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+++ b/docs/CALL_CFG.md
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+# Call CFG
+Call CFG is a program's representation, based on the *Control Flow Graph* _(CFG)_ and *function call*. Two features are available : *Generation* and *Comparaison*. This documentation will explain these features.
+## Mode 1 : Generation
+### Algorithm specification
+1. Determine the beginning address of analysis. Otherwise, entrypoint will be used.
+2. Get all `call` instructions of function analyzed (determined by address in previous step) from disassembled code (with `metasm`)
+3. For each `call` instruction :
+ * Get Machoc hash of '*caller function*'
+ * Get Machoc hash of '*called function*'
+ * Create t-uple `Machoc(caller function) -> Machoc(called function)`
+ * Back to *step 3* recursively for each '*called function*'
+4. Stored all t-uples in database
+5. Generate .dot and .png files
+### Example
+Here is an example to illustrate the algorithm. From binary to call CFG representation.
+*(The source code is displayed for better understanding)*
+* Source code
+int main(){
+ for (int i=0; i < 2000; i++){
+ if (i > 100)
+ printf("This is a program test : %d\n",i);
+ else
+ function2();
+void function2(){
+ return;
+* Call CFG representation
+![Example Call CFG](screenshots/callCFG.png)
+With this example, extracted t-uples are :
+* Machoc('sym._main') -> Machoc('sym.__main')
+* Machoc('sym._main') -> Machoc('sym._printf')
+* Machoc('sym._main') -> Machoc('sym._function2')
+That corresponds to :
+(ccdaf4fc, e1aa82b3)
+(ccdaf4fc, 1a02300e)
+(ccdaf4fc, 7c91cb3a)
+## Mode 2 : Comparaison
+This second feature compare two call CFG and allow us to identify quickly the precise differences.
+### Algorithm specification
+1. Get t-uples from database for compared files n°1 and n°2 : `tuples_ccfg_1` and `tuples_ccfg_2`
*(Feature 'Generation' must be used first)*
+2. Jaccard index (Intersection over Union) is calculated, using t-uples
+3. Set differences are calculated : `tuples_ccfg_1 \ tuples_ccfg_2` and `tuples_ccfg_2 \ tuples_ccfg_1`
+4. Create new call CFG with differences in specific color (red)
+### Example
+ * T-uples of analyzed file n°1 : `tuples_ccfg_1`
+We can use example in *Mode 1 : Generation* :
+(ccdaf4fc, e1aa82b3)
+(ccdaf4fc, 1a02300e)
+(ccdaf4fc, 7c91cb3a)
+ * T-uples of analyzed file n°2 : `tuples_ccfg_2`
+We can generate t-uples from this example binary :
+*(The source code is displayed for better understanding)*
+int main(){
+ for (int i=0; i < 10; i++){
+ if (i % 2 = 0)
+ printf("Even number : %d\n",i);
+ else
+ printf("Odd number : %d\n",i);
+Call CFG representation :
+![Example Call CFG File 2](screenshots/callCFG_2.png)
+(ccdaf4fc, e1aa82b3)
+(ccdaf4fc, 1a02300e)
+(ccdaf4fc, 1a02300e)
+ * Jaccard index
+With this representation, we can easily calculate Jaccard index :
+![Example Jaccard Index](screenshots/jaccard_index.png)
+`S(cCFG1, cCFG2) = 2 / 4 = 50.0 % `
+* Set differences
+`cCFG2 \ cCFG2 = (ccdaf4fc, 1a02300e) `
+`cCFG1 \ cCFG2 = (ccdaf4fc, 7c91cb3a) `
+* New call CFG of analyzed file n°1, with differents in analyzed file n°2
+![Example new Call CFG](screenshots/new_callCFG.png)
+## Usage :
+You can find comparaison results in tab 'Classification' in Polichombr. Except for this example, only binaries with Jaccard index >= 80 % are displayed.
+![Call CFG Polichombr Example](screenshots/example_callCFG_view.png)
+## Screenshot :
+![Call CFG Polichombr](screenshots/callCFG_view.png)
\ No newline at end of file
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/screenshots/callCFG.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/screenshots/callCFG_2.png differ
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index 0000000..fef5724
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/screenshots/callCFG_view.png differ
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index 0000000..c4bc0ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/screenshots/example_callCFG_view.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ae43d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/screenshots/jaccard_index.png differ
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index 0000000..e9d1a46
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/screenshots/new_callCFG.png differ
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index 0000000..4b83cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polichombr/analysis_tools/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ This file is part of Polichombr.
+ (c) 2016 ANSSI-FR
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/polichombr/analysis_tools/lib_callCFG/C_CFG.py
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ This file is part of Polichombr.
