR1 ) { setUpCameraGingerbread ( camera ) ; } else { camera . setPreviewCallback ( mRenderer ) ; camera . startPreview ( ) ; } Rotation rotation = Rotation . NORMAL ; switch ( degrees ) { case 90 : rotation = Rotation . ROTATION_90 ; break; case 180 : rotation = Rotation . ROTATION_180 ; break; case 270 : rotation = Rotation . ROTATION_270 ; break; } mRenderer . setRotationCamera ( rotation , flipHorizontal , flipVertical ) ; }
@ TargetApi ( 11 ) private void setUpCameraGingerbread ( final Camera camera ) { mRenderer . setUpSurfaceTexture ( camera ) ; }
public void setFilter ( final GPUImageFilter filter ) { mFilter = filter ; mRenderer . setFilter ( mFilter ) ; requestRender ( ) ; }
public void setImage ( final Bitmap bitmap ) { mCurrentBitmap = bitmap ; mRenderer . setImageBitmap ( bitmap , false ) ; requestRender ( ) ; }
public void setScaleType ( ScaleType scaleType ) { mScaleType = scaleType ; mRenderer . setScaleType ( scaleType ) ; mRenderer . deleteImage ( ) ; mCurrentBitmap = null ; requestRender ( ) ; }
public void setRotation ( Rotation rotation ) { mRenderer . setRotation ( rotation ) ; }
public void setRotation ( Rotation rotation , boolean flipHorizontal , boolean flipVertical ) { mRenderer . setRotation ( rotation , flipHorizontal , flipVertical ) ; }
public void deleteImage ( ) { mRenderer . deleteImage ( ) ; mCurrentBitmap = null ; requestRender ( ) ; }
public void setImage ( final Uri uri ) { new LoadImageUriTask ( this , uri ) . execute ( ) ; }
public void setImage ( final File file ) { new LoadImageFileTask ( this , file ) . execute ( ) ; }
private String getPath ( final Uri uri ) { String [] projection = { MediaStore . Images . Media . DATA , } ; Cursor cursor = mContext . getContentResolver ( ) . query ( uri , projection , null , null , null ) ; int pathIndex = cursor . getColumnIndexOrThrow ( MediaStore . Images . Media . DATA ) ; String path = null ; if ( cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ) { path = cursor . getString ( pathIndex ) ; } cursor . close ( ) ; return path ; }
public Bitmap getBitmapWithFilterApplied ( ) { return getBitmapWithFilterApplied ( mCurrentBitmap ) ; }
public Bitmap getBitmapWithFilterApplied ( final Bitmap bitmap ) { if ( mGlSurfaceView != null ) { mRenderer . deleteImage ( ) ; mRenderer . runOnDraw ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { synchronized( mFilter ) { mFilter . destroy ( ) ; mFilter . notify ( ) ; } } } ) ; synchronized( mFilter ) { requestRender ( ) ; try { mFilter . wait ( ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } } } GPUImageRenderer renderer = new GPUImageRenderer ( mFilter ) ; renderer . setRotation ( Rotation . NORMAL , mRenderer . isFlippedHorizontally ( ) , mRenderer . isFlippedVertically ( ) ) ; renderer . setScaleType ( mScaleType ) ; PixelBuffer buffer = new PixelBuffer ( bitmap . getWidth ( ) , bitmap . getHeight ( ) ) ; buffer . setRenderer ( renderer ) ; renderer . setImageBitmap ( bitmap , false ) ; Bitmap result = buffer . getBitmap ( ) ; mFilter . destroy ( ) ; renderer . deleteImage ( ) ; buffer . destroy ( ) ; mRenderer . setFilter ( mFilter ) ; if ( mCurrentBitmap != null ) { mRenderer . setImageBitmap ( mCurrentBitmap , false ) ; } requestRender ( ) ; return result ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { synchronized( mFilter ) { mFilter . destroy ( ) ; mFilter . notify ( ) ; } }
public static void getBitmapForMultipleFilters ( final Bitmap bitmap , final List < GPUImageFilter > filters , final ResponseListener < Bitmap > listener ) { if ( filters . isEmpty ( ) ) { return; } GPUImageRenderer renderer = new GPUImageRenderer ( filters . get ( 0 ) ) ; renderer . setImageBitmap ( bitmap , false ) ; PixelBuffer buffer = new PixelBuffer ( bitmap . getWidth ( ) , bitmap . getHeight ( ) ) ; buffer . setRenderer ( renderer ) ; for ( GPUImageFilter filter : filters ) { renderer . setFilter ( filter ) ; listener . response ( buffer . getBitmap ( ) ) ; filter . destroy ( ) ; } renderer . deleteImage ( ) ; buffer . destroy ( ) ; }
@ Deprecated public void saveToPictures ( final String folderName , final String fileName , final OnPictureSavedListener listener ) { saveToPictures ( mCurrentBitmap , folderName , fileName , listener ) ; }
@ Deprecated public void saveToPictures ( final Bitmap bitmap , final String folderName , final String fileName , final OnPictureSavedListener listener ) { new SaveTask ( bitmap , folderName , fileName , listener ) . execute ( ) ; }
void runOnGLThread ( Runnable runnable ) { mRenderer . runOnDrawEnd ( runnable ) ; }
private int getOutputWidth ( ) { if ( mRenderer != null && mRenderer . getFrameWidth ( ) != 0 ) { return mRenderer . getFrameWidth ( ) ; } else if ( mCurrentBitmap != null ) { return mCurrentBitmap . getWidth ( ) ; } else { WindowManager windowManager = ( WindowManager ) mContext . getSystemService ( Context . WINDOW_SERVICE ) ; Display display = windowManager . getDefaultDisplay ( ) ; return display . getWidth ( ) ; } }
private int getOutputHeight ( ) { if ( mRenderer != null && mRenderer . getFrameHeight ( ) != 0 ) { return mRenderer . getFrameHeight ( ) ; } else if ( mCurrentBitmap != null ) { return mCurrentBitmap . getHeight ( ) ; } else { WindowManager windowManager = ( WindowManager ) mContext . getSystemService ( Context . WINDOW_SERVICE ) ; Display display = windowManager . getDefaultDisplay ( ) ; return display . getHeight ( ) ; } }
public SaveTask ( final Bitmap bitmap , final String folderName , final String fileName , final OnPictureSavedListener listener ) { mBitmap = bitmap ; mFolderName = folderName ; mFileName = fileName ; mListener = listener ; mHandler = new Handler ( ) ; }
@ Override protected Void doInBackground ( final Void ... params ) { Bitmap result = getBitmapWithFilterApplied ( mBitmap ) ; saveImage ( mFolderName , mFileName , result ) ; return null ; }
private void saveImage ( final String folderName , final String fileName , final Bitmap image ) { File path = Environment . getExternalStoragePublicDirectory ( Environment . DIRECTORY_PICTURES ) ; File file = new File ( path , folderName + "/" + fileName ) ; try { file . getParentFile ( ) . mkdirs ( ) ; image . compress ( CompressFormat . JPEG , 80 , new FileOutputStream ( file ) ) ; MediaScannerConnection . scanFile ( mContext , new String [] { file . toString ( ) } , null , new MediaScannerConnection . OnScanCompletedListener ( ) { @ Override public void onScanCompleted ( final String path , final Uri uri ) { if ( mListener != null ) { mHandler . post ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { mListener . onPictureSaved ( uri ) ; } } ) ; } } } ) ; } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onScanCompleted ( final String path , final Uri uri ) { if ( mListener != null ) { mHandler . post ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { mListener . onPictureSaved ( uri ) ; } } ) ; } }
@ Override public void run ( ) { mListener . onPictureSaved ( uri ) ; }
void onPictureSaved ( Uri uri );
public LoadImageUriTask ( GPUImage gpuImage , Uri uri ) { super( gpuImage ); mUri = uri ; }
@ Override protected Bitmap decode ( BitmapFactory . Options options ) { try { InputStream inputStream ; if ( mUri . getScheme ( ) . startsWith ( "http" ) || mUri . getScheme ( ) . startsWith ( "https" ) ) { inputStream = new URL ( mUri . toString ( ) ) . openStream ( ) ; } else { inputStream = mContext . getContentResolver ( ) . openInputStream ( mUri ) ; } return BitmapFactory . decodeStream ( inputStream , null , options ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } return null ; }
@ Override protected int getImageOrientation ( ) IOException { Cursor cursor = mContext . getContentResolver ( ) . query ( mUri , new String [] { MediaStore . Images . ImageColumns . ORIENTATION } , null , null , null ) ; if ( cursor == null || cursor . getCount ( ) != 1 ) { return 0 ; } cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ; int orientation = cursor . getInt ( 0 ) ; cursor . close ( ) ; return orientation ; }
public LoadImageFileTask ( GPUImage gpuImage , File file ) { super( gpuImage ); mImageFile = file ; }
@ Override protected Bitmap decode ( BitmapFactory . Options options ) { return BitmapFactory . decodeFile ( mImageFile . getAbsolutePath ( ) , options ) ; }
@ Override protected int getImageOrientation ( ) IOException { ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface ( mImageFile . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ; int orientation = exif . getAttributeInt ( ExifInterface . TAG_ORIENTATION , 1 ) ; switch ( orientation ) { case ExifInterface . ORIENTATION_NORMAL : return 0 ; case ExifInterface . ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90 : return 90 ; case ExifInterface . ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180 : return 180 ; case ExifInterface . ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270 : return 270 ; default: return 0 ; } }
@ SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" ) public LoadImageTask ( final GPUImage gpuImage ) { mGPUImage = gpuImage ; }
@ Override protected Bitmap doInBackground ( Void ... params ) { if ( mRenderer != null && mRenderer . getFrameWidth ( ) == 0 ) { try { synchronized ( mRenderer . mSurfaceChangedWaiter ) { mRenderer . mSurfaceChangedWaiter . wait ( 3000 ) ; } } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } } mOutputWidth = getOutputWidth ( ) ; mOutputHeight = getOutputHeight ( ) ; return loadResizedImage ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void onPostExecute ( Bitmap bitmap ) { super. onPostExecute ( bitmap ) ; mGPUImage . deleteImage ( ) ; mGPUImage . setImage ( bitmap ) ; }
protected abstract Bitmap decode ( BitmapFactory . Options options );
private Bitmap loadResizedImage ( ) { BitmapFactory . Options options = new BitmapFactory . Options ( ) ; options . inJustDecodeBounds = true ; decode ( options ) ; int scale = 1 ; while ( checkSize ( options . outWidth / scale > mOutputWidth , options . outHeight / scale > mOutputHeight ) ) { scale ++ ; } scale -- ; if ( scale < 1 ) { scale = 1 ; } options = new BitmapFactory . Options ( ) ; options . inSampleSize = scale ; options . inPreferredConfig = Bitmap . Config . RGB_565 ; options . inPurgeable = true ; options . inTempStorage = new byte [ 32 * 1024 ] ; Bitmap bitmap = decode ( options ) ; if ( bitmap == null ) { return null ; } bitmap = rotateImage ( bitmap ) ; bitmap = scaleBitmap ( bitmap ) ; return bitmap ; }
private Bitmap scaleBitmap ( Bitmap bitmap ) { int width = bitmap . getWidth ( ) ; int height = bitmap . getHeight ( ) ; int [] newSize = getScaleSize ( width , height ) ; Bitmap workBitmap = Bitmap . createScaledBitmap ( bitmap , newSize [ 0 ] , newSize [ 1 ] , true ) ; if ( workBitmap != bitmap ) { bitmap . recycle ( ) ; bitmap = workBitmap ; System . gc ( ) ; } if ( mScaleType == ScaleType . CENTER_CROP ) { int diffWidth = newSize [ 0 ] - mOutputWidth ; int diffHeight = newSize [ 1 ] - mOutputHeight ; workBitmap = Bitmap . createBitmap ( bitmap , diffWidth / 2 , diffHeight / 2 , newSize [ 0 ] - diffWidth , newSize [ 1 ] - diffHeight ) ; if ( workBitmap != bitmap ) { bitmap . recycle ( ) ; bitmap = workBitmap ; } } return bitmap ; }
private int [] getScaleSize ( int width , int height ) { float newWidth ; float newHeight ; float withRatio = ( float ) width / mOutputWidth ; float heightRatio = ( float ) height / mOutputHeight ; boolean adjustWidth = mScaleType == ScaleType . CENTER_CROP ? withRatio > heightRatio : withRatio < heightRatio ; if ( adjustWidth ) { newHeight = mOutputHeight ; newWidth = ( newHeight / height ) * width ; } else { newWidth = mOutputWidth ; newHeight = ( newWidth / width ) * height ; } return new int [] { Math . round ( newWidth ) , Math . round ( newHeight ) } ; }
private boolean checkSize ( boolean widthBigger , boolean heightBigger ) { if ( mScaleType == ScaleType . CENTER_CROP ) { return widthBigger && heightBigger ; } else { return widthBigger || heightBigger ; } }
private Bitmap rotateImage ( final Bitmap bitmap ) { if ( bitmap == null ) { return null ; } Bitmap rotatedBitmap = bitmap ; try { int orientation = getImageOrientation ( ) ; if ( orientation != 0 ) { Matrix matrix = new Matrix ( ) ; matrix . postRotate ( orientation ) ; rotatedBitmap = Bitmap . createBitmap ( bitmap , 0 , 0 , bitmap . getWidth ( ) , bitmap . getHeight ( ) , matrix , true ) ; bitmap . recycle ( ) ; } } catch ( IOException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } return rotatedBitmap ; }
protected abstract int getImageOrientation ( ) IOException ;
void response ( T item );
@ Override public View onCreateView ( LayoutInflater inflater , ViewGroup container , Bundle savedInstanceState ) { View view = inflater . inflate ( R . layout . fragment_recyclerview , container , false ) ; Activity parentActivity = getActivity ( ) ; final ObservableRecyclerView recyclerView = ( ObservableRecyclerView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . scroll ) ; recyclerView . setLayoutManager ( new LinearLayoutManager ( parentActivity ) ) ; recyclerView . setHasFixedSize ( false ) ; setDummyData ( recyclerView ) ; recyclerView . setTouchInterceptionViewGroup ( ( ViewGroup ) parentActivity . findViewById ( R . id . container ) ) ; if ( parentActivity instanceof ObservableScrollViewCallbacks ) { recyclerView . setScrollViewCallbacks ( ( ObservableScrollViewCallbacks ) parentActivity ) ; } return view ; }
public RecyclerViewLayoutManagerAssert ( RecyclerView . LayoutManager actual ) { super( actual , RecyclerViewLayoutManagerAssert .class ); }
@ Override public void execute ( ) MojoExecutionException , MojoFailureException { ConfigHandler configHandler = new ConfigHandler ( this , this . session , this . execution ) ; configHandler . parseConfiguration ( ) ; if ( isEnableIntegrationTest ( ) ) { playTests ( ) ; } }
protected boolean isEnableIntegrationTest ( ) { return ! parsedSkip && ! mavenTestSkip && ! mavenSkipTests ; }
protected boolean isIgnoreTestFailures ( ) { return mavenIgnoreTestFailure || mavenTestFailureIgnore ; }
private String getJarFile ( ) { if ( parsedJarFile == null ) { File jarFilePath = new File ( targetDirectory + File . separator + finalName + ".jar" ) ; return jarFilePath . getName ( ) ; } return parsedJarFile ; }
private String [] getTestClassOrMethods ( ) { return parsedTestClassOrMethods ; }
private String getReportSuffix ( ) { return parsedReportSuffix ; }
private String getPropertiesKeyPrefix ( ) { return parsedPropertiesKeyPrefix ; }
public static String join ( List < String > parts ) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ( ) ; for ( String part : parts ) { if ( builder . length ( ) > 0 ) { builder . append ( "," ) ; } builder . append ( part ) ; } return builder . toString ( ) ; }
private Utils ( ) { }
@ Override public void execute ( ) MojoExecutionException , MojoFailureException { ConfigHandler configHandler = new ConfigHandler ( this , this . session , this . execution ) ; configHandler . parseConfiguration ( ) ; if ( isEnableIntegrationTest ( ) ) { exerciseApp ( ) ; } }
protected boolean isEnableIntegrationTest ( ) { return ! parsedSkip && ! mavenTestSkip && ! mavenSkipTests ; }
protected boolean isIgnoreTestFailures ( ) { return mavenIgnoreTestFailure || mavenTestFailureIgnore ; }
private Long getSeed ( ) { return parsedSeed ; }
private Long getThrottle ( ) { return parsedThrottle ; }
private Integer getPercentTouch ( ) { return parsedPercentTouch ; }
private Integer getPercentMotion ( ) { return parsedPercentMotion ; }
private Integer getPercentTrackball ( ) { return parsedPercentTrackball ; }
private Integer getPercentNav ( ) { return parsedPercentNav ; }
private Integer getPercentMajorNav ( ) { return parsedPercentMajorNav ; }
private Integer getPercentSyskeys ( ) { return parsedPercentSyskeys ; }
private Integer getPercentAppswitch ( ) { return parsedPercentAppswitch ; }
private Integer getPercentAnyevent ( ) { return parsedPercentAnyevent ; }
public String [] getPackages ( ) { return parsedPackages ; }
public String [] getCategories ( ) { return parsedCategories ; }
public AndroidSdk ( File sdkPath , String apiLevel ) { this( sdkPath , apiLevel , null ); }
public AndroidSdk ( File sdkPath , String apiLevel , @ Nullable String buildToolsVersion ) { this . sdkPath = sdkPath ; this . buildToolsVersion = buildToolsVersion ; this . progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicatorImpl ( ) ; if ( sdkPath != null ) { sdkManager = AndroidSdkHandler . getInstance ( sdkPath ) ; platformToolsPath = new File ( sdkPath , SdkConstants . FD_PLATFORM_TOOLS ) ; toolsPath = new File ( sdkPath , SdkConstants . FD_TOOLS ) ; if ( sdkManager == null ) { throw invalidSdkException ( sdkPath , apiLevel ) ; } } loadSDKToolsMajorVersion ( ) ; if ( apiLevel == null ) { apiLevel = DEFAULT_ANDROID_API_LEVEL ; } androidTarget = findPlatformByApiLevel ( apiLevel ) ; if ( androidTarget == null ) { throw invalidSdkException ( sdkPath , apiLevel ) ; } }
public String getAaptPath ( ) { return getPathForBuildTool ( BuildToolInfo . PathId . AAPT ) ; }
public String getAidlPath ( ) { return getPathForBuildTool ( BuildToolInfo . PathId . AIDL ) ; }
public String getDxJarPath ( ) { return getPathForBuildTool ( BuildToolInfo . PathId . DX_JAR ) ; }
public String getAdbPath ( ) { return getPathForPlatformTool ( SdkConstants . FN_ADB ) ; }
public String getZipalignPath ( ) { return getPathForBuildTool ( BuildToolInfo . PathId . ZIP_ALIGN ) ; }
public String getLintPath ( ) { return getPathForTool ( "lint" + ext ( ".bat" , "" ) ) ; }
public String getMonkeyRunnerPath ( ) { return getPathForTool ( "monkeyrunner" + ext ( ".bat" , "" ) ) ; }
public String getApkBuilderPath ( ) { return getPathForTool ( "apkbuilder" + ext ( ".bat" , "" ) ) ; }
public String getAndroidPath ( ) { String cmd = "android" ; String ext = SdkConstants . currentPlatform ( ) == 2 ? ".bat" : "" ; return getPathForTool ( cmd + ext ) ; }
public File getToolsPath ( ) { return toolsPath ; }
private String getPathForBuildTool ( BuildToolInfo . PathId pathId ) { return getBuildToolInfo ( ) . getPath ( pathId ) ; }
private String getPathForPlatformTool ( String tool ) { return new File ( platformToolsPath , tool ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) ; }
private String getPathForTool ( String tool ) { return new File ( toolsPath , tool ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) ; }
private static String ext ( String windowsExtension , String nonWindowsExtension ) { if ( SdkConstants . currentPlatform ( ) == SdkConstants . PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) { return windowsExtension ; } else { return nonWindowsExtension ; } }
public String getPathForFrameworkAidl ( ) { return androidTarget . getPath ( IAndroidTarget . ANDROID_AIDL ) ; }
public File getPlatform ( ) { assertPathIsDirectory ( sdkPath ) ; final File platformsDirectory = new File ( sdkPath , PLATFORMS_FOLDER_NAME ) ; assertPathIsDirectory ( platformsDirectory ) ; final File platformDirectory ; if ( androidTarget == null ) { IAndroidTarget latestTarget = null ; AndroidTargetManager targetManager = sdkManager . getAndroidTargetManager ( progressIndicator ) ; for ( IAndroidTarget target : targetManager . getTargets ( progressIndicator ) ) { if ( target . isPlatform ( ) ) { if ( latestTarget == null || target . getVersion ( ) . getApiLevel ( ) > latestTarget . getVersion ( ) . getApiLevel ( ) ) { latestTarget = target ; } } } platformDirectory = new File ( latestTarget . getLocation ( ) ) ; } else { platformDirectory = new File ( androidTarget . getLocation ( ) ) ; } assertPathIsDirectory ( platformDirectory ) ; return platformDirectory ; }
public int getSdkMajorVersion ( ) { return sdkMajorVersion ; }
@ Override public void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; UIUtils . setupActionBar ( this ) ; Intent myIntent = getIntent ( ) ; if ( Intent . ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT . equals ( myIntent . getAction ( ) ) ) { setResult ( RESULT_OK , getShortcutIntent ( ) ) ; } finish ( ) ; }
private Intent getShortcutIntent ( ) { final Uri uri = MyTabActivityBase . getDefaultTabUri ( MyStarredStopsFragment . TAB_NAME ) ; return UIUtils . makeShortcut ( this , getString ( R . string . starred_stops_shortcut ) , new Intent ( this , MyStopsActivity .class ) . setData ( uri ) ) ; }
@ Override public boolean isValid ( ) { return isValid ( false ) ; }
public Class < ? > getClassType ( ) { return this . classType ; }
public String getName ( ) { return this . name ; }
public ContentUriInfo getDefaultContentUriInfo ( ) { return this . defaultContentUriInfo ; }
public void setDefaultContentUriInfo ( ContentUriInfo defaultContentUriInfo ) { this . defaultContentUriInfo = defaultContentUriInfo ; }
public ContentMimeTypeVndInfo getDefaultContentMimeTypeVndInfo ( ) { return this . defaultContentMimeTypeVndInfo ; }
public void setDefaultContentMimeTypeVndInfo ( ContentMimeTypeVndInfo defaultContentMimeTypeVndInfo ) { this . defaultContentMimeTypeVndInfo = defaultContentMimeTypeVndInfo ; }
public String getDefaultSortOrderString ( ) { return this . defaultSortOrder ; }
public ColumnInfo getIdColumnInfo ( ) { return this . idColumnInfo ; }
public Map < String , String > getProjectionMap ( ) { return this . projectionMap ; }
boolean onQueryTextSubmit ( String query );
boolean onQueryTextChange ( String newText );
public SearchView ( Context context ) { this( context , null ); }
public SearchView ( Context context , AttributeSet attrs ) { super( context , attrs ); LayoutInflater inflater = ( LayoutInflater ) context . getSystemService ( Context . LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE ) ; inflater . inflate ( R . layout . search_box , this , true ) ; mSearchButton = findViewById ( R . id . search_button ) ; mQueryTextView = ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . search_text ) ; mSearchButton . setOnClickListener ( mOnClickListener ) ; mQueryTextView . setOnClickListener ( mOnClickListener ) ; mQueryTextView . addTextChangedListener ( mTextWatcher ) ; mQueryTextView . setOnEditorActionListener ( mOnEditorActionListener ) ; mQueryTextView . setOnFocusChangeListener ( new OnFocusChangeListener ( ) { public void onFocusChange ( View v , boolean hasFocus ) { if ( mOnQueryTextFocusChangeListener != null ) { mOnQueryTextFocusChangeListener . onFocusChange ( SearchView .this , hasFocus ) ; } } } ) ; }
public void onFocusChange ( View v , boolean hasFocus ) { if ( mOnQueryTextFocusChangeListener != null ) { mOnQueryTextFocusChangeListener . onFocusChange ( SearchView .this , hasFocus ) ; } }
public void setOnQueryTextListener ( OnQueryTextListener listener ) { mOnQueryChangeListener = listener ; }
public void setOnQueryTextFocusChangeListener ( OnFocusChangeListener listener ) { mOnQueryTextFocusChangeListener = listener ; }
public CharSequence getQuery ( ) { return mQueryTextView . getText ( ) ; }
public void setQuery ( CharSequence query , boolean submit ) { mQueryTextView . setText ( query ) ; if ( query != null ) { mQueryTextView . setSelection ( query . length ( ) ) ; } if ( submit && ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( query ) ) { onSubmitQuery ( ) ; } }
public void setQueryHint ( CharSequence hint ) { mQueryHint = hint ; updateQueryHint ( ) ; }
public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence s , int start , int before , int after ) { }
public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence s , int start , int before , int after ) { SearchView .this . onTextChanged ( s ) ; }
public void afterTextChanged ( Editable s ) { }
public boolean onEditorAction ( TextView v , int actionId , KeyEvent event ) { onSubmitQuery ( ) ; return true ; }
private void onTextChanged ( CharSequence newText ) { if ( mOnQueryChangeListener != null && ! TextUtils . equals ( newText , mOldQueryText ) ) { mOnQueryChangeListener . onQueryTextChange ( newText . toString ( ) ) ; } mOldQueryText = newText . toString ( ) ; }
private void onSubmitQuery ( ) { CharSequence query = mQueryTextView . getText ( ) ; if ( query != null && TextUtils . getTrimmedLength ( query ) > 0 ) { if ( mOnQueryChangeListener == null || ! mOnQueryChangeListener . onQueryTextSubmit ( query . toString ( ) ) ) { } } }
public void onClick ( View v ) { }
private CharSequence getDecoratedHint ( CharSequence hintText ) { return hintText ; }
private void updateQueryHint ( ) { if ( mQueryHint != null ) { mQueryTextView . setHint ( getDecoratedHint ( mQueryHint ) ) ; } else { mQueryTextView . setHint ( getDecoratedHint ( "" ) ) ; } }
@ Override protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; setContentView ( R . layout . main_activity ) ; findViewById ( R . id . button_run_scheduler ) . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { onRunSchedulerExampleButtonClicked ( ) ; } } ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { onRunSchedulerExampleButtonClicked ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void onDestroy ( ) { super. onDestroy ( ) ; disposables . clear ( ) ; }
void onRunSchedulerExampleButtonClicked ( ) { disposables . add ( sampleObservable ( ) . subscribeOn ( Schedulers . io ( ) ) . observeOn ( AndroidSchedulers . mainThread ( ) ) . subscribeWith ( new DisposableObserver < String > ( ) { @ Override public void onComplete ( ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onComplete()" ) ; } @ Override public void onError ( Throwable e ) { Log . e ( TAG , "onError()" , e ) ; } @ Override public void onNext ( String string ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onNext(" + string + ")" ) ; } } ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onComplete ( ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onComplete()" ) ; }
@ Override public void onError ( Throwable e ) { Log . e ( TAG , "onError()" , e ) ; }
@ Override public void onNext ( String string ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onNext(" + string + ")" ) ; }
void onFocusChanged ( ObaStop stop , HashMap < String , ObaRoute > routes , Location location );
public StopOverlay ( Activity activity , GoogleMap map ) { mActivity = activity ; mMap = map ; loadIcons ( ) ; mMap . setOnMarkerClickListener ( this ) ; mMap . setOnMapClickListener ( this ) ; }
public void setOnFocusChangeListener ( OnFocusChangedListener onFocusChangedListener ) { mOnFocusChangedListener = onFocusChangedListener ; }
public synchronized void populateStops ( List < ObaStop > stops , ObaReferences refs ) { populate ( stops , refs . getRoutes ( ) ) ; }
public synchronized void populateStops ( List < ObaStop > stops , List < ObaRoute > routes ) { populate ( stops , routes ) ; }
