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Protocol buffers

Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient mechanism for serializing structured data. They are easy to create, small in size, and efficient to send over RPCs.

As efficient and as popular as protocol buffers are, however, when it comes to data storage they do have one drawback: they do not map well to SQL syntax. For example, SQL syntax expects that a given field can support a NULL or default value. Protocol buffers, on the other hand, do not support NULLs very well, and there isn't a standard way to determine whether a missing field should get a NULL or a default value.

If you're going to query protocol buffers, you need to understand how they are represented, what features they support, and what data they can contain. If you're unfamiliar with protocol buffers in general, or would like a refresher on how they work in languages other than SQL, see the Protocol Buffers Developer Guide.

Constructing protocol buffers

This section covers how to construct protocol buffers using ZetaSQL.

Using NEW

You can create a protocol buffer using the keyword NEW:

NEW TypeName(field_1 [AS alias], ...field_n [AS alias])

When using the NEW keyword to create a new protocol buffer:

  • All field expressions must have an explicit alias or end with an identifier. For example, the expression a.b.c has the implicit alias c.
  • NEW matches fields by alias to the field names of the protocol buffer. Aliases must be unique.
  • The expressions must be implicitly coercible or literal-coercible to the type of the corresponding protocol buffer field.


  NEW AS rank, name AS chart_name)
  (SELECT 1 as key, "2" as name);

To create a protocol buffer with an extension, use this syntax:

NEW TypeName(expr1 AS (, ...)
  • For, provide the path to the extension. Place the extension path inside parentheses.

  • expr1 provides the value to set for the extension. expr1 must be of the same type as the extension or coercible to that type.


     NEW (
       album AS album_name,
       count AS (
     FROM (SELECT 'Bach: The Goldberg Variations' AS album, 30 AS count);
    | $col1                                                                                  |
    | {album_name: 'Bach: The Goldberg Variations' []: 30} |
  • If points to a nested protocol buffer extension, expr1 provides an instance or a text format string of that protocol buffer.


       'Bach: The Goldberg Variations' AS album_name,
        DATE(1956,1,1) AS release_date
     AS (;
    | $col1                                                       |
    | album_name: "Bach: The Goldberg Variations"                 |
    | [] { |
    |   release_date: -5114                                       |
    | }                                                           |

SELECT AS typename

SELECT AS catalog.ProtocolBufferName
  expr1 [[AS] protocol_buffer_field1]
  [, ...]
FROM ...

A SELECT AS typename statement produces a value table where the row type is a specific named type. Currently, protocol buffers are the only supported type that can be used with this syntax.

The SELECT list may produce multiple columns. Each produced column must have an alias (explicitly or implicitly) that matches a unique protocol buffer field name; to construct the protocol buffer, the query matches each expression with a protocol buffer field by name. If no explicit alias is given, the expression must have an implicit alias according to the rules in Implicit Aliases.

When used with SELECT DISTINCT, or GROUP BY or ORDER BY using column ordinals, these operators are applied first, on the columns in the SELECT list, and then the value construction happens last. This means that DISTINCT can be applied on the input columns to the value construction, including in cases where DISTINCT would not be allowed after value construction because equality is not supported on protocol buffer types.

The following is an example of a SELECT AS typename query.

SELECT AS tests.TestProtocolBuffer mytable.key int64_val, string_val
FROM mytable;

The query returns the output as a tests.TestProtocolBuffer protocol buffer. mytable.key int64_val means that values from the key column are stored in the int64_val field in the protocol buffer. Similarly, values from the column are stored in the string_val protocol buffer field.

SELECT AS does not support setting protocol buffer extensions. To do so, use the NEW keyword instead. For example, to create a protocol buffer with an extension, change a query like this:

SELECT AS ProtoType field1, field2, ...

to a query like this:

SELECT AS VALUE NEW ProtoType(field1, field2, field3 AS (, ...)

Casting protocol buffers

You can cast PROTO to or from BYTES or STRING.

SELECT CAST('first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Doe", customer_no: 1234'
  as example.CustomerInfo);

Casting to or from BYTES produces or parses proto2 wire format bytes. If there is a failure during the serialization or deserialization process, an error is raised. This can happen, for example, if no value is specified for a required field.