+ Organization : EDF-R&D-PERICLES-IRC
+ Author : JCO
+ Description: Generation of call-CFG and compare call-CFG
+ Date : 08/2018
+import argparse,sys,os,r2pipe,json
+import mmh3
+import datetime, hashlib
+import pydot
+from ccfg_analyzeitrb import parse_machoc_signatures
+class call_CFG:
+ def __init__(self, filename, offset, app=None, tmessage=""):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ """
+ #Logger
+ self.tmessage = tmessage
+ self.app = app
+ self.function_analyzed = []
+ self.tuple_ccfg_db = []
+ self.tuple_offset = []
+ self.array_all_machoc_func = []
+ self.hashfile = filename
+ self.fname = filename+'.sign'
+ # Open binary
+ self._print("Analyze radare2 : in progress ... ")
+ self.r2_binary = r2pipe.open(filename, ['-2'])
+ if not self.is_valid_file():
+ self.kill("Not a valid binary file")
+ return
+ self.run_cmd_radare2('aaa')
+ self._print("Analyze radare2 : OK ")
+ self.offset = str(offset) if offset != "" else str(self.get_entry_point())
+ #Get machoc functions
+ self.machoc_functions = parse_machoc_signatures(self.fname)
+ def process_cCFG(self, compare_tuples={}):
+ """
+ Process C-CFG generation or comparaison
+ """
+ if len(compare_tuples):
+ self._print("Mode comparaison C-CFG")
+ #Generate new CFG with diff
+ self.process_compare_call_CFG(compare_tuples)
+ else:
+ self._print("Mode génération C-CFG")
+ self.process_call_CFG()
+ tuples = "('"+"'),('".join(self.tuple_ccfg_db)+"')"
+ return self.offset, tuples, self.tuple_offset
+ def _print(self, message):
+ if self.app != None:
+ self.app.logger.debug(self.tmessage + message)
+ else:
+ print message
+ def is_valid_file(self, instance_r2=None):
+ """
+ Check if file contains instructions
+ """
+ if instance_r2:
+ result = instance_r2.cmd("iIj")
+ else:
+ result = self.r2_binary.cmd("iIj")
+ res = json.loads(result.replace("\\", ""))
+ return bool(res['havecode'])
+ def kill(self, message,instance_r2=None):
+ """
+ Kill radare2 process
+ """
+ self._print("[+] '"+self.filename+"' : "+message)
+ if instance_r2:
+ instance_r2.r2_binary.quit()
+ else:
+ self.r2_binary.quit()
+ def get_entry_point(self):
+ """
+ Return entrypoint
+ """
+ try:
+ ie = json.loads(self.run_cmd_radare2("iej"))
+ ie = ie[0]['vaddr']
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ return ie
+ def get_function_code(self, offset, instance_r2=None):
+ """
+ Return instructions from function at specific offset
+ """
+ # Go to specific offset
+ self.run_cmd_radare2("s {}".format(offset), instance_r2)
+ result = self.run_cmd_radare2("pdfj", instance_r2)
+ return json.loads(result) if result else {}
+ def get_function_block(self, offset, instance_r2=None):
+ """
+ Return blocks from current function
+ """
+ self.run_cmd_radare2("s {}".format(offset), instance_r2)
+ return json.loads(self.run_cmd_radare2("agj", instance_r2))
+ def format_function_name(self, function_name):
+ """
+ Format function name
+ Example : 'call qword sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime' become '_GetSystemTimeAsFile (KERNEL32.dll)'
+ """
+ return function_name.replace('call','').replace('qword','').replace('[','').replace(']','').strip()
+ def get_call_in_function(self,offset, instance_r2=None):
+ """
+ Return dict with call of function from specific
+ """
+ if instance_r2 == None:
+ self._print("Function analyzed : "+str(offset))
+ else:
+ self._print("FILE2] Function analyzed : "+str(offset))
+ all_call = {}
+ function_call = []
+ function_ucall = []
+ fcode = self.get_function_code(offset, instance_r2)
+ if fcode != {}:
+ for instruction in fcode["ops"]:
+ if instruction["type"] == "call":
+ assembly_code = instruction['disasm']
+ if '.dll' in assembly_code:
+ array = assembly_code.split('.dll')
+ dll_name = array[0].split('.')[-1]
+ function_name = array[1]+' ('+dll_name+'.dll)'
+ function_ucall.append(function_name)
+ else:
+ function_call.append(assembly_code.replace('call','').strip())
+ elif instruction["type"] == "ucall":
+ assembly_code = instruction['disasm']
+ if '.dll' in assembly_code:
+ array = assembly_code.split('.dll')
+ dll_name = array[0].split('.')[-1]
+ function_name = array[1]+' ('+dll_name+'.dll)'
+ function_ucall.append(function_name)
+ else:
+ function_ucall.append(self.format_function_name(assembly_code))
+ all_call["call"] = function_call
+ all_call["ucall"] = function_ucall
+ return all_call
+ def get_machoke_from_function(self, function_offset, db_machoc_func, instance_r2=None):
+ """
+ Return machoc function from (SHA256).bin.sign file
+ """
+ offset = self.get_offset(function_offset, instance_r2)
+ if offset == "":
+ return ""
+ if offset != None:
+ key_to_search = int(offset[2:],16)
+ try:
+ element_dict = db_machoc_func[key_to_search]
+ machoc = hex(element_dict["machoc"])[2:]
+ self._print("Machoc of '{0}' : {1}".format(function_offset, machoc))
+ return machoc
+ except:
+ self._print("Unable to find machoc hash of offset function : "+str(offset))
+ return ""
+ def format_block_dot(self, function_offset, function_machoc, adresse_offset, diff=False):
+ """
+ Return block dot info from specific
+ """
+ color = "palegreen"
+ if diff and function_machoc != "":
+ if function_offset not in self.array_all_machoc_func and function_machoc not in self.array_all_machoc_func:
+ color = "#ff4d4d"
+ content = "\""+function_offset+"\"[fillcolor=\""+color+"\",color=\"black\", fontname=\"Courier\",label=\"|- "+"sub_"+adresse_offset[2:]+" ("+function_offset+") "+"\l "+function_machoc+"\"]"
+ return content+"\n"
+ def format_edge_dot(self, function_offset1, function_called_offset2, diff=False):
+ """
+ Return edge dot info from specific
+ """
+ color = "#ff0000" if diff else "#00007f"
+ content = "\""+str(function_offset1)+"\" -> \""+str(function_called_offset2)+"\" [color=\""+color+"\"];"
+ return content+"\n"
+ def add_tuple(self, function_machoke1, function_machoke2, adresse_offset, adresse_offset2, offset_called_func):
+ """
+ Save t-uple analyzed
+ """
+ if str(function_machoke2).startswith('0x'):
+ function_machoke2 = 'sub_'+function_machoke2[2:]
+ #T-uples saved in DB offset_callCFG (with more details)
+ if function_machoke1+','+function_machoke2 not in self.tuple_ccfg_db:
+ self.tuple_offset.append([adresse_offset+','+adresse_offset2,function_machoke1+','+function_machoke2, "sub_"+adresse_offset[2:]+",sub_"+offset_called_func[2:]])
+ #T-uples saved in DB callCFG
+ self.tuple_ccfg_db.append(function_machoke1+','+function_machoke2)
+ def run_cmd_radare2(self, cmd, instance_r2 = None):
+ """
+ Return radare2 result of command
+ """
+ if instance_r2:
+ return instance_r2.cmd(cmd)
+ else:
+ return self.r2_binary.cmd(cmd)
+ def generate_file(self, content, filename=None):
+ """
+ Generate dot and CFG files
+ Save file in directory 'polichombr/storage/'
+ """
+ if filename == None:
+ filename = self.hashfile
+ remove_extension = filename.split('.')