private void populate ( List < ObaStop > stops , List < ObaRoute > routes ) { setupMarkerData ( ) ; mMarkerData . populate ( stops , routes ) ; }
public synchronized int size ( ) { if ( mMarkerData != null ) { return mMarkerData . size ( ) ; } else { return 0 ; } }
public synchronized void clear ( boolean clearFocusedStop ) { if ( mMarkerData != null ) { mMarkerData . clear ( clearFocusedStop ) ; } }
private static final void loadIcons ( ) { Resources r = Application . get ( ) . getResources ( ) ; mPx = r . getDimensionPixelSize ( R . dimen . map_stop_shadow_size_6 ) ; mArrowWidthPx = mPx / 2f ; mArrowHeightPx = mPx / 3f ; float arrowSpacingReductionPx = mPx / 10f ; mBuffer = mArrowHeightPx - arrowSpacingReductionPx ; mPercentOffset = ( mBuffer / ( mPx + mBuffer ) ) * 0.5f ; mArrowPaintStroke = new Paint ( ) ; mArrowPaintStroke . setColor ( Color . WHITE ) ; mArrowPaintStroke . setStyle ( Paint . Style . STROKE ) ; mArrowPaintStroke . setStrokeWidth ( 1.0f ) ; mArrowPaintStroke . setAntiAlias ( true ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 0 ] = createBusStopIcon ( NORTH ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 1 ] = createBusStopIcon ( NORTH_WEST ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 2 ] = createBusStopIcon ( WEST ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 3 ] = createBusStopIcon ( SOUTH_WEST ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 4 ] = createBusStopIcon ( SOUTH ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 5 ] = createBusStopIcon ( SOUTH_EAST ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 6 ] = createBusStopIcon ( EAST ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 7 ] = createBusStopIcon ( NORTH_EAST ) ; bus_stop_icons [ 8 ] = createBusStopIcon ( NO_DIRECTION ) ; }
private static Bitmap createBusStopIcon ( String direction ) throws NullPointerException { if ( direction == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( direction ) ; } Resources r = Application . get ( ) . getResources ( ) ; Context context = Application . get ( ) ; Float directionAngle = null ; Bitmap bm ; Canvas c ; Drawable shape ; Float rotationX = null , rotationY = null ; Paint arrowPaintFill = new Paint ( ) ; arrowPaintFill . setStyle ( Paint . Style . FILL ) ; arrowPaintFill . setAntiAlias ( true ) ; if ( direction . equals ( NO_DIRECTION ) ) { bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( mPx , mPx , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( 0 , 0 , bm . getWidth ( ) , bm . getHeight ( ) ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH ) ) { directionAngle = 0f ; bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( mPx , ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( 0 , ( int ) mBuffer , mPx , bm . getHeight ( ) ) ; arrowPaintFill . setShader ( new LinearGradient ( bm . getWidth ( ) / 2 , 0 , bm . getWidth ( ) / 2 , mArrowHeightPx , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_accent ) , Shader . TileMode . MIRROR ) ) ; rotationX = bm . getWidth ( ) / 2f ; rotationY = bm . getHeight ( ) / 2f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH_WEST ) ) { directionAngle = 315f ; bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( ( int ) mBuffer , ( int ) mBuffer , bm . getWidth ( ) , bm . getHeight ( ) ) ; arrowPaintFill . setShader ( new LinearGradient ( 0 , 0 , mBuffer , mBuffer , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_accent ) , Shader . TileMode . MIRROR ) ) ; rotationX = mPx / 2f + mBuffer / 2f ; rotationY = bm . getHeight ( ) / 2f - mBuffer / 2f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( WEST ) ) { directionAngle = 0f ; bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , mPx , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( ( int ) mBuffer , 0 , bm . getWidth ( ) , bm . getHeight ( ) ) ; arrowPaintFill . setShader ( new LinearGradient ( 0 , bm . getHeight ( ) / 2 , mArrowHeightPx , bm . getHeight ( ) / 2 , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_accent ) , Shader . TileMode . MIRROR ) ) ; rotationX = bm . getHeight ( ) / 2f ; rotationY = bm . getHeight ( ) / 2f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH_WEST ) ) { directionAngle = 225f ; bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( ( int ) mBuffer , 0 , bm . getWidth ( ) , mPx ) ; arrowPaintFill . setShader ( new LinearGradient ( 0 , bm . getHeight ( ) , mBuffer , bm . getHeight ( ) - mBuffer , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_accent ) , Shader . TileMode . MIRROR ) ) ; rotationX = bm . getWidth ( ) / 2f - mBuffer / 4f ; rotationY = mPx / 2f + mBuffer / 4f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH ) ) { directionAngle = 180f ; bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( mPx , ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( 0 , 0 , bm . getWidth ( ) , ( int ) ( bm . getHeight ( ) - mBuffer ) ) ; arrowPaintFill . setShader ( new LinearGradient ( bm . getWidth ( ) / 2 , bm . getHeight ( ) , bm . getWidth ( ) / 2 , bm . getHeight ( ) - mArrowHeightPx , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_accent ) , Shader . TileMode . MIRROR ) ) ; rotationX = bm . getWidth ( ) / 2f ; rotationY = bm . getHeight ( ) / 2f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH_EAST ) ) { directionAngle = 135f ; bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( 0 , 0 , mPx , mPx ) ; arrowPaintFill . setShader ( new LinearGradient ( bm . getWidth ( ) , bm . getHeight ( ) , bm . getWidth ( ) - mBuffer , bm . getHeight ( ) - mBuffer , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_accent ) , Shader . TileMode . MIRROR ) ) ; rotationX = ( mPx + mBuffer / 2 ) / 2f ; rotationY = bm . getHeight ( ) / 2f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( EAST ) ) { directionAngle = 180f ; bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , mPx , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( 0 , 0 , mPx , bm . getHeight ( ) ) ; arrowPaintFill . setShader ( new LinearGradient ( bm . getWidth ( ) , bm . getHeight ( ) / 2 , bm . getWidth ( ) - mArrowHeightPx , bm . getHeight ( ) / 2 , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_accent ) , Shader . TileMode . MIRROR ) ) ; rotationX = bm . getWidth ( ) / 2f ; rotationY = bm . getHeight ( ) / 2f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH_EAST ) ) { directionAngle = 45f ; bm = Bitmap . createBitmap ( ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , ( int ) ( mPx + mBuffer ) , Bitmap . Config . ARGB_8888 ) ; c = new Canvas ( bm ) ; shape = ContextCompat . getDrawable ( context , R . drawable . map_stop_icon ) ; shape . setBounds ( 0 , ( int ) mBuffer , mPx , bm . getHeight ( ) ) ; arrowPaintFill . setShader ( new LinearGradient ( bm . getWidth ( ) , 0 , bm . getWidth ( ) - mBuffer , mBuffer , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) , r . getColor ( R . color . theme_accent ) , Shader . TileMode . MIRROR ) ) ; rotationX = ( float ) mPx / 2 ; rotationY = bm . getHeight ( ) - ( float ) mPx / 2 ; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( direction ) ; } shape . draw ( c ) ; if ( direction . equals ( NO_DIRECTION ) ) { return bm ; } final float CUTOUT_HEIGHT = mPx / 12 ; Path path = new Path ( ) ; float x1 = 0 , y1 = 0 ; float x2 = 0 , y2 = 0 ; float x3 = 0 , y3 = 0 ; float x4 = 0 , y4 = 0 ; if ( direction . equals ( NORTH ) || direction . equals ( SOUTH ) || direction . equals ( NORTH_EAST ) || direction . equals ( SOUTH_EAST ) || direction . equals ( NORTH_WEST ) || direction . equals ( SOUTH_WEST ) ) { x1 = mPx / 2 ; y1 = 0 ; x2 = ( mPx / 2 ) - ( mArrowWidthPx / 2 ) ; y2 = mArrowHeightPx ; x3 = mPx / 2 ; y3 = mArrowHeightPx - CUTOUT_HEIGHT ; x4 = ( mPx / 2 ) + ( mArrowWidthPx / 2 ) ; y4 = mArrowHeightPx ; } else if ( direction . equals ( EAST ) || direction . equals ( WEST ) ) { x1 = 0 ; y1 = mPx / 2 ; x2 = mArrowHeightPx ; y2 = ( mPx / 2 ) - ( mArrowWidthPx / 2 ) ; x3 = mArrowHeightPx - CUTOUT_HEIGHT ; y3 = mPx / 2 ; x4 = mArrowHeightPx ; y4 = ( mPx / 2 ) + ( mArrowWidthPx / 2 ) ; } path . setFillType ( Path . FillType . EVEN_ODD ) ; path . moveTo ( x1 , y1 ) ; path . lineTo ( x2 , y2 ) ; path . lineTo ( x3 , y3 ) ; path . lineTo ( x4 , y4 ) ; path . lineTo ( x1 , y1 ) ; path . close ( ) ; Matrix matrix = new Matrix ( ) ; matrix . postRotate ( directionAngle , rotationX , rotationY ) ; path . transform ( matrix ) ; c . drawPath ( path , arrowPaintFill ) ; c . drawPath ( path , mArrowPaintStroke ) ; return bm ; }
private static float getXPercentOffsetForDirection ( String direction ) { if ( direction . equals ( NORTH ) ) { return 0.5f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH_WEST ) ) { return 0.5f + mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( WEST ) ) { return 0.5f + mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH_WEST ) ) { return 0.5f + mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH ) ) { return 0.5f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH_EAST ) ) { return 0.5f - mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( EAST ) ) { return 0.5f - mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH_EAST ) ) { return 0.5f - mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NO_DIRECTION ) ) { return 0.5f ; } else { return 0.5f ; } }
private static float getYPercentOffsetForDirection ( String direction ) { if ( direction . equals ( NORTH ) ) { return 0.5f + mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH_WEST ) ) { return 0.5f + mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( WEST ) ) { return 0.5f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH_WEST ) ) { return 0.5f - mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH ) ) { return 0.5f - mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH_EAST ) ) { return 0.5f - mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( EAST ) ) { return 0.5f ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH_EAST ) ) { return 0.5f + mPercentOffset ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NO_DIRECTION ) ) { return 0.5f ; } else { return 0.5f ; } }
private static BitmapDescriptor getBitmapDescriptorForBusStopDirection ( String direction ) { if ( direction . equals ( NORTH ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 0 ] ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH_WEST ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 1 ] ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( WEST ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 2 ] ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH_WEST ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 3 ] ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 4 ] ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( SOUTH_EAST ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 5 ] ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( EAST ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 6 ] ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NORTH_EAST ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 7 ] ) ; } else if ( direction . equals ( NO_DIRECTION ) ) { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 8 ] ) ; } else { return BitmapDescriptorFactory . fromBitmap ( bus_stop_icons [ 8 ] ) ; } }
public ObaStop getFocus ( ) { if ( mMarkerData != null ) { return mMarkerData . getFocus ( ) ; } return null ; }
public void setFocus ( ObaStop stop , List < ObaRoute > routes ) { setupMarkerData ( ) ; if ( stop == null ) { removeFocus ( null ) ; return; } if ( ! mMarkerData . containsStop ( stop ) ) { ArrayList < ObaStop > l = new ArrayList < ObaStop > ( ) ; l . add ( stop ) ; populateStops ( l , routes ) ; } doFocusChange ( stop ) ; }
private void doFocusChange ( ObaStop stop ) { mMarkerData . setFocus ( stop ) ; HashMap < String , ObaRoute > routes = mMarkerData . getCachedRoutes ( ) ; mOnFocusChangedListener . onFocusChanged ( stop , routes , stop . getLocation ( ) ) ; }
private void removeFocus ( LatLng latLng ) { if ( mMarkerData . getFocus ( ) != null ) { mMarkerData . removeFocus ( ) ; } Location location = null ; if ( latLng != null ) { location = MapHelpV2 . makeLocation ( latLng ) ; } mOnFocusChangedListener . onFocusChanged ( null , null , location ) ; }
private void setupMarkerData ( ) { if ( mMarkerData == null ) { mMarkerData = new MarkerData ( ) ; } }
MarkerData ( ) { mStopMarkers = new HashMap < String , Marker > ( ) ; mStops = new HashMap < Marker , ObaStop > ( ) ; mStopRoutes = new HashMap < String , ObaRoute > ( ) ; mFocusedRoutes = new LinkedList < ObaRoute > ( ) ; }
private void addMarkerToMap ( ObaStop stop , List < ObaRoute > routes ) { Marker m = mMap . addMarker ( new MarkerOptions ( ) . position ( MapHelpV2 . makeLatLng ( stop . getLocation ( ) ) ) . icon ( getBitmapDescriptorForBusStopDirection ( stop . getDirection ( ) ) ) . flat ( true ) . anchor ( getXPercentOffsetForDirection ( stop . getDirection ( ) ) , getYPercentOffsetForDirection ( stop . getDirection ( ) ) ) ) ; mStopMarkers . put ( stop . getId ( ) , m ) ; mStops . put ( m , stop ) ; for ( ObaRoute route : routes ) { if ( ! mStopRoutes . containsKey ( route . getId ( ) ) ) { mStopRoutes . put ( route . getId ( ) , route ) ; } } }
synchronized ObaStop getStopFromMarker ( Marker marker ) { return mStops . get ( marker ) ; }
synchronized boolean containsStop ( ObaStop stop ) { if ( stop != null ) { return containsStop ( stop . getId ( ) ) ; } else { return false ; } }
synchronized boolean containsStop ( String stopId ) { if ( mStopMarkers != null ) { return mStopMarkers . containsKey ( stopId ) ; } else { return false ; } }
synchronized HashMap < String , ObaRoute > getCachedRoutes ( ) { return new HashMap < String , ObaRoute > ( mStopRoutes ) ; }
void setFocus ( ObaStop stop ) { if ( mCurrentFocusMarker != null ) { mCurrentFocusMarker . remove ( ) ; } mCurrentFocusStop = stop ; mFocusedRoutes . clear ( ) ; String [] routeIds = stop . getRouteIds ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < routeIds . length ; i ++ ) { ObaRoute route = mStopRoutes . get ( routeIds [ i ] ) ; if ( route != null ) { mFocusedRoutes . add ( route ) ; } } LatLng latLng = new LatLng ( stop . getLatitude ( ) - 0.000001 , stop . getLongitude ( ) ) ; mCurrentFocusMarker = mMap . addMarker ( new MarkerOptions ( ) . position ( latLng ) ) ; }
private void animateMarker ( final Marker marker ) { final Handler handler = new Handler ( ) ; final long startTime = SystemClock . uptimeMillis ( ) ; final long duration = 300 ; Projection proj = mMap . getProjection ( ) ; final LatLng markerLatLng = marker . getPosition ( ) ; Point startPoint = proj . toScreenLocation ( markerLatLng ) ; startPoint . offset ( 0 , - 10 ) ; final LatLng startLatLng = proj . fromScreenLocation ( startPoint ) ; final Interpolator interpolator = new BounceInterpolator ( ) ; handler . post ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { long elapsed = SystemClock . uptimeMillis ( ) - startTime ; float t = interpolator . getInterpolation ( ( float ) elapsed / duration ) ; double lng = t * markerLatLng . longitude + ( 1 - t ) * startLatLng . longitude ; double lat = t * markerLatLng . latitude + ( 1 - t ) * startLatLng . latitude ; marker . setPosition ( new LatLng ( lat , lng ) ) ; if ( t < 1.0 ) { handler . postDelayed ( this , 16 ) ; } } } ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { long elapsed = SystemClock . uptimeMillis ( ) - startTime ; float t = interpolator . getInterpolation ( ( float ) elapsed / duration ) ; double lng = t * markerLatLng . longitude + ( 1 - t ) * startLatLng . longitude ; double lat = t * markerLatLng . latitude + ( 1 - t ) * startLatLng . latitude ; marker . setPosition ( new LatLng ( lat , lng ) ) ; if ( t < 1.0 ) { handler . postDelayed ( this , 16 ) ; } }
ObaStop getFocus ( ) { return mCurrentFocusStop ; }
void removeFocus ( ) { if ( mCurrentFocusMarker != null ) { mCurrentFocusMarker . remove ( ) ; mCurrentFocusMarker = null ; } mFocusedRoutes . clear ( ) ; mCurrentFocusStop = null ; }
private void removeMarkersFromMap ( ) { for ( Map . Entry < String , Marker > entry : mStopMarkers . entrySet ( ) ) { entry . getValue ( ) . remove ( ) ; } }
synchronized void clear ( boolean clearFocusedStop ) { if ( mStopMarkers != null ) { removeMarkersFromMap ( ) ; mStopMarkers . clear ( ) ; } if ( mStops != null ) { mStops . clear ( ) ; } if ( mStopRoutes != null ) { mStopRoutes . clear ( ) ; } if ( clearFocusedStop ) { removeFocus ( ) ; } else { if ( mCurrentFocusStop != null && mFocusedRoutes != null ) { addMarkerToMap ( mCurrentFocusStop , mFocusedRoutes ) ; } } }
synchronized int size ( ) { return mStopMarkers . size ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; App . component ( ) . inject ( this ) ; if ( getIntent ( ) . getData ( ) == null || getIntent ( ) . getData ( ) . getScheme ( ) == null ) { tracker . trackException ( "invalid_import_uri" , false ) ; finish ( ) ; } else { new ImportAndShowAsyncTask ( this , getIntent ( ) . getData ( ) ) . execute ( ) ; } }
private AccountContract ( ) { }
@ Override public View onCreateView ( LayoutInflater inflater , ViewGroup container , Bundle savedInstanceState ) { View view = inflater . inflate ( R . layout . fragment_scrollview , container , false ) ; final ObservableScrollView scrollView = ( ObservableScrollView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . scroll ) ; Activity parentActivity = getActivity ( ) ; if ( parentActivity instanceof ObservableScrollViewCallbacks ) { Bundle args = getArguments ( ) ; if ( args != null && args . containsKey ( ARG_SCROLL_Y ) ) { final int scrollY = args . getInt ( ARG_SCROLL_Y , 0 ) ; ScrollUtils . addOnGlobalLayoutListener ( scrollView , new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { scrollView . scrollTo ( 0 , scrollY ) ; } } ) ; } scrollView . setTouchInterceptionViewGroup ( ( ViewGroup ) parentActivity . findViewById ( R . id . root ) ) ; scrollView . setScrollViewCallbacks ( ( ObservableScrollViewCallbacks ) parentActivity ) ; } return view ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { scrollView . scrollTo ( 0 , scrollY ) ; }
public WrapperListAdapterImpl ( ListAdapter wrapped ) { this . wrapped = wrapped ; }
@ Override public ListAdapter getWrappedAdapter ( ) { return wrapped ; }
@ Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled ( ) { return wrapped . areAllItemsEnabled ( ) ; }
@ Override public boolean isEnabled ( int i ) { return wrapped . isEnabled ( i ) ; }
@ Override public void registerDataSetObserver ( DataSetObserver dataSetObserver ) { wrapped . registerDataSetObserver ( dataSetObserver ) ; }
@ Override public void unregisterDataSetObserver ( DataSetObserver dataSetObserver ) { wrapped . unregisterDataSetObserver ( dataSetObserver ) ; }
@ Override public int getCount ( ) { return wrapped . getCount ( ) ; }
@ Override public Object getItem ( int i ) { return wrapped . getItem ( i ) ; }
@ Override public long getItemId ( int i ) { return wrapped . getItemId ( i ) ; }
@ Override public boolean hasStableIds ( ) { return wrapped . hasStableIds ( ) ; }
@ Override public View getView ( int position , View view , ViewGroup viewGroup ) { return wrapped . getView ( position , view , viewGroup ) ; }
@ Override public int getItemViewType ( int i ) { return wrapped . getItemViewType ( i ) ; }
@ Override public int getViewTypeCount ( ) { return wrapped . getViewTypeCount ( ) ; }
@ Override public boolean isEmpty ( ) { return wrapped . isEmpty ( ) ; }
public AarActionbarsherlockExampleSampleIT ( MavenRuntimeBuilder builder ) throws Exception { this . mavenRuntime = builder . build ( ) ; }
@ Test public void buildDeployAndRun ( ) Exception { File basedir = resources . getBasedir ( "aar-actionbarsherlock-example" ) ; MavenExecutionResult result = mavenRuntime . forProject ( basedir ) . execute ( "clean" , PluginInfo . getQualifiedGoal ( "undeploy" ) , "install" , PluginInfo . getQualifiedGoal ( "deploy" ) , PluginInfo . getQualifiedGoal ( "run" ) ) ; result . assertErrorFreeLog ( ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( callingActivity , PgpHandler .class ) ; intent . putExtra ( "Operation" , "GET_KEY_ID" ) ; startActivityForResult ( intent , IMPORT_PGP_KEY ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { callingActivity . getSshKeyWithPermissions ( ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { callingActivity . makeSshKey ( true ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { DialogFragment df = new SshKeyGen . ShowSshKeyFragment ( ) ; df . show ( getFragmentManager ( ) , "public_key" ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( callingActivity , GitActivity .class ) ; intent . putExtra ( "Operation" , GitActivity . EDIT_SERVER ) ; startActivityForResult ( intent , EDIT_GIT_INFO ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialogInterface , int i ) { try { FileUtils . cleanDirectory ( PasswordRepository . getRepositoryDirectory ( callingActivity . getApplicationContext ( ) ) ) ; PasswordRepository . closeRepository ( ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { } sharedPreferences . edit ( ) . putBoolean ( "repository_initialized" , false ) . apply ( ) ; dialogInterface . cancel ( ) ; callingActivity . finish ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialogInterface , int i ) { { dialogInterface . cancel ( ) ; } }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { callingActivity . selectExternalGitRepository ( ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceChange ( Preference preference , Object o ) { findPreference ( "git_delete_repo" ) . setEnabled ( ! ( Boolean ) o ) ; PasswordRepository . closeRepository ( ) ; getPreferenceManager ( ) . getSharedPreferences ( ) . edit ( ) . putBoolean ( "repo_changed" , true ) . apply ( ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( callingActivity , AutofillPreferenceActivity .class ) ; startActivity ( intent ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { new AlertDialog . Builder ( callingActivity ) . setTitle ( R . string . pref_autofill_enable_title ) . setView ( R . layout . autofill_instructions ) . setPositiveButton ( R . string . dialog_ok , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( Settings . ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS ) ; startActivity ( intent ) ; } } ) . setNegativeButton ( R . string . dialog_cancel , null ) . setOnDismissListener ( new DialogInterface . OnDismissListener ( ) { @ Override public void onDismiss ( DialogInterface dialog ) { ( ( CheckBoxPreference ) findPreference ( "autofill_enable" ) ) . setChecked ( ( ( UserPreference ) getActivity ( ) ) . isServiceEnabled ( ) ) ; } } ) . show ( ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( Settings . ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS ) ; startActivity ( intent ) ; }
@ Override public void onDismiss ( DialogInterface dialog ) { ( ( CheckBoxPreference ) findPreference ( "autofill_enable" ) ) . setChecked ( ( ( UserPreference ) getActivity ( ) ) . isServiceEnabled ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( Preference preference ) { callingActivity . exportPasswordsWithPermissions ( ) ; return true ; }
@ Override public Object apply ( String input ) { return OpenPgpUtils . convertKeyIdToHex ( Long . valueOf ( input ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; if ( getIntent ( ) != null ) { if ( getIntent ( ) . getStringExtra ( "operation" ) != null ) { switch ( getIntent ( ) . getStringExtra ( "operation" ) ) { case "get_ssh_key" : getSshKeyWithPermissions ( ) ; break; case "make_ssh_key" : makeSshKey ( false ) ; break; case "git_external" : selectExternalGitRepository ( ) ; break; } } } prefsFragment = new PrefsFragment ( ) ; getFragmentManager ( ) . beginTransaction ( ) . replace ( android . R . id . content , prefsFragment ) . commit ( ) ; getSupportActionBar ( ) . setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled ( true ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { Intent i = new Intent ( activity . getApplicationContext ( ) , FilePickerActivity .class ) ; i . putExtra ( FilePickerActivity . EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE , false ) ; i . putExtra ( FilePickerActivity . EXTRA_ALLOW_CREATE_DIR , true ) ; i . putExtra ( FilePickerActivity . EXTRA_MODE , FilePickerActivity . MODE_DIR ) ; i . putExtra ( FilePickerActivity . EXTRA_START_PATH , Environment . getExternalStorageDirectory ( ) . getPath ( ) ) ; startActivityForResult ( i , SELECT_GIT_DIRECTORY ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected ( MenuItem item ) { int id = item . getItemId ( ) ; switch ( id ) { case android . R . id . home : setResult ( RESULT_OK ) ; finish ( ) ; return true ; } return super. onOptionsItemSelected ( item ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View view ) { ActivityCompat . requestPermissions ( activity , new String [] { Manifest . permission . READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE } , REQUEST_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ) ; }
public void getSshKey ( ) { Intent i = new Intent ( getApplicationContext ( ) , FilePickerActivity .class ) ; i . putExtra ( FilePickerActivity . EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE , false ) ; i . putExtra ( FilePickerActivity . EXTRA_ALLOW_CREATE_DIR , false ) ; i . putExtra ( FilePickerActivity . EXTRA_MODE , FilePickerActivity . MODE_FILE ) ; i . putExtra ( FilePickerActivity . EXTRA_START_PATH , Environment . getExternalStorageDirectory ( ) . getPath ( ) ) ; startActivityForResult ( i , IMPORT_SSH_KEY ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View view ) { ActivityCompat . requestPermissions ( activity , new String [] { Manifest . permission . WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE } , REQUEST_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ) ; }
public void makeSshKey ( boolean fromPreferences ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( getApplicationContext ( ) , SshKeyGen .class ) ; startActivity ( intent ) ; if ( ! fromPreferences ) { setResult ( RESULT_OK ) ; finish ( ) ; } }
private void copySshKey ( Uri uri ) throws IOException { InputStream sshKey = this . getContentResolver ( ) . openInputStream ( uri ) ; byte [] privateKey = IOUtils . toByteArray ( sshKey ) ; FileUtils . writeByteArrayToFile ( new File ( getFilesDir ( ) + "/.ssh_key" ) , privateKey ) ; sshKey . close ( ) ; }
