Serialise and Deserialise json from various types and data structures, performing compile-time reflection with TMP(template metaprogramming) of Modern C++(requires C++17 or later).
Currently only support Qt Json Library and will support nlohmann soon.
Headers only!
So You just need to add subdirectory and setup include path in cmake, then include autogen files "json_deserialise.lib_name.h", and "json_deserialise.h" for the default one(You should set this by setting JSON_DESERIALISE_DEFAULT_JSON_LIBRARY in cmake).
Depending boost preprocessor library, please also add boost_preprocessor/include to your include path if your project does not config Boost.
Trait | Type in C++ |
Integer | signed、unsigned |
Real | double |
Boolean | bool |
String | char[]、char*、QString、std::string、QByteArray |
Object | struct/class with more than one fields |
Json | QJsonValue |
Trait | Type in C++ |
Nullable | T*、std::optional<T> |
Ref | T&、const T& |
Array | std::vector<T>、std::set<T>、std::list<T>、QList<T>、QSet<T> e.t.c. |
LimitedArray | T[N]、std::array<T, N> |
Map | std::map<KeyType, ValueType> |
Pair | std::pair<KeyType, ValueType> |
PairArray | array of std::pair<StringType, ValueType> |
AsTrivial | Treated same as an Existing Type e.g. enum as integer |
DerivedObject | Support single inheritance |
SelfDeserialise | A Class with json constructor and to_json method |
Extension | An Existing Type to and from Any e.g. enum to string One-direction is also supported |
Optional | An Optional Field |
Variant (Preview) |
std::variant |
ProcessControl (Developing) |
Actions such as Lock, Self-Examination, Log e.t.c. before or after a desrialisation/serialisation. |
Supose you have a json like below:
QJsonObject json;
TypeA a;
TypeB b;
Field a("A", obj.a);
Field b("B", obj.b);
ObjectDeserialiser deserialiser(a, b);
// From File
// From String
// From Json
// To File
// To String
std::cout << deserialiser.serialise();
// To Json
json = deserialise.serialise_to_json().toObject();
struct Simple {
TypeA a;
TypeB b;
QJsonObject json;
Simple obj;
Field a("A", obj.a);
Field b("B", obj.b);
ObjectDeserialiser deserialiser(a, b);
deserialiser.deserialise(json); // And two other methods.
std::cout << deserialiser.serialise(); // And two other methods.
If you want to enable global refelction.
You should do this in global namespace since our reflection informations are all staticly placed in a namespace called JsonDeserialise.
// Class Sample Definition Here
object_member("A", a),
object_member("B", b)
// Somewhere
Sample s;
QJsonObject json;
Deserialiser holder(s);
json = holder.to_json().toObject();
json = Serialise(s).toObject();
An Enum like below:
enum class Type {
A, B, C
QString enum2str(Type);
Type str2enum(const QString&);
A field like below
Type sample;
Field field(Extension, "Enum", sample, str2enum, enum2str);
ExtensionDeserialiser holder(sample, str2enum, enum2str)
qDebug() << holder.to_json();
// This declaration enables reflection to all fields of this enum type.
declare_default_extension(Type, str2enum, enum2str);
struct XXX {
//Other fields...
Type enum_field;
declare_object(XXX, object_member("key", enum_field)
//Other fields...
An Enum like below:
enum class Type : int {
A, B, C
} sample;
declare_as_trivial(Type, int);
qDebug() << Serialise(sample);
std::pair<int, std::string> sample;
PairDeserialiser deserialiser(sample, "id", "txt");
Field field(Pair, "key", sample, "id", "txt");
And the json would be:
std::map<std::string, int> sample;
Deserialiser deserialiser(sample);
Field field("key");
And the json would be:
std::map<std::string, Simple> sample;
MapDeserialiser deserialiser(Map_As_ObjectArray, sample, "id");
Field field(Map_As_ObjectArray, "key", sample, "id");
And the json would be:
std::map<std::string, Simple> sample;
MapDeserialiser deserialiser(Map_As_PairArray, sample, "key", "value");
Field field(Map_As_PairArray, "key", sample, "key", "value");
And the json would be:
If you have a container of a class type and you don't want to register it globally.
std::vector<Simple> sample;
ObjectArrayDeserialiser deserialiser(sample, field_info<&Simple::a>("key"), field_info<&Simple::b>("value"));
Field field(ObjectArray, "key", sample, field_info<&Simple::a>("key"), field_info<&Simple::b>("value"));
And the json would be: