This repository contains spawner-recruit and harvest simulations intended to mimic a wide range of salmon stocks and fisheries. It was created as part of the 2024 Escapement Goal Policy Review Team (EGPIT) and intended to provide a framework to propose and evaluate policy recommendations related to the Stock of Concern (SOC) process. SPecific goals include:
To suggest new definitions for yield and management concerns that clarify both the reason for the designation and the Department’s responsibility once a designation is recommended to the Board.
Establish a connection between SOC designations and reductions in the productivity of a salmon stock.
Evaluate the appropriate criteria ADF&G should use to define chronic inability.
Establish recommendations for rebuilding a stock which has been declared a stock of concern.
Demonstrate the sensitivity of salmon population dynamics to the shape of the spawner-recruit relationship at low levels of population abundance.
The network location for this repository is S:\RTS\Reimer\SOC_sims.
At the time of this writing (August 30 2024) there are 4 .qmd files in this repository. The html files they produce are not included in this repository but can be fully and independently recreated.