private boolean isServiceEnabled ( ) { AccessibilityManager am = ( AccessibilityManager ) this . getSystemService ( Context . ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE ) ; List < AccessibilityServiceInfo > runningServices = am . getEnabledAccessibilityServiceList ( AccessibilityServiceInfo . FEEDBACK_GENERIC ) ; for ( AccessibilityServiceInfo service : runningServices ) { if ( "com.zeapo.pwdstore/.autofill.AutofillService" . equals ( service . getId ( ) ) ) { return true ; } } return false ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialogInterface , int i ) { }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { PreferenceManager . getDefaultSharedPreferences ( getApplicationContext ( ) ) . edit ( ) . putString ( "git_external_repo" , uri . getPath ( ) ) . apply ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult ( int requestCode , String permissions [] , int [] grantResults ) { switch ( requestCode ) { case REQUEST_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : { if ( grantResults . length > 0 && grantResults [ 0 ] == PackageManager . PERMISSION_GRANTED ) { getSshKey ( ) ; } } } }
protected ObaShapeRequest ( Uri uri ) { super( uri ); }
public Builder ( Context context , String shapeId ) { super( context , getPathWithId ( "/shape/" , shapeId ) ); }
public ObaShapeRequest build ( ) { return new ObaShapeRequest ( buildUri ( ) ) ; }
public static ObaShapeRequest newRequest ( Context context , String shapeId ) { return new Builder ( context , shapeId ) . build ( ) ; }
@ Override public ObaShapeResponse call ( ) { return call ( ObaShapeResponse .class ) ; }
protected AbstractAccessibilityRecordAssert ( A actual , Class < S > selfType ) { super( actual , selfType ); }
public String translate ( String key ) { if ( containsKey ( key ) ) { return get ( key ) ; } return key ; }
public void loadFromFile ( final File file ) { final String content = readFileAsStringGuessEncoding ( file ) ; loadFromString ( content ) ; }
@ Nullable public static String readFileAsStringGuessEncoding ( final @ NonNull File file ) { try { final byte [] fileData = new byte [ ( int ) file . length ( ) ] ; final DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream ( new FileInputStream ( file ) ) ; dataInputStream . readFully ( fileData ) ; dataInputStream . close ( ) ; final CharsetMatch match = new CharsetDetector ( ) . setText ( fileData ) . detect ( ) ; if ( match != null ) try { return new String ( fileData , match . getName ( ) ) ; } catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException ignored ) { } return new String ( fileData ) ; } catch ( Throwable e ) { App . component ( ) . tracker ( ) . trackException ( "problem_reading_translation" , e , false ) ; e . printStackTrace ( ) ; return null ; } }
public AtomicFileAssert ( AtomicFile actual ) { super( actual , AtomicFileAssert .class ); }
public GPUImageContrastFilter ( ) { this( 1.2f ); }
public GPUImageContrastFilter ( float contrast ) { super( NO_FILTER_VERTEX_SHADER , CONTRAST_FRAGMENT_SHADER ); mContrast = contrast ; }
@ Override public void onInit ( ) { super. onInit ( ) ; mContrastLocation = GLES20 . glGetUniformLocation ( getProgram ( ) , "contrast" ) ; }
@ Override public void onInitialized ( ) { super. onInitialized ( ) ; setContrast ( mContrast ) ; }
public void setContrast ( final float contrast ) { mContrast = contrast ; setFloat ( mContrastLocation , mContrast ) ; }
@ Override public View onCreateView ( LayoutInflater inflater , ViewGroup container , Bundle savedInstanceState ) { View view = inflater . inflate ( R . layout . fragment_listview , container , false ) ; Activity parentActivity = getActivity ( ) ; final ObservableListView listView = ( ObservableListView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . scroll ) ; setDummyDataWithHeader ( listView , inflater . inflate ( R . layout . padding , listView , false ) ) ; if ( parentActivity instanceof ObservableScrollViewCallbacks ) { Bundle args = getArguments ( ) ; if ( args != null && args . containsKey ( ARG_INITIAL_POSITION ) ) { final int initialPosition = args . getInt ( ARG_INITIAL_POSITION , 0 ) ; ScrollUtils . addOnGlobalLayoutListener ( listView , new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { listView . setSelection ( initialPosition ) ; } } ) ; } listView . setTouchInterceptionViewGroup ( ( ViewGroup ) parentActivity . findViewById ( R . id . root ) ) ; listView . setScrollViewCallbacks ( ( ObservableScrollViewCallbacks ) parentActivity ) ; } return view ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { listView . setSelection ( initialPosition ) ; }
public Cube ( GLWorld world , float left , float bottom , float back , float right , float top , float front ) { super( world ); GLVertex leftBottomBack = addVertex ( left , bottom , back ) ; GLVertex rightBottomBack = addVertex ( right , bottom , back ) ; GLVertex leftTopBack = addVertex ( left , top , back ) ; GLVertex rightTopBack = addVertex ( right , top , back ) ; GLVertex leftBottomFront = addVertex ( left , bottom , front ) ; GLVertex rightBottomFront = addVertex ( right , bottom , front ) ; GLVertex leftTopFront = addVertex ( left , top , front ) ; GLVertex rightTopFront = addVertex ( right , top , front ) ; addFace ( new GLFace ( leftBottomBack , leftBottomFront , rightBottomFront , rightBottomBack ) ) ; addFace ( new GLFace ( leftBottomFront , leftTopFront , rightTopFront , rightBottomFront ) ) ; addFace ( new GLFace ( leftBottomBack , leftTopBack , leftTopFront , leftBottomFront ) ) ; addFace ( new GLFace ( rightBottomBack , rightBottomFront , rightTopFront , rightTopBack ) ) ; addFace ( new GLFace ( leftBottomBack , rightBottomBack , rightTopBack , leftTopBack ) ) ; addFace ( new GLFace ( leftTopBack , rightTopBack , rightTopFront , leftTopFront ) ) ; }
private static File getDB ( Context context ) { return ObaProvider . getDatabasePath ( context ) ; }
private static File getBackup ( Context context ) { File backupDir = Environment . getExternalStoragePublicDirectory ( BACKUP_TYPE ) ; return new File ( backupDir , BACKUP_NAME ) ; }
public static String backup ( Context context ) throws IOException { File backupPath = getBackup ( context ) ; FileUtils . copyFile ( getDB ( context ) , backupPath ) ; return backupPath . getAbsolutePath ( ) ; }
public static void restore ( Context context ) throws IOException { File dbPath = getDB ( context ) ; File backupPath = getBackup ( context ) ; ContentProviderClient client = null ; try { client = context . getContentResolver ( ) . acquireContentProviderClient ( ObaContract . AUTHORITY ) ; ObaProvider provider = ( ObaProvider ) client . getLocalContentProvider ( ) ; provider . closeDB ( ) ; FileUtils . copyFile ( backupPath , dbPath ) ; } finally { if ( client != null ) { client . release ( ) ; } } }
public static boolean isRestoreAvailable ( Context context ) { return getBackup ( context ) . exists ( ) ; }
public void onRegionTaskFinished ( boolean currentRegionChanged );
public ObaRegionsTask ( Context context , List < ObaRegionsTask . Callback > callbacks ) { mContext = context ; mCallbacks = callbacks ; mForceReload = false ; mShowProgressDialog = true ; }
public ObaRegionsTask ( Context context , List < ObaRegionsTask . Callback > callbacks , boolean force , boolean showProgressDialog ) { mContext = context ; mCallbacks = callbacks ; mForceReload = force ; mShowProgressDialog = showProgressDialog ; GoogleApiAvailability api = GoogleApiAvailability . getInstance ( ) ; if ( api . isGooglePlayServicesAvailable ( context ) == ConnectionResult . SUCCESS ) { mGoogleApiClient = LocationUtils . getGoogleApiClientWithCallbacks ( context ) ; mGoogleApiClient . connect ( ) ; } }
@ Override protected void onPreExecute ( ) { if ( mShowProgressDialog && UIUtils . canManageDialog ( mContext ) ) { if ( mProgressDialogMessage == null ) { mProgressDialogMessage = mContext . getString ( R . string . region_detecting_server ) ; } mProgressDialog = ProgressDialog . show ( mContext , "" , mProgressDialogMessage , true ) ; mProgressDialog . setIndeterminate ( true ) ; mProgressDialog . setCancelable ( false ) ; mProgressDialog . show ( ) ; } super. onPreExecute ( ) ; }
@ Override protected ArrayList < ObaRegion > doInBackground ( Void ... params ) { return RegionUtils . getRegions ( mContext , mForceReload ) ; }
private void doCallback ( final boolean currentRegionChanged ) { final Handler mPauseForCallbackHandler = new Handler ( ) ; final Runnable mPauseForCallback = new Runnable ( ) { public void run ( ) { if ( mCallbacks != null ) { for ( Callback callback : mCallbacks ) { if ( callback != null ) { callback . onRegionTaskFinished ( currentRegionChanged ) ; } } } } } ; mPauseForCallbackHandler . postDelayed ( mPauseForCallback , CALLBACK_DELAY ) ; }
public void run ( ) { if ( mCallbacks != null ) { for ( Callback callback : mCallbacks ) { if ( callback != null ) { callback . onRegionTaskFinished ( currentRegionChanged ) ; } } } }
public void setProgressDialogMessage ( String progressDialogMessage ) { mProgressDialogMessage = progressDialogMessage ; }
public ObservableWebView ( final Context context ) { super( context ); }
public ObservableWebView ( final Context context , final AttributeSet attrs ) { super( context , attrs ); }
public ObservableWebView ( final Context context , final AttributeSet attrs , final int defStyle ) { super( context , attrs , defStyle ); }
@ Override protected void onScrollChanged ( final int l , final int t , final int oldl , final int oldt ) { super. onScrollChanged ( l , t , oldl , oldt ) ; if( mOnScrollChangedCallback != null ) mOnScrollChangedCallback . onScroll ( l , t , oldl , oldt ) ; }
public OnScrollChangedCallback getOnScrollChangedCallback ( ) { return mOnScrollChangedCallback ; }
public void setOnScrollChangedCallback ( final OnScrollChangedCallback onScrollChangedCallback ) { mOnScrollChangedCallback = onScrollChangedCallback ; }
public void onScroll ( int l , int t , int oldL , int oldT );
@ Override public void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; Log . i ( TAG , "onCreate" ) ; setContentView ( R . layout . main ) ; button = ( Button ) findViewById ( R . id . button_main ) ; textView = ( TextView ) findViewById ( R . id . textview_hello ) ; button . setOnClickListener ( new ButtonClickListener ( ) ) ; computer = new DummyComputer ( ) ; }
public void setComputer ( Computer computer ) { this . computer = computer ; }
public SimpleHeaderRecyclerAdapter ( Context context , ArrayList < String > items , View headerView ) { mInflater = LayoutInflater . from ( context ) ; mItems = items ; mHeaderView = headerView ; }
@ Override public int getItemCount ( ) { if ( mHeaderView == null ) { return mItems . size ( ) ; } else { return mItems . size ( ) + 1 ; } }
@ Override public int getItemViewType ( int position ) { return ( position == 0 ) ? VIEW_TYPE_HEADER : VIEW_TYPE_ITEM ; }
@ Override public RecyclerView . ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder ( ViewGroup parent , int viewType ) { if ( viewType == VIEW_TYPE_HEADER ) { return new HeaderViewHolder ( mHeaderView ) ; } else { return new ItemViewHolder ( mInflater . inflate ( android . R . layout . simple_list_item_1 , parent , false ) ) ; } }
@ Override public void onBindViewHolder ( RecyclerView . ViewHolder viewHolder , int position ) { if ( viewHolder instanceof ItemViewHolder ) { ( ( ItemViewHolder ) viewHolder ) . textView . setText ( mItems . get ( position - 1 ) ) ; } }
public HeaderViewHolder ( View view ) { super( view ); }
public ItemViewHolder ( View view ) { super( view ); textView = ( TextView ) view . findViewById ( android . R . id . text1 ) ; }
@ Override protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; final Resources res = getResources ( ) ; final ActionBar bar = getSupportActionBar ( ) ; bar . setNavigationMode ( ActionBar . NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS ) ; bar . setDisplayOptions ( 0 , ActionBar . DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE ) ; bar . addTab ( bar . newTab ( ) . setTag ( MyRecentStopsFragment . TAB_NAME ) . setText ( res . getString ( R . string . my_recent_title ) ) . setIcon ( res . getDrawable ( R . drawable . ic_tab_recent ) ) . setTabListener ( new TabListener < MyRecentStopsFragment > ( this , MyRecentStopsFragment . TAB_NAME , MyRecentStopsFragment .class ) ) ) ; bar . addTab ( bar . newTab ( ) . setTag ( MyStarredStopsFragment . TAB_NAME ) . setText ( res . getString ( R . string . my_starred_title ) ) . setIcon ( res . getDrawable ( R . drawable . ic_tab_starred ) ) . setTabListener ( new TabListener < MyStarredStopsFragment > ( this , MyStarredStopsFragment . TAB_NAME , MyStarredStopsFragment .class ) ) ) ; bar . addTab ( bar . newTab ( ) . setTag ( MySearchStopsFragment . TAB_NAME ) . setText ( res . getString ( R . string . my_search_title ) ) . setIcon ( res . getDrawable ( R . drawable . ic_tab_search ) ) . setTabListener ( new TabListener < MySearchStopsFragment > ( this , MySearchStopsFragment . TAB_NAME , MySearchStopsFragment .class ) ) ) ; restoreDefaultTab ( ) ; UIUtils . setupActionBar ( this ) ; }
@ Override protected void onStart ( ) { super. onStart ( ) ; ObaAnalytics . reportActivityStart ( this ) ; }
@ Override protected String getLastTabPref ( ) { return "MyStopsActivity.LastTab" ; }
public static ObaRegion getTampa ( Context context ) { ArrayList < ObaRegion > regions = RegionUtils . getRegionsFromResources ( context ) ; for ( ObaRegion r : regions ) { if ( r . getId ( ) == TAMPA_REGION_ID ) { return r ; } } return null ; }
public static ObaRegion getPugetSound ( Context context ) { ArrayList < ObaRegion > regions = RegionUtils . getRegionsFromResources ( context ) ; for ( ObaRegion r : regions ) { if ( r . getId ( ) == PUGET_SOUND_REGION_ID ) { return r ; } } return null ; }
public static ObaRegion getAtlanta ( Context context ) { ArrayList < ObaRegion > regions = RegionUtils . getRegionsFromResources ( context ) ; for ( ObaRegion r : regions ) { if ( r . getId ( ) == ATLANTA_REGION_ID ) { return r ; } } return null ; }
public static ObaRegion getRegionWithPathNoSeparator ( Context context ) { ObaRegionElement . Bounds bound = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds ( 27.976910500000002 , - 82.445851 , 0.5424609999999994 , 0.576357999999999 ) ; ObaRegionElement . Bounds [] bounds = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds [ 1 ] ; bounds [ 0 ] = bound ; return new ObaRegionElement ( 0 , "Test-RegionWithPathNoSeparator" , true , "http: , null , bounds , new ObaRegionElement . Open311Server [ 0 ] , "en_US" , "[email protected]" , true , true , false , null , false , null , null , null ) ; }
public static ObaRegion getRegionNoSeparator ( Context context ) { ObaRegionElement . Bounds bound = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds ( 47.221315 , - 122.4051325 , 0.33704 , 0.440483 ) ; ObaRegionElement . Bounds [] bounds = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds [ 1 ] ; bounds [ 0 ] = bound ; return new ObaRegionElement ( 0 , "Test-RegionWithPathNoSeparator" , true , "http: , null , bounds , new ObaRegionElement . Open311Server [ 0 ] , "en_US" , "[email protected]" , true , true , false , null , false , "http: , null , null ) ; }
public static ObaRegion getRegionWithPort ( Context context ) { ObaRegionElement . Bounds bound = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds ( 27.976910500000002 , - 82.445851 , 0.5424609999999994 , 0.576357999999999 ) ; ObaRegionElement . Bounds [] bounds = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds [ 1 ] ; bounds [ 0 ] = bound ; return new ObaRegionElement ( 0 , "Test-RegionWithPort" , true , "http: , null , bounds , new ObaRegionElement . Open311Server [ 0 ] , "en_US" , "[email protected]" , true , true , false , null , false , null , null , null ) ; }
public static ObaRegion getRegionNoScheme ( Context context ) { ObaRegionElement . Bounds bound = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds ( 27.976910500000002 , - 82.445851 , 0.5424609999999994 , 0.576357999999999 ) ; ObaRegionElement . Bounds [] bounds = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds [ 1 ] ; bounds [ 0 ] = bound ; return new ObaRegionElement ( 0 , "Test-RegionNoScheme" , true , "" , null , bounds , new ObaRegionElement . Open311Server [ 0 ] , "en_US" , "[email protected]" , true , true , false , null , false , null , null , null ) ; }
public static ObaRegion getRegionWithHttps ( ) { ObaRegionElement . Bounds bound = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds ( 27.976910500000002 , - 82.445851 , 0.5424609999999994 , 0.576357999999999 ) ; ObaRegionElement . Bounds [] bounds = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds [ 1 ] ; bounds [ 0 ] = bound ; return new ObaRegionElement ( 0 , "Test-RegionWithHttps" , true , "https: , null , bounds , new ObaRegionElement . Open311Server [ 0 ] , "en_US" , "[email protected]" , true , true , false , null , false , null , null , null ) ; }
public static ObaRegion getRegionWithHttpsAndPort ( ) { ObaRegionElement . Bounds bound = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds ( 27.976910500000002 , - 82.445851 , 0.5424609999999994 , 0.576357999999999 ) ; ObaRegionElement . Bounds [] bounds = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds [ 1 ] ; bounds [ 0 ] = bound ; return new ObaRegionElement ( 0 , "Test-RegionWithHttpsAndPort" , true , "https: , null , bounds , new ObaRegionElement . Open311Server [ 0 ] , "en_US" , "[email protected]" , true , true , false , null , false , null , null , null ) ; }
public static ObaRegion getRegionWithoutObaApis ( Context context ) { ObaRegionElement . Bounds bound = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds ( 27.976910500000002 , - 82.445851 , 0.5424609999999994 , 0.576357999999999 ) ; ObaRegionElement . Bounds [] bounds = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds [ 1 ] ; bounds [ 0 ] = bound ; return new ObaRegionElement ( 0 , "Test-RegionWithoutOBAApis" , true , "http: , null , bounds , null , "en_US" , "[email protected]" , false , false , false , null , false , null , null , null ) ; }
public static ObaRegion getInactiveRegion ( Context context ) { ObaRegionElement . Bounds bound = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds ( 27.976910500000002 , - 82.445851 , 0.5424609999999994 , 0.576357999999999 ) ; ObaRegionElement . Bounds [] bounds = new ObaRegionElement . Bounds [ 1 ] ; bounds [ 0 ] = bound ; return new ObaRegionElement ( 0 , "Test-RegionWithoutOBAApis" , true , "http: , null , bounds , null , "en_US" , "[email protected]" , false , false , false , null , false , null , null , null ) ; }
public NotifierTask ( Context context , TaskContext taskContext , Uri uri , String notifyText ) { mContext = context ; mTaskContext = taskContext ; mCR = mContext . getContentResolver ( ) ; mUri = uri ; mNotifyText = notifyText ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { Cursor c = mCR . query ( mUri , ALERT_PROJECTION , null , null , null ) ; try { if ( c != null ) { while ( c . moveToNext ( ) ) { notify ( c ) ; } } } finally { if ( c != null ) { c . close ( ) ; } mTaskContext . taskComplete ( ) ; } }
private void notify ( Cursor c ) { final int id = c . getInt ( COL_ID ) ; final String stopId = c . getString ( COL_STOP_ID ) ; final int state = c . getInt ( COL_STATE ) ; if ( state == ObaContract . TripAlerts . STATE_CANCELLED ) { return; } Intent deleteIntent = new Intent ( mContext , TripService .class ) ; deleteIntent . setAction ( TripService . ACTION_CANCEL ) ; deleteIntent . setData ( mUri ) ; PendingIntent pendingDeleteIntent = PendingIntent . getService ( mContext , 0 , deleteIntent , PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ; final PendingIntent pendingContentIntent = PendingIntent . getActivity ( mContext , 0 , new ArrivalsListActivity . Builder ( mContext , stopId ) . getIntent ( ) , PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ; Notification notification = createNotification ( mNotifyText , pendingContentIntent , pendingDeleteIntent ) ; mTaskContext . setNotification ( id , notification ) ; }
private Notification createNotification ( String notifyText , PendingIntent contentIntent , PendingIntent deleteIntent ) { final String title = mContext . getString ( R . string . app_name ) ; return new NotificationCompat . Builder ( mContext ) . setSmallIcon ( R . drawable . ic_stat_notification ) . setDefaults ( Notification . DEFAULT_ALL ) . setOnlyAlertOnce ( true ) . setContentIntent ( contentIntent ) . setDeleteIntent ( deleteIntent ) . setContentTitle ( title ) . setContentText ( notifyText ) . build ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; context = getApplicationContext ( ) ; activity = this ; settings = PreferenceManager . getDefaultSharedPreferences ( this . context ) ; protocol = settings . getString ( "git_remote_protocol" , "ssh: ) ; connectionMode = settings . getString ( "git_remote_auth" , "ssh-key" ) ; int operationCode = getIntent ( ) . getExtras ( ) . getInt ( "Operation" ) ; getSupportActionBar ( ) . setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled ( true ) ; switch ( operationCode ) { case REQUEST_CLONE : case EDIT_SERVER : setContentView ( R . layout . activity_git_clone ) ; setTitle ( R . string . title_activity_git_clone ) ; final Spinner protcol_spinner = ( Spinner ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_protocol ) ; final Spinner connection_mode_spinner = ( Spinner ) findViewById ( R . id . connection_mode ) ; final ArrayAdapter < CharSequence > connection_mode_adapter = ArrayAdapter . createFromResource ( this , R . array . connection_modes , android . R . layout . simple_spinner_item ) ; connection_mode_adapter . setDropDownViewResource ( android . R . layout . simple_spinner_dropdown_item ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setAdapter ( connection_mode_adapter ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setOnItemSelectedListener ( new AdapterView . OnItemSelectedListener ( ) { @ Override public void onItemSelected ( AdapterView < ? > adapterView , View view , int i , long l ) { String selection = ( ( Spinner ) findViewById ( R . id . connection_mode ) ) . getSelectedItem ( ) . toString ( ) ; connectionMode = selection ; settings . edit ( ) . putString ( "git_remote_auth" , selection ) . apply ( ) ; } @ Override public void onNothingSelected ( AdapterView < ? > adapterView ) { } } ) ; ArrayAdapter < CharSequence > protocol_adapter = ArrayAdapter . createFromResource ( this , R . array . clone_protocols , android . R . layout . simple_spinner_item ) ; protocol_adapter . setDropDownViewResource ( android . R . layout . simple_spinner_dropdown_item ) ; protcol_spinner . setAdapter ( protocol_adapter ) ; protcol_spinner . setOnItemSelectedListener ( new AdapterView . OnItemSelectedListener ( ) { @ Override public void onItemSelected ( AdapterView < ? > adapterView , View view , int i , long l ) { protocol = ( ( Spinner ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_protocol ) ) . getSelectedItem ( ) . toString ( ) ; if ( protocol . equals ( "ssh: ) ) { ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ) . setHint ( "user@hostname:path" ) ; ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) . setHint ( R . string . default_ssh_port ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setSelection ( 0 ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setEnabled ( true ) ; if ( connectionMode . equals ( "ssh-key" ) ) { connection_mode_spinner . setSelection ( 0 ) ; } else { connection_mode_spinner . setSelection ( 1 ) ; } } else { ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ) . setHint ( "hostname/path" ) ; ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) . setHint ( R . string . default_https_port ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setSelection ( 1 ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setEnabled ( false ) ; } } @ Override public void onNothingSelected ( AdapterView < ? > adapterView ) { } } ) ; if ( protocol . equals ( "ssh: ) ) { protcol_spinner . setSelection ( 0 ) ; } else { protcol_spinner . setSelection ( 1 ) ; } final EditText server_url = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_url ) ) ; final EditText server_port = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) ; final EditText server_path = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_path ) ) ; final EditText server_user = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_user ) ) ; final EditText server_uri = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ) ; View . OnFocusChangeListener updateListener = new View . OnFocusChangeListener ( ) { @ Override public void onFocusChange ( View view , boolean b ) { updateURI ( ) ; } } ; server_url . setText ( settings . getString ( "git_remote_server" , "" ) ) ; server_port . setText ( settings . getString ( "git_remote_port" , "" ) ) ; server_user . setText ( settings . getString ( "git_remote_username" , "" ) ) ; server_path . setText ( settings . getString ( "git_remote_location" , "" ) ) ; server_url . addTextChangedListener ( new TextWatcher ( ) { @ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { } @ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_url . isFocused ( ) ) updateURI ( ) ; } @ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { } } ) ; server_port . addTextChangedListener ( new TextWatcher ( ) { @ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { } @ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_port . isFocused ( ) ) updateURI ( ) ; } @ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { } } ) ; server_user . addTextChangedListener ( new TextWatcher ( ) { @ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { } @ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_user . isFocused ( ) ) updateURI ( ) ; } @ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { } } ) ; server_path . addTextChangedListener ( new TextWatcher ( ) { @ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { } @ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_path . isFocused ( ) ) updateURI ( ) ; } @ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { } } ) ; server_uri . addTextChangedListener ( new TextWatcher ( ) { @ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { } @ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_uri . isFocused ( ) ) splitURI ( ) ; } @ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { } } ) ; if ( operationCode == EDIT_SERVER ) { findViewById ( R . id . clone_button ) . setVisibility ( View . INVISIBLE ) ; findViewById ( R . id . save_button ) . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } else { findViewById ( R . id . clone_button ) . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; findViewById ( R . id . save_button ) . setVisibility ( View . INVISIBLE ) ; } updateURI ( ) ; break; case REQUEST_PULL : syncRepository ( REQUEST_PULL ) ; break; case REQUEST_PUSH : syncRepository ( REQUEST_PUSH ) ; break; case REQUEST_SYNC : syncRepository ( REQUEST_SYNC ) ; break; } }
