This is a repository for the DimSumDiaries project that works as an online cookbook with my recipes, and as a hidden "koke" book for my fellow students at NTNU: What't the catch, find out how do get to the "koke" book (ongoing).
This application has a favorite fucntion, where one can favorite a recipe by clicking on the heart. The favorited recepies are then saved in their own list.
The application includes a search feature on the current dataset. You can search through different recipes.
When you click on either a recipe on the homepage or when searching you get to the recipe page.
When there are too many recipes on the homepage you can scroll through them!
To run the app locally follow instructions bellow (you need to have Node.js v20.5+ installed)
To get started clone the repository:
git clone
Be sure to go into the correct point in the file structure:
cd DimSumDiaries/
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the app:
npm run dev
Then click on the link given and play around with the app