+ if len(remove_extension) > 1:
+ base_filename = ".".join(remove_extension[:-1]).split("/")[-1]
+ else:
+ base_filename = ".".join(remove_extension).split("/")[-1]
+ dot_filename = "polichombr/storage/"+base_filename+'.dot'
+ png_filename = "polichombr/storage/"+base_filename+'.png'
+ f = open(dot_filename,'wb')
+ f.write(content)
+ f.close()
+ self._print("Dot file generated : "+dot_filename)
+ (graph,) = pydot.graph_from_dot_file(dot_filename)
+ graph.write_png(png_filename)
+ self._print("PNG file generated : "+png_filename)
+ def remove_duplicate(self, dict):
+ """
+ Return dict without duplicates values
+ """
+ ret = {}
+ for key,value in dict.iteritems():
+ if key not in ret.keys():
+ ret[key] = value
+ return ret
+ def generate_dot_content_info(self, function_offset):
+ """
+ Return call CFG in dot format from specific
+ """
+ adresse_offset = self.get_offset(function_offset)
+ function_call = self.get_call_in_function(function_offset)
+ function_machoc = self.get_machoke_from_function(function_offset, self.machoc_functions)
+ dot_content = self.format_block_dot(function_offset, function_machoc, adresse_offset)
+ for call_func in function_call["ucall"]:
+ machoke_signature = ""
+ offset_called_func = self.get_offset(call_func)
+ dot_content += self.format_block_dot(call_func, machoke_signature, offset_called_func)
+ dot_content += self.format_edge_dot(function_offset, call_func)
+ func_name_array = call_func.split(' ')
+ if len(func_name_array) == 1:
+ func_name = func_name_array[0]
+ else:
+ func_name = func_name_array[1].replace('(','').replace(')','')+func_name_array[0]
+ #self.add_tuple(function_machoc, func_name, adresse_offset,offset_called_func, offset_called_func)
+ self.add_tuple(function_machoc, machoke_signature, adresse_offset,offset_called_func, offset_called_func)
+ for call_func in function_call["call"]:
+ machoke_signature = self.get_machoke_from_function(call_func, self.machoc_functions)
+ offset_called_func = self.get_offset(call_func)
+ #self.add_tuple(function_machoc, machoke_signature if machoke_signature != "" else call_func , adresse_offset,offset_called_func, offset_called_func)
+ self.add_tuple(function_machoc, machoke_signature , adresse_offset,offset_called_func, offset_called_func)
+ dot_content += self.format_block_dot(call_func, machoke_signature, offset_called_func)
+ dot_content += self.format_edge_dot(function_offset, call_func)#, offset_called_func)
+ if call_func not in self.function_analyzed:
+ self.function_analyzed.append(call_func)
+ try:
+ dot_content += self.generate_dot_content_info(call_func)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return dot_content
+ def generate_dot_info(self, function_offset):
+ """
+ Concatenate dot content file
+ """
+ dot_content = """digraph code {
+ graph [bgcolor=azure fontsize=8 fontname="Courier" splines="ortho"];
+ node [fillcolor=gray style=filled shape=box];
+ edge [arrowhead="normal"];"""
+ dot_content += self.generate_dot_content_info(function_offset)
+ dot_content += "}"
+ self.generate_file(dot_content)
+############################## COMPARE ##############################
+ def generate_dot_compare_info(self, function_offset,diff_tuples, second_filename):
+ """
+ Concatenate dot compare content file
+ """
+ dot_content = """digraph code {
+ graph [bgcolor=azure fontsize=8 fontname="Courier" splines="ortho"];
+ node [fillcolor=gray style=filled shape=box];
+ edge [arrowhead="normal"];"""
+ dot_content += self.generate_dot_content_compare_info(function_offset, diff_tuples)
+ dot_content += "}"
+ tmp_filename1 = self.hashfile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+ tmp_filename2 = second_filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+ filename = tmp_filename1+"_"+tmp_filename2
+ self.generate_file(dot_content, filename)
+ def generate_dot_content_compare_info(self, function_offset, diff_tuples):
+ """
+ Return comapre call CFG in dot format from specific
+ """
+ adresse_offset = self.get_offset(function_offset)
+ function_call = self.get_call_in_function(function_offset)
+ function_machoc = self.get_machoke_from_function(function_offset, self.machoc_functions)
+ dot_content = "" # Important !