@ Override public void onItemSelected ( AdapterView < ? > adapterView , View view , int i , long l ) { String selection = ( ( Spinner ) findViewById ( R . id . connection_mode ) ) . getSelectedItem ( ) . toString ( ) ; connectionMode = selection ; settings . edit ( ) . putString ( "git_remote_auth" , selection ) . apply ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onNothingSelected ( AdapterView < ? > adapterView ) { }
@ Override public void onItemSelected ( AdapterView < ? > adapterView , View view , int i , long l ) { protocol = ( ( Spinner ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_protocol ) ) . getSelectedItem ( ) . toString ( ) ; if ( protocol . equals ( "ssh: ) ) { ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ) . setHint ( "user@hostname:path" ) ; ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) . setHint ( R . string . default_ssh_port ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setSelection ( 0 ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setEnabled ( true ) ; if ( connectionMode . equals ( "ssh-key" ) ) { connection_mode_spinner . setSelection ( 0 ) ; } else { connection_mode_spinner . setSelection ( 1 ) ; } } else { ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ) . setHint ( "hostname/path" ) ; ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) . setHint ( R . string . default_https_port ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setSelection ( 1 ) ; connection_mode_spinner . setEnabled ( false ) ; } }
@ Override public void onNothingSelected ( AdapterView < ? > adapterView ) { }
@ Override public void onFocusChange ( View view , boolean b ) { updateURI ( ) ; }
@ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { }
@ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_url . isFocused ( ) ) updateURI ( ) ; }
@ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { }
@ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { }
@ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_port . isFocused ( ) ) updateURI ( ) ; }
@ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { }
@ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { }
@ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_user . isFocused ( ) ) updateURI ( ) ; }
@ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { }
@ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { }
@ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_path . isFocused ( ) ) updateURI ( ) ; }
@ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { }
@ Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { }
@ Override public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence charSequence , int i , int i2 , int i3 ) { if ( server_uri . isFocused ( ) ) splitURI ( ) ; }
@ Override public void afterTextChanged ( Editable editable ) { }
private void updateURI ( ) { EditText uri = ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ; EditText server_url = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_url ) ) ; EditText server_port = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) ; EditText server_path = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_path ) ) ; EditText server_user = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_user ) ) ; if ( uri != null ) { switch ( protocol ) { case "ssh: : { String hostname = server_user . getText ( ) + "@" + server_url . getText ( ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) + ":" ; if ( server_port . getText ( ) . toString ( ) . equals ( "22" ) ) { hostname += server_path . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ; ( ( TextView ) findViewById ( R . id . warn_url ) ) . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } else { TextView warn_url = ( TextView ) findViewById ( R . id . warn_url ) ; if ( ! server_path . getText ( ) . toString ( ) . matches ( "/.*" ) && ! server_port . getText ( ) . toString ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) { warn_url . setText ( R . string . warn_malformed_url_port ) ; warn_url . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } else { warn_url . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } hostname += server_port . getText ( ) . toString ( ) + server_path . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ; } if ( ! hostname . equals ( "@:" ) ) uri . setText ( hostname ) ; } break; case "https: : { StringBuilder hostname = new StringBuilder ( ) ; hostname . append ( server_url . getText ( ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ) ; if ( server_port . getText ( ) . toString ( ) . equals ( "443" ) ) { hostname . append ( server_path . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; ( ( TextView ) findViewById ( R . id . warn_url ) ) . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } else { hostname . append ( "/" ) ; hostname . append ( server_port . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) . append ( server_path . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; } if ( ! hostname . toString ( ) . equals ( "@/" ) ) uri . setText ( hostname ) ; } break; default: break; } } }
private void splitURI ( ) { EditText server_uri = ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ; EditText server_url = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_url ) ) ; EditText server_port = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) ; EditText server_path = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_path ) ) ; EditText server_user = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_user ) ) ; String uri = server_uri . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ; Pattern pattern = Pattern . compile ( "(.+)@([\\w\\d\\.]+):([\\d]+)*(.*)" ) ; Matcher matcher = pattern . matcher ( uri ) ; if ( matcher . find ( ) ) { int count = matcher . groupCount ( ) ; if ( count > 1 ) { server_user . setText ( matcher . group ( 1 ) ) ; server_url . setText ( matcher . group ( 2 ) ) ; } if ( count == 4 ) { server_port . setText ( matcher . group ( 3 ) ) ; server_path . setText ( matcher . group ( 4 ) ) ; TextView warn_url = ( TextView ) findViewById ( R . id . warn_url ) ; if ( ! server_path . getText ( ) . toString ( ) . matches ( "/.*" ) && ! server_port . getText ( ) . toString ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) { warn_url . setText ( R . string . warn_malformed_url_port ) ; warn_url . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } else { warn_url . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } } } }
@ Override public void onResume ( ) { super. onResume ( ) ; updateURI ( ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu ( Menu menu ) { getMenuInflater ( ) . inflate ( R . menu . git_clone , menu ) ; return true ; }
private boolean saveConfiguration ( ) { SharedPreferences . Editor editor = settings . edit ( ) ; editor . putString ( "git_remote_server" , ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_url ) ) . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; editor . putString ( "git_remote_location" , ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_path ) ) . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; editor . putString ( "git_remote_username" , ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_user ) ) . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; editor . putString ( "git_remote_protocol" , protocol ) ; editor . putString ( "git_remote_auth" , connectionMode ) ; editor . putString ( "git_remote_port" , ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; editor . putString ( "git_remote_uri" , ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ) . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; hostname = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ) . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ; port = ( ( EditText ) findViewById ( R . id . server_port ) ) . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ; hostname = hostname . replaceFirst ( "^.+: , "" ) ; ( ( TextView ) findViewById ( R . id . clone_uri ) ) . setText ( hostname ) ; if ( ! protocol . equals ( "ssh: ) ) { hostname = protocol + hostname ; } else { if ( ! port . isEmpty ( ) && ! port . equals ( "22" ) ) hostname = protocol + hostname ; if ( ! hostname . matches ( "^.+@.+" ) ) { new AlertDialog . Builder ( this ) . setMessage ( activity . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . forget_username_dialog_text ) ) . setPositiveButton ( activity . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . dialog_oops ) , null ) . show ( ) ; return false ; } } if ( PasswordRepository . isInitialized ( ) ) { PasswordRepository . addRemote ( "origin" , hostname , true ) ; } editor . apply ( ) ; return true ; }
public void saveConfiguration ( View view ) { if ( ! saveConfiguration ( ) ) return; finish ( ) ; }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int id ) { try { FileUtils . deleteDirectory ( localDir ) ; try { new CloneOperation ( localDir , activity ) . setCommand ( hostname ) . executeAfterAuthentication ( connectionMode , settings . getString ( "git_remote_username" , "git" ) , new File ( getFilesDir ( ) + "/.ssh_key" ) ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; new AlertDialog . Builder ( GitActivity .this ) . setMessage ( e . getMessage ( ) ) . show ( ) ; } } catch ( IOException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; new AlertDialog . Builder ( GitActivity .this ) . setMessage ( e . getMessage ( ) ) . show ( ) ; } dialog . cancel ( ) ; }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int id ) { dialog . cancel ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialogInterface , int i ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( activity , UserPreference .class ) ; startActivityForResult ( intent , REQUEST_PULL ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialogInterface , int i ) { setResult ( RESULT_OK ) ; finish ( ) ; }
void onFocusChanged ( ObaStop stop , HashMap < String , ObaRoute > routes , Location location );
void onProgressBarChanged ( boolean showProgressBar );
public static BaseMapFragment newInstance ( ) { return new BaseMapFragment ( ) ; }
@ Override public View onCreateView ( LayoutInflater inflater , ViewGroup container , Bundle savedInstanceState ) { View v = super. onCreateView ( inflater , container , savedInstanceState ) ; mLocationHelper = new LocationHelper ( getActivity ( ) ) ; mLocationHelper . registerListener ( this ) ; if ( MapHelpV2 . isMapsInstalled ( getActivity ( ) ) ) { mLastSavedInstanceState = savedInstanceState ; getMapAsync ( this ) ; } else { MapHelpV2 . promptUserInstallMaps ( getActivity ( ) ) ; } Location l = Application . getLastKnownLocation ( getActivity ( ) , mLocationHelper . getGoogleApiClient ( ) ) ; if ( l != null ) { final long TIME_THRESHOLD = TimeUnit . MINUTES . toMillis ( 5 ) ; if ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - l . getTime ( ) < TIME_THRESHOLD ) { onLocationChanged ( l ) ; } } return v ; }
@ Override public void onMapReady ( com . google . android . gms . maps . GoogleMap map ) { mMap = map ; initMap ( mLastSavedInstanceState ) ; }
private void initMap ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { UiSettings uiSettings = mMap . getUiSettings ( ) ; mMap . setMyLocationEnabled ( true ) ; mMap . setLocationSource ( this ) ; mMap . setOnCameraChangeListener ( this ) ; uiSettings . setMyLocationButtonEnabled ( false ) ; uiSettings . setZoomControlsEnabled ( false ) ; uiSettings . setMapToolbarEnabled ( false ) ; mSimpleMarkerOverlay = new SimpleMarkerOverlay ( mMap ) ; if ( savedInstanceState != null ) { initMapState ( savedInstanceState ) ; } else { Bundle args = getActivity ( ) . getIntent ( ) . getExtras ( ) ; if ( args == null ) { args = new Bundle ( ) ; } double lat = args . getDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT , 0.0d ) ; double lon = args . getDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LON , 0.0d ) ; if ( lat == 0.0d && lon == 0.0d ) { PreferenceUtils . maybeRestoreMapViewToBundle ( args ) ; } initMapState ( args ) ; } }
private void initMapState ( Bundle args ) { mFocusStopId = args . getString ( MapParams . STOP_ID ) ; mMapPaddingLeft = args . getInt ( MapParams . MAP_PADDING_LEFT , MapParams . DEFAULT_MAP_PADDING ) ; mMapPaddingTop = args . getInt ( MapParams . MAP_PADDING_TOP , MapParams . DEFAULT_MAP_PADDING ) ; mMapPaddingRight = args . getInt ( MapParams . MAP_PADDING_RIGHT , MapParams . DEFAULT_MAP_PADDING ) ; mMapPaddingBottom = args . getInt ( MapParams . MAP_PADDING_BOTTOM , MapParams . DEFAULT_MAP_PADDING ) ; setPadding ( mMapPaddingLeft , mMapPaddingTop , mMapPaddingRight , mMapPaddingBottom ) ; String mode = args . getString ( MapParams . MODE ) ; if ( mode == null ) { mode = MapParams . MODE_STOP ; } setMapMode ( mode , args ) ; }
@ Override public void onDestroy ( ) { if ( mController != null ) { mController . destroy ( ) ; } super. onDestroy ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onPause ( ) { if ( mLocationHelper != null ) { mLocationHelper . onPause ( ) ; } if ( mController != null ) { mController . onPause ( ) ; } Location center = getMapCenterAsLocation ( ) ; if ( center != null ) { PreferenceUtils . saveMapViewToPreferences ( center . getLatitude ( ) , center . getLongitude ( ) , getZoomLevelAsFloat ( ) ) ; } mRunning = false ; super. onPause ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onHiddenChanged ( boolean hidden ) { if ( mController != null ) { mController . onHidden ( hidden ) ; } super. onHiddenChanged ( hidden ) ; }
@ Override public void onResume ( ) { if ( mLocationHelper != null ) { mLocationHelper . onResume ( ) ; } mRunning = true ; if ( mController != null ) { mController . onResume ( ) ; } super. onResume ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onSaveInstanceState ( Bundle outState ) { if ( mController != null ) { mController . onSaveInstanceState ( outState ) ; } outState . putString ( MapParams . MODE , getMapMode ( ) ) ; outState . putString ( MapParams . STOP_ID , mFocusStopId ) ; Location center = getMapCenterAsLocation ( ) ; if ( mMap != null ) { outState . putDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT , center . getLatitude ( ) ) ; outState . putDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LON , center . getLongitude ( ) ) ; outState . putFloat ( MapParams . ZOOM , getZoomLevelAsFloat ( ) ) ; } outState . putInt ( MapParams . MAP_PADDING_LEFT , mMapPaddingLeft ) ; outState . putInt ( MapParams . MAP_PADDING_TOP , mMapPaddingTop ) ; outState . putInt ( MapParams . MAP_PADDING_RIGHT , mMapPaddingRight ) ; outState . putInt ( MapParams . MAP_PADDING_BOTTOM , mMapPaddingBottom ) ; }
@ Override public void onViewStateRestored ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { if ( mController != null ) { mController . onViewStateRestored ( savedInstanceState ) ; } super. onViewStateRestored ( savedInstanceState ) ; }
public boolean isRouteDisplayed ( ) { return ( mController != null ) && MapParams . MODE_ROUTE . equals ( mController . getMode ( ) ) ; }
public boolean setupStopOverlay ( ) { if ( mStopOverlay != null ) { return true ; } if ( mMap == null ) { return false ; } mStopOverlay = new StopOverlay ( getActivity ( ) , mMap ) ; mStopOverlay . setOnFocusChangeListener ( this ) ; return true ; }
public void setupVehicleOverlay ( ) { Activity a = getActivity ( ) ; if ( mVehicleOverlay == null && a != null ) { mVehicleOverlay = new VehicleOverlay ( a , mMap ) ; mVehicleOverlay . setController ( this ) ; } }
protected void showDialog ( int id ) { MapDialogFragment . newInstance ( id , this ) . show ( getFragmentManager ( ) , MapDialogFragment . TAG ) ; }
@ Override public String getMapMode ( ) { if ( mController != null ) { return mController . getMode ( ) ; } return null ; }
@ Override public void setMapMode ( String mode , Bundle args ) { String oldMode = getMapMode ( ) ; if ( oldMode != null && oldMode . equals ( mode ) ) { mController . setState ( args ) ; return; } if ( mController != null ) { mController . destroy ( ) ; } if ( mStopOverlay != null ) { mStopOverlay . clear ( false ) ; } if ( MapParams . MODE_ROUTE . equals ( mode ) ) { mController = new RouteMapController ( this ) ; } else if ( MapParams . MODE_STOP . equals ( mode ) ) { mController = new StopMapController ( this ) ; } else if ( MapParams . MODE_DIRECTIONS . equals ( mode ) ) { mController = new DirectionsMapController ( this ) ; } mController . setState ( args ) ; mController . onResume ( ) ; }
@ Override public MapModeController . ObaMapView getMapView ( ) { return this ; }
@ Override public int addMarker ( Location location , Float hue ) { if ( mSimpleMarkerOverlay == null ) { return - 1 ; } return mSimpleMarkerOverlay . addMarker ( location , hue ) ; }
@ Override public void removeMarker ( int markerId ) { if ( mSimpleMarkerOverlay == null ) { return; } mSimpleMarkerOverlay . removeMarker ( markerId ) ; }
@ Override public void setPadding ( Integer left , Integer top , Integer right , Integer bottom ) { if ( left != null ) { mMapPaddingLeft = left ; } if ( top != null ) { mMapPaddingTop = top ; } if ( right != null ) { mMapPaddingRight = right ; } if ( bottom != null ) { mMapPaddingBottom = bottom ; } if ( mMap != null ) { mMap . setPadding ( mMapPaddingLeft , mMapPaddingTop , mMapPaddingRight , mMapPaddingBottom ) ; } }
@ Override public void showProgress ( boolean show ) { if ( mOnProgressBarChangedListener != null ) { mOnProgressBarChangedListener . onProgressBarChanged ( show ) ; } }
@ Override public void showStops ( List < ObaStop > stops , ObaReferences refs ) { if ( setupStopOverlay ( ) && stops != null ) { mStopOverlay . populateStops ( stops , refs ) ; } }
@ Override public void notifyOutOfRange ( ) { String serverName = Application . get ( ) . getCustomApiUrl ( ) ; if ( mWarnOutOfRange && ( Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) != null || ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( serverName ) ) ) { if ( mRunning && UIUtils . canManageDialog ( getActivity ( ) ) ) { showDialog ( MapDialogFragment . OUTOFRANGE_DIALOG ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onRegionTaskFinished ( boolean currentRegionChanged ) { if ( ! isAdded ( ) ) { return; } Location l = Application . getLastKnownLocation ( getActivity ( ) , mLocationHelper . getGoogleApiClient ( ) ) ; Location mapCenter = getMapCenterAsLocation ( ) ; if ( currentRegionChanged && ( l == null || ( mapCenter != null && mapCenter . getLatitude ( ) == 0.0 && mapCenter . getLongitude ( ) == 0.0 ) ) ) { zoomToRegion ( ) ; } }
public void setOnFocusChangeListener ( OnFocusChangedListener onFocusChangedListener ) { mOnFocusChangedListener = onFocusChangedListener ; }
public void setOnProgressBarChangedListener ( OnProgressBarChangedListener onProgressBarChangedListener ) { mOnProgressBarChangedListener = onProgressBarChangedListener ; }
public void onFocusChanged ( final ObaStop stop , final HashMap < String , ObaRoute > routes , final Location location ) { mStopChangedHandler . post ( new Runnable ( ) { public void run ( ) { if ( stop != null ) { mFocusStopId = stop . getId ( ) ; } else { mFocusStopId = null ; } if ( mOnFocusChangedListener != null ) { mOnFocusChangedListener . onFocusChanged ( stop , routes , location ) ; } } } ) ; }
public void run ( ) { if ( stop != null ) { mFocusStopId = stop . getId ( ) ; } else { mFocusStopId = null ; } if ( mOnFocusChangedListener != null ) { mOnFocusChangedListener . onFocusChanged ( stop , routes , location ) ; } }
@ Override @ SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" ) public boolean setMyLocation ( boolean useDefaultZoom , boolean animateToLocation ) { if ( ! LocationUtils . isLocationEnabled ( getActivity ( ) ) && mRunning && UIUtils . canManageDialog ( getActivity ( ) ) ) { SharedPreferences prefs = Application . getPrefs ( ) ; if ( ! prefs . getBoolean ( getString ( R . string . preference_key_never_show_location_dialog ) , false ) ) { showDialog ( MapDialogFragment . NOLOCATION_DIALOG ) ; } return false ; } GoogleApiClient apiClient = null ; if ( mLocationHelper != null ) { apiClient = mLocationHelper . getGoogleApiClient ( ) ; } Location lastLocation = Application . getLastKnownLocation ( getActivity ( ) , apiClient ) ; if ( lastLocation == null ) { Toast . makeText ( getActivity ( ) , getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . main_waiting_for_location ) , Toast . LENGTH_SHORT ) . show ( ) ; return false ; } setMyLocation ( lastLocation , useDefaultZoom , animateToLocation ) ; return true ; }
private void setMyLocation ( Location l , boolean useDefaultZoom , boolean animateToLocation ) { if ( mMap != null ) { CameraPosition . Builder cameraPosition = new CameraPosition . Builder ( ) . target ( MapHelpV2 . makeLatLng ( l ) ) ; if ( useDefaultZoom ) { cameraPosition . zoom ( CAMERA_DEFAULT_ZOOM ) ; } else { cameraPosition . zoom ( mMap . getCameraPosition ( ) . zoom ) ; } if ( animateToLocation ) { mMap . animateCamera ( CameraUpdateFactory . newCameraPosition ( cameraPosition . build ( ) ) ) ; } else { mMap . moveCamera ( CameraUpdateFactory . newCameraPosition ( cameraPosition . build ( ) ) ) ; } } if ( mController != null ) { mController . onLocation ( ) ; } }
public void zoomToRegion ( ) { ObaRegion region = Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) ; if ( region != null && mMap != null ) { LatLngBounds b = MapHelpV2 . getRegionBounds ( region ) ; int width = getResources ( ) . getDisplayMetrics ( ) . widthPixels ; int height = getResources ( ) . getDisplayMetrics ( ) . heightPixels ; int padding = 0 ; mMap . animateCamera ( ( CameraUpdateFactory . newLatLngBounds ( b , width , height , padding ) ) ) ; } }
public static void showMapError ( ObaResponse response ) { Context context = Application . get ( ) . getApplicationContext ( ) ; int code ; if ( response != null ) { code = response . getCode ( ) ; } else { code = ObaApi . OBA_INTERNAL_ERROR ; } if ( UIUtils . canManageDialog ( context ) ) { Toast . makeText ( context , context . getString ( UIUtils . getMapErrorString ( context , code ) ) , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ) . show ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void setZoom ( float zoomLevel ) { if ( mMap != null ) { mMap . moveCamera ( CameraUpdateFactory . zoomTo ( zoomLevel ) ) ; } }
@ Override public Location getMapCenterAsLocation ( ) { if ( mMap != null ) { LatLng center = mMap . getCameraPosition ( ) . target ; if ( mCenter == null || mCenter != center ) { mCenter = center ; mCenterLocation = MapHelpV2 . makeLocation ( mCenter ) ; } } return mCenterLocation ; }
@ Override public void setMapCenter ( Location location , boolean animateToLocation , boolean overlayExpanded ) { if ( mMap != null ) { CameraPosition cp = mMap . getCameraPosition ( ) ; LatLng target = MapHelpV2 . makeLatLng ( location ) ; LatLng offsetTarget ; if ( isRouteDisplayed ( ) && overlayExpanded ) { double percentageOffset = 0.2 ; double bias = ( getLongitudeSpanInDecDegrees ( ) * percentageOffset ) / 2 ; offsetTarget = new LatLng ( target . latitude - bias , target . longitude ) ; target = offsetTarget ; } if ( animateToLocation ) { mMap . animateCamera ( CameraUpdateFactory . newCameraPosition ( new CameraPosition . Builder ( ) . target ( target ) . zoom ( cp . zoom ) . bearing ( cp . bearing ) . tilt ( cp . tilt ) . build ( ) ) ) ; } else { mMap . moveCamera ( CameraUpdateFactory . newCameraPosition ( new CameraPosition . Builder ( ) . target ( target ) . zoom ( cp . zoom ) . bearing ( cp . bearing ) . tilt ( cp . tilt ) . build ( ) ) ) ; } } }
@ Override public double getLatitudeSpanInDecDegrees ( ) { VisibleRegion vr = mMap . getProjection ( ) . getVisibleRegion ( ) ; return Math . abs ( vr . latLngBounds . northeast . latitude - vr . latLngBounds . southwest . latitude ) ; }
@ Override public double getLongitudeSpanInDecDegrees ( ) { VisibleRegion vr = mMap . getProjection ( ) . getVisibleRegion ( ) ; return Math . abs ( vr . latLngBounds . northeast . longitude - vr . latLngBounds . southwest . longitude ) ; }
@ Override public float getZoomLevelAsFloat ( ) { return mMap . getCameraPosition ( ) . zoom ; }
@ Override public void setRouteOverlay ( int lineOverlayColor , ObaShape [] shapes ) { setRouteOverlay ( lineOverlayColor , shapes , true ) ; }
@ Override public void updateVehicles ( HashSet < String > routeIds , ObaTripsForRouteResponse response ) { setupVehicleOverlay ( ) ; if ( mVehicleOverlay != null ) { mVehicleOverlay . updateVehicles ( routeIds , response ) ; } }
@ Override public void removeVehicleOverlay ( ) { if ( mVehicleOverlay != null ) { mVehicleOverlay . clear ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void zoomToRoute ( ) { if ( mMap != null ) { if ( ! mLineOverlay . isEmpty ( ) ) { LatLngBounds . Builder builder = new LatLngBounds . Builder ( ) ; for ( Polyline p : mLineOverlay ) { for ( LatLng l : p . getPoints ( ) ) { builder . include ( l ) ; } } Activity a = getActivity ( ) ; if ( a != null ) { int padding = UIUtils . dpToPixels ( a , DEFAULT_MAP_PADDING_DP ) ; mMap . moveCamera ( ( CameraUpdateFactory . newLatLngBounds ( builder . build ( ) , padding ) ) ) ; } } else { Toast . makeText ( getActivity ( ) , getString ( R . string . route_info_no_shape_data ) , Toast . LENGTH_SHORT ) . show ( ) ; } } }
@ Override public void zoomToItinerary ( ) { if ( mMap != null ) { if ( ! mLineOverlay . isEmpty ( ) ) { LatLngBounds . Builder builder = new LatLngBounds . Builder ( ) ; for ( Polyline p : mLineOverlay ) { for ( LatLng l : p . getPoints ( ) ) { builder . include ( l ) ; } } Activity a = getActivity ( ) ; if ( a != null ) { int padding = UIUtils . dpToPixels ( a , DEFAULT_MAP_PADDING_DP ) ; mMap . moveCamera ( ( CameraUpdateFactory . newLatLngBounds ( builder . build ( ) , getResources ( ) . getDisplayMetrics ( ) . widthPixels , getResources ( ) . getDisplayMetrics ( ) . heightPixels , padding ) ) ) ; } } } }
@ Override public void zoomIncludeClosestVehicle ( HashSet < String > routeIds , ObaTripsForRouteResponse response ) { if ( mMap == null ) { return; } LatLng closestVehicleLocation = MapHelpV2 . getClosestVehicle ( response , routeIds , getMapCenterAsLocation ( ) ) ; LatLngBounds visibleBounds = mMap . getProjection ( ) . getVisibleRegion ( ) . latLngBounds ; if ( closestVehicleLocation == null || visibleBounds . contains ( closestVehicleLocation ) ) { return; } LatLngBounds . Builder builder = new LatLngBounds . Builder ( ) ; builder . include ( visibleBounds . northeast ) ; builder . include ( visibleBounds . southwest ) ; builder . include ( closestVehicleLocation ) ; Activity a = getActivity ( ) ; if ( a != null ) { int padding = UIUtils . dpToPixels ( a , DEFAULT_MAP_PADDING_DP ) ; mMap . animateCamera ( CameraUpdateFactory . newLatLngBounds ( builder . build ( ) , padding ) ) ; } }
