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131 lines (103 loc) · 3.64 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (103 loc) · 3.64 KB


This system from @shinmera help to deliver your Lisp application to end-users. I belive, Nicolas uses it for distribution of computer games to make them available for Linux, Windows and OSX.

“Deploy” has the following features:

  • it provides useful build/startup hooks;
  • bundles your binary with dynamic libraries;
  • automatically turns on image compression for SBCL.

And probably something more.

This is the minimal application which uses “deploy”:

;; some.asd
(defsystem "some"
  :defsystem-depends-on (:deploy)
  :build-operation "deploy-op"
  :build-pathname "some"
  :entry-point "some:main"
  :depends-on (#:osicat)
  :components ((:file "some")))

;; some.lisp
(defpackage #:some
  (:use #:cl)
(in-package some)

(defun main ()
  (format t "Hello Somebody!~%"))

Now we can build this application using standard “asdf:make” call. But during the build, “deploy” will be called to make its magic:

[poftheday]% qlot exec ros run --eval '(asdf:make :some)'

; compiling file "/Users/art/poftheday/some.lisp" (written 13 APR 2020 09:44:07 PM):
; compiling (DEFPACKAGE #:SOME ...)
; compiling (IN-PACKAGE SOME)
; compiling (DEFUN MAIN ...)
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.003
 ==> Gathering system information.
   -> Will load the following foreign libs on boot:
 ==> Deploying files to /Users/art/poftheday/bin/
   -> Copying library #<LIBRARY LIBZ>
   -> Copying library #<LIBRARY LIBOSICAT>
 ==> Running build hooks.
   -> Closing foreign library #<LIBRARY LIBOSICAT>.
 ==> Dumping image to /Users/art/poftheday/bin/some
compressed 0 bytes into 8 at level -1
compressed 32768 bytes into 262 at level -1
compressed 33882112 bytes into 7608233 at level -1
compressed 2129920 bytes into 582409 at level -1
compressed 13238272 bytes into 4127821 at level -1
[poftheday]% ll bin
total 25848
-rw-r--r--  1 art  LD\Domain Users    19K Apr 13 21:45 libosicat.dylib
-rw-r--r--  1 art  LD\Domain Users   103K Apr 13 21:45 libz.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 art  LD\Domain Users    12M Apr 13 21:45 some

As you might notice, our bin directory contains not only the “some” binary, but also two dynamic libraries it depends on. This directory is completely ready for being delivered to the end-user!

This binary, it will output additional information about executed hooks and loaded libraries:

[poftheday]% bin/some
 ==> Performing warm boot.
   -> Runtime directory is //Users/art/poftheday/bin/
   -> Resource directory is //Users/art/poftheday/bin/
 ==> Running boot hooks.
 ==> Reloading foreign libraries.
   -> Loading foreign library #<LIBRARY LIBOSICAT>.
 ==> Launching application.
Hello Somebody!
 ==> Epilogue.
 ==> Running quit hooks.

If you are writing a command-line application, you might want to suppress this additional output. To accomplish this, set deploy:*status-output* to nil:

[pofthedayday]% qlot exec ros run \
   --eval '(asdf:load-system :deploy)' \
   --eval '(setf deploy:*status-output* nil)' \
   --eval '(asdf:make :some)'

compressed 0 bytes into 8 at level -1
compressed 32768 bytes into 262 at level -1
compressed 33849344 bytes into 7608426 at level -1
compressed 2129920 bytes into 582398 at level -1
compressed 13271040 bytes into 4129409 at level -1

[poftheday]% bin/some
Hello Somebody!

That is it for today. Tomorrow we’ll look at some other Common Lisp system, useful when paired to ASDF.