Go version of https://github.com/pganalyze/pg_query
This Go library and its cgo extension use the actual PostgreSQL server source to parse SQL queries and return the internal PostgreSQL parse tree.
You can find further background to why a query's parse tree is useful here: https://pganalyze.com/blog/parse-postgresql-queries-in-ruby.html
go get github.com/pganalyze/pg_query_go/v4@latest
Due to compiling parts of PostgreSQL, the first time you build against this library it will take a bit longer.
Expect up to 3 minutes. You can use go build -x
to see the progress.
When integrating this library using Go modules, and using a vendor/ directory, you will need to explicitly copy over some of the C build files, since Go does not copy files in subfolders without .go files whilst vendoring.
The best way to do so is to use modvendor, and vendor your modules like this:
go mod vendor
go get -u github.com/goware/modvendor
modvendor -copy="**/*.c **/*.h **/*.proto" -v
Put the following in a new Go package, after having installed pg_query as above:
package main
import (
pg_query "github.com/pganalyze/pg_query_go/v4"
func main() {
tree, err := pg_query.ParseToJSON("SELECT 1")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", tree)
Running will output the query's parse tree as JSON:
When working with the query information inside Go its recommended you use the Parse()
method which returns Go structs:
package main
import (
pg_query "github.com/pganalyze/pg_query_go/v4"
func main() {
result, err := pg_query.Parse("SELECT 42")
if err != nil {
// This will output "42"
fmt.Printf("%d\n", result.Stmts[0].Stmt.GetSelectStmt().GetTargetList()[0].GetResTarget().GetVal().GetAConst().GetIval().Ival)
You can find all the node types in the pg_query.pb.go
Protobuf definition.
In order to go back from a parse tree to a SQL statement, you can use the deparsing functionality:
package main
import (
pg_query "github.com/pganalyze/pg_query_go/v4"
func main() {
result, err := pg_query.Parse("SELECT 42")
if err != nil {
result.Stmts[0].Stmt.GetSelectStmt().GetTargetList()[0].GetResTarget().Val = pg_query.MakeAConstStrNode("Hello World", -1)
stmt, err := pg_query.Deparse(result)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", stmt)
This will output the following:
SELECT 'Hello World'
Note that it is currently not recommended to pass unsanitized input to the deparser, as it may lead to crashes.
Put the following in a new Go package, after having installed pg_query as above:
package main
import (
pg_query "github.com/pganalyze/pg_query_go/v4"
func main() {
tree, err := pg_query.ParsePlPgSqlToJSON(
`CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cs_fmt_browser_version(v_name varchar, v_version varchar)
RETURNS varchar AS $$
IF v_version IS NULL THEN
RETURN v_name;
RETURN v_name || '/' || v_version;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;`)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", tree)
Running will output the functions's parse tree as JSON:
$ go run main.go
{"PLpgSQL_function":{"datums":[{"PLpgSQL_var":{"refname":"v_name","datatype":{"PLpgSQL_type":{"typname":"UNKNOWN"}}}},{"PLpgSQL_var":{"refname":"v_version","datatype":{"PLpgSQL_type":{"typname":"UNKNOWN"}}}},{"PLpgSQL_var":{"refname":"found","datatype":{"PLpgSQL_type":{"typname":"UNKNOWN"}}}}],"action":{"PLpgSQL_stmt_block":{"lineno":2,"body":[{"PLpgSQL_stmt_if":{"lineno":3,"cond":{"PLpgSQL_expr":{"query":"v_version IS NULL"}},"then_body":[{"PLpgSQL_stmt_return":{"lineno":4,"expr":{"PLpgSQL_expr":{"query":"v_name"}}}}]}},{"PLpgSQL_stmt_return":{"lineno":6,"expr":{"PLpgSQL_expr":{"query":"v_name || '/' || v_version"}}}}]}}}}
$ make benchmark
go build -a
go test -test.bench=. -test.run=XXX -test.benchtime 10s -test.benchmem -test.cpu=4
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: github.com/pganalyze/pg_query_go/v4
BenchmarkParseSelect1-4 3230398 3656 ns/op 1104 B/op 20 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseSelect2-4 927363 12739 ns/op 2896 B/op 59 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseCreateTable-4 399819 30080 ns/op 8432 B/op 151 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseSelect1Parallel-4 10951803 1094 ns/op 1104 B/op 20 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseSelect2Parallel-4 3255471 3675 ns/op 2896 B/op 59 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseCreateTableParallel-4 1341716 8919 ns/op 8432 B/op 151 allocs/op
BenchmarkRawParseSelect1-4 4275111 2795 ns/op 192 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkRawParseSelect2-4 1252704 9534 ns/op 352 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkRawParseCreateTable-4 503385 23168 ns/op 1120 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkRawParseSelect1Parallel-4 15446528 780.1 ns/op 192 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkRawParseSelect2Parallel-4 4638837 2595 ns/op 352 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkRawParseCreateTableParallel-4 1932316 6197 ns/op 1120 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkFingerprintSelect1-4 6583965 1795 ns/op 112 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkFingerprintSelect2-4 2962663 4015 ns/op 112 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkFingerprintCreateTable-4 1796041 6831 ns/op 112 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkNormalizeSelect1-4 10073278 1171 ns/op 72 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkNormalizeSelect2-4 6029834 1932 ns/op 104 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkNormalizeCreateTable-4 4703816 2490 ns/op 184 B/op 4 allocs/op
ok github.com/pganalyze/pg_query_go/v4 273.449s
Note that allocation counts exclude the cgo portion, so they are higher than shown here.
See benchmark_test.go
for details on the benchmarks.
Copyright (c) 2015, Lukas Fittl [email protected]
pg_query_go is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license, see LICENSE file for details.
This project includes code derived from the PostgreSQL project, see LICENSE.POSTGRESQL for details.