@ Override public void removeRouteOverlay ( ) { for ( Polyline p : mLineOverlay ) { p . remove ( ) ; } mLineOverlay . clear ( ) ; }
@ Override public void removeStopOverlay ( boolean clearFocusedStop ) { if ( mStopOverlay != null ) { mStopOverlay . clear ( clearFocusedStop ) ; } }
@ Override public boolean canWatchMapChanges ( ) { return true ; }
@ Override public void setFocusStop ( ObaStop stop , List < ObaRoute > routes ) { if ( setupStopOverlay ( ) ) { mStopOverlay . setFocus ( stop , routes ) ; } }
@ Override public void onCameraChange ( CameraPosition cameraPosition ) { Log . d ( TAG , "onCameraChange" ) ; if ( mController != null ) { mController . notifyMapChanged ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void activate ( OnLocationChangedListener listener ) { mListener = listener ; }
@ Override public void deactivate ( ) { mListener = null ; }
public void onLocationChanged ( Location l ) { if ( mListener != null ) { mListener . onLocationChanged ( l ) ; } }
@ Override public void postInvalidate ( ) { }
@ Override public String getFocusedStopId ( ) { return mFocusStopId ; }
static MapDialogFragment newInstance ( int dialogType , BaseMapFragment fragment ) { mMapFragment = fragment ; MapDialogFragment f = new MapDialogFragment ( ) ; Bundle args = new Bundle ( ) ; args . putInt ( DIALOG_TYPE_KEY , dialogType ) ; f . setArguments ( args ) ; f . setCancelable ( false ) ; return f ; }
private Dialog createOutOfRangeDialog ( ) { Drawable icon = getResources ( ) . getDrawable ( android . R . drawable . ic_dialog_map ) ; DrawableCompat . setTint ( icon , getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) ) ; AlertDialog . Builder builder = new AlertDialog . Builder ( getActivity ( ) ) . setTitle ( R . string . main_outofrange_title ) . setIcon ( icon ) . setCancelable ( false ) . setMessage ( getString ( R . string . main_outofrange , Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) != null ? Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) . getName ( ) : "" ) ) . setPositiveButton ( R . string . main_outofrange_yes , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { mMapFragment . zoomToRegion ( ) ; } } ) . setNegativeButton ( R . string . main_outofrange_no , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { mMapFragment . mWarnOutOfRange = false ; } } ) ; return builder . create ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { mMapFragment . zoomToRegion ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { mMapFragment . mWarnOutOfRange = false ; }
@ SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" ) private Dialog createNoLocationDialog ( ) { View view = getActivity ( ) . getLayoutInflater ( ) . inflate ( R . layout . no_location_dialog , null ) ; CheckBox neverShowDialog = ( CheckBox ) view . findViewById ( R . id . location_never_ask_again ) ; neverShowDialog . setOnCheckedChangeListener ( new CompoundButton . OnCheckedChangeListener ( ) { @ Override public void onCheckedChanged ( CompoundButton compoundButton , boolean isChecked ) { PreferenceUtils . saveBoolean ( getString ( R . string . preference_key_never_show_location_dialog ) , isChecked ) ; } } ) ; Drawable icon = getResources ( ) . getDrawable ( android . R . drawable . ic_dialog_map ) ; DrawableCompat . setTint ( icon , getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . theme_primary ) ) ; AlertDialog . Builder builder = new AlertDialog . Builder ( getActivity ( ) ) . setTitle ( R . string . main_nolocation_title ) . setIcon ( icon ) . setCancelable ( false ) . setView ( view ) . setPositiveButton ( R . string . rt_yes , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { startActivityForResult ( new Intent ( Settings . ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS ) , REQUEST_NO_LOCATION ) ; } } ) . setNegativeButton ( R . string . rt_no , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { mMapFragment . mController . onLocation ( ) ; } } ) ; return builder . create ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onCheckedChanged ( CompoundButton compoundButton , boolean isChecked ) { PreferenceUtils . saveBoolean ( getString ( R . string . preference_key_never_show_location_dialog ) , isChecked ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { startActivityForResult ( new Intent ( Settings . ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS ) , REQUEST_NO_LOCATION ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { mMapFragment . mController . onLocation ( ) ; }
private void computeDuplicateFilesInSource ( File folder ) { String rPath = folder . getAbsolutePath ( ) ; for ( File file : Files . fileTreeTraverser ( ) . breadthFirstTraversal ( folder ) . toList ( ) ) { String lPath = file . getAbsolutePath ( ) ; if ( lPath . equals ( rPath ) ) { continue; } lPath = lPath . substring ( rPath . length ( ) + 1 ) ; if ( jars . get ( lPath ) == null ) { jars . put ( lPath , new ArrayList < File > ( ) ) ; } jars . get ( lPath ) . add ( folder ) ; } }
public boolean accept ( File dir , String name ) { return PATTERN_JAR_EXT . matcher ( name ) . matches ( ) ; }
private void addSecondaryDexes ( File dexFile , ApkBuilder apkBuilder ) throws ApkCreationException , SealedApkException , DuplicateFileException { int dexNumber = 2 ; String dexFileName = getNextDexFileName ( dexNumber ) ; File secondDexFile = createNextDexFile ( dexFile , dexFileName ) ; while ( secondDexFile . exists ( ) ) { apkBuilder . addFile ( secondDexFile , dexFileName ) ; dexNumber ++ ; dexFileName = getNextDexFileName ( dexNumber ) ; secondDexFile = createNextDexFile ( dexFile , dexFileName ) ; } }
private File createNextDexFile ( File dexFile , String dexFileName ) { return new File ( dexFile . getParentFile ( ) , dexFileName ) ; }
private String getNextDexFileName ( int dexNumber ) { return CLASSES + dexNumber + DEX_SUFFIX ; }
private static void copyStreamWithoutClosing ( InputStream in , OutputStream out ) throws IOException { final int bufferSize = 4096 ; byte [] b = new byte [ bufferSize ] ; int n ; while ( ( n = in . read ( b ) ) != - 1 ) { out . write ( b , 0 , n ) ; } }
private Set < Artifact > getNativeLibraryArtifacts ( ) MojoExecutionException { return getNativeHelper ( ) . getNativeDependenciesArtifacts ( this , getUnpackedLibsDirectory ( ) , true ) ; }
protected AndroidSigner getAndroidSigner ( ) { if ( sign == null ) { return new AndroidSigner ( signDebug ) ; } else { return new AndroidSigner ( sign . getDebug ( ) ) ; } }
private MetaInf getDefaultMetaInf ( ) { if ( apkMetaIncludes != null && apkMetaIncludes . length > 0 ) { return new MetaInf ( ) . include ( apkMetaIncludes ) ; } return this . pluginMetaInf ; }
public CommonSQLiteOpenHelper ( @ Nonnull Context context , @ Nonnull SQLiteOpenHelperConfiguration configuration ) { super( context . getApplicationContext ( ) , configuration . getName ( ) , configuration . getCursorFactory ( ) , configuration . getVersion ( ) ); this . context = context . getApplicationContext ( ) ; this . databaseName = configuration . getName ( ) ; this . version = configuration . getVersion ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onCreate ( @ Nonnull SQLiteDatabase db ) { onUpgrade ( db , 0 , this . version ) ; }
@ Nonnull public String convertStreamToString ( java . io . InputStream is ) { try { return new Scanner ( is , "UTF-8" ) . useDelimiter ( "\\A" ) . next ( ) ; } catch ( java . util . NoSuchElementException e ) { return "" ; } }
public MatcherPattern ( TableInfo tableInfo , SubType subType , String pattern , int patternCode ) { this . tableInfo = tableInfo ; this . subType = subType ; this . pattern = pattern ; this . patternCode = patternCode ; if ( this . tableInfo . getDefaultContentUriInfo ( ) . isValid ( ) ) { this . contentUriInfo = this . tableInfo . getDefaultContentUriInfo ( ) ; } else { this . contentUriInfo = null ; } if ( this . tableInfo . getDefaultContentMimeTypeVndInfo ( ) . isValid ( ) ) { this . contentMimeTypeVndInfo = this . tableInfo . getDefaultContentMimeTypeVndInfo ( ) ; } else { this . contentMimeTypeVndInfo = null ; } if ( this . contentMimeTypeVndInfo != null ) { this . mimeTypeVnd = new MimeTypeVnd ( this . subType , this . contentMimeTypeVndInfo ) ; } else { this . mimeTypeVnd = null ; } }
@ Override public boolean isValid ( ) { return isValid ( false ) ; }
protected void initialize ( ) { this . initialized = true ; }
public MatcherPattern setContentUri ( String authority , String path ) { return this . setContentUri ( new ContentUriInfo ( authority , path ) ) ; }
public MatcherPattern setContentMimeTypeVnd ( String name , String type ) { return this . setContentMimeTypeVnd ( new ContentMimeTypeVndInfo ( name , type ) ) ; }
public TableInfo getTableInfo ( ) { return this . tableInfo ; }
public SubType getSubType ( ) { return this . subType ; }
public String getPattern ( ) { return this . pattern ; }
public int getPatternCode ( ) { return this . patternCode ; }
public ContentUriInfo getContentUriInfo ( ) { return this . contentUriInfo ; }
public MimeTypeVnd getMimeTypeVnd ( ) { return this . mimeTypeVnd ; }
public String getPathAndPatternString ( ) { return this . contentUriInfo . getPath ( ) + "/" + this . pattern ; }
public Uri getContentUriPattern ( ) { return Uri . parse ( this . contentUriInfo . getContentUri ( ) + "/" + this . pattern ) ; }
public String getMimeTypeVndString ( ) { return this . mimeTypeVnd . getMimeTypeString ( ) ; }
@ Override public String toString ( ) { return getContentUriPattern ( ) . toString ( ) ; }
public UiSettingsAssert ( UiSettings actual ) { super( actual , UiSettingsAssert .class ); }
public GPUImageSmoothToonFilter ( ) { blurFilter = new GPUImageGaussianBlurFilter ( ) ; addFilter ( blurFilter ) ; toonFilter = new GPUImageToonFilter ( ) ; addFilter ( toonFilter ) ; getFilters ( ) . add ( blurFilter ) ; setBlurSize ( 0.5f ) ; setThreshold ( 0.2f ) ; setQuantizationLevels ( 10.0f ) ; }
public void setTexelWidth ( float value ) { toonFilter . setTexelWidth ( value ) ; }
public void setTexelHeight ( float value ) { toonFilter . setTexelHeight ( value ) ; }
public void setBlurSize ( float value ) { blurFilter . setBlurSize ( value ) ; }
public void setThreshold ( float value ) { toonFilter . setThreshold ( value ) ; }
public void setQuantizationLevels ( float value ) { toonFilter . setQuantizationLevels ( value ) ; }
@ Before public void setUp ( ) { RxJavaPlugins . reset ( ) ; pauseMainLooper ( ) ; }
@ After public void tearDown ( ) { RxJavaPlugins . reset ( ) ; unPauseMainLooper ( ) ; }
@ Test public void directScheduleOncePostsImmediately ( ) { CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; scheduler . scheduleDirect ( counter ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void directScheduleOnceWithNegativeDelayPostsImmediately ( ) { CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; scheduler . scheduleDirect ( counter , - 1 , TimeUnit . MINUTES ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void directScheduleOnceUsesHook ( ) { final CountingRunnable newCounter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; final AtomicReference < Runnable > runnableRef = new AtomicReference <> ( ) ; RxJavaPlugins . setScheduleHandler ( new Function < Runnable , Runnable > ( ) { @ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; } } ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; scheduler . scheduleDirect ( counter ) ; assertSame ( counter , runnableRef . get ( ) ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , newCounter . get ( ) ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; }
@ Test public void directScheduleOnceDisposedDoesNotRun ( ) { CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; Disposable disposable = scheduler . scheduleDirect ( counter ) ; disposable . dispose ( ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void directScheduleOnceWithDelayPostsWithDelay ( ) { CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; scheduler . scheduleDirect ( counter , 1 , MINUTES ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; idleMainLooper ( 1 , MINUTES ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void directScheduleOnceWithDelayUsesHook ( ) { final CountingRunnable newCounter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; final AtomicReference < Runnable > runnableRef = new AtomicReference <> ( ) ; RxJavaPlugins . setScheduleHandler ( new Function < Runnable , Runnable > ( ) { @ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; } } ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; scheduler . scheduleDirect ( counter , 1 , MINUTES ) ; assertSame ( counter , runnableRef . get ( ) ) ; idleMainLooper ( 1 , MINUTES ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , newCounter . get ( ) ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; }
@ Test public void directScheduleOnceWithDelayDisposedDoesNotRun ( ) { CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; Disposable disposable = scheduler . scheduleDirect ( counter , 1 , MINUTES ) ; idleMainLooper ( 30 , SECONDS ) ; disposable . dispose ( ) ; idleMainLooper ( 30 , SECONDS ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { super. run ( ) ; if ( get ( ) == 2 ) { disposableRef . get ( ) . dispose ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void run ( ) { super. run ( ) ; if ( get ( ) == 2 ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "Broken!" ) ; } }
@ Test public void workerScheduleOncePostsImmediately ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; worker . schedule ( counter ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void workerScheduleOnceWithNegativeDelayPostsImmediately ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; worker . schedule ( counter , - 1 , TimeUnit . MINUTES ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void workerScheduleOnceUsesHook ( ) { final CountingRunnable newCounter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; final AtomicReference < Runnable > runnableRef = new AtomicReference <> ( ) ; RxJavaPlugins . setScheduleHandler ( new Function < Runnable , Runnable > ( ) { @ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; } } ) ; Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; worker . schedule ( counter ) ; assertSame ( counter , runnableRef . get ( ) ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , newCounter . get ( ) ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; }
@ Test public void workerScheduleOnceDisposedDoesNotRun ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; Disposable disposable = worker . schedule ( counter ) ; disposable . dispose ( ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void workerScheduleOnceWithDelayPostsWithDelay ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; worker . schedule ( counter , 1 , MINUTES ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; idleMainLooper ( 1 , MINUTES ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void workerScheduleOnceWithDelayUsesHook ( ) { final CountingRunnable newCounter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; final AtomicReference < Runnable > runnableRef = new AtomicReference <> ( ) ; RxJavaPlugins . setScheduleHandler ( new Function < Runnable , Runnable > ( ) { @ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; } } ) ; Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; worker . schedule ( counter , 1 , MINUTES ) ; assertSame ( counter , runnableRef . get ( ) ) ; idleMainLooper ( 1 , MINUTES ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , newCounter . get ( ) ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; }
@ Test public void workerScheduleOnceWithDelayDisposedDoesNotRun ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; Disposable disposable = worker . schedule ( counter , 1 , MINUTES ) ; idleMainLooper ( 30 , SECONDS ) ; disposable . dispose ( ) ; idleMainLooper ( 30 , SECONDS ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { runnableRef . set ( runnable ) ; return newCounter ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { super. run ( ) ; if ( get ( ) == 2 ) { disposableRef . get ( ) . dispose ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void run ( ) { super. run ( ) ; if ( get ( ) == 2 ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "Broken!" ) ; } }
@ Test public void workerDisposableTracksDisposedState ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; Disposable disposable = worker . schedule ( counter ) ; assertFalse ( disposable . isDisposed ( ) ) ; disposable . dispose ( ) ; assertTrue ( disposable . isDisposed ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void workerUnsubscriptionDuringSchedulingCancelsScheduledAction ( ) { final AtomicReference < Worker > workerRef = new AtomicReference <> ( ) ; RxJavaPlugins . setScheduleHandler ( new Function < Runnable , Runnable > ( ) { @ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { workerRef . get ( ) . dispose ( ) ; return runnable ; } } ) ; Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; workerRef . set ( worker ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; worker . schedule ( counter ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public Runnable apply ( Runnable runnable ) { workerRef . get ( ) . dispose ( ) ; return runnable ; }
@ Test public void workerDisposeCancelsScheduled ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counter = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; worker . schedule ( counter , 1 , MINUTES ) ; worker . dispose ( ) ; runUiThreadTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counter . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void workerUnsubscriptionDoesNotAffectOtherWorkers ( ) { Worker workerA = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counterA = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; workerA . schedule ( counterA , 1 , MINUTES ) ; Worker workerB = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; CountingRunnable counterB = new CountingRunnable ( ) ; workerB . schedule ( counterB , 1 , MINUTES ) ; workerA . dispose ( ) ; runUiThreadTasksIncludingDelayedTasks ( ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , counterA . get ( ) ) ; assertEquals ( 1 , counterB . get ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void workerTracksDisposedState ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; assertFalse ( worker . isDisposed ( ) ) ; worker . dispose ( ) ; assertTrue ( worker . isDisposed ( ) ) ; }
@ Test public void disposedWorkerReturnsDisposedDisposables ( ) { Worker worker = scheduler . createWorker ( ) ; worker . dispose ( ) ; Disposable disposable = worker . schedule ( new CountingRunnable ( ) ) ; assertTrue ( disposable . isDisposed ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public void uncaughtException ( Thread thread , Throwable ex ) { throwableRef . set ( ex ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { throw npe ; }
private static void idleMainLooper ( long amount , TimeUnit unit ) { ShadowLooper . idleMainLooper ( unit . toMillis ( amount ) ) ; }
public ObservableScrollView ( Context context ) { super( context ); }
public ObservableScrollView ( Context context , AttributeSet attrs ) { super( context , attrs ); }
public ObservableScrollView ( Context context , AttributeSet attrs , int defStyle ) { super( context , attrs , defStyle ); }
@ Override public void onRestoreInstanceState ( Parcelable state ) { SavedState ss = ( SavedState ) state ; mPrevScrollY = ss . prevScrollY ; mScrollY = ss . scrollY ; super. onRestoreInstanceState ( ss . getSuperState ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState ( ) { Parcelable superState = super. onSaveInstanceState ( ) ; SavedState ss = new SavedState ( superState ) ; ss . prevScrollY = mPrevScrollY ; ss . scrollY = mScrollY ; return ss ; }
@ Override protected void onScrollChanged ( int l , int t , int oldl , int oldt ) { super. onScrollChanged ( l , t , oldl , oldt ) ; if ( hasNoCallbacks ( ) ) { return; } mScrollY = t ; dispatchOnScrollChanged ( t , mFirstScroll , mDragging ) ; if ( mFirstScroll ) { mFirstScroll = false ; } if ( mPrevScrollY < t ) { mScrollState = ScrollState . UP ; } else if ( t < mPrevScrollY ) { mScrollState = ScrollState . DOWN ; } mPrevScrollY = t ; }
@ Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent ( MotionEvent ev ) { if ( hasNoCallbacks ( ) ) { return super. onInterceptTouchEvent ( ev ) ; } switch ( ev . getActionMasked ( ) ) { case MotionEvent . ACTION_DOWN : mFirstScroll = mDragging = true ; dispatchOnDownMotionEvent ( ) ; break; } return super. onInterceptTouchEvent ( ev ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onTouchEvent ( MotionEvent ev ) { if ( hasNoCallbacks ( ) ) { return super. onTouchEvent ( ev ) ; } switch ( ev . getActionMasked ( ) ) { case MotionEvent . ACTION_UP : case MotionEvent . ACTION_CANCEL : mIntercepted = false ; mDragging = false ; dispatchOnUpOrCancelMotionEvent ( mScrollState ) ; break; case MotionEvent . ACTION_MOVE : if ( mPrevMoveEvent == null ) { mPrevMoveEvent = ev ; } float diffY = ev . getY ( ) - mPrevMoveEvent . getY ( ) ; mPrevMoveEvent = MotionEvent . obtainNoHistory ( ev ) ; if ( getCurrentScrollY ( ) - diffY <= 0 ) { if ( mIntercepted ) { return false ; } final ViewGroup parent ; if ( mTouchInterceptionViewGroup == null ) { parent = ( ViewGroup ) getParent ( ) ; } else { parent = mTouchInterceptionViewGroup ; } float offsetX = 0 ; float offsetY = 0 ; for ( View v = this ; v != null && v != parent ; v = ( View ) v . getParent ( ) ) { offsetX += v . getLeft ( ) - v . getScrollX ( ) ; offsetY += v . getTop ( ) - v . getScrollY ( ) ; } final MotionEvent event = MotionEvent . obtainNoHistory ( ev ) ; event . offsetLocation ( offsetX , offsetY ) ; if ( parent . onInterceptTouchEvent ( event ) ) { mIntercepted = true ; event . setAction ( MotionEvent . ACTION_DOWN ) ; post ( new Runnable ( ) { @ Override public void run ( ) { parent . dispatchTouchEvent ( event ) ; } } ) ; return false ; } return super. onTouchEvent ( ev ) ; } break; } return super. onTouchEvent ( ev ) ; }
@ Override public void run ( ) { parent . dispatchTouchEvent ( event ) ; }
@ Override public void setScrollViewCallbacks ( ObservableScrollViewCallbacks listener ) { mCallbacks = listener ; }
@ Override public void addScrollViewCallbacks ( ObservableScrollViewCallbacks listener ) { if ( mCallbackCollection == null ) { mCallbackCollection = new ArrayList <> ( ) ; } mCallbackCollection . add ( listener ) ; }
@ Override public void removeScrollViewCallbacks ( ObservableScrollViewCallbacks listener ) { if ( mCallbackCollection != null ) { mCallbackCollection . remove ( listener ) ; } }
@ Override public void clearScrollViewCallbacks ( ) { if ( mCallbackCollection != null ) { mCallbackCollection . clear ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void setTouchInterceptionViewGroup ( ViewGroup viewGroup ) { mTouchInterceptionViewGroup = viewGroup ; }
@ Override public void scrollVerticallyTo ( int y ) { scrollTo ( 0 , y ) ; }
@ Override public int getCurrentScrollY ( ) { return mScrollY ; }
private void dispatchOnDownMotionEvent ( ) { if ( mCallbacks != null ) { mCallbacks . onDownMotionEvent ( ) ; } if ( mCallbackCollection != null ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < mCallbackCollection . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { ObservableScrollViewCallbacks callbacks = mCallbackCollection . get ( i ) ; callbacks . onDownMotionEvent ( ) ; } } }
private void dispatchOnScrollChanged ( int scrollY , boolean firstScroll , boolean dragging ) { if ( mCallbacks != null ) { mCallbacks . onScrollChanged ( scrollY , firstScroll , dragging ) ; } if ( mCallbackCollection != null ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < mCallbackCollection . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { ObservableScrollViewCallbacks callbacks = mCallbackCollection . get ( i ) ; callbacks . onScrollChanged ( scrollY , firstScroll , dragging ) ; } } }
private void dispatchOnUpOrCancelMotionEvent ( ScrollState scrollState ) { if ( mCallbacks != null ) { mCallbacks . onUpOrCancelMotionEvent ( scrollState ) ; } if ( mCallbackCollection != null ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < mCallbackCollection . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { ObservableScrollViewCallbacks callbacks = mCallbackCollection . get ( i ) ; callbacks . onUpOrCancelMotionEvent ( scrollState ) ; } } }
private boolean hasNoCallbacks ( ) { return mCallbacks == null && mCallbackCollection == null ; }
SavedState ( Parcelable superState ) { super( superState ); }
private SavedState ( Parcel in ) { super( in ); prevScrollY = in . readInt ( ) ; scrollY = in . readInt ( ) ; }
@ Override public void writeToParcel ( Parcel out , int flags ) { super. writeToParcel ( out , flags ) ; out . writeInt ( prevScrollY ) ; out . writeInt ( scrollY ) ; }
@ Override public SavedState createFromParcel ( Parcel in ) { return new SavedState ( in ) ; }
@ Override public SavedState [] newArray ( int size ) { return new SavedState [ size ] ; }
protected void setMatcherController ( MatcherController controller ) { this . controller = controller ; controller . initialize ( ) ; }
public abstract Cursor onQuery ( T helper , SQLiteDatabase db , MatcherPattern target , QueryParameters parameter );
public abstract Uri onInsert ( T helper , SQLiteDatabase db , MatcherPattern target , InsertParameters parameter );
public abstract int onDelete ( T helper , SQLiteDatabase db , MatcherPattern target , DeleteParameters parameter );
public abstract int onUpdate ( T helper , SQLiteDatabase db , MatcherPattern target , UpdateParameters parameter );
protected void onQueryCompleted ( Cursor result , Uri uri , MatcherPattern target , QueryParameters parameter ) { result . setNotificationUri ( this . getContext ( ) . getContentResolver ( ) , uri ) ; }
protected void onInsertCompleted ( Uri result , Uri uri , MatcherPattern target , InsertParameters parameter ) { this . getContext ( ) . getContentResolver ( ) . notifyChange ( result , null ) ; }
protected void onDeleteCompleted ( int result , Uri uri , MatcherPattern target , DeleteParameters parameter ) { this . getContext ( ) . getContentResolver ( ) . notifyChange ( uri , null ) ; }