+ if function_offset not in self.function_analyzed:
+ dot_content = self.format_block_dot(function_offset, function_machoc, adresse_offset, True)
+ for call_func in function_call["ucall"]:
+ func_name_array = call_func.split(' ')
+ if len(func_name_array) == 1:
+ func_name = func_name_array[0]
+ else:
+ func_name = func_name_array[1].replace('(','').replace(')','')+func_name_array[0]
+ tuple_tmp = function_machoc+","+func_name
+ dot_content += self.format_block_dot(call_func, "", self.get_offset(call_func), True)
+ dot_content += self.format_edge_dot(function_offset, call_func, tuple_tmp in diff_tuples)
+ if tuple_tmp in diff_tuples:
+ diff_tuples.remove(tuple_tmp)
+ for call_func in function_call["call"]:
+ machoke_signature = self.get_machoke_from_function(call_func, self.machoc_functions)
+ if machoke_signature == "":
+ tuple_tmp = function_machoc+","+call_func
+ else:
+ tuple_tmp = function_machoc+","+machoke_signature
+ dot_content += self.format_block_dot(call_func, machoke_signature, self.get_offset(call_func), True)
+ dot_content += self.format_edge_dot(function_offset, call_func, tuple_tmp in diff_tuples )
+ if tuple_tmp in diff_tuples:
+ diff_tuples.remove(tuple_tmp)
+ if call_func not in self.function_analyzed:
+ self.function_analyzed.append(call_func)
+ try:
+ dot_content += self.generate_dot_content_compare_info(call_func, diff_tuples)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return dot_content
+ def process_get_all_machoc_functions(self, filename, offset, instance_r2):
+ """
+ Get machoc functions
+ """
+ machoc_functions = parse_machoc_signatures(filename+'.sign')
+ return self.get_all_machoc_functions(offset, instance_r2, machoc_functions)
+ def get_all_machoc_functions(self, offset, instance_r2, machoc_functions):
+ """
+ Get machoc functions from specific offset
+ """
+ all_machoc_func = []
+ function_call = self.get_call_in_function(offset, instance_r2)
+ function_machoc = self.get_machoke_from_function(offset, machoc_functions, instance_r2)
+ if self.first_loop == False:
+ all_machoc_func.append(function_machoc)
+ self.first_loop = True
+ for call_func in function_call["ucall"]:
+ func_name_array = call_func.split(' ')
+ if len(func_name_array) == 1:
+ func_name = func_name_array[0]
+ else:
+ func_name = func_name_array[1].replace('(','').replace(')','')+func_name_array[0]
+ all_machoc_func.append(func_name)
+ for call_func in function_call["call"]:
+ machoke_signature = self.get_machoke_from_function(call_func, machoc_functions, instance_r2)
+ if machoke_signature == "":
+ all_machoc_func.append(str(call_func))
+ else:
+ all_machoc_func.append(machoke_signature)
+ if call_func not in self.all_machoc_function_analyzed:
+ self.all_machoc_function_analyzed.append(call_func)
+ try:
+ all_machoc_func.extend(self.get_all_machoc_functions(call_func, instance_r2, machoc_functions))
+ except:
+ pass
+ return all_machoc_func
+ def init_r2_instance(self, filename):
+ """
+ Initialize radare2 instance with filename parameter
+ """
+ instance_r2 = r2pipe.open(filename, ['-2'])
+ # Open binary
+ if not self.is_valid_file(instance_r2):
+ self.kill("Not a valid binary file", instance_r2)
+ return
+ self.run_cmd_radare2('aaa', instance_r2)
+ return instance_r2
+ def process_compare_call_CFG(self, compare_tuples):
+ """
+ Process callCFG from entrypoint offset
+ """
+ filename2,diff_tuples,file2_offset = compare_tuples
+ instance_r2 = self.init_r2_instance(filename2)
+ #Etape 1 : Get all machoc functions of file 2
+ self.all_machoc_function_analyzed = []
+ self.first_loop = False
+ self.array_all_machoc_func = self.process_get_all_machoc_functions(filename2, file2_offset, instance_r2)
+ self.function_analyzed = []
+ #Etape2 : Compare file 1 and file 2
+ self.generate_dot_compare_info(self.offset, diff_tuples, filename2)
+ def get_offset(self, func_name, instance_r2 = None):
+ """
+ Return offset from specific
+ """
+ result = self.run_cmd_radare2('s @ '+str(func_name), instance_r2)
+ return result
+ def process_call_CFG(self):
+ """
+ Process callCFG from entrypoint offset
+ """
+ self._print("Start offset : "+str(self.get_offset(self.offset)))
+ self.generate_dot_info(self.offset)
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_good_offset_value(offset):
+ """
+ Check if offset is a good value
+ """
+ r2_tmp = r2pipe.open(filename, ['-2'])
+ try:
+ r2_tmp.cmd("s {}".format(offset))
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f64a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polichombr/analysis_tools/lib_callCFG/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ This file is part of Polichombr.
+ Organization : EDF-R&D-PERICLES-IRC
+ Author : JCO
diff --git a/polichombr/analysis_tools/lib_callCFG/ccfg_analyzeitrb.py b/polichombr/analysis_tools/lib_callCFG/ccfg_analyzeitrb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e72882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polichombr/analysis_tools/lib_callCFG/ccfg_analyzeitrb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ This file is part of Polichombr.
+ (c) 2016 ANSSI-FR
+ Description:
+ AnalyzeIt task implementation.
+import os
+def remove_blacklist_machoc(functions):
+ blacklisted = [0x1a02300e,0xd3fa94a]
+ for func in list(functions.keys()):
+ if functions[func]["machoc"] in blacklisted:
+ functions.pop(func)
+ return functions
+def parse_machoc_signatures(fname):
+ """
+ Returns a dict containing the functions and the hashes
+ """
+ # MACHOC report: we load the functions, hashes, etc.
+ functions = {}
+ if not os.path.exists(fname):
+ return functions
+ with open(fname) as infile:
+ fdata = infile.read()
+ items = fdata.split(";")
+ for i in items:
+ if ":" in i:
+ subitems = i.split(":")
+ machoc_h = int(subitems[0].strip(), 16)
+ address = int(subitems[1].strip(), 16)
+ functions[address] = dict(machoc=machoc_h, name="")
+ #functions = remove_blacklist_machoc(functions)
+ return functions
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/polichombr/analysis_tools/lib_callCFG/compare_ccfg.py b/polichombr/analysis_tools/lib_callCFG/compare_ccfg.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6faac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polichombr/analysis_tools/lib_callCFG/compare_ccfg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ This file is part of Polichombr.