Casting to or from STRING produces or parses the proto2 text format. When casting from STRING, unknown field names aren't parseable. This means you need to be cautious, because round-tripping from PROTO to STRING back to PROTO could result in loss of data.

STRING literals used where a PROTO value is expected will be implicitly cast to PROTO. If the literal value cannot be parsed using the expected PROTO type, an error will be raised. To return NULL instead, use SAFE_CAST.

Type mapping

Protocol buffers are represented using the PROTO data type. A column can contain PROTO values the same way it can contain INT32 or STRING values.

A protocol buffer contains zero or more fields inside it. Each field inside a protocol buffer has its own type. All data types except STRUCT can be contained inside a PROTO. Repeated fields in a protocol buffer are represented as ARRAYs. The following table gives examples of the mapping between various protocol buffer field types and the resulting ZetaSQL types.

Protocol Buffer Field Type ZetaSQL Type
optional MessageType msg = 1; PROTO<MessageType>
required int64 int = 1; INT64
optional int64 int = 1;
When reading, if this field isn't set, the default value (0) is returned. By default, protocol buffer fields do not return NULL.
optional int64 int = 1 [( zetasql.use_defaults ) = false];
When reading, if this field isn't set, a NULL value is returned. This example uses an annotation, which is described in Defaults and NULLs.
optional int32 date = 1 [( zetasql.format ) = DATE]; DATE
optional int64 time = 1 [( zetasql.format ) = TIMESTAMP_MICROS]; TIMESTAMP
repeated int64 repeat = 1; ARRAY<INT64>

Default values and NULLs {#default_values_and_nulls}

Protocol buffer messages themselves do not have a default value — only the fields contained inside a protocol buffer have defaults. When a full protocol buffer value is returned in the result of a query, it is returned as a blob and all fields are preserved as they were stored, including unset fields. This means that you can run a query that returns a protocol buffer, and then extract fields or check field presence in your client code with normal protocol buffer default behavior.

By default, NULL values are never returned when accessing non-repeated leaf fields contained in a PROTO from within a SQL statement, unless a containing value is also NULL. If the field value is not explicitly set, the default value for the field is returned. A change to the default value for a protocol buffer field affects all future reads of that field for records where the value is unset.

For example, suppose that proto_msg of type PROTO has a field named leaf_field. A reference to proto_msg.leaf_field returns:

  • NULL if proto_msg is NULL.
  • A default value if proto_msg is not NULL but leaf_field is not set.
  • The value of leaf_field if proto_msg is not NULL and leaf_field is set.


You can change this default behavior using a special annotation on your protocol message definition, zetasql.use_defaults, which you set on an individual field to cause NULL values to be returned whenever a field value is not explicitly set.

This annotation takes a boolean value. The default is true, which means to use the protocol buffer field defaults. The annotation normally is written with the value false, meaning that defaults should be ignored and NULLs should be returned.

The following example shows how you can use the use_defaults annotation for an optional protocol buffer field.

import "zetasql/public/proto/type_annotation.proto";

message SimpleMessage {
  // String field, where ZetaSQL interprets missing values as NULLs.
  optional string str = 2 [( zetasql.use_defaults ) = false];

In the case where protocol buffers have empty repeated fields, an empty ARRAY is returned rather than a NULL-valued ARRAY. This behavior cannot be changed.

After a value has been read out of a protocol buffer field, that value is treated like any other value of that type. For non-PROTO values, such as INT64, this means that after you get the value, you will not be able to tell if the value for that field was set explicitly, or if it was read as a default value.


The zetasql.use_field_defaults annotation is just like zetasql.use_defaults, but you set it on a message and it applies to all unset fields within a given protocol buffer message. If both are present, the field-level annotation takes precedence.

import "zetasql/public/proto/type_annotation.proto";

message AnotherSimpleMessage {
  // Interpret missing value as NULLs for all fields in this message.
  option ( zetasql.use_field_defaults ) = false;

  optional int64 nullable_int = 1;
  optional string nullable_string = 2;

Checking if a non-repeated field has a value

You can detect whether optional fields are set using a virtual field, has_X, where X is the name of the field being checked. The type of the has_X field is BOOL. The has_ field is available for any non-repeated field of a PROTO value. This field equals true if the value X is explicitly set in the message.