protected void onUpdateCompleted ( int result , Uri uri , MatcherPattern target , UpdateParameters parameter ) { this . getContext ( ) . getContentResolver ( ) . notifyChange ( uri , null ) ; }
public Uri onBulkInsert ( T helper , SQLiteDatabase db , MatcherPattern target , InsertParameters parameter ) { return onInsert ( helper , db , target , parameter ) ; }
protected void onBulkInsertCompleted ( int result , Uri uri ) { this . getContext ( ) . getContentResolver ( ) . notifyChange ( uri , null ) ; }
@ Override public ContentProviderResult [] applyBatch ( ArrayList < ContentProviderOperation > operations ) throws OperationApplicationException { ContentProviderResult [] result = null ; SQLiteDatabase db = this . getHelper ( ) . getWritableDatabase ( ) ; db . beginTransaction ( ) ; try { result = super. applyBatch ( operations ) ; db . setTransactionSuccessful ( ) ; } finally { db . endTransaction ( ) ; } return result ; }
private Fragments ( ) { }
public static void showDialog ( @ Nonnull DialogFragment dialogFragment , @ Nonnull String fragmentTag , @ Nonnull FragmentManager fm ) { showDialog ( dialogFragment , fragmentTag , fm , true ) ; }
public static void showDialog ( DialogFragment dialogFragment , String fragmentTag , FragmentManager fm , boolean useExisting ) { Fragment prev = fm . findFragmentByTag ( fragmentTag ) ; if ( prev != null ) { if ( ! useExisting ) { final FragmentTransaction ft = fm . beginTransaction ( ) ; ft . remove ( prev ) ; ft . addToBackStack ( null ) ; dialogFragment . show ( ft , fragmentTag ) ; fm . executePendingTransactions ( ) ; } } else { final FragmentTransaction ft = fm . beginTransaction ( ) ; ft . addToBackStack ( null ) ; dialogFragment . show ( ft , fragmentTag ) ; fm . executePendingTransactions ( ) ; } }
public ExperimentalRegionsPreference ( Context context ) { super( context ); initCheckedState ( ) ; }
public ExperimentalRegionsPreference ( Context context , AttributeSet attrs ) { super( context , attrs ); initCheckedState ( ) ; }
public ExperimentalRegionsPreference ( Context context , AttributeSet attrs , int defStyle ) { super( context , attrs , defStyle ); initCheckedState ( ) ; }
protected void initCheckedState ( ) { setChecked ( Application . getPrefs ( ) . getBoolean ( getContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . preference_key_experimental_regions ) , DEFAULT_VALUE ) ) ; }
@ Override public boolean isPersistent ( ) { return true ; }
@ Override protected void onClick ( ) { if ( ! isChecked ( ) ) { AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog . Builder ( getContext ( ) ) . setMessage ( R . string . preferences_experimental_regions_enable_warning ) . setPositiveButton ( android . R . string . ok , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dialog . dismiss ( ) ; setValue ( true ) ; } } ) . setNegativeButton ( android . R . string . cancel , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dialog . dismiss ( ) ; } } ) . create ( ) ; dialog . show ( ) ; } else { if ( Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) != null && Application . get ( ) . getCurrentRegion ( ) . getExperimental ( ) ) { AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog . Builder ( getContext ( ) ) . setMessage ( R . string . preferences_experimental_regions_disable_warning ) . setPositiveButton ( android . R . string . ok , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dialog . dismiss ( ) ; Application . get ( ) . setCurrentRegion ( null ) ; setValue ( false ) ; } } ) . setNegativeButton ( android . R . string . cancel , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dialog . dismiss ( ) ; } } ) . create ( ) ; dialog . show ( ) ; } else { setValue ( false ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dialog . dismiss ( ) ; setValue ( true ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dialog . dismiss ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dialog . dismiss ( ) ; Application . get ( ) . setCurrentRegion ( null ) ; setValue ( false ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { dialog . dismiss ( ) ; }
public void setValue ( boolean newValue ) { mCurrentValue = newValue ; setChecked ( newValue ) ; PreferenceUtils . saveBoolean ( getContext ( ) . getString ( R . string . preference_key_experimental_regions ) , newValue ) ; }
@ Override protected void onSetInitialValue ( boolean restorePersistedValue , Object defaultValue ) { if ( restorePersistedValue ) { mCurrentValue = this . getPersistedBoolean ( mCurrentValue ) ; } else { mCurrentValue = ( Boolean ) defaultValue ; persistBoolean ( mCurrentValue ) ; } }
@ Override protected Object onGetDefaultValue ( TypedArray a , int index ) { return a . getBoolean ( index , DEFAULT_VALUE ) ; }
@ Override protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState ( ) { final Parcelable superState = super. onSaveInstanceState ( ) ; final SavedState myState = new SavedState ( superState ) ; myState . value = mCurrentValue ; return myState ; }
@ Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState ( Parcelable state ) { if ( state == null || ! state . getClass ( ) . equals ( SavedState .class ) ) { super. onRestoreInstanceState ( state ) ; return; } SavedState myState = ( SavedState ) state ; super. onRestoreInstanceState ( myState . getSuperState ( ) ) ; setValue ( myState . value ) ; }
public SavedState ( Parcelable superState ) { super( superState ); }
public SavedState ( Parcel source ) { super( source ); value = source . readByte ( ) != 0 ; }
@ Override public void writeToParcel ( Parcel dest , int flags ) { super. writeToParcel ( dest , flags ) ; dest . writeByte ( ( byte ) ( value ? 1 : 0 ) ) ; }
public SavedState createFromParcel ( Parcel in ) { return new SavedState ( in ) ; }
public SavedState [] newArray ( int size ) { return new SavedState [ size ] ; }
public HelloFlashLightSampleIT ( MavenRuntimeBuilder builder ) throws Exception { this . mavenRuntime = builder . build ( ) ; }
Location getStopLocation ( )
String getStopName ( )
String getStopDirection ( )
String getUserStopName ( )
String getStopId ( )
void setUserStopName ( String userName );
long getLastGoodResponseTime ( )
ArrayList < ArrivalInfo > getArrivalInfo ( )
ArrayList < String > getRoutesFilter ( )
void setRoutesFilter ( ArrayList < String > filter );
int getNumRoutes ( )
boolean isFavoriteStop ( )
boolean setFavoriteStop ( boolean favorite );
AlertList getAlertList ( )
List < String > getRouteDisplayNames ( )
int getMinutesAfter ( )
void showListItemMenu ( View v , final ArrivalInfo stop );
void refreshLocal ( )
void refresh ( )
ArrivalsListHeader ( Context context , Controller controller , FragmentManager fm ) { mController = controller ; mContext = context ; mResources = context . getResources ( ) ; mFragmentManager = fm ; mShortAnimationDuration = mResources . getInteger ( android . R . integer . config_shortAnimTime ) ; }
public void onClick ( View v ) { mController . setRoutesFilter ( new ArrayList < String > ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { mController . setFavoriteStop ( ! mController . isFavoriteStop ( ) ) ; refreshStopFavorite ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { beginNameEdit ( null ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { mController . setUserStopName ( mEditNameView . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; endNameEdit ( ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onEditorAction ( TextView v , int actionId , KeyEvent event ) { if ( actionId == EditorInfo . IME_ACTION_DONE ) { mController . setUserStopName ( mEditNameView . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; endNameEdit ( ) ; return true ; } return false ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { endNameEdit ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { mController . setUserStopName ( null ) ; endNameEdit ( ) ; }
public void setSlidingPanelController ( HomeActivity . SlidingPanelController controller ) { mSlidingPanelController = controller ; }
public void onPause ( ) { if ( mInNameEdit ) { mController . setUserStopName ( null ) ; endNameEdit ( ) ; } }
synchronized public void setSlidingPanelCollapsed ( boolean collapsed ) { if ( mExpandCollapse != null && collapsed != mIsSlidingPanelCollapsed ) { mIsSlidingPanelCollapsed = collapsed ; doExpandCollapseRotation ( collapsed ) ; } }
public void setTripsForStop ( ContentQueryMap tripsForStop ) { mTripsForStop = tripsForStop ; refreshArrivalInfoVisibilityAndListeners ( ) ; }
@ TargetApi ( Build . VERSION_CODES . HONEYCOMB_MR1 ) private void doExpandCollapseRotation ( boolean collapsed ) { if ( ! UIUtils . canAnimateViewModern ( ) ) { rotateExpandCollapseImageViewLegacy ( collapsed ) ; return; } if ( ! collapsed ) { mExpandCollapse . animate ( ) . setDuration ( ANIM_DURATION ) . rotationBy ( ANIM_STATE_INVERTED ) ; } else { mExpandCollapse . animate ( ) . setDuration ( ANIM_DURATION ) . rotationBy ( - ANIM_STATE_INVERTED ) ; } }
private void rotateExpandCollapseImageViewLegacy ( boolean isSlidingPanelCollapsed ) { RotateAnimation rotate ; if ( ! isSlidingPanelCollapsed ) { rotate = getRotation ( ANIM_STATE_NORMAL , ANIM_STATE_INVERTED ) ; } else { rotate = getRotation ( ANIM_STATE_INVERTED , ANIM_STATE_NORMAL ) ; } mExpandCollapse . setAnimation ( rotate ) ; }
@ TargetApi ( Build . VERSION_CODES . HONEYCOMB_MR1 ) private synchronized void resetExpandCollapseAnimation ( ) { if ( mExpandCollapse == null ) { return; } if ( UIUtils . canAnimateViewModern ( ) ) { if ( mExpandCollapse . getRotation ( ) != 0 ) { mExpandCollapse . setRotation ( 0 ) ; } } else { mExpandCollapse . clearAnimation ( ) ; } }
public void showExpandCollapseIndicator ( boolean value ) { if ( mExpandCollapse != null ) { if ( value ) { mExpandCollapse . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } else { mExpandCollapse . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } } }
public void showArrivals ( boolean value ) { mShowArrivals = value ; if ( mView != null ) { TableLayout arrivalTable = ( TableLayout ) mView . findViewById ( R . id . eta_table ) ; if ( arrivalTable != null ) { if ( mShowArrivals ) { arrivalTable . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; mProgressBar . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } else { arrivalTable . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mProgressBar . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } } } }
public boolean isShowingArrivals ( ) { return mShowArrivals ; }
private static RotateAnimation getRotation ( float startState , float endState ) { RotateAnimation r = new RotateAnimation ( startState , endState , Animation . RELATIVE_TO_SELF , ANIM_PIVOT_VALUE , Animation . RELATIVE_TO_SELF , ANIM_PIVOT_VALUE ) ; r . setDuration ( ANIM_DURATION ) ; r . setFillAfter ( true ) ; return r ; }
synchronized void refresh ( ) { refreshName ( ) ; refreshArrivalInfoData ( ) ; refreshStopFavorite ( ) ; refreshFilter ( ) ; refreshError ( ) ; refreshHiddenAlerts ( ) ; refreshArrivalInfoVisibilityAndListeners ( ) ; refreshHeaderSize ( ) ; }
private void refreshName ( ) { String name = mController . getStopName ( ) ; String userName = mController . getUserStopName ( ) ; String stopDirection = mController . getStopDirection ( ) ; if ( ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( userName ) ) { mNameView . setText ( UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( userName ) ) ; } else if ( name != null ) { mNameView . setText ( UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( name ) ) ; } if ( ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( stopDirection ) ) { mDirectionView . setText ( mContext . getString ( R . string . arrival_list_stop_directions , stopDirection ) ) ; mDirectionView . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } else { mDirectionView . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } }
private void refreshArrivalInfoData ( ) { mArrivalInfo = mController . getArrivalInfo ( ) ; mHeaderArrivalInfo . clear ( ) ; if ( mArrivalInfo != null && ! mInNameEdit ) { ArrayList < Integer > etaIndexes = ArrivalInfoUtils . findPreferredArrivalIndexes ( mArrivalInfo ) ; if ( etaIndexes != null ) { final int i1 = etaIndexes . get ( 0 ) ; ObaArrivalInfo info1 = mArrivalInfo . get ( i1 ) . getInfo ( ) ; boolean isFavorite = ObaContract . RouteHeadsignFavorites . isFavorite ( info1 . getRouteId ( ) , info1 . getHeadsign ( ) , info1 . getStopId ( ) ) ; mEtaRouteFavorite1 . setImageResource ( isFavorite ? R . drawable . focus_star_on : R . drawable . focus_star_off ) ; mEtaRouteName1 . setText ( info1 . getShortName ( ) ) ; mEtaRouteDirection1 . setText ( UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( info1 . getHeadsign ( ) ) ) ; long eta = mArrivalInfo . get ( i1 ) . getEta ( ) ; if ( eta == 0 ) { mEtaArrivalInfo1 . setText ( mContext . getString ( R . string . stop_info_eta_now ) ) ; mEtaArrivalInfo1 . setTextSize ( ETA_TEXT_NOW_SIZE_SP ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaMin1 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; } else if ( eta > 0 ) { mEtaArrivalInfo1 . setText ( Long . toString ( eta ) ) ; mEtaArrivalInfo1 . setTextSize ( ETA_TEXT_SIZE_SP ) ; UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mEtaMin1 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; } mEtaAndMin1 . setBackgroundResource ( R . drawable . round_corners_style_b_header_status ) ; GradientDrawable d1 = ( GradientDrawable ) mEtaAndMin1 . getBackground ( ) ; final int c1 = mArrivalInfo . get ( i1 ) . getColor ( ) ; if ( c1 != R . color . stop_info_ontime ) { d1 . setColor ( mResources . getColor ( c1 ) ) ; } else { d1 . setColor ( mResources . getColor ( R . color . header_stop_info_ontime ) ) ; } mEtaAndMin1 . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { if ( mPopup1 != null && mPopup1 . isShowing ( ) ) { mPopup1 . dismiss ( ) ; return; } mPopup1 = setupPopup ( 0 , c1 , mArrivalInfo . get ( i1 ) . getStatusText ( ) ) ; mPopup1 . showAsDropDown ( mEtaAndMin1 ) ; } } ) ; if ( mArrivalInfo . get ( i1 ) . getPredicted ( ) ) { UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mEtaRealtime1 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; } else { mEtaRealtime1 . setVisibility ( View . INVISIBLE ) ; if ( mArrivalInfo . get ( i1 ) . getInfo ( ) . getFrequency ( ) != null ) { mEtaArrivalInfo1 . setText ( mResources . getString ( R . string . stop_info_frequency_approximate ) + mEtaArrivalInfo1 . getText ( ) ) ; } } mHeaderArrivalInfo . add ( mArrivalInfo . get ( i1 ) ) ; if ( etaIndexes . size ( ) >= 2 ) { final int i2 = etaIndexes . get ( 1 ) ; ObaArrivalInfo info2 = mArrivalInfo . get ( i2 ) . getInfo ( ) ; boolean isFavorite2 = ObaContract . RouteHeadsignFavorites . isFavorite ( info2 . getRouteId ( ) , info2 . getHeadsign ( ) , info2 . getStopId ( ) ) ; mEtaRouteFavorite2 . setImageResource ( isFavorite2 ? R . drawable . focus_star_on : R . drawable . focus_star_off ) ; mEtaRouteName2 . setText ( info2 . getShortName ( ) ) ; mEtaRouteDirection2 . setText ( UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( info2 . getHeadsign ( ) ) ) ; eta = mArrivalInfo . get ( i2 ) . getEta ( ) ; if ( eta == 0 ) { mEtaArrivalInfo2 . setText ( mContext . getString ( R . string . stop_info_eta_now ) ) ; mEtaArrivalInfo2 . setTextSize ( ETA_TEXT_NOW_SIZE_SP ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaMin2 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; } else if ( eta > 0 ) { mEtaArrivalInfo2 . setText ( Long . toString ( eta ) ) ; mEtaArrivalInfo2 . setTextSize ( ETA_TEXT_SIZE_SP ) ; UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mEtaMin2 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; } mEtaAndMin2 . setBackgroundResource ( R . drawable . round_corners_style_b_header_status ) ; GradientDrawable d2 = ( GradientDrawable ) mEtaAndMin2 . getBackground ( ) ; final int c2 = mArrivalInfo . get ( i2 ) . getColor ( ) ; if ( c2 != R . color . stop_info_ontime ) { d2 . setColor ( mResources . getColor ( c2 ) ) ; } else { d2 . setColor ( mResources . getColor ( R . color . header_stop_info_ontime ) ) ; } mEtaAndMin2 . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { if ( mPopup2 != null && mPopup2 . isShowing ( ) ) { mPopup2 . dismiss ( ) ; return; } mPopup2 = setupPopup ( 1 , c2 , mArrivalInfo . get ( i2 ) . getStatusText ( ) ) ; mPopup2 . showAsDropDown ( mEtaAndMin2 ) ; } } ) ; if ( mArrivalInfo . get ( i2 ) . getPredicted ( ) ) { UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mEtaRealtime2 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; } else { mEtaRealtime2 . setVisibility ( View . INVISIBLE ) ; if ( mArrivalInfo . get ( i2 ) . getInfo ( ) . getFrequency ( ) != null ) { mEtaArrivalInfo2 . setText ( mResources . getString ( R . string . stop_info_frequency_approximate ) + mEtaArrivalInfo2 . getText ( ) ) ; } } mNumHeaderArrivals = 2 ; mHeaderArrivalInfo . add ( mArrivalInfo . get ( i2 ) ) ; } else { mNumHeaderArrivals = 1 ; } } else { int minAfter = mController . getMinutesAfter ( ) ; if ( minAfter != - 1 ) { mNoArrivals . setText ( UIUtils . getNoArrivalsMessage ( mContext , minAfter , false , false ) ) ; } else { minAfter = 35 ; mNoArrivals . setText ( UIUtils . getNoArrivalsMessage ( mContext , minAfter , false , false ) ) ; } mNumHeaderArrivals = 0 ; } } }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { if ( mPopup1 != null && mPopup1 . isShowing ( ) ) { mPopup1 . dismiss ( ) ; return; } mPopup1 = setupPopup ( 0 , c1 , mArrivalInfo . get ( i1 ) . getStatusText ( ) ) ; mPopup1 . showAsDropDown ( mEtaAndMin1 ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { if ( mPopup2 != null && mPopup2 . isShowing ( ) ) { mPopup2 . dismiss ( ) ; return; } mPopup2 = setupPopup ( 1 , c2 , mArrivalInfo . get ( i2 ) . getStatusText ( ) ) ; mPopup2 . showAsDropDown ( mEtaAndMin2 ) ; }
private PopupWindow setupPopup ( final int index , int color , String statusText ) { LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater . from ( mContext ) ; TextView statusView = ( TextView ) inflater . inflate ( R . layout . arrivals_list_tv_template_style_b_status_large , null ) ; statusView . setBackgroundResource ( R . drawable . round_corners_style_b_status ) ; GradientDrawable d = ( GradientDrawable ) statusView . getBackground ( ) ; if ( color != R . color . stop_info_ontime ) { d . setColor ( mResources . getColor ( color ) ) ; } else { d . setColor ( mResources . getColor ( R . color . header_stop_info_ontime ) ) ; } d . setStroke ( UIUtils . dpToPixels ( mContext , 1 ) , mResources . getColor ( R . color . header_text_color ) ) ; int pSides = UIUtils . dpToPixels ( mContext , 5 ) ; int pTopBottom = UIUtils . dpToPixels ( mContext , 2 ) ; statusView . setPadding ( pSides , pTopBottom , pSides , pTopBottom ) ; statusView . setLayoutParams ( new ViewGroup . LayoutParams ( ViewGroup . LayoutParams . WRAP_CONTENT , ViewGroup . LayoutParams . WRAP_CONTENT ) ) ; statusView . measure ( TextView . MeasureSpec . UNSPECIFIED , TextView . MeasureSpec . UNSPECIFIED ) ; statusView . setText ( statusText ) ; PopupWindow p = new PopupWindow ( statusView , statusView . getWidth ( ) , statusView . getHeight ( ) ) ; p . setWindowLayoutMode ( ViewGroup . LayoutParams . WRAP_CONTENT , ViewGroup . LayoutParams . WRAP_CONTENT ) ; p . setBackgroundDrawable ( new ColorDrawable ( mResources . getColor ( android . R . color . transparent ) ) ) ; p . setOutsideTouchable ( true ) ; p . setTouchInterceptor ( new View . OnTouchListener ( ) { @ Override public boolean onTouch ( View v , MotionEvent event ) { boolean touchInView ; if ( index == 0 ) { touchInView = UIUtils . isTouchInView ( mEtaAndMin1 , event ) ; } else { touchInView = UIUtils . isTouchInView ( mEtaAndMin2 , event ) ; } return touchInView ; } } ) ; return p ; }
@ Override public boolean onTouch ( View v , MotionEvent event ) { boolean touchInView ; if ( index == 0 ) { touchInView = UIUtils . isTouchInView ( mEtaAndMin1 , event ) ; } else { touchInView = UIUtils . isTouchInView ( mEtaAndMin2 , event ) ; } return touchInView ; }
private void refreshStopFavorite ( ) { mStopFavorite . setImageResource ( mController . isFavoriteStop ( ) ? R . drawable . focus_star_on : R . drawable . focus_star_off ) ; }
private void refreshFilter ( ) { TextView v = ( TextView ) mView . findViewById ( R . id . filter_text ) ; ArrayList < String > routesFilter = mController . getRoutesFilter ( ) ; final int num = ( routesFilter != null ) ? routesFilter . size ( ) : 0 ; if ( num > 0 ) { final int total = mController . getNumRoutes ( ) ; v . setText ( mContext . getString ( R . string . stop_info_filter_header , num , total ) ) ; if ( mInNameEdit ) { mFilterGroup . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } else { mFilterGroup . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } } else { mFilterGroup . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } }
private boolean isFilteringRoutes ( ) { ArrayList < String > routesFilter = mController . getRoutesFilter ( ) ; final int num = ( routesFilter != null ) ? routesFilter . size ( ) : 0 ; return num > 0 ; }
@ TargetApi ( Build . VERSION_CODES . HONEYCOMB ) private void refreshArrivalInfoVisibilityAndListeners ( ) { if ( mInNameEdit ) { return; } if ( mArrivalInfo == null ) { UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mProgressBar , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mNoArrivals , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaContainer1 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaSeparator , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaContainer2 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; return; } if ( mNumHeaderArrivals == 0 ) { UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mNoArrivals , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaContainer1 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaSeparator , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaContainer2 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; } if ( mNumHeaderArrivals >= 1 ) { UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mEtaContainer1 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mNoArrivals , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; final ObaArrivalInfo info1 = mHeaderArrivalInfo . get ( 0 ) . getInfo ( ) ; final boolean isRouteFavorite = ObaContract . RouteHeadsignFavorites . isFavorite ( info1 . getRouteId ( ) , info1 . getHeadsign ( ) , info1 . getStopId ( ) ) ; mEtaRouteFavorite1 . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { RouteFavoriteDialogFragment dialog = new RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . Builder ( info1 . getRouteId ( ) , UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( info1 . getHeadsign ( ) ) ) . setRouteShortName ( info1 . getShortName ( ) ) . setRouteLongName ( info1 . getRouteLongName ( ) ) . setStopId ( info1 . getStopId ( ) ) . setFavorite ( ! isRouteFavorite ) . build ( ) ; dialog . setCallback ( new RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . Callback ( ) { @ Override public void onSelectionComplete ( boolean savedFavorite ) { if ( savedFavorite ) { mController . refreshLocal ( ) ; } } } ) ; dialog . show ( mFragmentManager , RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . TAG ) ; } } ) ; mEtaReminder1 . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { TripInfoActivity . start ( mContext , info1 . getTripId ( ) , mController . getStopId ( ) , info1 . getRouteId ( ) , info1 . getShortName ( ) , mController . getStopName ( ) , info1 . getScheduledDepartureTime ( ) , info1 . getHeadsign ( ) ) ; } } ) ; mEtaMoreVert1 . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { mController . showListItemMenu ( mEtaContainer1 , mHeaderArrivalInfo . get ( 0 ) ) ; } } ) ; View r = mEtaContainer1 . findViewById ( R . id . reminder ) ; refreshReminder ( mHeaderArrivalInfo . get ( 0 ) . getInfo ( ) . getTripId ( ) , r ) ; } if ( mNumHeaderArrivals >= 2 ) { UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mEtaSeparator , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mEtaContainer2 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; final ObaArrivalInfo info2 = mHeaderArrivalInfo . get ( 1 ) . getInfo ( ) ; final boolean isRouteFavorite2 = ObaContract . RouteHeadsignFavorites . isFavorite ( info2 . getRouteId ( ) , info2 . getHeadsign ( ) , info2 . getStopId ( ) ) ; mEtaRouteFavorite2 . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { RouteFavoriteDialogFragment dialog = new RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . Builder ( info2 . getRouteId ( ) , info2 . getHeadsign ( ) ) . setRouteShortName ( info2 . getShortName ( ) ) . setRouteLongName ( info2 . getRouteLongName ( ) ) . setStopId ( info2 . getStopId ( ) ) . setFavorite ( ! isRouteFavorite2 ) . build ( ) ; dialog . setCallback ( new RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . Callback ( ) { @ Override public void onSelectionComplete ( boolean savedFavorite ) { if ( savedFavorite ) { mController . refreshLocal ( ) ; } } } ) ; dialog . show ( mFragmentManager , RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . TAG ) ; } } ) ; mEtaReminder2 . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { TripInfoActivity . start ( mContext , info2 . getTripId ( ) , mController . getStopId ( ) , info2 . getRouteId ( ) , info2 . getShortName ( ) , mController . getStopName ( ) , info2 . getScheduledDepartureTime ( ) , info2 . getHeadsign ( ) ) ; } } ) ; mEtaMoreVert2 . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { mController . showListItemMenu ( mEtaContainer2 , mHeaderArrivalInfo . get ( 1 ) ) ; } } ) ; View r = mEtaContainer2 . findViewById ( R . id . reminder ) ; refreshReminder ( mHeaderArrivalInfo . get ( 1 ) . getInfo ( ) . getTripId ( ) , r ) ; } else { UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaSeparator , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mEtaContainer2 , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; } UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mProgressBar , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { RouteFavoriteDialogFragment dialog = new RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . Builder ( info1 . getRouteId ( ) , UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( info1 . getHeadsign ( ) ) ) . setRouteShortName ( info1 . getShortName ( ) ) . setRouteLongName ( info1 . getRouteLongName ( ) ) . setStopId ( info1 . getStopId ( ) ) . setFavorite ( ! isRouteFavorite ) . build ( ) ; dialog . setCallback ( new RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . Callback ( ) { @ Override public void onSelectionComplete ( boolean savedFavorite ) { if ( savedFavorite ) { mController . refreshLocal ( ) ; } } } ) ; dialog . show ( mFragmentManager , RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . TAG ) ; }