+ Organization : EDF-R&D-PERICLES-IRC
+ Author : JCO
+ Description: Comparaison between callCFG
+ Date : 08/2018
+import sqlite3 as lite
+import hashlib,os, argparse, collections, copy, hashlib, datetime
+from ast import literal_eval
+from polichombr.controllers.callCFG import callCFGController, offset_callCFGController
+from polichombr import api
+from C_CFG import *
+class compare_ccfg():
+ def __init__(self, sample_id):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ """
+ self.sample_id = sample_id
+ self.ctrl_callCFG = callCFGController()
+ self.ctrl_offset_callCFG = offset_callCFGController()
+ def _print(self, message):
+ """
+ Print and log message
+ """
+ #self.app.logger.info(self.tmessage + message)
+ print message
+ def compare_tuples(self, tuples_file1, tuples_file2):
+ """
+ Return A_union_B and A_inter_B
+ """
+ diff_tuples = []
+ tuples_file1 = list(literal_eval(tuples_file1))
+ tuples_file2 = list(literal_eval(tuples_file2))
+ # Calculate (tuples_file1 U tuples_file2)
+ all_tuples = list()
+ all_tuples.extend(tuples_file1)
+ all_tuples.extend(tuples_file2)
+ total_element = len(all_tuples)
+ # Get common element
+ count = 0
+ for tuple_element in tuples_file1:
+ if tuple_element in tuples_file2:
+ tuples_file2.remove(tuple_element)
+ count += 1
+ else:
+ diff_tuples.append(tuple_element)
+ a_union_b = float(total_element-count) # A_union_B
+ a_inter_b = float(count) # A_inter_B
+ return a_inter_b, a_union_b, diff_tuples
+ def process_all_comparaison(self):
+ """
+ Process comparaison with all objects in database
+ """
+ ccfg_obj1 = self.ctrl_callCFG.get_by_id(self.sample_id)
+ if ccfg_obj1 == None:
+ return
+ all_ccfg_obj = self.ctrl_callCFG.get_all(self.sample_id)
+ dict_result = {}
+ for ccfg_obj2 in all_ccfg_obj:
+ # Cast result into object callCFG_db
+ dict_result[ccfg_obj2.sample_id] = self.process_comparaison(ccfg_obj1, ccfg_obj2)
+ return dict_result
+ def get_png_comparaison(self, sample_id_2):
+ """
+ Generate compare call-CFG PNG
+ """
+ ccfg_obj1 = self.ctrl_callCFG.get_by_id(self.sample_id)
+ ccfg_obj2 = self.ctrl_callCFG.get_by_id(sample_id_2)
+ if ccfg_obj1 == None or ccfg_obj2 == None:
+ return
+ self.process_comparaison(ccfg_obj1, ccfg_obj2, True)
+ def process_comparaison(self, ccfg_obj1, ccfg_obj2, png=False):
+ """
+ Process comparaison between ccfg_obj1 and ccfg_obj2 parameters
+ """
+ #Calculate difference pourcent with Jaccard Distance
+ a_inter_b, a_union_b, diff_tuples_1 = self.compare_tuples(ccfg_obj1.func_tuples, ccfg_obj2.func_tuples) #Get elements IN file1 and NOT IN file2
+ a_inter_b, a_union_b, diff_tuples_2 = self.compare_tuples(ccfg_obj2.func_tuples, ccfg_obj1.func_tuples) #Get elements IN file2 and NOT IN file1
+ pourcent = (a_inter_b / a_union_b) * 100
+ #Print result when Jaccard Distance >= 80%
+ result_diff = {}
+ if pourcent >= 80:
+ result_diff = self.get_differences(diff_tuples_1, diff_tuples_2, ccfg_obj1.sample_id, ccfg_obj2.sample_id)
+ #Generate new call_CFG with differences
+ if png:
+ sample_1 = api.get_elem_by_type("sample", ccfg_obj1.sample_id)
+ sample_2 = api.get_elem_by_type("sample", ccfg_obj2.sample_id)
+ c_cfg_inst = call_CFG(sample_1.storage_file, ccfg_obj1.offset_entrypoint)
+ tuples_file_2 = sample_2.storage_file, diff_tuples_1, ccfg_obj2.offset_entrypoint
+ c_cfg_inst.process_cCFG(tuples_file_2)
+ else:
+ return pourcent, a_inter_b, a_union_b, result_diff
+ def get_differences(self, diff_tuples_1, diff_tuples_2, sample_id_1, sample_id_2):
+ """
+ Print offset of call's differences between file1 and file2
+ """
+ #Elements IN 'filename1' and NOT IN 'filename2'
+ diff_plus = []
+ for value in diff_tuples_1:
+ tmp_dict = {}
+ id_row = "{0},{1}".format(sample_id_1, value)
+ row_inst = self.ctrl_offset_callCFG.get_by_id(id_row)
+ if row_inst != None:
+ sample_id, machoc1, machoc2 = row_inst.id.split(',')
+ parent_func, child_func = row_inst.func_name.split(',')
+ offset_parent, offset_child = row_inst.offset_func.split(',')
+ tmp_dict["parent_func"] = parent_func
+ tmp_dict["offset_parent"] = offset_parent
+ tmp_dict["child_func"] = child_func
+ tmp_dict["offset_child"] = offset_child
+ tmp_dict["machoc1"] = machoc1
+ tmp_dict["machoc2"] = machoc2
+ diff_plus.append(tmp_dict)
+ #Elements IN 'filename2' and NOT IN 'filename1'
+ diff_minus = []
+ for value in diff_tuples_2:
+ tmp_dict_2 = {}
+ id_row = "{0},{1}".format(sample_id_2, value)
+ row_inst = self.ctrl_offset_callCFG.get_by_id(id_row)
+ if row_inst !=None:
+ sample_id, machoc1, machoc2 = row_inst.id.split(',')
+ parent_func, child_func = row_inst.func_name.split(',')
+ offset_parent, offset_child = row_inst.offset_func.split(',')
+ tmp_dict_2["parent_func"] = parent_func
+ tmp_dict_2["offset_parent"] = offset_parent
+ tmp_dict_2["child_func"] = child_func
+ tmp_dict_2["offset_child"] = offset_child
+ tmp_dict_2["machoc1"] = machoc1
+ tmp_dict_2["machoc2"] = machoc2
+ diff_minus.append(tmp_dict_2)
+ print "\n"
+ return diff_plus, diff_minus
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/polichombr/controllers/analysis.py b/polichombr/controllers/analysis.py
index 4d01418..d3533ee 100644
--- a/polichombr/controllers/analysis.py
+++ b/polichombr/controllers/analysis.py
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def load_tasks(self):
def form_module(fp): return os.path.splitext(fp)[0]
- tasks_modules = list(map(form_module, tasks_files))
+ tasks_modules = sorted(list(map(form_module, tasks_files))) #task_analyzeit must be first
for task_filename in tasks_modules:
if not task_filename.startswith('__'):
diff --git a/polichombr/controllers/api.py b/polichombr/controllers/api.py
index 24779e5..e04fc3a 100644
--- a/polichombr/controllers/api.py
+++ b/polichombr/controllers/api.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
from polichombr.controllers.family import FamilyController
from polichombr.controllers.user import UserController
from polichombr.controllers.idaactions import IDAActionsController
+from polichombr.controllers.callCFG import callCFGController, offset_callCFGController
from polichombr.models.sample import FunctionInfo
@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ class APIControl(object):
analysiscontrol = AnalysisController(
idacontrol = IDAActionsController()
+ callcfgcontrol = callCFGController()
+ offset_callcfgcontrol = offset_callCFGController()
def __init__(self):
@@ -63,7 +66,8 @@ def dispatch_sample_creation(self,
- zipflag=True):
+ zipflag=True,
+ offset_callCFG=None):
If the sample is a ZipFile, we unpack it and return
the last sample,otherwise we return a single sample.
