Today I want to tell about my own library for command-line arguments
parsing. Defmain
provides a macro for defining the main function.
All you need is to declare required and optional arguments like this:
POFTHEDAY> (defmain:defmain main
((debug "Show traceback instead of short message."
:flag t)
(log "Filename to write log to.")
(token "GitHub personal access token."
:env-var "TOKEN")
&rest repositories)
"Utility to analyze github forks."
(format t
"Repositories: ~{~S~^, ~}~%~
Debug: ~S~%~
Log: ~S~%~
Token: ~S~%"
This code expands to a lot of low-level code which uses @didierverna’s
for actual arguments parsing:
(defun main (&rest defmain/defmain::argv)
(declare (ignorable))
(let ((defmain/defmain::synopsis
(net.didierverna.clon:defsynopsis (:postfix "REPOSITORY..."
:make-default nil)
(defmain/defmain::text :contents "Utility to analyze github forks.")
(defmain/defmain::flag :long-name "help" :env-var nil :description
"Show help on this program." :short-name "h")
(defmain/defmain::flag :long-name "debug" :env-var nil :description
"Show traceback instead of short message." :short-name "d")
(defmain/defmain::stropt :long-name "log" :env-var nil :description
"Filename to write log to." :short-name "l")
(defmain/defmain::stropt :long-name "token" :env-var "TOKEN"
:description "GitHub personal access token." :short-name "t")))
(or defmain/defmain::argv (uiop/image:command-line-arguments))))
(change-class defmain/defmain::synopsis 'defmain/defmain::cool-synopsis
:command 'main)
(net.didierverna.clon:make-context :cmdline
(cons "main" defmain/defmain::argv)
:synopsis defmain/defmain::synopsis))
(let ((defmain/defmain::%rest-arguments (net.didierverna.clon:remainder)))
(declare (ignorable defmain/defmain::%rest-arguments))
(flet ((defmain/defmain::%pop-argument (defmain/defmain::name)
"This local function is used to pop positional arguments from the command line."
(unless defmain/defmain::%rest-arguments
(check-type defmain/defmain::name symbol)
(error 'defmain/defmain::argument-is-required-error :name
(pop defmain/defmain::%rest-arguments)))
(let ((net.didierverna.clon:help
(net.didierverna.clon:getopt :long-name "help"))
(debug (net.didierverna.clon:getopt :long-name "debug"))
(log (net.didierverna.clon:getopt :long-name "log"))
(token (net.didierverna.clon:getopt :long-name "token")))
(when net.didierverna.clon:help
(uiop/image:quit 1))
(handler-bind ((sb-sys:interactive-interrupt
(lambda (defmain/defmain::c)
(declare (ignorable defmain/defmain::c))
(uiop/image:quit 0)))
(lambda (defmain/defmain::c)
(format t "~A~%" defmain/defmain::c)
(uiop/image:quit 1)))
(lambda (condition)
(uiop/image:print-condition-backtrace condition
(uiop/image:quit 1))))
(let ((repositories defmain/defmain::%rest-arguments))
(flet ()
(setf (logical-pathname-translations "TEMPORARY-FILES")
,(uiop/package:symbol-call :cl-fad
(format t "Repositories: ~{~S~^, ~}~%~
Debug: ~S~%~
Log: ~S~%~
Token: ~S~%"
repositories debug log token)
(setf (get 'main :arguments) '(debug log token)
(documentation 'main 'function) "Utility to analyze github forks."))
Let’s try to call our main function to check how it processes command-line arguments.
Defmain calls uiop:quit
at the end of the function on after the printing
help message. To suppress this behaviour, I’ll redefine this function to
just print to the screen:
POFTHEDAY> (defun uiop:quit (&optional (code 0))
(format t "Quit was called with code=~A~%"
Now we can pass it different combinations of arguments:
Debug: NIL
Log: NIL
Token: NIL
POFTHEDAY> (main "Foo" "Bar")
Repositories: "Foo", "Bar"
Debug: NIL
Log: NIL
Token: NIL
POFTHEDAY> (main "--debug" "Foo" "Bar")
Repositories: "Foo", "Bar"
Debug: T
Log: NIL
Token: NIL
POFTHEDAY> (main "--debug" "--log" "app.log""Foo" "Bar")
Repositories: "Foo", "Bar"
Debug: T
Log: "app.log"
Token: NIL
;; Now we'll check how it will
;; process environment variable:
POFTHEDAY> (setf (uiop:getenv "TOKEN")
"$ome $ecret 7oken")
POFTHEDAY> (main "--debug" "--log" "app.log""Foo" "Bar")
Repositories: "Foo", "Bar"
Debug: T
Log: "app.log"
Token: "$ome $ecret 7oken"
POFTHEDAY> (main "--help")
Usage: main main [-hd] [OPTIONS] REPOSITORY...
Utility to analyze github forks.
-h, --help Show help on this program.
-d, --debug Show traceback instead of short message.
-l, --log=STR Filename to write log to.
-t, --token=STR GitHub personal access token.
Environment: TOKEN
Quit was called with code=1
is not in Quicklisp distribution, but you can install it from
If you are looking to something simpler, you might take a look at unix-opts
reviewed in the #0006 #poftheday post.