This guide will walk you through setting up a WebRTC client for emitting and receiving video using Mediasoup, based on implementations in both JavaScript (using mediasoup-client) and Python (using aiortc).
- Node.js (v16 or later)
- npm/yarn (for dependency management)
- Web browser with WebRTC support (e.g., Chrome, Firefox)
- Python (v3.10 or later)
- pip for installing dependencies
- WebSocket server for signaling
- Webrtc-server V 1.0.0
- WebSocket Server for signaling (e.g., protoo server)
In your project directory, install the necessary dependencies:
npm install mediasoup-client protoo-client
is the core JavaScript file used to manage WebRTC connections, handle media streaming (both sending and receiving), and WebSocket signaling with the server.
Initialize WebSocket connection: Use the
library to establish a WebSocket connection for signaling. -
Mediasoup device setup: Create a
instance that handles the connection setup and capabilities. -
Transport creation: Set up
for transmitting and receiving media streams. -
Get media (video/audio): Capture the video from the user's webcam and add it to the transport for transmission to the server.
Receive remote media: Listen for the remote stream from the server and display it on the client.
import protooClient from 'protoo-client';
import * as mediasoupClient from 'mediasoup-client';
const wsUrl = 'wss://your-signaling-server-url';
const ws = new protooClient.Peer(new protooClient.WebSocketTransport(wsUrl));
ws.on('open', async () => {
const device = new mediasoupClient.Device();
// Get RTP capabilities from server
const routerRtpCapabilities = await ws.request('getRouterRtpCapabilities');
await device.load({ routerRtpCapabilities });
// Create transports for sending and receiving media
const sendTransport = await createTransport(device, true);
const recvTransport = await createTransport(device, false);
// Get user media and produce video
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
await sendTransport.produce({ track: videoTrack });
// Consume remote video from server
const { producerId } = await ws.request('produce', { transportId: });
const consumer = await recvTransport.consume({ producerId, rtpCapabilities: device.rtpCapabilities });
const remoteStream = new MediaStream();
document.querySelector('video#remote').srcObject = remoteStream;
async function createTransport(device, isSend) {
const transportInfo = await ws.request('createWebRtcTransport', { isSend });
const transport = device.createSendTransport(transportInfo);
transport.on('connect', ({ dtlsParameters }, callback, errback) => {
ws.request('connectWebRtcTransport', { dtlsParameters })
return transport;
- WebSocket signaling: Establishes the signaling connection to the server via WebSocket.
- Mediasoup device: Handles WebRTC capabilities and device setup.
- Media transport: Sends and receives video streams using Mediasoup transports.
In Python, we use pymediasoup
to manage WebRTC connections, signaling, and media transport.
pip install pymediasoup websockets
Establish WebSocket signaling: Connect to the server using the
library to handle WebSocket communication for signaling. -
Create WebRTC peer connection: Use pymediasoup to manage the WebRTC connection on the client.
Capture local media: Capture the local video from the webcam and add it to the peer connection.
Join the room and start producing media: Once the connection is established, produce media (audio/video) to the server.
Receive remote media: Listen for the incoming remote media streams from the server.
import sys
import json
import asyncio
import websockets
import secrets
from pymediasoup import Device
from pymediasoup.transport import Transport
from pymediasoup.consumer import Consumer
from pymediasoup.producer import Producer
async def connect():
uri = "wss://your-signaling-server-url"
async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
# Initialize Device
device = Device()
# Get Router RTP capabilities
reqId = generate_random_number()
await send_request(websocket, reqId, "getRouterRtpCapabilities", {})
ans = await wait_for_response(websocket, reqId)
await device.load(ans["data"])
# Create send transport
send_transport = await create_send_transport(websocket, device)
# Capture local media and produce video and audio
video_producer, audio_producer = await produce_media(send_transport)
# Create receive transport and consume remote media
recv_transport = await create_recv_transport(websocket, device)
await consume_media(recv_transport, websocket)
# Close transport and producers after media consumption
await close_transports([send_transport, recv_transport])
async def create_send_transport(websocket, device):
reqId = generate_random_number()
await send_request(websocket, reqId, "createWebRtcTransport", {
"forceTcp": False,
"producing": True,
"consuming": False
ans = await wait_for_response(websocket, reqId)
send_transport = device.createSendTransport(
async def on_connect(dtlsParameters):
reqId = generate_random_number()
await send_request(websocket, reqId, "connectWebRtcTransport", {
"dtlsParameters": dtlsParameters.dict(exclude_none=True)
await wait_for_response(websocket, reqId)
return send_transport
async def produce_media(transport):
# Here we assume you have a method to get local media (video and audio tracks)
video_track = await get_local_video_track()
audio_track = await get_local_audio_track()
video_producer = await transport.produce(track=video_track)
audio_producer = await transport.produce(track=audio_track)
return video_producer, audio_producer
async def create_recv_transport(websocket, device):
reqId = generate_random_number()
await send_request(websocket, reqId, "createWebRtcTransport", {
"forceTcp": False,
"producing": False,
"consuming": True
ans = await wait_for_response(websocket, reqId)
recv_transport = device.createRecvTransport(
async def on_connect(dtlsParameters):
reqId = generate_random_number()
await send_request(websocket, reqId, "connectWebRtcTransport", {
"dtlsParameters": dtlsParameters.dict(exclude_none=True)
await wait_for_response(websocket, reqId)
return recv_transport
async def consume_media(transport, websocket):
reqId = generate_random_number()
await send_request(websocket, reqId, "consume", {
# Additional data like producerId, kind, and rtpParameters should come from the server
ans = await wait_for_response(websocket, reqId)
consumer = await transport.consume(
return consumer
async def send_request(websocket, reqId, method, data):
request = {
"request": True,
"id": reqId,
"method": method,
"data": data
await websocket.send(json.dumps(request))
async def wait_for_response(websocket, reqId):
while True:
response = json.loads(await websocket.recv())
if response.get("id") == reqId:
return response
def generate_random_number():
return secrets.randbelow(1000000)
async def close_transports(transports):
for transport in transports:
await transport.close()
async def get_local_video_track():
# Simulate getting video from an internet source (e.g., a video file)
# This could be any local or remote file (e.g., an MP4 file)
player = MediaPlayer('/path/to/video.mp4') # Replace with the path to your video file or url
async def get_local_audio_track():
# Simulate getting audio from an internet source (e.g., an audio file)
# You can use the same player for both video and audio if the file has both
player = MediaPlayer('/path/to/video.mp4') # Replace with the path to your video file
- Signaling: Uses WebSockets to communicate with the signaling server.
- WebRTC connection:Manages the peer connection using
. - Media transmission: Capture local media and send it over the WebRTC connection.
To run the JavaScript example, open your HTML file in a browser and include the following:
<video id="remote" autoplay></video>
<script src="client.js"></script>
Make sure the client.js
script contains the code from the JavaScript example above.
Run the Python WebRTC client with the following command:
Make sure to replace your-signaling-server-url
with your actual WebSocket signaling server URL.
await ws.request('leaveRoom');
socket.on('peerLeft', ({ peerId }) => {
console.log(`Peer ${peerId} has left the room`);
// Update the UI to reflect the departure
This ensures that all participants are informed when a peer leaves, and the UI can be updated accordingly.
With this method, the Mediasoup server ensures efficient handling of call termination scenarios and provides a seamless experience for all peers.
By following this guide, you will have a fully functional WebRTC client implemented in both JavaScript and Python, using Mediasoup for media transport and WebSocket signaling.