@@ -71,17 +75,18 @@ def dispatch_sample_creation(self,
file_data = file_stream.read(4)
if file_data.startswith(b"PK") and zipflag:
- samples = self.create_from_zip(file_stream, user, tlp, family)
+ samples = self.create_from_zip(file_stream, user, tlp, family, offset_callCFG)
sample = self.create_sample_and_run_analysis(file_stream,
- family)
+ family,
+ offset_callCFG)
samples = [sample]
return samples
- def create_from_zip(self, file_stream, user, tlp, family):
+ def create_from_zip(self, file_stream, user, tlp, family, offset_callCFG):
Iterates over the samples in the zip
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@ def create_from_zip(self, file_stream, user, tlp, family):
- family)
+ family,
+ offset_callCFG)
return output_samples
@@ -105,7 +111,8 @@ def create_sample_and_run_analysis(
- family=None):
+ family=None,
+ offset_callCFG=None):
Creates a new sample and a schedule an analysis. We also check the
file header for ZIP pattern: if a ZIP pattern is found, any file
@@ -116,7 +123,7 @@ def create_sample_and_run_analysis(
file_data = file_data_stream.read()
sample = self.samplecontrol.create_sample_from_file(
- file_data, originate_filename, user, tlp_level)
+ file_data, originate_filename, user, tlp_level, offset_callCFG)
if sample.analysis_status == AnalysisStatus.TOSTART:
if family is not None:
diff --git a/polichombr/controllers/callCFG.py b/polichombr/controllers/callCFG.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf8aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polichombr/controllers/callCFG.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ This file is part of Polichombr.
+ Organization : EDF-R&D-PERICLES-IRC
+ Author : JCO
+ Description: Managers for all the actions about call-CFG, associated with callCFG models
+ Date : 08/2018
+from polichombr import app
+from polichombr import db
+from polichombr.models.callCFG import callCFG, offset_callCFG
+class callCFGController(object):
+ """
+ Wrapper to the callCFG model.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def add_callCFG(sample_id, func_tuples, entrypoint_offset):
+ """
+ Adds a callCFG
+ """
+ model_callCFG = callCFG()
+ model_callCFG.sample_id = sample_id
+ model_callCFG.func_tuples = func_tuples
+ model_callCFG.offset_entrypoint = entrypoint_offset
+ db.session.add(model_callCFG)
+ db.session.commit()
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_all(sid = None):
+ """
+ Get all callcfg
+ """
+ if sid != None:
+ return callCFG.query.filter(callCFG.sample_id != sid).all()
+ else:
+ return callCFG.query.all()
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_by_id(sample_id):
+ """
+ Get callCFG by its sample id.
+ """
+ result = callCFG.query.filter_by(sample_id=sample_id).all()
+ return result[0] if len(result) > 0 else None
+ @staticmethod
+ def delete(callCFG):
+ """
+ Removes callCFG from database.
+ """
+ db.session.delete(callCFG)
+ db.session.commit()
+ return
+class offset_callCFGController(object):
+ """
+ Wrapper to the offset_callCFG model.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def add_offset_callCFG( sample_id, element, do_commit=True):
+ """
+ Adds an offset_callCFG
+ """
+ offset_func, func_tuples, func_name = element
+ model_offset_callCFG = offset_callCFG()
+ model_offset_callCFG.id = '{0},{1}'.format(sample_id, func_tuples)
+ model_offset_callCFG.sample_id = sample_id
+ model_offset_callCFG.offset_func = offset_func
+ model_offset_callCFG.func_name = func_name
+ db.session.add(model_offset_callCFG)
+ if do_commit:
+ db.session.commit()
+ def add_multiple_offset_callCFG(self, sample_id, tuples):
+ """
+ Adds multiple offset_callCFG
+ """
+ for element in tuples:
+ self.add_offset_callCFG(sample_id, element, do_commit = False)
+ db.session.commit()
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_by_sample_id(sample_id):
+ """
+ Get offset_callCFG by its sample id.
+ """
+ result = offset_callCFG.query.filter_by(sample_id=sample_id).all()
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_by_id(id):
+ """
+ Get offset_callCFG by its sample id.
+ """
+ result = offset_callCFG.query.filter_by(id=id).all()
+ return result[0]
+ @staticmethod
+ def delete(offset_callCFG, do_commit=True):
+ """
+ Removes offset_callCFG from database.
