This library brings a helper to access nested data structures.
It has a fairly detailed readme with examples.
I’ve prepared one example for you:
POFTHEDAY> (defparameter obj
(make-instance 'foo
:bar (make-hash-table)))
;; Now we will access a slot 'bar inside the object:
POFTHEDAY> (access:accesses *obj* 'bar)
#<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQL :COUNT 0 {1007D39263}>
;; Now we go deeper and access an item :some
;; inside this hash-table:
POFTHEDAY> (access:accesses *obj* 'bar :some)
;; Accessor is allow us to use setf and it will automatically
;; create all intermediate nodes:
POFTHEDAY> (setf (access:accesses *obj* 'bar :some)
"Hello world")
"Hello world"
;; Here is our result:
POFTHEDAY> (access:accesses *obj* 'bar :some)
"Hello world"
POFTHEDAY> (loop for key being the hash-keys in (get-bar *obj*)
using (hash-value value)
collect (cons key value))
((:SOME . "Hello world"))
It is able to access CLOS slots, plists, array items, hash keys, etc.
Also, ‘access’ supports a reader syntax with a dotted notation, but I prefer to use a shorter macro ->:
(defmacro -> (obj &rest path)
`(access:accesses ,obj ,@path))
;; Somewhere in the code:
(defcached get-stock-name (ticker)
(-> (%get-stock-data ticker)
Usually, I use ‘access’ to process plists results from a Jonathan - JSON parser. But it should be very convenient for accessing other data structures too.