@ Override public void onSelectionComplete ( boolean savedFavorite ) { if ( savedFavorite ) { mController . refreshLocal ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { TripInfoActivity . start ( mContext , info1 . getTripId ( ) , mController . getStopId ( ) , info1 . getRouteId ( ) , info1 . getShortName ( ) , mController . getStopName ( ) , info1 . getScheduledDepartureTime ( ) , info1 . getHeadsign ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { mController . showListItemMenu ( mEtaContainer1 , mHeaderArrivalInfo . get ( 0 ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { RouteFavoriteDialogFragment dialog = new RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . Builder ( info2 . getRouteId ( ) , info2 . getHeadsign ( ) ) . setRouteShortName ( info2 . getShortName ( ) ) . setRouteLongName ( info2 . getRouteLongName ( ) ) . setStopId ( info2 . getStopId ( ) ) . setFavorite ( ! isRouteFavorite2 ) . build ( ) ; dialog . setCallback ( new RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . Callback ( ) { @ Override public void onSelectionComplete ( boolean savedFavorite ) { if ( savedFavorite ) { mController . refreshLocal ( ) ; } } } ) ; dialog . show ( mFragmentManager , RouteFavoriteDialogFragment . TAG ) ; }
@ Override public void onSelectionComplete ( boolean savedFavorite ) { if ( savedFavorite ) { mController . refreshLocal ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { TripInfoActivity . start ( mContext , info2 . getTripId ( ) , mController . getStopId ( ) , info2 . getRouteId ( ) , info2 . getShortName ( ) , mController . getStopName ( ) , info2 . getScheduledDepartureTime ( ) , info2 . getHeadsign ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { mController . showListItemMenu ( mEtaContainer2 , mHeaderArrivalInfo . get ( 1 ) ) ; }
void refreshReminder ( String tripId , View v ) { ContentValues values = null ; if ( mTripsForStop != null ) { values = mTripsForStop . getValues ( tripId ) ; } if ( values != null ) { v . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } else { v . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } }
void refreshHeaderSize ( ) { if ( mInNameEdit ) { if ( ! mShowArrivals ) { setHeaderSize ( HEADER_HEIGHT_EDIT_NAME_DP ) ; } return; } float newSize = 0 ; if ( ! mShowArrivals ) { newSize = HEADER_HEIGHT_NO_ARRIVALS_DP ; } else if ( mNumHeaderArrivals == 0 || mNumHeaderArrivals == 1 ) { newSize = HEADER_HEIGHT_ONE_ARRIVAL_DP ; } else if ( mNumHeaderArrivals == 2 ) { newSize = HEADER_HEIGHT_TWO_ARRIVALS_DP ; } if ( isFilteringRoutes ( ) ) { newSize += HEADER_OFFSET_FILTER_ROUTES_DP ; } if ( newSize != 0 ) { setHeaderSize ( newSize ) ; } }
void setHeaderSize ( float newHeightDp ) { int heightPixels = UIUtils . dpToPixels ( mContext , newHeightDp ) ; if ( mSlidingPanelController != null ) { mSlidingPanelController . setPanelHeightPixels ( heightPixels ) ; } else { mView . getLayoutParams ( ) . height = heightPixels ; mMainContainerView . getLayoutParams ( ) . height = heightPixels ; } }
ResponseError ( CharSequence seq ) { mString = seq ; }
@ Override public int getType ( ) { return TYPE_ERROR ; }
@ Override public int getFlags ( ) { return 0 ; }
@ Override public CharSequence getString ( ) { return mString ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( ) { }
@ Override public int hashCode ( ) { return getId ( ) . hashCode ( ) ; }
private void refreshError ( ) { final long now = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ; final long responseTime = mController . getLastGoodResponseTime ( ) ; AlertList alerts = mController . getAlertList ( ) ; mHasWarning = false ; mHasError = false ; if ( mResponseError != null ) { alerts . remove ( mResponseError ) ; } if ( ( responseTime ) != 0 && ( ( now - responseTime ) >= 2 * DateUtils . MINUTE_IN_MILLIS ) ) { CharSequence relativeTime = DateUtils . getRelativeTimeSpanString ( responseTime , now , DateUtils . MINUTE_IN_MILLIS , 0 ) ; CharSequence s = mContext . getString ( R . string . stop_info_old_data , relativeTime ) ; mResponseError = new ResponseError ( s ) ; alerts . insert ( mResponseError , 0 ) ; } for ( int i = 0 ; i < alerts . getCount ( ) ; i ++ ) { AlertList . Alert a = alerts . getItem ( i ) ; if ( a . getType ( ) == AlertList . Alert . TYPE_WARNING ) { mHasWarning = true ; } if ( a . getType ( ) == AlertList . Alert . TYPE_ERROR ) { mHasError = true ; } } if ( mHasError ) { mAlertView . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; mAlertView . setColorFilter ( mResources . getColor ( R . color . alert_icon_error ) ) ; mAlertView . setContentDescription ( mResources . getString ( R . string . alert_content_description_error ) ) ; } else if ( mHasWarning ) { mAlertView . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; mAlertView . setColorFilter ( mResources . getColor ( R . color . alert_icon_warning ) ) ; mAlertView . setContentDescription ( mResources . getString ( R . string . alert_content_description_warning ) ) ; } else { mAlertView . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mAlertView . setContentDescription ( "" ) ; } }
ShowHiddenAlert ( CharSequence seq , Controller controller ) { mString = seq ; mController = controller ; }
@ Override public int getType ( ) { return TYPE_SHOW_HIDDEN_ALERTS ; }
@ Override public int getFlags ( ) { return FLAG_HASMORE ; }
@ Override public CharSequence getString ( ) { return mString ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( ) { ObaContract . ServiceAlerts . showAllAlerts ( ) ; mController . refresh ( ) ; }
@ Override public int hashCode ( ) { return getId ( ) . hashCode ( ) ; }
private void refreshHiddenAlerts ( ) { AlertList alerts = mController . getAlertList ( ) ; mIsAlertHidden = alerts . isAlertHidden ( ) ; if ( mShowHiddenAlert != null ) { alerts . remove ( mShowHiddenAlert ) ; } if ( mIsAlertHidden ) { CharSequence cs = mContext . getResources ( ) . getQuantityString ( R . plurals . alert_filter_text , alerts . getHiddenAlertCount ( ) , alerts . getHiddenAlertCount ( ) ) ; mShowHiddenAlert = new ShowHiddenAlert ( cs , mController ) ; alerts . insert ( mShowHiddenAlert , alerts . getCount ( ) ) ; } }
synchronized void beginNameEdit ( String initial ) { mEditNameView . setText ( ( initial != null ) ? initial : mNameView . getText ( ) ) ; mNameContainerView . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mFilterGroup . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mStopFavorite . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mEtaContainer1 . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mEtaSeparator . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mEtaContainer2 . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mNoArrivals . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mAlertView . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; cachedExpandCollapseViewVisibility = mExpandCollapse . getVisibility ( ) ; if ( ! UIUtils . canAnimateViewModern ( ) ) { mExpandCollapse . clearAnimation ( ) ; } mExpandCollapse . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mEditNameContainerView . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; if ( ! mShowArrivals ) { setHeaderSize ( HEADER_HEIGHT_EDIT_NAME_DP ) ; } mEditNameView . requestFocus ( ) ; mEditNameView . setSelection ( mEditNameView . getText ( ) . length ( ) ) ; mInNameEdit = true ; UIUtils . openKeyboard ( mContext ) ; }
synchronized void endNameEdit ( ) { mInNameEdit = false ; mNameContainerView . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; mEditNameContainerView . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; mStopFavorite . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; mExpandCollapse . setVisibility ( cachedExpandCollapseViewVisibility ) ; mNoArrivals . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; if ( mHasError || mHasWarning ) { mAlertView . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } UIUtils . closeKeyboard ( mContext , mEditNameView ) ; refresh ( ) ; }
public void closeStatusPopups ( ) { if ( mPopup1 != null ) { mPopup1 . dismiss ( ) ; } if ( mPopup2 != null ) { mPopup2 . dismiss ( ) ; } }
public void showProgress ( boolean visibility ) { if ( mProgressBar == null ) return; if ( visibility ) { mProgressBar . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; } else { mProgressBar . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ; } }
public ObaContext ( ) { }
public void setAppInfo ( int version , String uuid ) { mAppVer = version ; mAppUid = uuid ; }
public void setAppInfo ( Uri . Builder builder ) { if ( mAppVer != 0 ) { builder . appendQueryParameter ( "app_ver" , String . valueOf ( mAppVer ) ) ; } if ( mAppUid != null ) { builder . appendQueryParameter ( "app_uid" , mAppUid ) ; } }
public void setApiKey ( String apiKey ) { mApiKey = apiKey ; }
public String getApiKey ( ) { return mApiKey ; }
public void setRegion ( ObaRegion region ) { mRegion = region ; }
public ObaRegion getRegion ( ) { return mRegion ; }
public ObaConnectionFactory setConnectionFactory ( ObaConnectionFactory factory ) { ObaConnectionFactory prev = mConnectionFactory ; mConnectionFactory = factory ; return prev ; }
public ObaConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory ( ) { return mConnectionFactory ; }
@ Override public ObaContext clone ( ) { ObaContext result = new ObaContext ( ) ; result . setApiKey ( mApiKey ) ; result . setAppInfo ( mAppVer , mAppUid ) ; result . setConnectionFactory ( mConnectionFactory ) ; return result ; }
public GitOperation ( File fileDir , Activity callingActivity ) { this . repository = PasswordRepository . getRepository ( fileDir ) ; this . callingActivity = callingActivity ; }
public GitOperation setAuthentication ( String username , String password ) { SshSessionFactory . setInstance ( new GitConfigSessionFactory ( ) ) ; this . provider = new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider ( username , password ) ; return this ; }
public GitOperation setAuthentication ( File sshKey , String username , String passphrase ) { JschConfigSessionFactory sessionFactory = new SshConfigSessionFactory ( sshKey . getAbsolutePath ( ) , username , passphrase ) ; SshSessionFactory . setInstance ( sessionFactory ) ; this . provider = null ; return this ; }
public abstract void execute ( )
public void executeAfterAuthentication ( final String connectionMode , final String username , @ Nullable final File sshKey ) { executeAfterAuthentication ( connectionMode , username , sshKey , false ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int id ) { callingActivity . finish ( ) ; }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int whichButton ) { if ( keyPair . decrypt ( passphrase . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) { setAuthentication ( sshKey , username , passphrase . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) . execute ( ) ; } else { executeAfterAuthentication ( connectionMode , username , sshKey , true ) ; } }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int whichButton ) { }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialogInterface , int i ) { }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int whichButton ) { setAuthentication ( username , password . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ) . execute ( ) ; }
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int whichButton ) { }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialogInterface , int i ) { callingActivity . setResult ( Activity . RESULT_CANCELED ) ; callingActivity . finish ( ) ; }
public String getShortName ( )
public String getShapeId ( )
public int getDirectionId ( )
public String getServiceId ( )
public String getHeadsign ( )
public String getTimezone ( )
public String getRouteId ( )
public String getBlockId ( )
public BuildConfigInjectionSampleIT ( MavenRuntimeBuilder builder ) throws Exception { this . mavenRuntime = builder . build ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onCreate ( ) { super. onCreate ( ) ; component = createComponent ( ) ; AppCompatDelegate . setCompatVectorFromResourcesEnabled ( true ) ; installLeakCanary ( ) ; AndroidThreeTen . init ( this ) ; initTraceDroid ( ) ; AppCompatDelegate . setDefaultNightMode ( component . settings ( ) . getNightMode ( ) ) ; }
public void installLeakCanary ( ) { LeakCanary . install ( this ) ; }
public AppComponent createComponent ( ) { return DaggerAppComponent . builder ( ) . appModule ( new AppModule ( this ) ) . trackerModule ( new TrackerModule ( this ) ) . build ( ) ; }
private void initTraceDroid ( ) { TraceDroid . init ( this ) ; Log . setTAG ( "PassAndroid" ) ; }
public static AppComponent component ( ) { return component ; }
@ VisibleForTesting public static void setComponent ( AppComponent newComponent ) { component = newComponent ; }
static void notifyLoadFinished ( Context context ) { sendBroadcast ( context , CATEGORY_TEST , ACTION_LOAD_FINISHED ) ; }
static void sendBroadcast ( Context context , String action , String category ) { if ( BuildConfig . DEBUG ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( ) ; intent . setAction ( action ) ; intent . addCategory ( category ) ; context . sendBroadcast ( intent ) ; } }
public static void waitForLoadFinished ( Context context ) throws InterruptedException { waitForBroadcast ( context , ACTION_LOAD_FINISHED , CATEGORY_TEST ) ; }
public static void waitForBroadcast ( Context context , String action , String category ) throws InterruptedException { final CountDownLatch signal = new CountDownLatch ( 1 ) ; IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter ( action ) ; intentFilter . addCategory ( category ) ; BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver ( ) { @ Override public void onReceive ( Context context , Intent intent ) { signal . countDown ( ) ; } } ; context . registerReceiver ( broadcastReceiver , intentFilter ) ; signal . await ( 10000 , TimeUnit . MILLISECONDS ) ; context . unregisterReceiver ( broadcastReceiver ) ; Thread . sleep ( 1000 ) ; }
@ Override public void onReceive ( Context context , Intent intent ) { signal . countDown ( ) ; }
public static boolean isRunningOnEmulator ( ) { return Build . FINGERPRINT . contains ( "generic" ) ; }
PassSortOrder getSortOrder ( )
boolean doTraceDroidEmailSend ( )
File getPassesDir ( )
File getStateDir ( )
boolean isCondensedModeEnabled ( )
boolean isAutomaticLightEnabled ( )
@ AppCompatDelegate . NightMode int getNightMode ( )
@ Override public void onActivityCreated ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super. onActivityCreated ( savedInstanceState ) ; mAdapter = new MyAdapter ( getActivity ( ) ) ; setListAdapter ( mAdapter ) ; }
@ Override public View onCreateView ( LayoutInflater inflater , ViewGroup root , Bundle savedInstanceState ) { if ( root == null ) { return null ; } return inflater . inflate ( R . layout . my_search_route_list , null ) ; }
@ Override public Loader < ObaRoutesForLocationResponse > onCreateLoader ( int id , Bundle args ) { String query = args . getString ( QUERY_TEXT ) ; return new MyLoader ( getActivity ( ) , query , getSearchCenter ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onLoadFinished ( Loader < ObaRoutesForLocationResponse > loader , ObaRoutesForLocationResponse response ) { UIUtils . showProgress ( this , false ) ; final int code = response . getCode ( ) ; if ( code == ObaApi . OBA_OK ) { setEmptyText ( getString ( R . string . find_hint_noresults ) ) ; mAdapter . setData ( Arrays . asList ( response . getRoutesForLocation ( ) ) ) ; } else if ( code != 0 ) { setEmptyText ( getString ( R . string . find_hint_noresults ) ) ; } else { setEmptyText ( getString ( R . string . generic_comm_error ) ) ; } }
@ Override public void onLoaderReset ( Loader < ObaRoutesForLocationResponse > loader ) { mAdapter . clear ( ) ; }
@ Override protected void doSearch ( String text ) { UIUtils . showProgress ( this , true ) ; Bundle args = new Bundle ( ) ; args . putString ( QUERY_TEXT , text ) ; Loader < ? > loader = getLoaderManager ( ) . restartLoader ( 0 , args , this ) ; loader . onContentChanged ( ) ; }
@ Override protected int getEditBoxHintText ( ) { return R . string . search_route_hint ; }
@ Override protected int getMinSearchLength ( ) { return 1 ; }
@ Override protected CharSequence getHintText ( ) { return getString ( R . string . find_hint_nofavoriteroutes ) ; }
@ Override public void onListItemClick ( ListView l , View v , int position , long id ) { ListAdapter adapter = l . getAdapter ( ) ; ObaRoute route = ( ObaRoute ) adapter . getItem ( position - l . getHeaderViewsCount ( ) ) ; final String routeId = route . getId ( ) ; final String routeName = UIUtils . getRouteDisplayName ( route ) ; if ( isShortcutMode ( ) ) { Intent intent = RouteInfoActivity . makeIntent ( getActivity ( ) , routeId ) ; makeShortcut ( routeName , intent ) ; } else { RouteInfoActivity . start ( getActivity ( ) , routeId ) ; } }
@ Override public void onCreateContextMenu ( ContextMenu menu , View v , ContextMenuInfo menuInfo ) { super. onCreateContextMenu ( menu , v , menuInfo ) ; AdapterContextMenuInfo info = ( AdapterContextMenuInfo ) menuInfo ; final TextView text = ( TextView ) info . targetView . findViewById ( R . id . short_name ) ; menu . setHeaderTitle ( getString ( R . string . route_name , text . getText ( ) ) ) ; if ( isShortcutMode ( ) ) { menu . add ( 0 , CONTEXT_MENU_DEFAULT , 0 , R . string . my_context_create_shortcut ) ; } else { menu . add ( 0 , CONTEXT_MENU_DEFAULT , 0 , R . string . my_context_get_route_info ) ; } menu . add ( 0 , CONTEXT_MENU_SHOW_ON_MAP , 0 , R . string . my_context_showonmap ) ; final String url = getUrl ( getListView ( ) , info . position ) ; if ( url != null ) { menu . add ( 0 , CONTEXT_MENU_SHOW_URL , 0 , R . string . my_context_show_schedule ) ; } }
@ Override public boolean onContextItemSelected ( MenuItem item ) { AdapterContextMenuInfo info = ( AdapterContextMenuInfo ) item . getMenuInfo ( ) ; switch ( item . getItemId ( ) ) { case CONTEXT_MENU_DEFAULT : onListItemClick ( getListView ( ) , info . targetView , info . position , info . id ) ; return true ; case CONTEXT_MENU_SHOW_ON_MAP : HomeActivity . start ( getActivity ( ) , getId ( getListView ( ) , info . position ) ) ; return true ; case CONTEXT_MENU_SHOW_URL : UIUtils . goToUrl ( getActivity ( ) , getUrl ( getListView ( ) , info . position ) ) ; return true ; default: return super. onContextItemSelected ( item ) ; } }
private String getId ( ListView l , int position ) { ListAdapter adapter = l . getAdapter ( ) ; ObaRoute route = ( ObaRoute ) adapter . getItem ( position - l . getHeaderViewsCount ( ) ) ; return route . getId ( ) ; }
private String getUrl ( ListView l , int position ) { ListAdapter adapter = l . getAdapter ( ) ; ObaRoute route = ( ObaRoute ) adapter . getItem ( position - l . getHeaderViewsCount ( ) ) ; return route . getUrl ( ) ; }
public MyAdapter ( Context context ) { super( context , R . layout . route_list_item ); }
@ Override protected void initView ( View view , ObaRoute route ) { UIUtils . setRouteView ( view , route ) ; }
public MyLoader ( Context context , String query , Location center ) { super( context ); mQueryText = query ; mCenter = center ; }
@ Override public ObaRoutesForLocationResponse loadInBackground ( ) { ObaRoutesForLocationResponse response = new ObaRoutesForLocationRequest . Builder ( getContext ( ) , mCenter ) . setQuery ( mQueryText ) . build ( ) . call ( ) ; if ( response . getCode ( ) == ObaApi . OBA_OK ) { ObaRoute [] routes = response . getRoutesForLocation ( ) ; if ( routes . length != 0 ) { return response ; } } Location center = LocationUtils . getDefaultSearchCenter ( ) ; if ( center != null ) { return new ObaRoutesForLocationRequest . Builder ( getContext ( ) , center ) . setRadius ( LocationUtils . DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS ) . setQuery ( mQueryText ) . build ( ) . call ( ) ; } return response ; }
public ObaStopElement ( ) { id = "" ; lat = 0 ; lon = 0 ; direction = "" ; locationType = LOCATION_STOP ; name = "" ; code = "" ; routeIds = EMPTY_ROUTES ; }
public ObaStopElement ( String id , double lat , double lon , String name , String code ) { this . id = id ; this . lat = lat ; this . lon = lon ; direction = "" ; locationType = LOCATION_STOP ; this . name = name ; this . code = code ; routeIds = EMPTY_ROUTES ; }
public String getId ( ) { return id ; }
public String getStopCode ( ) { return code ; }
public String getName ( ) { return name ; }
public Location getLocation ( ) { return LocationUtils . makeLocation ( lat , lon ) ; }
public double getLatitude ( ) { return lat ; }
public double getLongitude ( ) { return lon ; }
public String getDirection ( ) { return direction ; }
public int getLocationType ( ) { return locationType ; }
public String [] getRouteIds ( ) { return routeIds ; }
@ Override public int hashCode ( ) { final int prime = 31 ; int result = 1 ; result = prime * result + ( ( id == null ) ? 0 : id . hashCode ( ) ) ; return result ; }
@ Override public boolean equals ( Object obj ) { if ( this == obj ) { return true ; } if ( obj == null ) { return false ; } if ( ! ( obj instanceof ObaStopElement ) ) { return false ; } ObaStopElement other = ( ObaStopElement ) obj ; if ( id == null ) { if ( other . id != null ) { return false ; } } else if ( ! id . equals ( other . id ) ) { return false ; } return true ; }
public StoryListAdapter ( @ NonNull Context context , List < Story > storyList , StoryListAdapterListener listener , boolean nightMode ) { mContext = context ; mStoryList = storyList ; mListener = listener ; mNightMode = nightMode ; }
@ Override public StoryViewHolder onCreateViewHolder ( ViewGroup parent , int viewType ) { return StoryViewHolder . create ( mContext , parent ) ; }
@ Override public void onBindViewHolder ( StoryViewHolder viewHolder , int position ) { StoryViewHolder . bind ( viewHolder , position , getItem ( position ) , mListener , mNightMode ) ; }
@ Override public int getItemCount ( ) { return mStoryList . size ( ) ; }
@ Override public long getItemId ( int position ) { return mStoryList . get ( position ) . getStoryId ( ) ; }
public Story getItem ( int position ) { return mStoryList . get ( position ) ; }
public void clear ( ) { mStoryList . clear ( ) ; notifyDataSetChanged ( ) ; }
public void addStories ( @ NonNull List < Story > storyList ) { mStoryList . addAll ( storyList ) ; notifyDataSetChanged ( ) ; }
public int getPositionOfItem ( @ NonNull Story story ) { return mStoryList . indexOf ( story ) ; }
public void addStory ( @ NonNull Story story ) { mStoryList . add ( story ) ; notifyItemInserted ( mStoryList . size ( ) ) ; }
public void removeItem ( int position ) { mStoryList . remove ( position ) ; notifyItemRemoved ( position ) ; }
public void removeAllItems ( ) { mStoryList . clear ( ) ; notifyDataSetChanged ( ) ; }
public void markStoryAsRead ( int position , Story story ) { mStoryList . remove ( position ) ; mStoryList . add ( position , story ) ; notifyItemChanged ( position ) ; }
void onStoryClick ( int position );
void onStorySave ( int position , boolean save );
public RegionsTest ( ) { super( ObaProvider .class , ObaContract . AUTHORITY ); }
public HelloAndroidActivityRobotiumTest ( ) { super( HelloAndroidActivity .class ); }
@ Override public void setUp ( ) Exception { solo = new Solo ( getInstrumentation ( ) , getActivity ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public void tearDown ( ) Exception { solo . finishOpenedActivities ( ) ; }
public CloneOperation ( File fileDir , Activity callingActivity ) { super( fileDir , callingActivity ); }
public CloneOperation setCommand ( String uri ) { this . command = Git . cloneRepository ( ) . setCloneAllBranches ( true ) . setDirectory ( repository . getWorkTree ( ) ) . setURI ( uri ) ; return this ; }
@ Override public CloneOperation setAuthentication ( String username , String password ) { super. setAuthentication ( username , password ) ; return this ; }
@ Override public CloneOperation setAuthentication ( File sshKey , String username , String passphrase ) { super. setAuthentication ( sshKey , username , passphrase ) ; return this ; }
@ Override public void execute ( ) { if ( this . provider != null ) { ( ( CloneCommand ) this . command ) . setCredentialsProvider ( this . provider ) ; } new GitAsyncTask ( callingActivity , true , false , this ) . execute ( this . command ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialogInterface , int i ) { }
@ Override protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { requestWindowFeature ( Window . FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS ) ; super. onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ; UIUtils . setupActionBar ( this ) ; setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility ( false ) ; final Intent intent = getIntent ( ) ; final String action = intent . getAction ( ) ; mShortcutMode = Intent . ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT . equals ( action ) ; if ( ! mShortcutMode ) { setTitle ( R . string . app_name ) ; } mSearchCenter = getSearchCenter ( intent ) ; if ( savedInstanceState != null ) { mDefaultTab = savedInstanceState . getString ( "tab" ) ; } final Uri data = intent . getData ( ) ; if ( data != null && mDefaultTab == null ) { mDefaultTab = getDefaultTabFromUri ( data ) ; } }
@ Override public void onDestroy ( ) { if ( mDefaultTab == null ) { final ActionBar bar = getSupportActionBar ( ) ; final ActionBar . Tab tab = bar . getSelectedTab ( ) ; PreferenceUtils . saveString ( getLastTabPref ( ) , ( String ) tab . getTag ( ) ) ; } super. onDestroy ( ) ; }
@ Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected ( MenuItem item ) { if ( item . getItemId ( ) == android . R . id . home ) { NavHelp . goHome ( this , false ) ; return true ; } return false ; }
protected void restoreDefaultTab ( ) { final String def ; if ( mDefaultTab != null ) { def = mDefaultTab ; } else { SharedPreferences settings = Application . getPrefs ( ) ; def = settings . getString ( getLastTabPref ( ) , null ) ; } if ( def != null ) { final ActionBar bar = getSupportActionBar ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < bar . getTabCount ( ) ; ++ i ) { ActionBar . Tab tab = bar . getTabAt ( i ) ; if ( def . equals ( tab . getTag ( ) ) ) { tab . select ( ) ; } } } }
boolean isShortcutMode ( ) { return mShortcutMode ; }
Location getSearchCenter ( ) { return mSearchCenter ; }
public static final Uri getDefaultTabUri ( String tab ) { return Uri . fromParts ( TAB_SCHEME , tab , null ) ; }