This field is useful for determining if a protocol buffer field has an explicit value, or if reads will return a default value. Consider the protocol buffer example, which has a field country. You can construct a query to determine if a Customer protocol buffer message has a value for the country field by using the virtual field has_country:

message ShippingAddress {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional string address = 2;
  optional string country = 3;
  Customer c;

If has_country returns TRUE, it indicates that the value for the country field has been explicitly set. If it returns FALSE or NULL, it means the value is not explicitly set.

Checking for a repeated value

You can use an EXISTS subquery to scan inside a repeated field and check if any value exists with some desired property. For example, the following query returns the name of every customer who has placed an order for the product "Foo".

  Customers AS c
           c.Orders.line_item AS item
           item.product_name = "Foo");

Nullness and nested fields

A PROTO value may contain fields which are themselves PROTOs. When this happens it is possible for the nested PROTO itself to be NULL. In such a case, the fields contained within that nested field are also NULL regardless of their use_default_value settings.

Consider this example proto:

syntax = "proto2";

import "zetasql/public/proto/type_annotation.proto";

package some.package;

message NestedMessage {
  optional int64 value = 1 [( zetasql.use_defaults ) = true];

message OuterMessage {
  optional NestedMessage nested = 1;

Running the following query returns a 5 for value because it is explicitly defined.

     CAST("nested { value: 5 }" as some.package.OuterMessage) as proto_field);

If value is not explicitly defined but nested is, you get a 0 because the annotation on the protocol buffer definition says to use default values.

     CAST("nested { }" as some.package.OuterMessage) as proto_field);

However, if nested is not explicitly defined, you get a NULL even though the annotation says to use default values for the value field. This is because the containing message is NULL. This behavior applies to both repeated and non-repeated fields within a nested message.

     CAST("" as some.package.OuterMessage) as proto_field);

Annotations to extend the type system

The ZetaSQL type system contains more types than the protocol buffer type system. Proto annotations are used to store non-protocol-buffer types inside serialized protos and read them back as the correct type.

While protocol buffers themselves do not support DATE or TIMESTAMP types, you can use annotations on your protocol message definition to indicate that certain fields should be interpreted as DATE or TIMESTAMP values when read using SQL. For instance, a protocol message definition could contain the following line:

optional int32 date = 2 [( zetasql.format ) = DATE];

The zetasql.format annotation indicates that this field, which stores an int32 in the protocol buffer, should be interpreted as a DATE. Queries over the date field return a DATE type instead of an INT32 because of the annotation.

This result is the equivalent of having an INT32 column and querying it as follows:


Querying protocol buffers

You use the dot operator to access the fields contained within a protocol buffer. This can not be used to get values of ambiguous fields. If you need to reference an ambiguous field, see EXTRACT.

Example protocol buffer message

To illustrate how to query protocol buffers, consider a table, Customers, that contains a column Orders of type PROTO. The proto stored in Orders contains fields such as the items ordered and the shipping address. The .proto file that defines this protocol buffer might look like this:

import "zetasql/public/proto/type_annotation.proto";

message Orders {
  optional string order_number = 1;
  optional int64 date = 2 [( zetasql.format ) = DATE];

  message Address {
    optional string street = 1;
    optional string city = 2;
    optional string state = 3;
    optional string country = 4 [( zetasql.use_defaults ) = true,
                                  default = "United States"];

  optional Address shipping_address = 3;

  message Item {
    optional string product_name = 1;
    optional int32 quantity = 2;

  repeated Item line_item = 4;

  map<string, string> labels = 5;

An instance of this message might be:

  order_number: 1234567
  date: 16242
  shipping_address: {
      street: "1234 Main St"
      city: "AnyCity"
      state: "AnyState"
      country: "United States"
  line_item: {
      product_name: "Foo"
      quantity: 10
  line_item: {
      product_name: "Bar"
      quantity: 5

Querying top-level fields

You can write a query to return an entire protocol buffer message, or to return a top-level or nested field of the message.

