title | description | creatortwitter |
About MRtrix3Tissue |
MRtrix3Tissue is a fork of MRtrix3. |
MRtrix3Tissue |
MRtrix3Tissue is a fork of the MRtrix3 project. It aims to add capabilities for 3-Tissue CSD modelling and analysis to a complete version of the MRtrix3 software. This Website aims to provide useful information on how to use these capabilities.
The repository with all source code and instructions is hosted on GitHub.
Release information can be found [here]({% link doc/install/release.md %}).
The information on this Website and the Software capabilities MRtrix3Tissue currently adds to the MRtrix3 project are: Copyright © 2019 Thijs Dhollander and The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia. The Software and the information on this Website are provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the Software and the information on this Website are free of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing.
As a fork of the MRtrix3 project, MRtrix3Tissue obviously builds heavily on the existing and ongoing contributions of all contributors to the "upstream" MRtrix3 project, for which we are very thankful. The MRtrix3 source code can be found here. With regard to copyrights, licensing and/or liability, users should check the command line documentation of individual commands (amended by algorithm selection for commands offering multiple algorithms). The command line help page of each command (and algorithm) provides this information towards the bottom of the command line help page (you can scroll down faster using the Page Down
key or directly jump to the bottom using the End
key on your keyboard).
If you find the information on this Website useful, or are using particular features of the Software capabilities, please cite MRtrix3Tissue by using the URL of this Website. Additionally, it is recommended to cite MRtrix3 as well. For the latter, a scientific publication exists, so all developers can be acknowledged for their contributions. The following phrase is a possible way to achieve this:
"... using MRtrix3Tissue (https://3Tissue.github.io), a fork of MRtrix3 (Tournier et al. 2019)."
Additionally, you should of course always cite the scientific publications of the actual methods you use (and not only the software that implements them). The command line help page of each command lists the scientific reference(s) for the method(s) offered by the command. These references are located all the way at the bottom of the command line help page (you can scroll down faster using the Page Down
key or directly jump to the bottom using the End
key on your keyboard).
[[Go to the main website]]({% link index.md %})