Obtaining the prices of the top 10 CryptoCurrencies via the CoinMarketCap API.
As of right now, the file will only print the prices of the top ten CryptoCurrencies. To set up the Twitter API section, start by creating an account at the following website: https://developer.twitter.com/
I recommend using the following tutorial to get you started: https://scotch.io/tutorials/build-a-tweet-bot-with-python
Then, once you feel comfortable with using the Python Twitter API and are able to post generic tweets, see the following link for more Twitter API methods: http://docs.tweepy.org/en/v3.5.0/api.html#status-methods
This was written in Python 3.6.5 .
Required packages:
- requests
- tweepy
Both of these packages can be installed using Python's Pip installer from the command line using the following command:
pip3 install requests, tweepy
If you have any further questions/concerns, please send an email to [email protected] .