public static String getDefaultTabFromUri ( Uri uri ) { if ( TAB_SCHEME . equals ( uri . getScheme ( ) ) ) { return uri . getSchemeSpecificPart ( ) ; } return null ; }
protected abstract String getLastTabPref ( )
public static final Intent putSearchCenter ( Intent intent , Location pt ) { if ( pt != null ) { double [] p = { pt . getLatitude ( ) , pt . getLongitude ( ) } ; intent . putExtra ( EXTRA_SEARCHCENTER , p ) ; } return intent ; }
private static final Location getSearchCenter ( Intent intent ) { double [] p = intent . getDoubleArrayExtra ( EXTRA_SEARCHCENTER ) ; if ( p != null && p . length == 2 ) { return LocationUtils . makeLocation ( p [ 0 ] , p [ 1 ] ) ; } return null ; }
public IntentAssert ( Intent actual ) { super( actual , IntentAssert .class ); }
public IntentAssert hasData ( String uri ) { return hasData ( Uri . parse ( uri ) ) ; }
public IntentAssert hasComponent ( Context context , Class < ? > cls ) { return hasComponent ( new ComponentName ( context , cls . getName ( ) ) ) ; }
public IntentAssert hasComponent ( String appPkg , Class < ? > cls ) { return hasComponent ( new ComponentName ( appPkg , cls . getName ( ) ) ) ; }
public static String flagsToString ( @ IntentFlags int flags ) { return buildBitMaskString ( flags ) . flag ( FLAG_GRANT_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION , "grant_persistable_uri_permission" ) . flag ( FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION , "grant_read_uri_permission" ) . flag ( FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION , "grant_write_uri_permission" ) . flag ( FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION , "debug_log_resolution" ) . flag ( FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND , "from_background" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT , "activity_brought_to_front" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK , "activity_clear_task" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP , "activity_clear_top" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET , "activity_clear_when_task_reset" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS , "activity_exclude_from_recents" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT , "activity_forward_result" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY , "activity_launched_from_history" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK , "activity_multiple_task" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK , "activity_new_task" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION , "activity_no_animation" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY , "activity_no_history" ) . flag ( FLAG_RECEIVER_NO_ABORT , "receiver_no_abort" ) . flag ( FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY , "receiver_registered_only" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION , "activity_no_user_action" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP , "activity_previous_is_top" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED , "activity_reset_task_if" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT , "activity_reorder_to_front" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP , "activity_single_top" ) . flag ( FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME , "activity_task_on_home" ) . flag ( FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES , "include_stopped_packages" ) . get ( ) ; }
Frequency ( ) { startTime = 0 ; endTime = 0 ; headway = 0 ; }
public long getStartTime ( ) { return startTime ; }
public long getEndTime ( ) { return endTime ; }
public long getHeadway ( ) { return headway ; }
ObaArrivalInfo ( ) { routeId = "" ; routeShortName = "" ; routeLongName = "" ; tripId = "" ; tripHeadsign = "" ; stopId = "" ; predictedArrivalTime = 0 ; scheduledArrivalTime = 0 ; predictedDepartureTime = 0 ; scheduledDepartureTime = 0 ; status = "" ; frequency = null ; vehicleId = null ; distanceFromStop = null ; numberOfStopsAway = null ; serviceDate = 0 ; lastUpdateTime = 0 ; predicted = null ; tripStatus = null ; situationIds = null ; arrivalEnabled = true ; departureEnabled = true ; stopSequence = 0 ; totalStopsInTrip = 0 ; blockTripSequence = 0 ; }
public String getRouteId ( ) { return routeId ; }
public String getShortName ( ) { return routeShortName ; }
public String getRouteLongName ( ) { return routeLongName ; }
public String getTripId ( ) { return tripId ; }
public String getHeadsign ( ) { return tripHeadsign ; }
public String getStopId ( ) { return stopId ; }
public long getScheduledArrivalTime ( ) { return scheduledArrivalTime ; }
public long getPredictedArrivalTime ( ) { return predictedArrivalTime ; }
public long getScheduledDepartureTime ( ) { return scheduledDepartureTime ; }
public long getPredictedDepartureTime ( ) { return predictedDepartureTime ; }
public String getStatus ( ) { return status ; }
public Frequency getFrequency ( ) { return frequency ; }
public String getVehicleId ( ) { return vehicleId ; }
public Double getDistanceFromStop ( ) { return distanceFromStop ; }
public Integer getNumberOfStopsAway ( ) { return numberOfStopsAway ; }
public long getServiceDate ( ) { return serviceDate ; }
public long getLastUpdateTime ( ) { return lastUpdateTime ; }
public boolean getPredicted ( ) { return ( predicted != null ) ? predicted : ( predictedDepartureTime != 0 ) ; }
public ObaTripStatus getTripStatus ( ) { return tripStatus ; }
public String [] getSituationIds ( ) { return situationIds ; }
public boolean getArrivalEnabled ( ) { return arrivalEnabled ; }
public boolean getDepartureEnabled ( ) { return departureEnabled ; }
public int getStopSequence ( ) { return stopSequence ; }
public int getTotalStopsInTrip ( ) { return totalStopsInTrip ; }
public int getBlockTripSequence ( ) { return blockTripSequence ; }
public RouteMapController ( Callback callback ) { mFragment = callback ; mLineOverlayColor = mFragment . getActivity ( ) . getResources ( ) . getColor ( R . color . route_line_color_default ) ; mShortAnimationDuration = mFragment . getActivity ( ) . getResources ( ) . getInteger ( android . R . integer . config_shortAnimTime ) ; mRoutePopup = new RoutePopup ( ) ; mRouteLoaderListener = new RouteLoaderListener ( ) ; mVehicleLoaderListener = new VehicleLoaderListener ( ) ; }
private void clearCurrentState ( ) { mRouteLoader . stopLoading ( ) ; mRouteLoader . reset ( ) ; mVehiclesLoader . stopLoading ( ) ; mVehiclesLoader . reset ( ) ; mVehicleRefreshHandler . removeCallbacks ( mVehicleRefresh ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . removeRouteOverlay ( ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . removeVehicleOverlay ( ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . removeStopOverlay ( false ) ; }
@ Override public String getMode ( ) { return MapParams . MODE_ROUTE ; }
@ Override public void destroy ( ) { mRoutePopup . hide ( ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . removeRouteOverlay ( ) ; mVehicleRefreshHandler . removeCallbacks ( mVehicleRefresh ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . removeVehicleOverlay ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onPause ( ) { mVehicleRefreshHandler . removeCallbacks ( mVehicleRefresh ) ; }
@ Override public void onHidden ( boolean hidden ) { if ( hidden ) { mRoutePopup . hide ( ) ; } else { mRoutePopup . show ( ) ; } }
@ Override public void onResume ( ) { mVehicleRefreshHandler . removeCallbacks ( mVehicleRefresh ) ; if ( mLastUpdatedTimeVehicles == 0 ) { mVehicleRefreshHandler . postDelayed ( mVehicleRefresh , VEHICLE_REFRESH_PERIOD ) ; return; } long elapsedTimeMillis = TimeUnit . NANOSECONDS . toMillis ( UIUtils . getCurrentTimeForComparison ( ) - mLastUpdatedTimeVehicles ) ; long refreshPeriod ; if ( elapsedTimeMillis > VEHICLE_REFRESH_PERIOD ) { refreshPeriod = 100 ; } else { refreshPeriod = VEHICLE_REFRESH_PERIOD - elapsedTimeMillis ; } mVehicleRefreshHandler . postDelayed ( mVehicleRefresh , refreshPeriod ) ; }
@ Override public void onSaveInstanceState ( Bundle outState ) { outState . putString ( MapParams . ROUTE_ID , mRouteId ) ; outState . putBoolean ( MapParams . ZOOM_TO_ROUTE , mZoomToRoute ) ; outState . putBoolean ( MapParams . ZOOM_INCLUDE_CLOSEST_VEHICLE , mZoomIncludeClosestVehicle ) ; Location centerLocation = mFragment . getMapView ( ) . getMapCenterAsLocation ( ) ; outState . putDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT , centerLocation . getLatitude ( ) ) ; outState . putDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LON , centerLocation . getLongitude ( ) ) ; outState . putFloat ( MapParams . ZOOM , mFragment . getMapView ( ) . getZoomLevelAsFloat ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public void onViewStateRestored ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { if ( savedInstanceState == null ) { return; } String stopId = savedInstanceState . getString ( MapParams . STOP_ID ) ; if ( stopId == null ) { float mapZoom = savedInstanceState . getFloat ( MapParams . ZOOM , MapParams . DEFAULT_ZOOM ) ; if ( mapZoom != MapParams . DEFAULT_ZOOM ) { mFragment . getMapView ( ) . setZoom ( mapZoom ) ; } double lat = savedInstanceState . getDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT ) ; double lon = savedInstanceState . getDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LON ) ; if ( lat != 0.0d && lon != 0.0d ) { Location location = LocationUtils . makeLocation ( lat , lon ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . setMapCenter ( location , false , false ) ; } } }
@ Override public void onLocation ( ) { }
@ Override public void onNoLocation ( ) { }
@ Override public void notifyMapChanged ( ) { }
RoutePopup ( ) { mActivity = mFragment . getActivity ( ) ; float paddingDp = mActivity . getResources ( ) . getDimension ( R . dimen . map_route_vehicle_markers_padding ) / mActivity . getResources ( ) . getDisplayMetrics ( ) . density ; VEHICLE_MARKER_PADDING = UIUtils . dpToPixels ( mActivity , paddingDp ) ; mView = mActivity . findViewById ( R . id . route_info ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . setPadding ( null , mView . getHeight ( ) + VEHICLE_MARKER_PADDING , null , null ) ; mRouteShortName = ( TextView ) mView . findViewById ( R . id . short_name ) ; mRouteLongName = ( TextView ) mView . findViewById ( R . id . long_name ) ; mAgencyName = ( TextView ) mView . findViewById ( R . id . agency ) ; mProgressBar = ( ProgressBar ) mView . findViewById ( R . id . route_info_loading_spinner ) ; View cancel = mView . findViewById ( R . id . cancel_route_mode ) ; cancel . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ; cancel . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) { @ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { ObaMapView obaMapView = mFragment . getMapView ( ) ; Bundle bundle = new Bundle ( ) ; bundle . putBoolean ( MapParams . DO_N0T_CENTER_ON_LOCATION , true ) ; bundle . putFloat ( MapParams . ZOOM , obaMapView . getZoomLevelAsFloat ( ) ) ; Location point = obaMapView . getMapCenterAsLocation ( ) ; bundle . putDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT , point . getLatitude ( ) ) ; bundle . putDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LON , point . getLongitude ( ) ) ; mFragment . setMapMode ( MapParams . MODE_STOP , bundle ) ; } } ) ; }
@ Override public void onClick ( View v ) { ObaMapView obaMapView = mFragment . getMapView ( ) ; Bundle bundle = new Bundle ( ) ; bundle . putBoolean ( MapParams . DO_N0T_CENTER_ON_LOCATION , true ) ; bundle . putFloat ( MapParams . ZOOM , obaMapView . getZoomLevelAsFloat ( ) ) ; Location point = obaMapView . getMapCenterAsLocation ( ) ; bundle . putDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LAT , point . getLatitude ( ) ) ; bundle . putDouble ( MapParams . CENTER_LON , point . getLongitude ( ) ) ; mFragment . setMapMode ( MapParams . MODE_STOP , bundle ) ; }
void showLoading ( ) { mFragment . getMapView ( ) . setPadding ( null , mView . getHeight ( ) + VEHICLE_MARKER_PADDING , null , null ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithoutAnimation ( mRouteShortName ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithoutAnimation ( mRouteLongName ) ; UIUtils . showViewWithoutAnimation ( mView ) ; UIUtils . showViewWithoutAnimation ( mProgressBar ) ; }
void show ( ObaRoute route , String agencyName ) { mRouteShortName . setText ( UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( UIUtils . getRouteDisplayName ( route ) ) ) ; mRouteLongName . setText ( UIUtils . formatDisplayText ( UIUtils . getRouteDescription ( route ) ) ) ; mAgencyName . setText ( agencyName ) ; show ( ) ; }
void show ( ) { UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mProgressBar , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mRouteShortName , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mRouteLongName , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; UIUtils . showViewWithAnimation ( mView , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . setPadding ( null , mView . getHeight ( ) + VEHICLE_MARKER_PADDING , null , null ) ; }
void hide ( ) { mFragment . getMapView ( ) . setPadding ( null , 0 , null , null ) ; UIUtils . hideViewWithAnimation ( mView , mShortAnimationDuration ) ; }
public void run ( ) { refresh ( ) ; }
private void refresh ( ) { if ( mVehiclesLoader != null ) { mVehiclesLoader . onContentChanged ( ) ; } }
public RoutesLoader ( Context context , String routeId ) { super( context ); mRouteId = routeId ; }
@ Override public void deliverResult ( ObaStopsForRouteResponse data ) { super. deliverResult ( data ) ; }
@ Override public void onStartLoading ( ) { forceLoad ( ) ; }
@ Override public Loader < ObaStopsForRouteResponse > onCreateLoader ( int id , Bundle args ) { return new RoutesLoader ( mFragment . getActivity ( ) , mRouteId ) ; }
@ Override public void onLoadFinished ( Loader < ObaStopsForRouteResponse > loader , ObaStopsForRouteResponse response ) { ObaMapView obaMapView = mFragment . getMapView ( ) ; if ( response == null || response . getCode ( ) != ObaApi . OBA_OK ) { BaseMapFragment . showMapError ( response ) ; return; } ObaRoute route = response . getRoute ( response . getRouteId ( ) ) ; mRoutePopup . show ( route , response . getAgency ( route . getAgencyId ( ) ) . getName ( ) ) ; if ( route . getColor ( ) != null ) { mLineOverlayColor = route . getColor ( ) ; } obaMapView . setRouteOverlay ( mLineOverlayColor , response . getShapes ( ) ) ; List < ObaStop > stops = response . getStops ( ) ; mFragment . showStops ( stops , response ) ; mFragment . showProgress ( false ) ; if ( mZoomToRoute ) { obaMapView . zoomToRoute ( ) ; mZoomToRoute = false ; } obaMapView . postInvalidate ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onLoaderReset ( Loader < ObaStopsForRouteResponse > loader ) { mFragment . getMapView ( ) . removeRouteOverlay ( ) ; mFragment . getMapView ( ) . removeVehicleOverlay ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onLoadComplete ( Loader < ObaStopsForRouteResponse > loader , ObaStopsForRouteResponse response ) { onLoadFinished ( loader , response ) ; }
public VehiclesLoader ( Context context , String routeId ) { super( context ); mRouteId = routeId ; }
@ Override public void deliverResult ( ObaTripsForRouteResponse data ) { super. deliverResult ( data ) ; }
@ Override public void onStartLoading ( ) { forceLoad ( ) ; }
@ Override public Loader < ObaTripsForRouteResponse > onCreateLoader ( int id , Bundle args ) { return new VehiclesLoader ( mFragment . getActivity ( ) , mRouteId ) ; }
@ Override public void onLoadFinished ( Loader < ObaTripsForRouteResponse > loader , ObaTripsForRouteResponse response ) { ObaMapView obaMapView = mFragment . getMapView ( ) ; if ( response == null || response . getCode ( ) != ObaApi . OBA_OK ) { BaseMapFragment . showMapError ( response ) ; return; } routes . clear ( ) ; routes . add ( mRouteId ) ; obaMapView . updateVehicles ( routes , response ) ; if ( mZoomIncludeClosestVehicle ) { obaMapView . zoomIncludeClosestVehicle ( routes , response ) ; mZoomIncludeClosestVehicle = false ; } mLastUpdatedTimeVehicles = UIUtils . getCurrentTimeForComparison ( ) ; mVehicleRefreshHandler . removeCallbacks ( mVehicleRefresh ) ; mVehicleRefreshHandler . postDelayed ( mVehicleRefresh , VEHICLE_REFRESH_PERIOD ) ; }
@ Override public void onLoaderReset ( Loader < ObaTripsForRouteResponse > loader ) { mFragment . getMapView ( ) . removeVehicleOverlay ( ) ; }
@ Override public void onLoadComplete ( Loader < ObaTripsForRouteResponse > loader , ObaTripsForRouteResponse response ) { onLoadFinished ( loader , response ) ; }
@ TargetApi ( 9 ) public static void saveString ( SharedPreferences prefs , String key , String value ) { SharedPreferences . Editor edit = prefs . edit ( ) ; edit . putString ( key , value ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= Build . VERSION_CODES . GINGERBREAD ) { edit . apply ( ) ; } else { edit . commit ( ) ; } }
public static void saveString ( String key , String value ) { saveString ( Application . getPrefs ( ) , key , value ) ; }
@ TargetApi ( 9 ) public static void saveInt ( SharedPreferences prefs , String key , int value ) { SharedPreferences . Editor edit = prefs . edit ( ) ; edit . putInt ( key , value ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= Build . VERSION_CODES . GINGERBREAD ) { edit . apply ( ) ; } else { edit . commit ( ) ; } }
public static void saveInt ( String key , int value ) { saveInt ( Application . getPrefs ( ) , key , value ) ; }
@ TargetApi ( 9 ) public static void saveLong ( SharedPreferences prefs , String key , long value ) { SharedPreferences . Editor edit = prefs . edit ( ) ; edit . putLong ( key , value ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= Build . VERSION_CODES . GINGERBREAD ) { edit . apply ( ) ; } else { edit . commit ( ) ; } }
public static void saveLong ( String key , long value ) { saveLong ( Application . getPrefs ( ) , key , value ) ; }
@ TargetApi ( 9 ) public static void saveBoolean ( SharedPreferences prefs , String key , boolean value ) { SharedPreferences . Editor edit = prefs . edit ( ) ; edit . putBoolean ( key , value ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= Build . VERSION_CODES . GINGERBREAD ) { edit . apply ( ) ; } else { edit . commit ( ) ; } }
public static void saveBoolean ( String key , boolean value ) { saveBoolean ( Application . getPrefs ( ) , key , value ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . ActionBarDrawerToggleAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . app . ActionBarDrawerToggle actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . ActionBarDrawerToggleAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . DialogFragmentAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . app . DialogFragment actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . DialogFragmentAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . FragmentAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . app . Fragment actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . FragmentAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . FragmentManagerAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . app . FragmentManager actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . FragmentManagerAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . FragmentTransactionAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . app . FragmentTransaction actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . FragmentTransactionAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . ListFragmentAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . app . ListFragment actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . ListFragmentAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . LoaderManagerAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . app . LoaderManager actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . app . LoaderManagerAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . content . CursorLoaderAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . content . CursorLoader actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . content . CursorLoaderAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . content . LoaderAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . content . Loader actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . content . LoaderAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . media . TransportControllerAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . media . TransportController actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . media . TransportControllerAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . media . TransportMediatorAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . media . TransportMediator actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . media . TransportMediatorAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . print . PrintHelperAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . print . PrintHelper actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . print . PrintHelperAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . AtomicFileAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . util . AtomicFile actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . AtomicFileAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static < E > org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . CircularArrayAssert < E > assertThat ( android . support . v4 . util . CircularArray < E > actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . CircularArrayAssert <> ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . LongSparseArrayAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . util . LongSparseArray actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . LongSparseArrayAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static < K , V > org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . LruCacheAssert < K , V > assertThat ( android . support . v4 . util . LruCache < K , V > actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . LruCacheAssert <> ( actual ) ; }
public static < E > org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . SparseArrayCompatAssert < E > assertThat ( android . support . v4 . util . SparseArrayCompat < E > actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . util . SparseArrayCompatAssert <> ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . view . PagerAdapterAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . view . PagerAdapter actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . view . PagerAdapterAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . view . ViewPagerAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . view . ViewPager actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . view . ViewPagerAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . widget . CursorAdapterAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . widget . CursorAdapter actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . widget . CursorAdapterAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . widget . SimpleCursorAdapterAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . widget . SimpleCursorAdapter actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . widget . SimpleCursorAdapterAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . widget . SlidingPaneLayoutAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . widget . SlidingPaneLayout actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . widget . SlidingPaneLayoutAssert ( actual ) ; }
public static org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . widget . SwipeRefreshLayoutAssert assertThat ( android . support . v4 . widget . SwipeRefreshLayout actual ) { return new org . assertj . android . support . v4 . api . widget . SwipeRefreshLayoutAssert ( actual ) ; }
private Security ( ) { throw new AssertionError ( ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static Cipherer < byte [] , byte [] > newAndroidAesByteCipherer ( ) { return org . solovyev . common . security . Security . newCipherer ( CIPHER_ALGORITHM , PROVIDER , InitialVectorDef . newRandom ( IV_RANDOM_ALGORITHM , IV_LENGTH ) ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static Cipherer < byte [] , byte [] > newAndroidAesByteCipherer ( final byte [] initialVector ) { return org . solovyev . common . security . Security . newCipherer ( CIPHER_ALGORITHM , PROVIDER , InitialVectorDef . newPredefined ( initialVector ) ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static SecretKeyProvider newAndroidAesSecretKeyProvider ( ) { return org . solovyev . common . security . Security . newPbeSecretKeyProvider ( PBE_ITERATION_COUNT , PBE_ALGORITHM , CIPHERER_ALGORITHM_AES , PROVIDER , PBE_KEY_LENGTH , SALT_LENGTH ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static HashProvider < byte [] , byte [] > newAndroidSha512ByteHashProvider ( ) { return org . solovyev . common . security . Security . newHashProvider ( HASH_ALGORITHM , PROVIDER ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static HashProvider < String , String > newAndroidSha512StringHashProvider ( ) { return TypedHashProvider . newInstance ( newAndroidSha512ByteHashProvider ( ) , StringDecoder . getInstance ( ) , ABase64StringEncoder . getInstance ( ) ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static SaltGenerator newAndroidSaltGenerator ( ) { return org . solovyev . common . security . Security . newSaltGenerator ( IV_RANDOM_ALGORITHM , SALT_LENGTH ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static Cipherer < String , String > newAndroidAesStringCipherer ( ) { return TypedCipherer . newInstance ( newAndroidAesByteCipherer ( ) , StringDecoder . getInstance ( ) , StringEncoder . getInstance ( ) , ABase64StringDecoder . getInstance ( ) , ABase64StringEncoder . getInstance ( ) ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static Cipherer < String , String > newAndroidAesStringCipherer ( final byte [] initialVector ) { return TypedCipherer . newInstance ( newAndroidAesByteCipherer ( initialVector ) , StringDecoder . getInstance ( ) , StringEncoder . getInstance ( ) , ABase64StringDecoder . getInstance ( ) , ABase64StringEncoder . getInstance ( ) ) ; }
@ Nonnull public static SecurityService < byte [] , byte [] , byte [] > newAndroidAesByteSecurityService ( ) { return newSecurityService ( newAndroidAesByteCipherer ( ) , newAndroidAesSecretKeyProvider ( ) , newAndroidSaltGenerator ( ) , newAndroidSha512ByteHashProvider ( ) ) ; }