sample project used to file bugs to TomeEE
This sample project is intended at comparing deployments of JEE code to different containers, namely Weblogic, Glassfish and Tomee. It primarly targets finding out bugs on Tomee container.
At the date of the first push to the server the tomee.xml file contianing resources is of the form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- see -->
<Resource id="jdbc/ORCL_XA" type="DataSource" classpath="D:/containers/apache-tomee-plume-1.7.1/ext/derbyclient.jar" >
#Embedded Derby example
JdbcDriver = org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
JdbcUrl = jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ORCL;create=true
UserName = ORCL
Password = ORCL
InitialSize = 7
MaxIdle = 20
MaxActive = 20
JtaManaged = true
<Resource id="jdbc/ORCL_NON_XA" type="DataSource" classpath="D:/containers/apache-tomee-plume-1.7.1/ext/derbyclient.jar" >
#Embedded Derby example
JdbcDriver = org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
JdbcUrl = jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ORCL;create=true
UserName = ORCL
Password = ORCL
InitialSize = 1
MaxIdle = 2
MaxActive = 5
JtaManaged = false
<!-- JMS Resource Adapter -->
<Container id="MY_JMS_CONTAINER" ctype="MESSAGE">
ResourceAdapter = ActiveMQResourceAdapter
<Resource id="ActiveMQResourceAdapter" type="ActiveMQResourceAdapter">
BrokerXmlConfig = broker:(tcp://localhost:7676)
ServerUrl = tcp://localhost:7676
<!-- Connection Factory. -->
<Resource id="jms/NotificationConnectionFactory" type="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory">
ResourceAdapter = ActiveMQResourceAdapter
PoolMaxSize = 250
PoolMinSize = 1
ConnectionMaxWaitMilliseconds = 10000
ConnectionMaxIdleMinutes = 5
<Resource id="jms/QueueJmsFactory" type="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory">
ResourceAdapter = ActiveMQResourceAdapter
PoolMaxSize = 250
PoolMinSize = 2
ConnectionMaxWaitMilliseconds = 10000
ConnectionMaxIdleMinutes = 5
<!-- Queues -->
<Resource id="queue/TinyQueueA" type="javax.jms.Queue">
destination = queue_TinyQueueA
<Resource id="queue/TinyQueueB" type="javax.jms.Queue">
destination = queue_TinyQueueB
Current Set of Bugs Associated to this Project:
- (Resolved on build 1.7.3 snapshot build 32)
- (injection point on tomEE ok)
- (opened injection point issue on jboss)
Please note that regardless of the container used to deploy the project the JTA and NON JTA data sources are needed to get the deployment through.