+ """
+ db.session.delete(offset_callCFG)
+ if do_commit:
+ db.session.commit()
+ return
+ def delete_multiple_offset_callCFG(self, all_offset_callCFG):
+ """
+ Delete multiple offset_callCFG
+ """
+ for element in all_offset_callCFG:
+ self.delete(element, do_commit = False)
+ db.session.commit()
+ return True
diff --git a/polichombr/controllers/sample.py b/polichombr/controllers/sample.py
index e4fc10c..4b61079 100644
--- a/polichombr/controllers/sample.py
+++ b/polichombr/controllers/sample.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def __init__(self):
def create_sample_from_file(self, file_data, orig_filename="", user=None,
- tlp_level=TLPLevel.TLPWHITE):
+ tlp_level=TLPLevel.TLPWHITE, offset_callCFG=None):
Creates a sample from file data. Updates metadata, etc.
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ def create_sample_from_file(self, file_data, orig_filename="", user=None,
sample.sha1 = sha1(file_data).hexdigest()
sample.sha256 = sha_256
sample.size = len(file_data)
+ sample.offset_callCFG = offset_callCFG
# Specific metadata, resulting from Tasks
sample.import_hash = ""
sample.machoc_hash = ""
@@ -125,6 +127,12 @@ def delete(cls, sample):
if os.path.exists(sample.storage_file):
+ if os.path.exists(sample.storage_file.replace('.bin','.dot')):
+ os.remove(sample.storage_file.replace('.bin','.dot'))
+ if os.path.exists(sample.storage_file.replace('.bin','.png')):
+ os.remove(sample.storage_file.replace('.bin','.png'))
strings = StringsItem.query.filter_by(sample_id=sample.id).all()
attributes = [sample.filenames,
diff --git a/polichombr/controllers/tasks/task_callCFG.py b/polichombr/controllers/tasks/task_callCFG.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d45dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polichombr/controllers/tasks/task_callCFG.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ This file is part of Polichombr.
+ Organization : EDF-R&D-PERICLES-IRC
+ Author : JCO
+ Description: CallCFG task implementation.
+ Date : 08/2018
+import os
+import time
+from polichombr import app
+from polichombr.controllers.task import Task
+from polichombr.controllers.callCFG import callCFGController, offset_callCFGController
+from polichombr.analysis_tools.lib_callCFG.C_CFG import call_CFG
+class task_callCFG(Task):
+ """
+ Generate callCFG form file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sample):
+ super(task_callCFG, self).__init__()
+ self.tmessage = "CALLCFG TASK %d :: " % (sample.id)
+ self.sid = sample.id
+ self.tstart = None
+ self.storage_file = sample.storage_file
+ self.offset_callCFG = sample.offset_callCFG
+ def execute(self):
+ self.tstart = int(time.time())
+ app.logger.info(self.tmessage + "EXECUTE")
+ self.fname = self.storage_file + '.sign'
+ while not os.path.exists(self.fname): # Waiting Creation of Machoc file SHA256(file).bin.sign
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if int(time.time() - self.tstart) > 120:
+ app.logger.info(self.tmessage + " Machoc file not found")
+ return False
+ self.process_call_CFG() #Generate callCFG
+ return True
+ def process_call_CFG(self):
+ app.logger.info(self.tmessage + 'Process call CFG')
+ inst_ccfg = call_CFG(self.storage_file, self.offset_callCFG, app, self.tmessage)
+ self.offset, self.tuples, self.offset_tuples = inst_ccfg.process_cCFG()
+ def apply_result(self):
+ s_controller = callCFGController()
+ s_controller_offset = offset_callCFGController()
+ with app.app_context():
+ app.logger.debug(self.tmessage + "APPLY_RESULT")
+ s_controller.add_callCFG(self.sid, self.tuples, self.offset)
+ s_controller_offset.add_multiple_offset_callCFG(self.sid, self.offset_tuples)
+ app.logger.debug(self.tmessage + "END - TIME %i" %
+ (int(time.time()) - self.tstart))
+ return True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/polichombr/controllers/tasks/task_peinfo.py b/polichombr/controllers/tasks/task_peinfo.py
index 19814a4..eacb31c 100644
--- a/polichombr/controllers/tasks/task_peinfo.py
+++ b/polichombr/controllers/tasks/task_peinfo.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
from polichombr.controllers.sample import SampleController
class task_peinfo(Task):
@@ -50,16 +51,174 @@ def execute(self):
self.compile_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
self.import_hash = pe.get_imphash()
- metadata = self.generate_metadata(pe)
- for item in metadata.items:
- self.metadata_extracted.append(item)
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_magic,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_magic))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_cblp,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_cblp))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_cp,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_cp))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_crlc,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_crlc))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_cparhdr,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_cparhdr))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_minalloc,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_minalloc))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_maxalloc,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_maxalloc))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_ss,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_ss))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_sp,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_sp))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_csum,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_csum))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_ip,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_ip))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_cs,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_cs))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfarlc,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_lfarlc))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_ovno,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_ovno))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_res,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_res))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_oemid,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_oemid))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_oeminfo,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_oeminfo))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_res2,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_res2))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew,
+ pe.DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_Machine,
+ pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_NumberOfSections,
+ pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_TimeDateStamp,
+ pe.FILE_HEADER.TimeDateStamp))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_PointerToSymbolTable,
+ pe.FILE_HEADER.PointerToSymbolTable))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_NumberOfSymbols,
+ pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSymbols))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_SizeOfOptionalHeader,
+ pe.FILE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_Characteristics,
+ pe.FILE_HEADER.Characteristics))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_Magic,
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MajorLinkerVersion,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorLinkerVersion))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MinorLinkerVersion,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorLinkerVersion))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfCode,
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfInitializedData,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfInitializedData))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfUninitializedData,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfUninitializedData))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_AddressOfEntryPoint,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_BaseOfCode,
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_ImageBase,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SectionAlignment,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_FileAlignment,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MajorOperatingSystemVersion,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorOperatingSystemVersion))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MinorOperatingSystemVersion,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorOperatingSystemVersion))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MajorImageVersion,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorImageVersion))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MinorImageVersion,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorImageVersion))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MajorSubsystemVersion,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorSubsystemVersion))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MinorSubsystemVersion,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorSubsystemVersion))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_Reserved1,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Reserved1))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfImage,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfHeaders,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_CheckSum,
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_Subsystem,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Subsystem))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_DllCharacteristics,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfStackReserve,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfStackReserve))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfStackCommit,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfStackCommit))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfHeapReserve,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeapReserve))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfHeapCommit,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeapCommit))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_LoaderFlags,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.LoaderFlags))
+ self.metadata_extracted.append((
+ SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_NumberOfRvaAndSizes,
+ pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.NumberOfRvaAndSizes))
return True
def apply_result(self):
@@ -67,72 +226,10 @@ def apply_result(self):
with app.app_context():
sample = s_controller.get_by_id(self.sid)
app.logger.debug(self.tmessage + "APPLY_RESULT")
+ # Compilation timestamp (even when faked) IS a file date, so update it.
