Support a --always-block parameter. The parameter accepts a list of comma separated cidrs to always block. This is useful to protect well known cidrs such as pods or clusterIPs. (PR 88)
Support restarting the webhook pod when the rotator updates its cert secret.(PR 100)
Add a demo environment creation script (PR 107)
Remove the DesiredConfig field from the status API (PR 110)
FRRConfigurations from namespaces different than the one the daemon is deployed on were not validated with other resoureces. (PR 91)
Empty always-block flag was not parsed correctly. (PR 95)
helm: webhooks probes pointed to the wrong endpoints. (PR 97)
- helm: add an option to disable the webhook's cert rotation. (PR 93)
- add a new logo!
- CI: add a MetalLB E2E lane. (PR 99)
- CI: don't run auto-generated files checks on dependabot PRs (PR 111)
- kubectl: don't download if cluster is not reacheable (PR 112)
- Merging neighbors always failed when holdtime and keepalivetime were set (PR #86).
Support establishing BGP sessions with cleartext passwords (PR #80).
Helm charts: flip the prometheus service monitor default to false. Service Monitor should be opt-in for those users that have the prometheus operator deployed.
First release!