Using our example protocol buffer message, the following query returns all protocol buffer values from the Orders column:

  Customers c;

This query returns the top-level field order_number from all protocol buffer messages in the Orders column:

  Customers c;

Querying nested paths

Notice that the Order protocol buffer contains another protocol buffer message, Address, in the shipping_address field. You can create a query that returns all orders that have a shipping address in the United States:

  Customers c
WHERE = "United States";

Returning repeated fields

Often, a protocol buffer message contains one or more repeated fields which are returned as ARRAY values when referenced in SQL statements. For example, our protocol buffer message contains a repeated field, line_item.

The following query returns a collection of ARRAYs containing the line items, each holding all the line items for one order:

  Customers c;

For more information, see Working with Arrays.

Returning the number of elements in an array

As with any other ARRAY value, you can return the number of repeated fields in a protocol buffer using the ARRAY_LENGTH function.

  Customers c;

Querying map fields

Maps are not a supported type in ZetaSQL. However, maps are implemented in proto3 as repeated fields, so you can query maps by querying the underlying repeated field. The underlying repeated field has key and value fields that can be queried.

  Customers c
           c.Orders.Labels label
           label.key = "color" AND label.value = "red");


[extensions][protocol-extensions] can be queried from PROTO values.

Top-level extensions

If your PROTO value contains extensions, you can query those fields using the following syntax:


For example, consider this proto definition:

package some.package;

message Foo {
  optional int32 x = 1;
  extensions 100 to 130;

message Point {
  optional int32 x = 1;
  optional int32 y = 2;

extend Foo {
  optional int32 bar = 126;
  optional Point point = 127;

The following sections use this proto definition in a Table, Test, which contains a field, foo_field of type Foo.

A query that returns the value of the bar extension field would resemble the following:


These types of extensions are often referred to as top-level extensions.

If you want your statement to return a specific value from a top-level extension, you would modify it as follows:


You can refine your statement to look for a specific value of a top-level extension as well.

  foo_field.( = 5;

Note that you can also put back quotes around the components in the extension path name in case they need to be escaped to avoid collisions with reserved keywords. For example:

  foo_field.(`some.package`.`bar`).value = 5

Nested extensions

Nested extensions are also supported. These are protocol buffer extensions that are declared within the scope of some other protocol message. For example:

package some.package;

message Baz {
  extend Foo {
    optional Baz foo_ext = 127;
  optional int32 a = 1;
  optional int32 b = 2;

To construct queries for nested extensions, you use the same parenthetical syntax as described in the previous section. To reference a nested extension, in addition to specifying the package name, you must also specify the name of the message where the extension is declared. For example:


You can reference a specific field in a nested extension using the same syntax described in the previous section. For example:


Correlated CROSS JOIN and repeated extensions

Correlated CROSS JOIN is used to "flatten" repeated fields. That is, the values of the protocol buffer are duplicated once per entry in the repeated field. In practice, this means that the repeated field is UNNESTed. For standard repeated fields, this unnesting happens implicitly. For repeated extensions the UNNEST must be specified explicitly.

Consider the following protocol buffer:

syntax = "proto2";

package some.package;

message Example {
  optional int64 record_key = 1;
  repeated int64 repeated_value = 2;
  extensions 3 to 3;

message Extension {
  extend Example {
    repeated int64 repeated_extension_value = 3;

The following query which uses the standard repeated field, repeated_value in a correlated CROSS JOIN runs without an explicit UNNEST.

       record_key: 1
       repeated_value: 1
       repeated_value: 2
       repeated_value: 3
       [some.package.Extension.repeated_extension_value]: 4
       [some.package.Extension.repeated_extension_value]: 5
       [some.package.Extension.repeated_extension_value]: 6"""
     as some.package.Example) as proto_field)
  t.proto_field.repeated_value value;

This query, which uses the repeated extension field, repeated_extension_value in the correlated CROSS JOIN requires an explicit UNNEST.

       record_key: 1
       repeated_value: 1
       repeated_value: 2
       repeated_value: 3
       [some.package.Extension.repeated_extension_value]: 4
       [some.package.Extension.repeated_extension_value]: 5
       [some.package.Extension.repeated_extension_value]: 6"""
     as some.package.Example) as proto_field)
  UNNEST(t.proto_field.(some.package.Extension.repeated_extension_value)) value;