s_controller.add_multiple_metadata(sample, self.metadata_extracted)
- # Compilation timestamp IS a file date, so update it.
s_controller.set_file_date(sample, self.compile_timestamp)
s_controller.set_import_hash(sample, self.import_hash)
app.logger.debug(self.tmessage + "END - TIME %i" %
(int(time.time()) - self.tstart))
- return True
- @staticmethod
- def generate_metadata(pe):
- pe_metadata = {
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_magic: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_magic,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_cblp: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_cblp,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_cp: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_cp,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_crlc: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_crlc,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_cparhdr: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_cparhdr,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_minalloc: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_minalloc,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_maxalloc: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_maxalloc,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_ss: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_ss,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_sp: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_sp,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_csum: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_csum,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_ip: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_ip,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_cs: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_cs,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfarlc: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_lfarlc,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_ovno: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_ovno,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_res: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_res,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_oemid: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_oemid,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_oeminfo: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_oeminfo,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_res2: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_res2,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew: pe.DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_Machine: pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_NumberOfSections: pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_TimeDateStamp: pe.FILE_HEADER.TimeDateStamp,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_PointerToSymbolTable: pe.FILE_HEADER.PointerToSymbolTable,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_NumberOfSymbols: pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSymbols,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_SizeOfOptionalHeader: pe.FILE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_FILE_HEADER_Characteristics: pe.FILE_HEADER.Characteristics,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_Magic: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MajorLinkerVersion: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorLinkerVersion,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MinorLinkerVersion: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorLinkerVersion,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfCode: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfCode,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfInitializedData: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfInitializedData,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfUninitializedData: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfUninitializedData,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_AddressOfEntryPoint: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_BaseOfCode: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.BaseOfCode,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_ImageBase: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SectionAlignment: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_FileAlignment: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MajorOperatingSystemVersion: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorOperatingSystemVersion,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MinorOperatingSystemVersion: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorOperatingSystemVersion,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MajorImageVersion: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorImageVersion,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MinorImageVersion: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorImageVersion,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MajorSubsystemVersion: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorSubsystemVersion,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MinorSubsystemVersion: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorSubsystemVersion,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_Reserved1: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Reserved1,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfImage: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfHeaders: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_CheckSum: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.CheckSum,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_Subsystem: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Subsystem,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_DllCharacteristics: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfStackReserve: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfStackReserve,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfStackCommit: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfStackCommit,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfHeapReserve: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeapReserve,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_SizeOfHeapCommit: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeapCommit,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_LoaderFlags: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.LoaderFlags,
- SampleMetadataType.PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_NumberOfRvaAndSizes: pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.NumberOfRvaAndSizes
- }
- return pe_metadata
+ return True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/polichombr/models/callCFG.py b/polichombr/models/callCFG.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c19f953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polichombr/models/callCFG.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ This file is part of Polichombr.
+ Organization : EDF-R&D-PERICLES-IRC
+ Author : JCO
+ Description: Models to implement callCFG and offset_callCFG objects
+ Date : 08/2018
+from datetime import datetime
+from polichombr import db, ma
+class callCFG(db.Model):
+ """
+ callCFG DB Model
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'callCFG'
+ id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
+ sample_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('sample.id'))
+ func_tuples = db.Column(db.String())
+ offset_entrypoint = db.Column(db.String())
+ creation_date = db.Column(db.DateTime())
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.creation_date = datetime.now()
+class callCFGSchema(ma.ModelSchema):
+ """
+ Schema representation.
+ """
+ class Meta(object):
+ fields = ('id',
+ 'sample_id',
+ 'func_tuples',
+ 'offset_entrypoint',
+ 'creation_date')
+class offset_callCFG(db.Model):
+ """
+ offset calLCFF DB Model
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'offset_callCFG'
+ id = db.Column(db.String(), primary_key=True)
+ sample_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('sample.id'))
+ offset_func = db.Column(db.String())
+ func_name = db.Column(db.String())
+ creation_date = db.Column(db.DateTime())
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.creation_date = datetime.now()
+class offset_callCFGSchema(ma.ModelSchema):
+ """
+ Schema representation.
+ """
+ class Meta(object):
+ fields = ('id',
+ 'sample_id',
+ 'offset_func',
+ 'func_name',
+ 'creation_date')
diff --git a/polichombr/templates/sample.html b/polichombr/templates/sample.html
index aa66039..b9aadc2 100644
--- a/polichombr/templates/sample.html
+++ b/polichombr/templates/sample.html
@@ -340,6 +340,78 @@
+ Download Call-CFG
+ Filename | +Diff | ++ | + |
{{reslt[0]}} | +{{reslt[1]}} | + ++ {% if reslt[3] or reslt[4] %} + Collapse + {% endif %} + + | ++ {% if reslt[3] or reslt[4] %} + + + + {% endif %} + | +
+ {% if reslt[3] %}
+ -› Elements IN '{{sample.filenames[0].name}}' and NOT IN '{{reslt[0]}}'
+ + {{reslt[3]|safe}} + + {% endif %} + {% if reslt[4] %} + -› Elements NOT IN '{{sample.filenames[0].name}}' and IN '{{reslt[0]}}' + + {{reslt[4]|safe}} + {% endif %} + |